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CSE 2315 - Discrete Structures Exam 2: Sets, Combinatorics, Relations, and Functions


ID#: CSE 2315 - Discrete Structures

Exam 2- Fall 1999 Closed book, closed notes Date: Nov. 3 1999, 5:30 pm - 6:50 pm

1. Rewrite the following sets as a list of elements. ( 6 points ) a)



is a prime number


Rewrite the following sets by giving a characteristic property. ( 6 points ) d)

TTT 9 F 9 C 9 ! 9  9 % VVVU4GEGED4GS)


Manfred Huber

 v a e g u 9 e g q e d Y s 9 e g q i g f 9 e Y d c Y a Y W wbSpGrXprXGtBrXprrph6(UDUb`X

 ' % " " ! )(&$#

 RQPHEGED4B@)8764431  I   F 9 C 9 A 9 % 0 5 2 0

Page 1

CSE 2315 - Discrete Structures Exam 2: Sets, Combinatorics, Relations, and Functions

without equality rules we 2. Prove the following subset relations (Hint: To prove equality actually proved two subset relations and . To prove a subset relation you only have to do one of the two directions.). ( 8 points )
x x


Manfred Huber


y hy 5 y 5

y 0

Page 2

CSE 2315 - Discrete Structures Exam 2: Sets, Combinatorics, Relations, and Functions
y  y y  y  5 y x 0

5 5 y 0 x x 5 x

Prove the following set identity using the basic set identities listed in the table. At every step indicate which identity rule was used. ( 5 points )
x x x


Manfred Huber


e x x  x x f  x x  f g x e x  x x x 5 0 5 #y 05  y0 d x x x 5 0dh5#y 0 5 y 0 x x 5 y 0 x y ghh5 0 5 y0 8 y 0  y 0


x 0 x

Associativity Distributivity Identity Complement

Page 3

CSE 2315 - Discrete Structures Exam 2: Sets, Combinatorics, Relations, and Functions

3. Show that the following sets are denumerable. ( 8 points ) a)

   9 ' 9 % 9 m k pEGnD@U4Xl&j  q  5 9 0 p (4BoE


Manfred Huber

Page 4

CSE 2315 - Discrete Structures Exam 2: Sets, Combinatorics, Relations, and Functions

4. Use the addition principle, multiplication principle, and the principle of inclusion and exclusion to calculate the solution to the following problems (You only have to give the formula. The nal number is not necessary.). ( 6 points ) a) There are varieties of wallpaper, different types of carpet, and different colors of paint. How many possibilities are there to nish a room with a carpet on the oor and either a wallpaper or one color of paint for the walls ?
A ! 

Manfred Huber

b) Given the sets are there in the set


, and

 v 9 u 9 A 9 ' EB4GtBnsr

x x  5 y 0 k  C 9 ! 9  9 '  nGED4Gnsry 4B4BED@)  A 9  9 ' 9 %

, how many elements

Page 5

CSE 2315 - Discrete Structures Exam 2: Sets, Combinatorics, Relations, and Functions

Indicate for the following problems if they are permutation or combination problems and determine the number of possibilities. (The formula is sufcient. The nal number does not have to be calculated.) ( 8 points ) c) In how many ways can you combine all the letters in the word discrete ?

d) How many different sets of letters (possibly containing multiple instances of the same letter) can be formed using the letters of the english alphabet ( letters) ?
u S'

Manfred Huber

Page 6

 5 u 9 %0 9 5 ! 9 % 0 9 5 ' 9 % 0 9 5 u 9 0 9 5 u 9 '0 9 5 A 9 '0 9 5 A 9 % 0 9 5  9 % 0 9 5 u 9 u0 9 5 ! 9 !0 9 5 A 9 A0 9 5  9 0 9 5 ' 9 '0 9 5 % 9 % 0 DpB@{@Dsz(D@GSz(DpB4({SGE{pBE3U{)hSz{pGsz(DpBE(D@DE({)ht(DpG4({SDE3{(USzE

 u 9 ! 9 A 9  9 ' 9 %  EBEDtBEGED@)&df

u   | ~}

 I | RQP~}

 5  9 !0 9 5 ! 9 !0 9 5 ! 9 0 9 5 % 9 0 9 5 A 9 A0 9 5  9 0 9 5  9 % 0 9 5 % 9 % 0 DpBn3{@D)3(D@GE(D(U4({)ht(DpG4({@G@z{(USzE

 u 9 ! 9 A 9  9 ' 9 %  EGED4B4GEG@)xwf

CSE 2315 - Discrete Structures Exam 2: Sets, Combinatorics, Relations, and Functions

Manfred Huber

5. Determine for the following relations over the set symmetric, antisymmetric, or transitive. ( 9 points )

Draw the Hasse diagram for the following partial ordering over the set list the least, greatest, minimal, and maximal elements. ( 5 points )





if they are reexive,

Page 7


 5 ir70

9 xq

 5 F 9 0 9 5 A 9 '0 9 5 % 9 % 0 GpG4({pBE3{(USzE

9  F 9 A 9 % EGtBS)

  9 ' 9 % EGnD@)

C  '  5 `ir70

9 q

 5 A 9 A0 9 5 ! 9 0 9 5 % 9 A0 9 5  9 0 9 5  9 % 0 9 5 ' 9 '0 GpBt7({SD4{(U4(DpG4({pB@z(D@DEEr

 5 ! 9 % 0 9 5  9 !0 9 5 A 9 %0 9 5  9 0 9 5 % 9 %0 DSD@z{pGn3(D)B@({pB4(D(U@E

 u 9 ! 9 A 9  9 ' 9 %  EGEGtB4GnD@)gf

CSE 2315 - Discrete Structures Exam 2: Sets, Combinatorics, Relations, and Functions

6. Form the respective closures for the following relations over the set ( 8 points )

7. For each of the following functions indicate if they are one-to-one, onto, or bijective. ( 9 points )

a) Form the reexive and symmetric closure of

b) Form the reexive and transitive closure of




Manfred Huber

Page 8

CSE 2315 - Discrete Structures Exam 2: Sets, Combinatorics, Relations, and Functions

8. Prove the following orders of magnitude by specifying adequate constants. ( 8 points )


Manfred Huber


5 0 DP7

5 I 0 {Po}

9   A  '  5 Pir70 9 ! I  5 Pir70

Page 9

CSE 2315 - Discrete Structures Exam 2: Sets, Combinatorics, Relations, and Functions

9. Give the results of the following matrix operations if they are possible (if an operation is not possible, justify why). ( 7 points )
m m ' % ' % %  6H% #m m ' % m % % m m %  d p% % H% m ' m % m % m


Manfred Huber

Page 10

CSE 2315 - Discrete Structures Exam 2: Sets, Combinatorics, Relations, and Functions

Give the results of the following boolean matrix operations. ( 7 points ) c)

% p% % % % m m % % m k #H% H% % % % m % m m % m % m  m % % m w % m m % % m % m m % m %


Manfred Huber

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