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1) What is Hooke’s Law? Draw & explain various point in stress - strain
curve for a steel wire.
For small deformations the stress and strain are proportional to each other. This is known
as Hooke’s Law.
1stress ∝ strain stress = k × strain
where k is the proportionality constant and is known as modulus of
Hooke’s law is an empirical law and is found to be valid for most materials. However, there
are some materials which do not exhibit this linear relationship

Yield Point: The point B in the curve is known as yield point (also known as elastic limit) and
the corresponding stress is known as yield strength (σ y ) of the material
Region of Proportionality: OA is a straight line which indicates that in this region, stress is
linearly proportional to strain and the body behaves like a perfectly elastic body.
Elastic Limit: If you increase the strain a little beyond A, the stress is not linearly proportional
to strain. However, the wire still remains elastic, i.e. after removing the deforming force
(load), it regains its original state.
Permanent Set: When the stress is zero and the strain is not zero. The material is said to have
a permanent set. The deformation is said to be plastic deformation
Ultimate Stress: The point D on the graph is the ultimate tensile strength (σu ) of the material
2) What do you mean by Longitudinal, Shear & Volumetric Stress and
Stress experienced by an object along its length due to the presence of equal and
opposite deforming forces perpendicular to the area of cross-section is called
longitudinal stress.
If the deforming force or applied force results in the increase in the object’s length then the
resulting stress is termed as tensile stress. For example: When a rod or wire is stretched by
pulling it with equal and opposite forces (outwards) at both ends.
Example: Rubber is a common example of tensile stress. It is denoted by σ

If the deforming force or applied force results in the decrease in the object’s length then the
resulting stress is termed as compressive stress.
Example: When a rod or wire is compressed/squeezed by pushing it with equal and opposite
forces (inwards) at both ends.

Shear stress arises due to shear forces. They are the pair of forces acting on opposite sides of a
body with the same magnitude and opposite direction. Shear stress is a vector quantity. The SI
unit of shear stress is N/m  or Pa

Example: Painting, Brushing, Applying creams/soaps/ointment etc.

When a moving vehicle starts or stops, The surface of the seat experience the shear stress .

When the deforming force or applied force acts from all dimensions resulting in the change of
volume of the object then such stress in called volumetric stress or Bulk stress. In short, when
the volume of body changes due to the deforming force it is termed as Volume stress.

It is defined as the change in the length to the original length of an object.
It is caused due to longitudinal stress.


 ΔL change in length
 L is the original length
SI unit of Longitudinal strain is m/m. They cancel each other, making it unit less or dimensionless quantity.

It is the ratio of displacement to an objects original dimensions due to stress and is the
amount of deformation perpendicular to it.
Shearing Strain: ∆x/L = Tan θ

Volume strain is defined as ratio of change in volume to the original volume as a result of the
hydraulic stress.
When the stress is applied by a fluid on a body there is change in the volume of body without
changing the shape of the body. 

Volumetric Strain:  ΔV/V 

3) Define Young’s Modulus and Bulk Modulus. Write their
Mathematical formula.

The ratio of tensile (or compressive) stress (σ) to the longitudinal strain (ε) is defined as
Young’s modulus and is denoted by the symbol Y.
Y = σ/ε
Y = (F/A)/(∆L/L) = (F × L) /(A × ∆L)
Since strain is a dimensionless quantity, the unit of Young’s modulus is the same as that of
stress i.e. Nm–2 or Pascal (Pa).

It is the ratio of hydraulic stress to the corresponding hydraulic strain is called bulk
modulus. It is denoted by symbol B.
Formula: B = ΔP /(ΔV/V)

B: Bulk modulus
ΔP: change of the pressure or force applied per unit area on the material
ΔV: change of the volume of the material due to the compression
V: Initial volume of the material in the units of in the English system and N/m2 in the metric
Bulk Modulus of Bone = 1.5×1010 N/m2
Atmospheric Pressure = 1.01×105 N/m2
The pressure at deep point = 1.09×108 N/m2

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