Moments of The Lesson Teacher'S Activity Pupils' Activity Time Good Afternoon. How Are You? Good Morning Teacher. Fine, Thank You. 1'

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SCHOOL: Gimnasium „Prometheus”

TEACHER: Gross Zinaida
GRADE: 7th
TIME: 45’
DATE: 10th February 2021

 to be able to speak about weather;

 to use words related to weather;

 to make a weather forecast;

 to recognize the differences between seasons;

 to remember and memorize the new words;

 to be able to use the new words in sentences.

AIDS: book, notebooks, cassette, tape-recorder

TYPE OF LESSON: comprehension and communication of new knowledge
METHODS: conversation, explanation, exercise, listening activities
INTERACTION: T-Ss; Ss-Ss; pair work



Good afternoon. How Good morning teacher. 1’

Greeting are you? Fine, thank you.
What lesson have you We have prepared the
prepared for today? lesson ”The Four
Revision of the previous

The lesson is about the 4’

What is the lesson seasons of the year.

The four seasons of the

Can you name the four year are: spring,
seasons of the year? summer, autumn and

Spring – snowdrop
Describe each season
using one word that is Summer - holiday
related to it.
The pupils will read
Checking homework What is your homework their homework which 3’
for today? is exercise 3, page 46.

The teacher tells the The pupils will listen to

Announcement of the pupils the title of the the teacher and write the
new lesson new lesson: ”Weather title of the lesson in 1’
Forecast”. The lesson is their copybooks.
about words that
describe weather.

The teacher asks the The pupils will read the

pupils to read the new text aloud.

The teacher will write

ACTIVITY 1 on the board the new The pupils will write
words then the teacher down the new words in
Reading/Writing will translate it into their copybooks.

For example:
windy=vântos, cu vânt

sunny=însorit, cu soare 10’

The teacher asks the

pupils to repeat the new
words. The pupils repeat the
new words.
The teacher will ask the
pupils to translate the
The pupils will translate
the text into Romanian.

The teacher will help

the pupils if they need.

The teacher will ask the The pupils will come to

ACTIVITY 2 pupils to come to the the board.
board to solve the
Writing exercises 2 and 3 from
page 48 in order to 10’
exercise the new words. They will use the new
words in sentences.

The pupils will make

ACTIVITY 3 questions and give
The teacher asks the answers.
Speaking pupils to work in pairs
so they can speak about Q „What’s the weather 10’
today’s weather. like today? Do you like
it or not?”

A „The weather is
sunny. Yes, I like it.”

The teacher will draw a The pupils will listen to

chart on the board. the tape and complete
the chart.
ACTIVITY 4 The teacher asks the
pupils to listen to the They will come to the
Listening tape carefully in order to board.
complete the chart. 10’
The teacher will help
the pupils if they need.

Homework The teacher will give The pupils will solve the 1’
them the homework. exercise 5 –b from page

Evaluation The teacher will give

marks to the pupils who
have answered.

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