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(Standardized by DVVK Raju)

Instructions: In this booklet some statements relating to you are given in the sentence
form. Please read them carefully. How far they are creating stress in you is to be indicated
among the five alternatives give n hereunder by putting ‘🗸’ mark against each sentence.
NS: No Stress
Mis: Mild Stress
MoS: Moderate Stress
MS: More Stress
SS: Severe Stress
S.No Stress Factors NS MiS MoS MS SS

1. Lack of time for further studies.

2. Professional disillusionment.

3. Having to teach disinterested subject.

4. Disagreement with the head of the


5. Excess time is to be devoted to school

related duties.

6. Continuous misbehavior of certain


7. Lack of attention among students in the


8. Regulating the children.

9. Shouldering entire responsibility of the


10. Too much social interference in the

institutional organisation.

11. Unable to use one’s training and skills


12. Lack of opportunities for reading
professional journals and magazines.

13. Feeling locked up in a routine job.

14. Poor organisation of meetings.

15. Frequent change of duties in the timetable.

16. Students non-accepting of teachers’


17. Unable to estimate the students.

18. Giving proper and meaningful directions to

the children in the family.

19. Much bothering about family respect.

20. Corruption in social life.

21. Lack of time for personal hobbies, interests,

and social activities.

22. Lack of opportunities for in-service training.

23. Shortage of equipment and library


24. Teaching too many periods.

25. Inadequate time for completing the


26. Indiscipline in the class.

27. Poor responses from the students.

28. Gratifying the family needs.

29. In coherent social life.

30. Lack of social security.

31. Having to engage private tuitions to

supplement income.
32. Low status for teaching profession.

33. No appreciation for new and innovative


34. No leisure between teaching periods.

35. Too many inservice training programmes.

36. Lack of interest in studies among students.

37. Unable to attract the students.

38. Irresponsibility of certain members of the


39. Lack of proper recognition from the


40. Continuous social conflicts and clashes.

41. Inadequate salary and financial constraints.

42. Unhygienic school environment.

43. Lack of participation in decision making.

44. Heavy correction work.

45. Frequent participation in enumeration

census, and literacy campaign activities.

46. Constant monitoring of student behaviour

in the class.

47. Unhealthy family relations.

48. Financial problems of the family.

49. Indiscipline in the society.

50. Deterioration of social values.

51. Lack of opportunity for promotion.

52. Non-recognition for good teaching.

53. Non-cooperation from the colleagues.

54. No time for the preparation of the lesson.

55. Organising co-curricular and extra

curricular activities.

56. Being target of comment or threat from


57. Lack of proper understanding among

members of the family.

58. Continuous ill health of certain family


59. Lack of proper social support.

60. Increasing social distance.

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