Latihan PDPR 8feb2022

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BAB 10: Matematik Pengguna: Pengurusan Kewangan

Consumer Mathematics: Financial Management

PBD 10.1 Perancangan dan Pengurusan Kewangan Buku Teks: m.s. 272 – 273

A. Lengkapkan lima langkah dalam proses pengurusan kewangan.

Pautan Digital
Complete the five steps in the financial management process. SP10.1.1 TP1

Menetapkan matlamat kewangan

Setting goals

Menilai kedudukan kewangan

Evaluating financial status

Mewujudkan pelan kewangan

Proses Pengurusan Kewangan
Financial Management Process Creating financial plan

Melaksanakan pelan kewangan

Carrying out financial plan

Mengkaji semula dan menyemak kemajuan

Reviewing and revising the progress

B. Kenal pasti matlamat kewangan jangka pendek dan matlamat kewangan jangka panjang daripada
senarai di bawah.
Identify short-term financial goals and long-term financial goals from the list below. SP10.1.1 TP1

Simpanan untuk pendidikan anak-anak Membeli rumah banglo Membeli telefon pintar
Savings for children’s education Buy a bungalow Buy a smartphone

Membuka restoran Membeli komputer riba Bercuti di Pulau Langkawi

Open a restaurant Buy a laptop Vacation in Pulau Langkawi

Matlamat kewangan jangka pendek Matlamat kewangan jangka panjang

Short-term financial goals Long-term financial goals

Membeli telefon pintar Simpanan untuk pendidikan anak-anak

Buy a smartphone Savings for children’s education

Membeli komputer riba Membeli rumah banglo

Buy a laptop Buy a bungalow

Bercuti di Pulau Langkawi Membuka restoran

Vacation in Pulau Langkawi Open a restaurant


10 MAMD MATEMATIK TG4 (NM)-BAB 10-Azie F.indd 143 11/25/20 9:16 AM

Nama: ........................................................................................... Kelas: ..................................... Tarikh: .....................................

PBD 10.1 Perancangan dan Pengurusan Kewangan Buku Teks: m.s. 273 – 274

Tulis matlamat kewangan bagi setiap individu berikut mengikut pendekatan SMART.
Write the financial goals for each individual according to the SMART approach. SP10.1.1 TP2

1. Puan Zuraida ingin membeli sebuah komputer untuk pembelajaran anaknya dalam tempoh 8 bulan.
Dia memilih untuk membeli sebuah komputer yang berharga RM4 800. Puan Zuraida perlu menyimpan
RM600 sebulan daripada pendapatan bulanannya RM4 500 untuk mencapai matlamat kewangannya.
Puan Zuraida wants to buy a computer for her child’s education within 8 months. She chooses to buy a computer that costs
RM4 800. Puan Zuraida needs to save RM600 a month from her monthly income of RM4 500 to achieve her financial goals.

Khusus Membeli sebuah computer.

Specific Buy a computer.

Boleh diukur Bernilai RM4 800 dan memerlukan simpanan bulanan RM600 untuk mencapai matlamat.
Measurable It costs RM4 800 and requires a monthly savings of RM600 to achieve the goal.

Boleh dicapai Boleh mencapai simpanan bulanan sebanyak RM600 daripada pendapatan bulanan RM4 500.
Attainable Can achieve a monthly savings of RM600 from a monthly income of RM4 500.

Bersifat RM600 daripada pendapatan bulanan sebanyak RM4 500 merupakan 13.3% daripada
realistik pendapatannya.
Realistic RM600 of the monthly income of RM4 500 represents 13.3% of her income.

8 bulan adalah cukup untuk megumpulkan RM4 800 dengan simpanan bulanan sebanyak
Tempoh masa RM600.
8 months is enough to accumulate RM4 800 with a monthly savings of RM600.

2. Encik Sham ingin membeli sebuah telefon bimbit baharu yang bernilai RM2 133. Dia mensasarkan untuk
membeli telefon bimbit itu dalam masa 9 bulan. Encik Sham perlu menyimpan RM237 daripada pendapatan
bulanannya RM2 400 untuk mencapai matlamat kewangannya.
Encik Sham wants to buy a new mobile phone worth RM2 133. He aims to buy the mobile phone within 9 months.
Encik Sham needs to save RM237 from his monthly income of RM2 400 to achieve his financial goals.

Khusus Membeli telefon bimbit.

Specific Buying a mobile phone.

Boleh diukur Bernilai RM2 133 dan memerlukan simpanan bulanan RM237 untuk mencapai matlamat.
Measurable Worth RM2 133 and requires a monthly savings of RM237 to achieve the goal.

Boleh dicapai Boleh mencapai simpanan bulanan sebanyak RM237 daripada pendapatan bulanan RM2 400.
Attainable Can achieve a monthly savings of RM237 from a monthly income of RM2 400.

Bersifat RM237 daripada pendapatan bulanan sebanyak RM2 400 merupakan 9.8% daripada
realistik pendapatannya.
Realistic RM237 of monthly income of RM2 400 represents 9.8% of his income.

9 bulan adalah cukup untuk mengumpulkan RM2 133 dengan simpanan bulanan sebanyak
Tempoh masa RM237.
9 months is enough to raise RM2 133 with a monthly savings of RM237.
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Nama: ........................................................................................... Kelas: ..................................... Tarikh: .....................................

PBD 10.1 Perancangan dan Pengurusan Kewangan Buku Teks: m.s. 274 – 276

A. Kenal pasti pendapatan aktif dan pendapatan pasif bagi setiap pendapatan berikut.
Identify the active and passive income for each of the following income. SP10.1.1 TP1

Pendapatan aktif Pendapatan pasif

• Dividen • Elaun Active income Passive income
Dividend Allowance
• Gaji • Komisen Gaji Dividen
Salary Commission Salary Dividend
• Sewa diterima • Faedah simpanan bank
Rent received Bank savings interest Elaun Sewa diterima
Allowance Rental received

Komisen Faedah simpanan bank

Comission Bank savings interest

B. Kenal pasti perbelanjaan tetap dan perbelanjaan tidak tetap bagi setiap perbelanjaan berikut.
Identify the fixed and variable expenses for each of the following expenses. SP10.1.1 TP1

Perbelanjaan tetap Perbelanjaan tidak tetap

• Sewa rumah • Bayaran insurans Fixed expenses Variable expenses
House rental Insurance payment
• Ansuran rumah • Pembayaran bil internet Sewa rumah Pembayaran bil internet
House instalment Internet bill payment House rental Internet bill payment
• Barangan dapur • Belanja petrol
Groceries Petrol expenses Ansuran rumah Belanja petrol
House instalment Petrol expenses

Bayaran insurans Barangan dapur

Insurance payment Groceries

C. Hitung aliran tunai bulanan bagi setiap individu berikut.

Calculate monthly cash flow for each of the following individual. SP10.1.1 TP3

1. Encik Abu 2. Cik Ainun

Pendapatan aktif Pendapatan aktif
Active income
RM1 800 Active income
RM2 000
Pendapatan pasif RM120 Pendapatan pasif RM200
Passive income Passive income
Perbelanjaan tetap RM700 Perbelanjaan tetap RM1 800
Fixed expenses Fixed expenses
Perbelanjaan tidak tetap RM250 Perbelanjaan tidak tetap RM500
Variable expenses Variable expenses

Aliran tunai/Cash flow Aliran tunai/Cash flow

= Jumlah pendapatan – Jumlah perbelanjaan = Jumlah pendapatan – Jumlah perbelanjaan
Total income – Total expenses Total income – Total expenses
= (RM1 800 + RM120) – (RM700 + RM250) = (RM2 000 + RM200) – (RM1 800 + RM500)
= RM970 (Aliran tunai positif/Positve cash flow) = –RM100 (Aliran tunai negatif/Negative cash flow)

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