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ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài : 150 phút
Ghi chú : Đề thi có 06 trang. (Không kể thời gian phát đề)

I. Listen to a conversation between a man and a receptionist. Fill each of the gaps in
the notes with no more than two words or a number. You will listen TWICE.
(1,0 point)
Name: Mark (0) Gibson
Phone number: (1) ……………………………...
Number of days: (2) ……………………………..
Number of guests: (3) ………………………….
Price: $160
Note: Book a (4) ……………………………. for him.
II. Listen to Dave and Jori talking about Carol and Bob. Decide if the following
statements are true (T) or false (F). You will hear the recording twice. (1.25 points)
5. Jori’s sister is visiting her for the weekend. ...............
6. Carol is wearing a sweater. ...............
7. Carol is sociable. ...............
8. Bob is wearing a flashy suit jacket. ...............
9. Jori knows Bob because they met at a party 2 months ago. …...........
III. You will hear two dialogues, each followed by three questions. Listen carefully and
choose the best answer to each question. (1. 5 points)
10. (A) He looked on the wrong street. (B) He did not get directions.
(C) He turned the wrong way. (D) He took the wrong bus.
11. (A) Pine (B) Pike
(C) Bike (D) Fine
12. (A) He’ll miss the meeting again. (B) He’ll take Bike Street next time.
(C) He’ll carefully write down the directions. (D) He’ll take his friend with him.
13. (A) To make an appointment (B) To ask a question
(C) To give him advice (D) To tell him some news
14. (A) The location of a hotel (B) The location of an airport
(C) The location of a city (D) The location of the man
15. (A) Five Star (B) The Boston
(C) Next Door (D) Red Dot
IV. Choose the word that has a different stress syllable from the others.
(1.0 point)

1. A. distance B. dislike C. despair D. despite

2. A. important B. comfortable C. environment D. employment
3. A. comprise B. compulsory C. mausoleum D. religion
4. A. intelligent B. population C. economics D. opportunity
V. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences.
(1.0 point)
1. - Laura: "What a lovely house you have!"
- Maria: " ___________ "
A. Of course not, it's not costly C. I think so
B. Thank you. Hope you will drop D. No problem
2. The flood was responsible ________ the crop.
A. for damaging B. to damage C. damaging D. about damaging
3. Everyone apart ………… Anna has accepted our invitation.
A. of B. off C. to D. from
4. .-“Do you mind if I take a seat?” - “______________.”
A. Yes, I don’t mind B. No, do as you please
C. No, I mind D. Yes, do as you please
VI. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line. (2.5 points)
Sound Advice for Language Learners
A recent issue of a language (0) learning magazine has consulted a LEARN
number of (1) ___________________ in the field of second language EXPERT
(2) ___________________. Their advice may prove invaluable for ACQUIRE
those (3) ________________ a language course. One suggestion is that CONSIDER
you assess whether you are (4) _________________ to be successful at LIKELIHOOD
learning a language? Did you enjoy studying languages at school, for
example? Do you have enough time to learn a language? The major cost
will be your own time and effort. Therefore, you must be sure that the
course on offer leads to a (5)_________________ qualification. Also, RECOGNISE
be (6)_________________ in your goals. If you don't set REAL
(7)___________ aims, you are more likely to give up. Do not be ACHIEVE
deceived into thinking that the most expensive courses are the best.
shop around to get the best possible value for money. You should also
bear in mind that the (8)______ you learn a language, the more quickly QUICK
you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach (9)______ SHE
German by enrolling in a crash course. Already fluent in four languages
and with a sound knowledge of teaching (10)______ her chances of METHOD
making progress were high.
1. ……………..………….. 6. ……………………………….
2. ...………………………. 7. ……………………………….
3. ………………………… 8. ……………………………….
4. .………………………… 9. ……………………………….
5. . .………………………… 10. ……………………………….

VII. For questions 1–8, read the text and look carefully at each line. There are eight
words that should not be in the passage. Write the unnecessary words in each line.
(2.0 points)
Education has been the first thing priority of my life. And I think a (0) thing
city life can offer great support in the terms of offering a vast choice of (1)……………
good institutions that one may like to choose for the higher for studies. (2)……………
I like city life because of the diversity of almost things you can (3)…………....
do. For example, job opportunities are better than in the cities. So, if (4)…………....
you’re a city dweller, you don’t have to leave your home in search of
better work opportunities. You’ll be able to earn for the livelihood and (5)……………
be by the side of your family simultaneously. This was probably the
biggest reason for I never could go against the city life. (6)……………
The third reason I like city life because it offers hundreds of
other recreational opportunities. I’m especially enjoyed a fun loving (7)……………
person and never like to sit at home at the weekends. City life is always
very happening and have great fun. You can go to a water park, enjoy (8)……………
fun rides with your family, have a great time with your friends in a

VIII. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.
There is an example at the beginning (0). (2.0 points)
0. A sight B vision C look D view
Street papers
The problem of homelessness is an international one. In the capital cities of the world, the
(0) _______ of people begging on the streets is becoming increasingly (1) _______. But all
over the world, homeless people are taking the future into their own (2) _______. By selling
“street papers” they no longer need to beg for a (3) _______.
The concept of the street paper is (4) _______. It is sold by homeless and ex-homeless
people who buy it at a (5) _______ price of 30 p and sell it to the public for 70 p, keeping
40 p for themselves. If they have no money, then they can get the first ten copies on (6)
_______ and pay for them later. Every paper seller receives training and is given a special
(7) _______ badge.
The paper itself (8) _______ articles of general and social interest, film and book reviews,
cartoons and the occasional celebrity interview. Advertising and sales provide most of the
income, and all profits go back into helping homeless people.
1. A. usual B. common C. rare D. routine
2. A. heads B. shoulders C. hands D. mouths
3. A. life B. living C. being D. pay
4. A. easy B. straight C. plain D. simple
5. A. stuck B. steady C. held D. fixed
6. A. credit B. cheque C. cash D. card
7. A. character B. personality C. manner D. identity
8. A. consists B. contains C. keeps D. gets

IX. Fill in the gap with ONE suitable word. (2.5 points)

Maybe you recycle cans, glass, and paper. Do you know (0) _________ nature recycles,
too ? One of the things nature (1) _______ is water. Water goes from oceans, lakes, and
rivers into the air. Water falls from the air as (2) _______ or snow. Rain and snow
eventually find their way back to the oceans. Nature’s recycling program for water is (3)
_______ the water cycle.
The water cycle has four stages: storage, evaporation, precipitation, and runoff. Water on
Earth gets stored (4) _______ oceans, lakes, rivers, ice, and even underground. Water goes
from storage into the atmosphere by a process called evaporation. When water evaporates, it
changes from a liquid (5) _______ a gas, called water vapor. Water vapor goes up into (6)
_______ atmosphere. Water returns to the Earth as precipitation in rain or snow by changing
into drops of water (7) _______ the air gets cold enough. Clouds are collections (8)
_______ water droplets. Most precipitation falls into the oceans and goes right back into
Water that falls on land always flows from (9) _______ places to lower ones. This flow
is called runoff. Water from land flows into streams. Streams join together to make (10)
_______ and eventually the water flows into storage in the oceans. Then the water cycle
starts all over again.
X. Read the text and questions below. Then choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) which
you think fits best according to the text. (1.25 points)
People have been playing with marbles for thousands of years. The first marbles were
probably either river stones that happened to be naturally round enough to roll or, more
likely, rounded globs of clay that were baked hardness. Such very old clay marbles have
been found in both Greek and Roman ruins, and quartz spheres have been dated at around
6000 B.C. Harder and more durable marbles tend to inspire different kinds of games than
soft clay marbles, which crack very easily. So with the advent of hand-rounded and polished
marbles made of agate or some other rugged, igneous rock, the ‘golden age’ of marbles and
marble play flowered. Stone marbles began to appear in the early 1800s in what is now the
southern part of Germany. Shortly after, handmade glass marbles appeared in the same part
of Europe. For the next 120 years, marbles and marble playing-there were literally hundred
of games - flourished in both Europe and America. Marble players developed their own
vocabulary for different sizes and materials of marbles, as well as for the many kinds of
games to be played and the way marbles were used in the games. For example, if you were
going to play a game of Ring-Taw, one of the most popular and enduring marbles games,
you would lag for the first shot, and then knuckle down from the balk, trying your best to
get a mib or two with your opponent’s immie.
1. The author makes the point in the passage that playing with marbles __________.
A. has been going on since ancient times C. is losing popularity
B. is a relatively recent phenomenon D. is a very expensive pastime
2. According to the passage, which of the following was the least used substance for making
A. agate B. glass C. rock D. clay
3. It can be inferred from the passage that the use of marbles became very popular in Europe
and America __________.
A. in the 18th century C. in 6000 B.C

B. in the 1970s D. after glass marbles were developed

4. We can infer from the passage that marble playing __________.
A. is a game only for children C. is played according to one set of rules
B. has many variations in games D. uses only one kind of marble
5. We can conclude from lines 11-12 of the passage that the terminology of marble playing
is __________.
A. specialized C. easy to understand
B. used only by children D. derived from an ancient language
XI. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
(1.0 point)
0. We should leave about six, otherwise we might not get there in time for dinner.
=> If we do not set off/ out by six, we might not get there in time for dinner.
1. Ann is proud of her ability to speak five languages fluently.
=> Being ......................................................................................................... herself on.
2. Harry was disappointed to hear the news that the macth had been cancelled.
=> News of the …………….................................................................................. to Harry.
3. As soon as the teacher left, the students started shouting again.
=> Hardly ...........................................................................................................
4. At this time of the year, the area is often affected by violent storms.
=> At this time of the year, the area often ...................................................... violent storms.
XII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between
two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0). (1.0 point)
0. He told me that it was wrong of me to leave early. (CRITICIZED)
-> He criticized me for leaving/having left early.

1. Abdul’s mother didn’t let him play on the computer until he had done his homework.
-> Abdul’s mother …………………………………. his homework before he played on the
2. Considering that Luke is so young, you must admit he’s making excellent progress as a
musician. (ACCOUNT)
-> ) If you …………………………………. young Luke is, you must admit he’s making
excellent progress as a musician.
3. She didn’t try very hard to get to know other people in the course. (EFFORT)
->Little …………………………………………… to get to know other people in the course.
4. People who haven’t seen his performances are in no position to be critical. (PERFORM)
-> Nobody is in the position to be critical ………………………………………...
XIII. Do you prefer to spend your free time outdoor or indoor? Why? In about 150
words write an essay to assert your point of view on this issue. (2.0 points)


_________THE END_________
I. Listen to a conversation between a man and a receptionist. Fill each of the gaps in the
notes with no more than two words or a number. You will listen TWICE. (1,0 pt)
Name: Mark (0) Gibson
Phone number: (1) ……………………………...
Number of days: (2) ……………………………..
Number of guests: (3) ………………………….
Price: $160
Note: Book a (4) ……………………………. for him.
1.0404668886 2. Two/2 3. One/1/ Single 4. (city) tour
II. Listen to Dave and Jori talking about Carol and Bob. Decide if the following
statements are true (T) or false (F). You will hear the recording twice. (1.25 points)
5. Jori’s sister is visiting her for the weekend. T
6. Carol is wearing a sweater. T
7. Carol is sociable. T
8. Bob is wearing a flashy suit jacket. F
9. Jori knows Bob because they met at a party 2 months ago. F
III. You will hear two dialogs, each followed by three questions. Listen carefully and
choose the best answer to each question. (1.5 points)
Part 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. A 15.D
Dialog I
W: Hi Paul, how was your trip?
M: Horrible. I got lost downtown and missed the meeting.
W: What happened?
M: Well, I thought the convention center was on Pine Street.
W: Oh no, it’s on Pike.
M: Yeah, but I found that out too late.
W: Didn’t you get directions before you left?
M: Yes, but I wrote “Pine” instead of “Pike.”
W: Did you finally find the convention center?
M: Yes, but the meeting was over.
10. Why couldn’t the man find the convention center?
11. Which street was the convention center on?
12. What will Paul probably do next time he has a trip?
Dialog II
M: Hello. This is John speaking.
W: Hi, John, this is Heidi. I was wondering if you could do me a favor?
M: Sure, Heidi. I’d be glad to.
W: I’m looking for a hotel near the Boston airport.
M: Um, the Red Dot is a five-star hotel.
W: How far is it from the airport?
M: Not far at all. It’s practically right next door.
13. Why does the woman call the man?
14. What does the woman want to know?
15. What is the name of the hotel?
IV. Choose the word that has a different stress syllable from the others.
(1.0 point)
1. A. distance B. dislike C. despair D. despite
2. A. important B. comfortable C. environment D. employment
3. A. comprise B. compulsory C. mausoleum D. religion
4. A. intelligent B. population C. economics D. opportunity


V. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences.
(1.0 point)
1. - Laura: "What a lovely house you have!"
- Maria: " ___________ "
A. Of course not, it's not costly C. I think so
B. Thank you. Hope you will drop D. No problem
2. The flood was responsible ________ the crop.
A. for damaging B. to damage C. damaging D. about damaging
3. Everyone apart …………Anna has accepted our invitation.
A. of B. off C. to D. from
4. .-“Do you mind if I take a seat?” - “______________.”
A. Yes, I don’t mind B. No, do as you please
C. No I mind D. Yes, do as you please
VI. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in
the gap in the same line. (5.0 points)
Sound Advice for Language Learners
A recent issue of a language (0) learning magazine has consulted LEARN
a number of (1) _______ experts in the field of second language EXPERT
(2)__________acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for ACQUIRE
those (3) ____ considering a language course. One suggestion is that CONSIDER
you assess whether you are likely (4) ______to be successful at LIKELIHOOD
learning a language? Did you enjoy studying languages at school, for
example? Do you have enough time to learn a language? The major
cost will be your own time and effort. Therefore, you must be sure
that the course on offer leads to a recognized (5)____ qualification. RECOGNISE
Also, be realistic (6)_____ in your goals . If you don't set (7)______ REAL
achievable aims, you are more likely to give up. Do not be deceived ACHIEVE
into thinking that the most expensive courses are the best. shop
around to get the best possible value for money. You should also bear
in mind that the (8) ______ quicker you learn a language, the more QUICK
quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach
(9)______ herself German by enrolling in a crash course. Already SHE
fluent in four languages and with a sound knowledge of teaching
(10)______ methodology her chances of making progress were high. METHOD
VII. For questions 1–8, read the text and look carefully at each line. There are eight
words that should not be in the passage . Write the unnecessary words in each line.
(2.0 points)
1. the 2. for 3. almost 4. than
5. for 6. that 7. ẹnjoyed 8. have
Education has been the first thing priority of my life. And I think a (0) thing
city life can offer great support in the terms of offering a vast choice of (1)……………
good institutions that one may like to choose for the higher for studies. (2)……………
I like city life because of the diversity of almost things you can (3)…………....
do. For example, job opportunities are better than in the cities. So, if (4)…………....
you’re a city dweller, you don’t have to leave your home in search of
better work opportunities. You’ll be able to earn for the livelihood and (5)……………
be by the side of your family simultaneously. This was probably the
biggest reason for I never could go against the city life. (6)……………
The third reason I like city life because it offers hundreds of
other recreational opportunities. I’m especially enjoyed a fun loving (7)……………
person and never like to sit at home at the weekends. City life is always
very happening and have great fun. You can go to a water park, enjoy (8)……………
fun rides with your family, have a great time with your friends in a

VIII. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.
There is an example at the beginning (0). (2.0 points)
0. A sight B vision C look D view
Street papers
The problem of homelessness is an international one. In the capital cities of the world,
the (0) _______ of people begging on the streets is becoming increasingly (1) _______.
But all over the world, homeless people are taking the future into their own (2) _______.
By selling “street papers” they no longer need to beg for a (3) _______.
The concept of the street paper is (4) _______. It is sold by homeless and ex-homeless
people who buy it at a (5) _______ price of 30 p and sell it to the public for 70 p, keeping
40 p for themselves. If they have no money, then they can get the first ten copies on (6)
_______ and pay for them later. Every paper seller receives training and is given a special
(7) _______ badge.
The paper itself (8) _______ articles of general and social interest, film and book reviews,
cartoons and the occasional celebrity interview. Advertising and sales provide most of the
income, and all profits go back into helping homeless people.
1. A. usual B. common C. rare D. routine
2. A. heads B. shoulders C. hands D. mouths
3. A. life B. living C. being D. pay
4. A. easy B. straight C. plain D .simple
5. A. stuck B. steady C. held D. fixed
6. A. credit B. cheque C. cash D. card
7. A. character B. personality C. manner D. identity
8. A. consists B. contains C. keeps D. gets

1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D
5. D 6. A 7. D 8. B
IX. Fill in the gap with ONE suitable word. (2.5 points)
Maybe you recycle cans, glass, and paper. Do you know (0) that nature recycles, too ?
One of the things nature (1) _______ is water. Water goes from oceans, lakes, and rivers
into the air. Water falls from the air as (2) _______ or snow. Rain and snow eventually
find their way back to the oceans. Nature’s recycling program for water is (3) _______ the
water cycle.
The water cycle has four stages: storage, evaporation, precipitation, and runoff. Water
on Earth gets stored (4) _______ oceans, lakes, rivers, ice, and even underground. Water
goes from storage into the atmosphere by a process called evaporation. When water
evaporates, it changes from a liquid (5) _______ a gas, called water vapor. Water vapor
goes up into (6) _______ atmosphere. Water returns to the Earth as precipitation in rain or
snow by changing into drops of water (7) _______ the air gets cold enough. Clouds are
collections (8) _______ water droplets. Most precipitation falls into the oceans and goes
right back into storage.
Water that falls on land always flows from (9) _______ places to lower ones. This flow
is called runoff. Water from land flows into streams. Streams join together to make (10)
_______ and eventually the water flows into storage in the oceans. Then the water cycle
starts all over again.
1. recycles 2. rain 3. called 4. in 5. into
6. the 7. when/ as 8. of 9. high 10. rivers

X. Read the text and questions below. Then choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) which
you think fits best according to the text. (1.25 points)
People have been playing with marbles for thousands of years. The first marbles were
probably either river stones that happened to be naturally round enough to roll or, more
likely, rounded globs of clay that were baked hardness. Such very old clay marbles have
been found in both Greek and Roman ruins, and quartz spheres have been dated at around
6000 B.C. Harder and more durable marbles tend to inspire different kinds of games than
soft clay marbles, which crack very easily. So with the advent of hand-rounded and
polished marbles made of agate or some other rugged, igneous rock, the ‘golden age’ of
marbles and marble play flowered. Stone marbles began to appear in the early 1800s in
what is now the southern part of Germany. Shortly after, handmade glass marbles appeared
in the same part of Europe. For the next 120 years, marbles and marble playing-there were
literally hundred of games - flourished in both Europe and America. Marble players
developed their own vocabulary for different sizes and materials of marbles, as well as for
the many kinds of games to be played and the way marbles were used in the games. For
example, if you were going to play a game of Ring-Taw, one of the most popular and
enduring marbles games, you would lag for the first shot, and then knuckle down from the
balk, trying your best to get a mib or two with your opponent’s immie.
1. The author makes the point in the passage that playing with marbles __________.
A. has been going on since ancient times C. is losing popularity
B. is a relatively recent phenomenon D. is a very expensive pastime
2. According to the passage, which of the following was the least used substance for
making marbles?
A. agate B. glass C. rock D. clay
3. It can be inferred from the passage that the use of marbles became very popular in
Europe and America __________.
A. in the 18th century C. in 6000 B.C
B. in the 1970s D. after glass marbles were developed
4. We can infer from the passage that marble playing __________.
A. is a game only for children C. is played according to one set of rules
B. has many variations in games D. uses only one kind of marble
5. We can conclude from lines 11-12 of the passage that the terminology of marble playing
is __________.
A. specialized C. easy to understand
B. used only by children D. derived from an ancient language

1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A
XI. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
(1.0 point)
0. We should leave about six, otherwise we might not get there in time for dinner.
=> If we do not set off/ out by six, we might not get there in time for dinner.
1. Ann is proud of her ability to speak five languages fluently.
=> Being ................................................................................................... herself on.
able to speak five languages fluently is what Ann prides
2. Harry was disappointed to hear the news that the match had been cancelled.
=> News of ……………….................................................................................. to Harry.
the cancellation of the match came as a disappointment
3. As soon as the teacher left, the students started shouting again.
=> Hardly ...........................................................................................................
had/did the teacher left/leave when the students started shouting again.
4. At this time of the year, the area is often affected by violent storms.
=> At this time of the year, the area often ...................................................... violent storms.
feels the effects of
XII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between
two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0). (1.0 point)
0. He told me that it was wrong of me to leave early. (CRITICIZED)
-> He criticized me for leaving/having left early.
1. Abdul’s mother didn’t let him play on the computer until he had done his homework.
-> Abdul’s mother …………………………………. his homework before he played on the
made him/Abdul ][ do/finish/ complete
2. Considering that Luke is so young, you must admit he’s making excellent progress as a
musician. (ACCOUNT)
-> ) If you …………………………………. young Luke is, you must admit he’s making
excellent progress as a musician.
take into account ][ how
3. She didn’t try very hard to get to know other people in the course. (EFFORT)
->Little…………………………………… to get to know other people in the course.
effort did she make
4. People who haven’t seen his performances are in no position to be critical. (PERFORM)
-> Nobody is in the position to be critical ………………………………………...
without having seen him perform.
XIII. Do you prefer to spend your free time outdoor or indoor? Why? In about 150
words write an essay to assert your point of view on this issue. (2.0 points)
- Content: - 1.5 points: - Cover all suggested ideas and add some more ideas
- Language : - 1.5 points: - 0,75 point for correct grammar (tense, prep, articles....)
- 0.75 point for vocabulary (wide range of vocabulary, spelling/ use suitable

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