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What is a child to do when someone close to them doesn’t remember them anymore?

“Sickness”, in all its forms and shapes, can be hard to explain to a child in a way that they can grasp.
Most families don’t even try beyond the good old “they are sick”. The kid is left to merely observe the
situation with no way of actively helping the family.

This can be particularly scary for a child when the disease in question is Alzheimer’s. This book is
inspired by the author’s personal experience seeing the ailment take its form while living with her

This Girl Scout Gold Award winning book explains in simple words what Alzheimer’s can be. With
examples of the disease and its effects, the author aims to make elementary kids understand how they
can help loved ones living with it. This book intends to start a healthy discourse between children and
adults about dementia and Alzheimer’s, and thus bring awareness to what can be a daunting experience
for both the patient and their relatives.

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