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The first time that my oarents told that I was going to go to a boarding school unlike many my first
thought was not something negative. In fact I was over the moon and couldn’t wait to leave my
small hometown. This might be surprising for many and some might think that I was happy because
my family had issues, well… no that was not why I acted so unusually. All I have evr heard growing
up was how going to boarding school was the best part of my dad’s childhood and how he had made
some of the best memories of his life in that place, with those people. At first I dod not believe it. I
mean how can someone be so happy being away from home but then he start telling me about the
pranks, the hilarious punishments and most importantly he made me realize that being away from
family was not a sad thing, He said it made him feel free and he was able to discover parts of himself
that he would’ve have never known existed. My dad could talk about his times in school fro hours
and still not get tired. Seeing that, what he had, made me feel like GOD I’ll die if I don’t get to
experience that so when they broke the news to me about my boarding it felt like all my fantasies
were going to come true.

So fast forward to my first day at school. My parents left me at the door to my hostel facility after
helping me unpack and purchase the uniform along with the required books. At that point I was
feeling a little bummed. I mean although this was something that I wanted, saying goodbye to my
parents at the age of 12 was harder than I expected. I cried quietly in my dormitory for a while
before I saw an African come in along with her younger sister. The elder sister was in my grade so I
was relieved to know that I had someone of my age with me until I realized that she was the ONLY
one I had. The school that I went to was not a full boarding school so I had only one grade mate with
me in the hostel and that one person and I were not compatible. At that time I did think that it was
that big of an issue but later when Monday arrived along with my first day of school it hit me. I was
hella lonely during school hours and I

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