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Vacation Bible School

Produced by
North American Division Children’s Ministries

Scott Boley & Claudia C. Pech Moguel

Bible Pal Illustration and Design

Wacky World Studios

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living
Translations, copyright 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of
Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2018 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. Permission to

make photocopies or to reproduce by any other mechanical or electronic means in whole or in part
designed page, illustration or activity in the book is granted only to the original purchaser and is
intended only for non-commercial use within the purchaser’s church. None of the materials in this
book may be reproduced for any commercial use, promotion, advertising or sale of a product or
service. Sharing of or distribution of the material in this book with other churches, schools or
organizations is prohibited. All rights reserved.

Published by
5120 Prescott Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68506


Printed in the U.S.A.

ISBN# 978-1-62909-558-5
Table of Contents Jamii Kingdom
Scope & Sequence................................02
Opening & Closing Station
Welcome Indaba (in-dah-bah) Place
What to Wear................................04 (Zulu for “meeting” or “conference”)
Leader’s Tips...................................04 Bible Story Station
List of Supplies...............................04 Habari (hah-BAR-ree) Hut

Day 1......................................................06 (Swahili for “news”)

Day 2....................................................08
Day 3....................................................10
Craft Station
Sanaa (sa-na) Site
Day 4....................................................12
(Swahili for “handicraft”)
Day 5....................................................16

Game Station
Furaha (foo-rah-hah) Field

(Swahili for “fun”)

Prayer Station
Ekpere (ek-peh-reh) Experience

(Igbo for “prayer” or “meditation”)

Snack Station
Mapera (mah-pear-rah) Meza

(Swahili for “guava table”)

Preschool Station
Watoto (wa-toe-toe) Way

(Swahili for “children”)

2 Ekpere Experience - Prayer Station

Indaba Place Habari Hut

Music Bible Stories

DAY Call & Response:

1 Jesus Loves Me. I am saved.

Key Verse: Adam and Eve

“He loved us and sent his Son to give his life to
pay for our sins.” 1 John 4:10 NIRV

DAY Call & Response:

2 Jesus Loves Me. I am brave.

Key Verse: Queen Esther

“Be strong and brave. Do not be terrified. I will be
with you everywhere you go.” Joshua 1:9 NIRV

DAY Call & Response:

Scope &

3 Jesus Loves Me. I am helpful.

Key Verse: Dorcas

“None of you should look out just for your
own good. You should also look out for the
good of others.” Philippians 2:4 NIRV

DAY Call & Response:

4 Jesus Loves Me. I am free.

Key Verse: Moses

“If the Son of Man sets you free, you will really be
free.” John 8:36 NIRV

DAY Call & Response:

5 Jesus Loves Me. I am joyful.

Key Verse: Woman at the Well

“Though you do not see him, you believe in him.
You are filled with a glorious joy that can’t be put
into words.” 1 Peter 1:8 NIRV

Ekpere Experience Sanaa Site Furaha Field Mapera Meza

Prayer Craft Games Snacks

King of the Jungle

Flying Balloons, Rescue the Bush Baby,
Lion Mask Graham Cracker
Frowny/Smiley Face Zimbole

Show Your Sign,

Pencil and Plastic Bag Trick,
African Shield Nigerian Clapping Safari Logs
Signature Scramble

Passion Fruit
Helpful Beach Ball Pass, Animal-shaped
Giraffe Family Assembly
Handprint Prayer Fruit Snacks
Line, Trust

Flying Balloons,
Footprint Zebra Free…ze Tag, Funfari Snack Mix
Cat’s Cradle
Rhythm Makers

Walk Like Hoops on the Run,

African Drum Banana Pops
A…, Prayer Cooperative Hoop
Cross Pass
4 Ekpere Experience - Prayer Station

Welcome to Ekpere Experience!

Ekpere (pronounced “ek-peh-reh”) means “prayer” in Igbo. At this station kids children will have the chance to
communicate with Jesus and grow their relationship with Him. Every day the kids will take part in activities that
will help prepare their hearts and minds to focus on prayer and engage their senses and imagination.

Keep in mind that you will see kids at this station who pray regularly with their families and others who have
never prayed before in their lives. If someone seems shy or uncomfortable with praying, that’s okay! Always be
supportive and never make anyone pray until they’re ready.

What Prayer Station Leaders Should Wear

Your VBS may have decided that all the Station Leaders should wear a
traditional African shirt. These are colorful and will really stand out.
Another option is to wear Jamii Kingdom staff t-shirts, available at

There are many ways you can decorate your prayer station. One idea
is to decorate your room to look like the inside of a hut. Another
way is to make it look like the room is looking out over the savanna.
No matter what you do, you will need to plan to set up tables for the
children to sit at during some of the activities.

Leader’s Tips
Before the kids arrive, always pray that the Lord will give you the right
words and attitude to lead children to a relationship with Him. It is also
a good idea to practice whatever activity you are going to do with or
demonstrate for the kids each day beforehand.

List of Supplies for the Week

Activity card printouts (one with a person with a blank face and one with a happy face), included in
the Student Kit.
Balloons, latex, 12 in (30.5 cm)
Beach balls

markers o

Colored paper o
Craft glue
Craft rolls
Glue sticks

Hook (to hang prayer cross on)
Hot glue

gun o Hula

hoops o Craft

paper o Paper
Pictures of various animals (galago, pangolin, elephant, duck, crab, lemur)
Safety scissors
Sandwich-sized bags
Sharp pencils or pens
Tea lights, battery-powered
Wooden boxes (available at any craft or dollar store)
6 Ekpere Experience - Prayer Station

Day 1 Daily Supplies

Activity card printouts (one with a person
with a blank face and one with a happy
face), one per child, included in the
Student Kit
Balloons, latex, 12 in (30.5
cm), one per child
Colored markers, one per child
Craft glue
Dirt, enough to fill a sandwich-sized
bag, one per group
Hula hoops, one per group
Safety scissors, at least one per
two children

To Do Ahead of Time
Pray, pray, pray! Remember that your station is
where children will have the chance to build an active relationship with Jesus.

Before the program starts, set out your supplies and set up enough tables and chairs so each child has a place
to sit. It’s also a good idea to practice both activities well before the program starts so that you are
comfortable and confident with the material and how it connects to Jesus.

What to Say
Station Leader: Welcome to Ekpere Experience! Today we are going to play a little game to help us
get to know each other. Everyone, stand in a large circle.

(If there are a lot of kids in the group, the station leader may need to ask the kids to form
several circles instead. He or she gives each child an uninflated balloon and asks the Tribe Chief
to help them write their names on it with a Sharpie. The station leader also places a hula hoop
on the floor in the center of the circle.)

Okay, I need everybody to move back from the hula hoop.

(Waits until the children are standing about ten feet away from the hula hoop.) Now blow
up your balloon and hold it shut. Don’t tie it! Just hold it shut. When I say go, let go of your
balloons and see which one lands closest to the hula hoop. Ready? Go!

(The station leader repeats this several times until everyone’s balloon has landed close to or
inside the hula hoop. When the activity is done, the station leader asks the Tribe Chief to gather
up the balloons and hula hoops and put them away.)
Day 1 7

Everyone, come take a seat at one of the tables. That was fun! Were you able to get your
balloon inside the hula hoop on the first try? (Waits for responses.) That’s great! If some of
you had to try over and over again to get it in, that’s okay! That’s just like how God’s love
works. He never stops loving us! Just like you kept on trying to get your balloon inside the
hula hoop, God keeps on loving us no matter what!

Let’s do another activity that illustrates how God never stops loving us.

(The station leader hands out two cards to each child: one with a person wearing a frowny face
and one with a person wearing a new coat and blank face. He or she also gives the Tribe Chief a
sandwich-sized bag filled with dirt.)

Take the card with the person with the frowny face on it and rub some dirt all over
them. Rub it on as hard as you can until there’s a real stain on that person!

(The station leader waits for the kids to rub dirt onto the first picture.)

You know, how that person looks right now is a lot like how we look compared to Jesus. We
might be sinful and imperfect and not clean, but Jesus loves us anyway—dirt and all! In fact,
He even has a new coat for us! On your second card you’ll find a picture of a coat that you
can color any way you want! When you’re done, cut it out and glue it onto the person with
the frowny face on your first card.

(The station leaders waits for the kids to color the coats and glue them onto the first card.)

That looks good, doesn’t it? We should do something about that frowny face now.
Knowing that Jesus loves us and saves us from our sins makes us pretty happy, you
know! See the blank face on the person on your second card? Draw a smile on that face
so they look really, really happy. When you’re done, cut it out too and glue it over the
sad person’s face so they can look happy in their new coat.

(The station leader waits for the kids to draw a smile on the blank face, cut it out, and glue it
over the sad person’s face.)

Jesus never stops loving us no matter what! Look at that person with that new coat
covering their dirt and that big smile they have on their face now! That represents the
way Jesus changes us when we choose Him. Let’s tell Him right here, right now how
much that means to us. Let’s thank Him for saving us and loving us so much. Repeat
after me: Jesus, You are amazing! Thank you for saving me and loving me just the way I
am. Amen. (Waits for kids to repeat the prayer back to him or her.)

That reminds me of our Action Point for today! Let’s stand up and say it together. Jesus loves

Kids: I am saved!
(Kids open their arms out wide like Jesus on the cross.)

Station Leader: It’s time for you to go to your next station now. See you again tomorrow!
8 Ekpere Experience - Prayer Station

Day 2 Daily Supplies

Paper, one piece per child
Sandwich-sized bag
o Sharp pencils or

pens o Water

To Do Ahead of Time
Fill the sandwich bag with water and leave some space at the
top. Seal it closed.

Practice the activity with the pencil and the plastic bag as
much as you need to beforehand so you are comfortable
and confident when it comes time to do it in front of the

What to Say
Station Leader: Welcome back to Ekpere Experience,
everybody! Take a seat on the floor
with your Tribe Chief. I’m going to
show you something really cool today!
But first, what things can you think of
that take
bravery to deal with? Is there anything that scares you or worries any of you?

(The station leader calls on a few kids to answer, then takes out a sandwich-sized bag filled
with water and shows it to the kids.)

What do you think would happen if I poked a pencil through this plastic bag?

(The station leader waits for someone to say that the water will leak out everywhere. Then he
or she takes a pencil, pokes it through into the inside of the bag, then keeps pushing until it goes
all the way through to the other side. If station leader does this correctly, no water will leak

Wow! Look, no water leaked out at all! Isn’t it interesting how that works? You know,
being brave is a lot like that. The pencil represents the things that make us scared or feel
worried, and the water represents our strength. With God’s help, we will never lose the
strength we need to face the things we need to!

(The station leader hands out a piece of paper and a pencil to each child)

It’s time for your second activity now! (Hands out a piece of paper and a pen or pencil to
each child) When I say go, I want you to run around and get as many signatures from the
other kids in your group as you can. Each time you get someone to sign their name on
your paper, I want you tell them, “God is waiting to hear from you!” And when
someone asks you to sign their paper, say the same thing to them. Ready? Go!

(The station leader waits for the kids to do the activity.)


When you have something important or exciting that you want to share with a friend, how
do you usually communicate with him or her? Do you need to send a special invitation to
talk with your friend? How would you feel if every time you had something to talk about
with your friend you had to make an appointment or send an invitation? (Calls on kids to

We don’t need an invitation to talk to God. God wants us to talk to Him anytime and
anywhere. When we talk to God, it’s called prayer. You know what, let’s take time right
now to talk to God! Let’s ask God to help us be brave and to have the courage to always do
the right thing. (Folds hands and closes eyes) Lord Jesus, thank You for listening whenever
we pray to You. Thank You for giving us the courage to do what is right. We love You!

Does anyone remember our Action Point for today? Jesus loves me…

Kids: I am brave!
(Kids stand with their hands on their hips and with their legs shoulder-width apart.)

Station Leader: It’s time for you to go to your next station now. See you tomorrow!
10Ekpere Experience - Prayer Station

Day 3 Daily Supplies

Beach balls, one per group
Colored markers, one per child
Craft paper

To Do Ahead of Time
Set up enough tables and chairs for each child to sit at and cover the tables with craft paper. Scatter markers
over the surface of each one.

Tip: After VBS is over, mount the craft paper covered in the children’s handprints on a wall in your church
where parents/guardians can see it.

What to Say
Station Leader: Welcome back to Ekpere Experience! Today are going to play a game that will show us
how much we are already helping others! Come and sit in a circle on the floor. Now, do
you see this beach ball? We’re going to pass it around the circle. When it gets to you, I
want you to tell the group something you do that’s helpful.

Maybe you help your family by weeding the garden or doing the dishes, or you help your
neighbor sweep their porch. Whatever it is, we’re excited to hear it!

(The station leader passes the beach ball to the first child and waits until it has moved all the
way around the circle.)

Wow, that was really fun! You do some really cool things to help others! Thank you for

Now we’re going to do an activity that will show others how you can be helpful. Everyone,
take a seat at one of the tables. Take a piece of paper and choose a marker. First, use the
marker to trace around your left hand on the left side of the paper, and then trace your
right hand on the right side of the paper. When you’re done, write your name in the first
handprint you drew. Then in your second handprint, write or draw something that you
can do to help someone else.

(The station leader allows time for the children to draw their handprints and write inside them.)

Now place your hand in the handprint of someone next to you and silently pray for that

(The station leader allows a minute or two of silence for the kids to do this.)

Do you know that you are all very special to Jesus and that He gives each of you the
opportunity to be helpful to others? That can mean doing anything from being cheerful to
writing encouraging notes, or praying for someone you know needs it to raking someone’s
yard. Let’s pray now. (Folds hands and closes eyes) Dear Jesus, thank You for loving us.
Thank You that we have the ability to help others! Amen.

Do you remember the Action Point? Jesus loves me…

Kids: I am helpful!
(Kids put both arms out in front of themselves and then pull them up and in.)

It’s time for you to go to your next station now! I’ll be praying for all of you and I hope you’ll
pray for me! See you tomorrow!
12Ekpere Experience - Prayer Station

Day 4 Daily Supplies

Balloons, latex, 12 in (30.5 cm), one per child
Hula hoops, one per group
Yarn, cut into 4–5 in (10–13 cm)
pieces, one per child

To Do Ahead of Time
Cut and tie in a loop one piece of yarn for each child that will be
coming to your station.

Practice the cat’s cradle activity several times until you’re sure you can easily
demonstrate in front of the kids.

What to Say
Station Leader: Welcome back to Ekpere Experience, everybody! Come and stand in a large circle. Do
you remember the game we played on Day 1? I’ll give you a hint: It had to do with hula
hoops and balloons! (Waits for kids to respond) For our first activity today we’re going to
play that same game again.

(If there a lot of kids in the group, the station leader may need to ask them to form several
circles instead of one. He or she then gives each child an uninflated balloon and asks the Tribe
Chief to help them write their names on it with a Sharpie. The station leader also places a hula
hoop in the center of the circle.)

Okay, I need everybody to move back from the hula hoop.

(Waits until the children are standing about 10 feet away from the hula hoop) Now blow up
your balloon and hold it shut. Don’t tie it! Just hold it shut. When I say go, let go of your
balloons and see whose balloon lands closest to the hula hoop. Ready? Go!

(The station leader repeats this several times until everyone’s balloon has landed close to or
inside the hula hoop. When the activity is done, the station leader asks the Tribe Chief to gather
up the balloons and hula hoops and put them away.)

That was fun! Remember, if it took you a few tries to get your balloon in the hula hoop,
that’s okay! That’s just like how God’s love works. Just like you kept on trying to get your
balloon in the hoop, God keeps on loving us no matter what.

Take a seat on the floor now. To show you what we’ll be doing for our second activity, I’m
going to need some string.
Day 413

(The station leader takes out a piece of string tied in a loop and shows it to the kids. Slowly and
clearly so the children can see each move, the station leader holds up both hands with the loop
of string hooked around each thumb. Next, he or she slips first their right pinky under the string
as well, then their left pinky. He or she then reaches their right middle finger across and slips it
under the string stretched across their left palm, then pulls both hands apart again. Finally, he
or she reaches across with their left middle finger and slips it under the string stretching across
the right side, then pulls both hands apart again and holds them up for the kids to see.)

This design is called a cat’s cradle. It’s cool, right? (Hands out a loop of string to each child
and the Tribe Chief) Now you do it with me! You can watch either me or your Tribe Chief to
make sure you’re doing it right. Don’t forget to start with your right hand.

(The station leader repeats the process from before: first, holding up their hands with the loop
of string hooked around his or her thumbs; second, slipping each pinky under the string as
third, reaching across with his or her right middle finger and slipping it under the string on their
left hand; and fourth, reaching across with the left middle finger and slipping it under the string
on their right hand. Then he or she pulls their hands apart and shows the kids again. The station
leader may want to have the kids try it several times with the help of their Tribe Chief to make
sure they get it right.)

Did you get it to work? (Waits for responses) Great! Now I need a volunteer to come up
and help me out with this next part. (Calls on someone and holds down the cat’s cradle
to where they can reach) Would you put your arm through the opening in the center?

(The station leader then lets go of the string with their middle fingers and pinkies, but not their
thumbs, and pulls both hands outward. The cat’s cradle shape will come undone and a single
loop will draw tight around the volunteer’s arm.)

Look at that, he’s/she’s trapped! Let’s see if I can get him/her free again. (Makes a cat’s
cradle again) Here, why don’t you put your arm through the center hole again, this
time from the bottom up?

(When the volunteer does this, the station leader again lets go of the string with their middle
fingers and pinkies, but not their thumbs. This time when the station leader pulls their hands
apart, the loop of string should come loose around the volunteer’s arm, freeing them. If there is
enough time, the station leader can allow the children to try these steps with each other.)

Look at that, he/she is free again! (Turns to the volunteer) You can go sit down again.
Thank you for your help! You know, that activity reminds me of our lesson for today.
Sin traps us the same way the string trapped our volunteer’s arm, but the good news is
that Jesus knows how to free us. Let’s thank Him right now for setting us free from our
sins! Why don’t you go first? Bow your head, close your eyes, and talk to God silently in
your head. Tell Him thank you for always loving you and for forgiving you when you
do something wrong.

(The station leader waits for five to 10 seconds, then prays out loud.)
14Ekpere Experience - Prayer Station

Dear Jesus, You are so amazing! Thank You so much for loving us even when we do
things that are wrong and setting us free from sin when we ask for forgiveness. We love
you too! Amen.

Let’s say the Action Point before we go. Jesus loves me…

Kids: I am free!
(With their hands closed, the kids make an X with their arms as if tied up, then break free
and throw their arms out wide.)
Station Leader: It’s for you to go to your next station, everyone! I’ll be praying for you, and I hope you’ll be praying for me too. See you ag
Day 415

16Ekpere Experience - Prayer Station

Day 5 Daily Supplies

Colored paper, cut into 3 × 8.5 in (8–22 cm)
in strips
Craft rolls, enough to fill all the boxes if they are
standing straight up
Glue sticks
Hook (to hang prayer cross on)
Hot glue gun
Pictures of various animals (galago, pangolin,
elephant, duck, crab, lemur) included in the
Starter Kit
Tea lights, battery-powered
Wooden boxes (available at any craft or dollar

To Do Ahead of Time
Construct the prayer cross by gluing the wooden boxes
together, first one on top of the other and then one on
either side (see picture). Cut the craft rolls down until
their height matches the height of the boxes, then apply glue to one end and insert them into the box. Finally,
use glue or duct tape to attach both ends of a piece of yarn to the top of the cross to make a handle.

Also, test the batteries in each tea light to make sure they work. Make sure to clear the previous group’s
prayers from the cross and put all the tea lights back into the basket before the next group arrives.

What to Say
Station Leader: Welcome back to our final day here at Ekpere Experience! The first activity we are
going to play today is follow the leader. Everyone, get up and follow me!

(The station leader leads the children around the room and back around to the original activity
space, making sure to be creative in the way he or she walks.)

Whew, that was fun! We walked in a lot of different ways, didn’t we? Which one was your
favorite? (Waits for responses)

Let’s trying walking like some animals now. What about an elephant?

(Holds up a picture of an elephant) How do they walk? (Listens to the children’s answers)
They sway back and forth and walk really slow, don’t they? Let’s all walk around for a bit
the way elephants do.

(Everyone walks around the room like an elephant, moving slowly and swaying from side to
Day 517

Great job! (Holds up a picture of a galago) Does anyone know what this animal is? It’s
a galago, just like Gentle the Galago! How do you think galagos walk? They jump
around everywhere they go, just like kangaroos. Let’s all try to walk like a galago

(Everyone walks around the room like a galago, jumping like a kangaroo.)

You all did such a great job walking like a galago! Let’s try walking like this animal next.
(Holds up a picture of a pangolin) This is a pangolin, just like Pose the Pangolin. Pangolins
lumber around with very heavy steps, like armadillos. Let’s all walk around like that.

(Everyone walks around the room like a pangolin, lumbering like an armadillo.)

Good job, everyone! (Holds up a picture of a duck) How do ducks walk? (Squats down and
waddles forward a few steps) They walk low to the ground and waddle, right? Let’s all
walk around like a duck now!

(Everyone walks around like a duck, squatting low to the ground and waddling.)

What a great job you all did walking like a duck! Now, who can tell me what this animal is?
(Holds up a picture of a crab and waits for the kids to answer) That’s right, it’s a crab! And
how do crabs walk around? (Waits for kids to answer) They walk sideways, that’s right!
Let’s take a turn walking around the room like a crab.

(Everyone walks around like a crab, walking sideways.)

What a good job all of you did walking like a crab! I just have one more picture to show all
of you. (Holds up a picture of a lemur) Who knows what this animal is? (Waits for kids to
answer) That’s right, it’s a lemur! Lemurs walk around on all fours and jump for joy as
much as they can! Let’s all walk around like lemurs now.

(Everyone walks around like a lemur, moving around on all fours and jumping for joy as much as
they can.)

Good job, everyone! That was so much fun, wasn’t it? You know, walking like someone
means more than just moving around like them. When we walk like Jesus, that means we’re
acting like Him—treating other people like He would and spreading joy to everyone we

(The station leader hands out strips of colored paper and colored pencils.)

For our second activity, I want all of you to think about one of your good friends. On the
strip of paper I gave you, write a prayer for that person. You could pray that they learn
more about Jesus and that they come to have His joy in their hearts. An example of
something you could say would be: “Dear Jesus, please be with this person. I want him
or her to have the same
joy I have from loving You! Amen.” If you want, you could even draw a picture of your
friend with a joyful smile on their face.

When you’re finished with your prayer, roll the paper up and insert it into one of the cubes
in this cross. Then take one of the tea lights in this basket and push it inside your roll of
paper. Then go take a seat on the floor with your Tribe Chief.
18Ekpere Experience - Prayer Station

(The station leader allows about five minutes for the children to write or draw their prayers for
their friends.)

I want to pray with all of you just one more time this week. Everyone, please bow your heads
and fold your hands with me. Dear Jesus, You are so amazing! Thank You for creating this
amazing world just for us, and thank You for loving each one of us just the way we are.

I have had such a good time with all of you here at Ekpere Experience this week! Why don’t
we say the Action Point before we go? Jesus loves me…

Kids: I am joyful!
(Kids jump for joy three times.)

Station Leader: All right everybody, it’s for you to go to your next station now. I will be praying for
each and every one of you!
Day 519

20Ekpere Experience - Prayer Station

Ekpere Experience
At this station kids will experience creative ways to pray and discover the joy of praying and spending time with J
Day 1: Flying Balloons, Frowny/Smiley Face
Day 2: Pencil and Plastic Bag Trick, Signature Scramble
Day 3: Helpful Beach Ball Pass, Handprint Prayer
Day 4: Flying Balloons, Cat’s Cradle
Day 5: Walk Like A…, Prayer Cross

Adventist® Church

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