Tuyhoa 2020 2021

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ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài : 150 phút
Ghi chú : Đề thi có 06 trang. (Không kể thời gian phát đề)

I. Listen to Rebecca and Geraint talking about their interests in the university clubs.
Put a tick in the correct column to indicate Rebecca’s intention of joining the clubs
below. You will hear the recording twice. (3.0 points)
Rebecca’s intention Certainly Probably Probably not
sailing club
archery club
volleyball club
the orchestra and the choir
the drama society
French Society
II. Listen to a man and a woman reporting on the results of a survey on people’s
favorite leisure activities. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
You will hear the recording twice. (2.5 points)
According to the survey’s results:
1. Most people don’t do enough exercise. ...............
2. More people watch movies at the cinema than at home. ...............
3. Everybody goes for a walk in the different time of a day. ...............
4. 84% of the surveyed people often eat out. ...............
5. The number of people listening to radio and playing music ...............
accounts for nearly 80%.
III. Listen to a man talking about how technology has changed children’s lifestyles.
Answer the questions below. (2.5 points)
1. What was the child obesity rate in 2012?
2. How different was that rate from the 1980’s rate?
3. What do screens from digital devices emit?
4. What problems may be caused by looking at smartphones’ or tablets’ screens?
5. What can be disturbed when children are exposed to screen time at night?

IV. Choose the word that has a different stress syllable from the others.
(2.0 points)
1. A. cartoon B. advantage C. financial D. sculpture
2. A. photography B. hamburger C. environment D. psychology
3. A. energy B. teenager C. predator D. pretence
4. A. abnormality B. responsibility C. environmentally D. accommodation


V. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences.
(2.0 points)
1. - “He had to work 12 hours every day.” “………………… “
A. Sure. B. How cool!
C. Because he worked hard. D. I can’t imagine that.
2. Jane had a difficult childhood. She ……………… a broken home.
A. came from B. came over C. came in D. came up with
3. “Watch out, boy!” It means ………………
A. Look up, boy! B. Be careless, boy!
C. Be carefully, boy! D. Be careful, boy!
4. A constant ………. of traffic made its way past the bulding.
A. jet B. crowd C. line D. stream
VI. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line. (4.0 points)
In the operating theatre
Have you ever been to hospital to have an operation ? It’s an interesting OPERATE
experience. While the patient in the ward is waiting (0) anxiously to be ANXIOUS
taken into the operating theatre, the (1) ………………... and nurses are SURGERY
getting the theatre, and themselves, ready. This (2) …….………. involves PREPARE
making sure they, the theatre and the equipment are (3) ………..….. THOROUGH
clean. Hygience and (4) ………...… are the most important things. The SAFE
patient arrives and is usually given an (5) …………….. of an anaesthetic, INJECT
so he or she is (6) ………………… of what happens next. Sometimes AWARE
this involves cutting their body open. If you think that’s (7) …………… DISGUST
just remember it can be (8) …………………. to the patient – sometimes BENEFIT
the difference between life and death!

1. ……………..………….. 5. ……………………………….
2. ...………………………. 6. ……………………………….
3. ………………………… 7. ……………………………….
4. .………………………… 8. ……………………………….
VII. For questions 1–8, read the text and look carefully at each line. There are eight
words which should not be in the passage. Write the unnecessary words in each line.
(4.0 points)

How things change!

A few years long ago, I was the smallest person in my class. In fact, I (0) long
was so much small that most of the other kids teased me. They would (1)……………
pick up on me and make jokes about me. It was awful! The worst thing (2)……………
was unless they always got away with it. The teachers never told them (3)…………....
to stop. Then, one day, my body started to grow. Soon, I was the bigger (4)…………....
than all of them and they stopped teasing at me. Now if I see someone (5)……………
bullying for someone else, I would immediately tell them to stop. I (6)……………
explain that if they don’t, then I will make them! They would know I’m (7)……………
strong enough to do that, so they soon change into their attitude. How (8)……………
things can change in only a few years!

VIII. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.
There is an example at the beginning (0). (6.0 ponits)
0. A spent B made C held D went
When William was a small boy, the family (0) A their holidays on his granfather’s
farm in the mountains. On their arrival, the children (1) ……… race around the yard and
orchard, overjoyed to be free from the strictly correct (2) …….. expected of them in the city.
As the days passed, their parents also (3) …… increasingly relaxed, and the house rang with
the laughter of old friends. It was during one of these visits that William’s (4) ……. to
remember a tune led to the suggestion that the boy should (5) …… up a musical instrument.
One evening everyone was gathered in the living-room, and a discussion (6) …… about the
differences between of music which was popular at the time and a well-known folk song.
Various adults tried to (7) …….. the similarity of the two tunes to those who (8) …… with
them, but without success. (9) ….. fell, and then William, who was about five, made his (10)
…… to the piano and played first one tune and then the other. His parents and their friends
were astonished (11) ….. no one had even heard William (12) …. to play before. “That child
must go to a music teacher”, stated one neighbour, and the others agreed. William’s parents
were persuaded to accept help with payment of the fees, and his musical career began.
1. A. would B. were C. might D. had
2. A. manner B. behaviour C. style D. attitude
3. A. showed B. acted C. became D. found
4. A. talent B. gift C. ability D. skill
5. A. take B. start C. pick D. bring
6. A. happened B. came C. entered D. arose
7. A. prove B. claim C. pretend D. test
8. A. refused B. varied C. disagreed D. resisted
9. A. Silence B. Argument C. Doubt D. Conclusion
10. A. path B. way C. route D. direction
11. A. so B. although C. when D. as
12. A. want B. decide C. try D. go
IX. Fill in the gap with ONE suitable word. (5.0 points)
The night before
Jane lay awake. She had (0) been preparing for the next day for a long time
(1)………… now she couldn’t sleep. Her team were playing the local champions

(2)…………… water polo in the final and Jane was the captain. She was feeling the
She turned over and remembered how she (3) ……………… learned to swim. Her
father had taught her. They (4) ……………… go to the local pool everyday after school and
her father used to show her what to do. She hadn’t liked the water at (5) ………………, but
she soon got used to it. She learned quickly and (6) ………………… the water polo team.
She had been their youngest (7) …………….……….
She quickly got used to scoring goals and (8) ……………… under pressure, but
tomorrow was different. It was the biggest match of her life. She closed her eyes again and
tried to get to sleep. “I (9) ……………… used to have problems sleeping,” she thought to
herself. “But (10) ……………… again, I didn’t use to be the captain of the team.” She
watched the clock change slowly and knew it was going to be a long night.
X. Read the text and questions below. Then choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you
think fits best according to the text. (2.0 points)
Lake Vinney
My favourite place for watersports is Lake Vinney, but it has only existed since 1975
when the valley was filled with water to provide electricity. Under the water is the village,
Vinnthorpe. Last week I talked to Pat Smithers, who runs a shop on the edge of the lake and
looks after the huge car park. She gets up early to travel to her shop to sell newspapers and
food and doesn’t finish work till late because of the car park. She said drowning the village
was the best thing that ever happened, as it brought a lot of bussiness to the area, and the
number of visitors from all over the country continues to increase, especially as there is a
new road which means it is easier to get to. When I asked people enjoying the watersports,
they said they never thought about the drowned houses and streets. When I spoke to some
people sitting in the café overlooking the lake, I was surprised to find they still get angry
about what happened. They used to live in Vinnthorpe and were moved to other places in the
area, among them thirty children who are now middle-aged, but they still miss the village.
They say that nobody asked them what they wanted – they were told one day that everything
was decided. They were separated from their friends and had to get buses to new schools
instead of walking there together. It is a shame that these people lost their homes, and I hope
something similar never happens again in the future. I would miss the watersports if they
weren’t there, however, and I must say that I hadn’t ever thought about what was under the
water until last week.
1. What is the writer trying to do?
A. describe what people think about the drowned village
B. persuade people to take up watersports on Lake Vinney
C. discuss what might happen to Lake Vinney in the future
D. explain why people like living by Lake Vinney
2. What do we learn about Pat Smithers?
A. She lives beside the lake.
B. She used to live in Vinnthorpe.
C. She often visits the area on holiday.
D. She earns her living near Lake Vinney.
3. What do we find out about Lake Vinney?
A. It attracts tourists from abroad .
B. There are lots of houses on the banks.
C. More people are visiting it every year.

D. Mainly local people do watersports there.

4. What does the writer think about Vinnthorpe?
A. He agrees with Pat Smithers.
B. He feels sorry for the people who lived there.
C. He thinks it should now be forgotten.
D. He has always felt guilty about water-skiing there.
XI. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
(2.0 points)
0. We should leave about six, otherwise we might not get there in time for dinner.
=> If we do not set off/ out by six, we might not get there in time for dinner.
1. I want to know if you have finalised those delivery dates yet ?
=> Have you got ....................................................................................................................... ?
2. Unfortunately, in the event of a rise in interest rates, we shall have to increase our price.
=> Unfortunately, if ……………………..................................................................................
3. Somehow no one found out he had stolen the technical design from another company.
=> Somehow he managed ...........................................................................................................
4. After dramma school my best friend became a big name on the stage.
=> After dramma school my best friend went ............................................................................
XII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five
words, including the word given. Here is an example (0). (2.0 points)
0. He told me that it was wrong of me to leave early. (CRITICIZED)
-> He criticized me for leaving/having left early.

1. I had no idea that the man was Jean-Paul Gaultier. (REALISE)

-> Little………………………………………………… that the man was Jean-paul gaultier.
2. First of all, the director explained the reason for the meeting. (BEGAN)
-> The director ……………………………………………..……. the reason for the meeting.
3. The results show attendance has risen dramatically during the last year. (IN)
-> The results show a …………………………………………………… during the last year.
4. You probably won’t find a better deal for a holiday. (CHANCES)
-> The ……………………………………………...………... find a better deal for a holiday.
XIII. Do you prefer to eat out or eat at home? Why? In about 150 words write an essay
to assert your point of view on this issue. (3.0 points)


_________THE END_________
I. Listen to Rebecca and Geraint talking about their interests in the university
clubs. Put a tick in the correct column to indicate Rebecca’s intention of
joining the clubs below. You will hear the recording twice. (3.0 points)
Rebecca’s intention Certainly Probably Probably not
sailing club 
archery club 
volleyball club 
the orchestra and the

the drama society 
French Society 

II. Listen to a man and a woman reporting on the results of a survey on people’s
favorite leisure activities. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false
(F). You will hear the recording twice. (2,5 points).
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T
III. Listen to a man talking about how technology has changed children’s
lifestyles. Answer the questions below. (2.5 points)
1. 18%
2. 11 points
3. blue light
4. headaches, eye strain/ irritated eyes
5. sleep
IV. Choose the words that has a different stress pattern from the others. (2.0 points )
1. D. sculpture
2. B. hamburger
3. D. pretence
4. A. abnormality
V. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences. (2.0 points)
1. D. I can’t imagine that.
2. A. came from
3. D. Be careful, boy!
4. D. stream

VI. Give the correct form of the word in capital. (4.0 points)
1. surgeon(s) 2. preparation 3. thoroughly 4. safety
5. injection 6. unaware 7. disgusting 8. beneficial
VII. For questions 1–8, read the text and look carefully at each line. There are
eight words which should not be in the passage . Write the unnecessary words in
each line. (4.0 points)
1. much 2. up 3. unless 4. the
5. at 6. for 7. would 8. into
VIII. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each
space. There is an example at the beginning (0). (6.0 ponits)
1. A. would 2. B. behaviour 3. C. became 4. C. ability
5. A. take 6. D. arose 7. A. prove 8. C. disagreed
9. A. Silence 10. B. way 11. D. as 12. C. try
IX. Fill in the gap with ONE suitable word. (5.0 points)
1. and 2. at 3. had 4. would 5. first
6. joined 7. member 8. being/swimming 9. never 10. then
X. Read the text and questions below. Then choose the answer (A, B, C or D)
which you think fits best according to the text. (2.0 points)
1. A. describe what people think about the drowned village
2. D. She earns her living near Lake Vinney.
3. C. More people are visiting it every year.
4. B. He feels sorry for the people who lived there.
XI. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
(2.0 points)
1. I want to know if you have finalised those delivery dates yet ?
=> Have you got round to finalising those delivery yet?
2. Unfortunately, in the event of a rise in interest rates, we shall have to increase our
=> Unfortunately, if there is a rise in interest rates, we shall have to increase our price.
3. Somehow no one found out he had stolen the technical design from another
=> Somehow he managed to get away with the technical design from another
4. After dramma school my best friend became a big name on the stage.
=> After dramma school my best friend went on to become/be a big name on the stage.
XII. Rewrite each sentence so that it has the same meaning as the sentence printed
before. Use the given word. (2,0 points)
1. Little did I realise that the man was Jean-Paul Gaultier.
2. The director began by explaining the reason for the meeting.
3. The results show a dramatic rise in attendance (figures) during the last year.
4. The chances are (that) you won’t find a better deal for a holiday.
XIII. Do you prefer to eat out or eat at home? Why? In about 150 words write an
essay to assert your point of view on this issue. (3.0 points)
- Content: - 1.5 points: - Cover all suggested ideas and add some more ideas
- Language : - 1.5 points: - 0,75 point for correct grammar (tense, prep, articles....)
- 0.75 point for vocabulary (wide range of vocabulary, spelling/
use suitable connectives...

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