Elective Summative

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● Scientific method is a logical and rational order of steps of answering questions about the

world around us.

● Observations are done using your senses. It may lead to a question that could become the
topic of a scientific study.
● The data gathered through the senses are referred to as qualitative data (color, odor, shape,
and texture).
● The data gathered using these tools are called quantitative data (ruler, a spring balance, a
thermometer, and a graduated cylinder).
● An inference is a statement of an idea from an observation. It is the basis for making a model.
● A model is used to visually explain something that is not easily seen or understood.
● Observations Once a question has been stated, a scientist formulates a possible answer to
the question. This possible answer or educated guess is called a hypothesis.
● A hypothesis requires careful thinking and the application of skills. It is often stated in a
“cause-and-effect” manner.
● ​An experiment is a controlled procedure that confirms or rejects a hypothesis. In science, an
experiment involves an experimental setup and a control setup.
● The experimental setup differs from the control setup by one variable—the factor in your
hypothesis that will affect the outcome of the experiment
● The variable being manipulated is the independent variable.
● The variable measured to determine its response to the independent variable is the
dependent variable.
● All variables that do not change are constant.
● A conclusion is based on the interpretation of data gathered. The data may or may not
support the hypothesis.
● If the data do not support the hypothesis, scientists may try the experiment again or plan a
new one.
● If the results still do not support the hypothesis, scientists may form another hypothesis.
● A theory is an explanation based on many repeated observations during experiments. It helps
explain the behavior of objects or events in nature.
● A theory is not permanent. It may be discarded as new information is obtained.
● A general statement that describes such patterns is called scientific law. It summarizes a
natural occurrence that may be consistently observed under the same conditions. It may be
expressed in words or in mathematical form.

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