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Chronic Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

Relationship Between Cerebral Ventricular Size

and Neuropsychological Impairment
Stephen M. Rao, PhD; Sander Glatt, MD; Thomas A. Hammeke, PhD; Michael P. McQuillen, MD;
B. O. Khatri, MBBS; Ann Marie Rhodes, MA; Susan Pollard, MA

\s=b\ Forty-seven patients with chronic

reported objective data to support this sis established an average of 7.4 years
progressive multiple sclerosis were exam- clinical observation. Establishing prior to testing. The mean Kurtzke Dis¬
ined to assess the possible relationship such a relationship with objective ability Status Score (DSS),16 a ten-point
between cerebral atrophy (by computed measures is essential in this disease, rating scale of gross motor function, was
tomography [CT]) and performance on 6.5 (range, 3 to 9).
since morphological changes have
neuropsychological tests of memory and been shown frequently not to corre¬
verbal intelligence. Nineteen patients Neuropsychological Measures
late with clinical signs and symp¬
were found to have mildly dilated ventri- toms.8·9 Several recent neuropsycho¬ The neuropsychological test battery con¬
cles and another nine patients had moder-
logical studies have suggested that a sisted of measures of verbal intelligence
ate to severe ventricular enlargement. substantial proportion of patients and memory. Neuropsychological testing
Performance on memory and intelligence with MS exhibit disturbance of higher was administered by experienced examin¬
testing was related to the degree of ven- ers (A.M.R. and S.P.), who had no prior
cognitive functions, particularly in knowledge of the patients' clinical courses
triculomegaly. Three linear CT measure- the areas of memory10·11 and conceptu¬ or the results of their CT scans.
ments were also recorded. Using this al reasoning.1213 The purpose of the Verbal intelligence was assessed with
method, the width of the third ventricle present study was to determine three subtests from the Wechsler Adult
proved to be the best indicator of intellec- whether changes in brain structure, Intelligence Scale-revised version (WAIS-
tual and memory dysfunction. Measures as reflected in CT measures of atro¬ R)": comprehension, similarities, and
of cognition and ventricular size did not phy, are associated with a correspond¬ vocabulary. All individually reported sub-
correlate with length of illness or overall ing degree of cognitive dysfunction in test scores were age corrected. These
disability as rated by the Kurtzke Disabili- scores were combined with the digit span
patients with MS with a chronic pro¬ subtest from the Wechsler Memory Scale
ty Status Score. gressive course.
(Arch Neurol 1985;42:678-682)
Forty-seven patients with clinically defi¬
nite MS, as determined by the criteria
Computed tomographie (CT) studies
have shown cerebral atrophie
established by Schumacher et al,14 were
examined prior to undergoing plasmaphe¬
Table 1.—Percent of Patients
With MS With CT Atrophie Changes
changes to in anywhere from
occur resis and immunosuppressive drug thera¬ in Previously Reported Series*
20% to 57% of patients with multiple py.15 The diagnosis was established by mul¬
sclerosis (MS)1'7 (Table 1). Several tiple neurological examinations, evoked With
potentials, neuro-ophthalmological exami¬ Atrophy,
studies have suggested that these Study %
nations, and other supportive testing,
radiologie changes are associated with including CSF studies. Chronic progressive Hershey et al1 66 20
dementia,1·7 although none have MS was defined as a continuous worsening Radue and
of signs and symptoms for at least six Kendall2 49 35
Reisner and
months preceding acceptance into the Maida3 43 37
Accepted for publication July 3, 1984. study. The sample included 32 women and Jacobs and
From the Department of Neurology, Medical 15 men; mean age was 39.7 years (range, 21 Kinkel4 34 38
College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. to 68 years); and average length of formal Cala et al5 100 44
Read in part before the annual meeting of the
International Neuropsychological Society, Hous- education was 13.5 years (range, 10 to 18 Gyldensted6 110 46
years). Patients in this sample experienced De Weerd7 23 57
ton, Feb 3, 1984. Total 425 39
Reprint requests to Section of Neuropsycholo- their first symptoms of MS an average of
gy, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9001 Water- 11.0 years (range, one to 36 years) prior to *ln order of increasing incidence. MS indicates
town Plank Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53226 (Dr Rao). participation in the study, with the diagno- multiple sclerosis; CT, computed tomography.

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(WMS) (see following) to compute a pro¬
rated Verbal IQ. The performance subtests Table 2.—Demographic and Illness Characteristics of Three Groups of
of this intelligence test, which minimally Patients With MS With Varying Degrees of Ventricular Size"
require intact sensory (ie, visual) and fine
motor functions, were not administered Ventricular Size
because of their inappropriateness for this
patient population. Normal Mild Severe
The memory battery consisted of the 19
WMS18, a standard clinical assessment pro¬ Sex, M/F 7/12 2/7
cedure, and two measures of verbal (Free
Verbal Recall Test [FVRT]) and spatial Age, yr 43.6

(7/24 Spatial Recall Test [SRT]) learning Education, yr 13.6 13.5 13.3
and memory. These measures have been Years since onset of
shown previously to be reliable indicators symptoms 11.3 11.8
of memory dysfunction in patients with Years since diagnosis 7.6 9.6
MS," and are described in the following: Kurtzke Disability
WMS.—This scale consists of seven sub- Status Score 6.5
tests, yielding asummary score (Memory *MS indicates multiple sclerosis.
Quotient) corrected for age and standard¬
ized to have a mean of 100. The Visual
Reproduction subtest was scored liberally
for those patients with MS having marked Table 3. —
Mean Scores of Intellectual and
ataxia. Memory Tests for the Three MS Groups'
FVRT.— Multiple lists of 12 nouns each
were constructed from the norms of Paivio Ventricular Size Group Comparisons,
et al." The lists contained words with ten
letters or less in length and with the Moderate-
Normal Mild Severe 1 1 2
Kucera-Francis20 frequency of usage count v3
Variablet (Group 1) (Group 2) (Group 3) v2 v3
greater than one. The lists were equated WAIS-R
for word frequency and ease of free recall, Verbal IQ 101.7 95.1 90.4
as determined from the norms of Christian
Vocabulary 10.0 8.9
et al.21
Comprehension 9.5 <.05
During administration, the subject is 8.6
read one of the lists (list A) with a 2-s Similarities 10.f 8.8
pause between words. A period of free WMS
recall ensues, followed by four more read¬ Memory Quotient 107.3
ings of the same word list, each followed by Information 5.6
a recall period. A second list of 12 different Orientation 4.8
words (list B) is then read, followed by a Mental Control 5.2
period of free recall. The subject is then Digit Span 11.3
asked to recall words from list A. Thirty Logical Memory 6.8 05 <.05
minutes later the patient is asked to recall 9.9 8.8 <.05 <.05
Visual Reproduction
words from list A (delayed condition).
Associate Learning 14.5 10.0
Three alternate forms of this test were
used in this study in equal proportions for
List A (5 trials) total recall
each group. No substantial differences (max 60) 38.1 28.0 •C.05
were observed between test forms; conse¬
List (max 12) <.05
quently, data were collapsed across test List A recall (max 12) 6.3 <.05
SRT.—The 7/24 test of Barbizet and List A delayed (max 12) 6.2 <05
Cany22 was modified to yield measures 7/24 SRT
comparable to the FVRT. In this test, Design A (5 trials) total
recall (max 35) 25.5 <.05
seven poker chips are randomly placed on a 4.3
6X4 checkerboard. Following a 10-s expo¬ Design (max 7)
sure, the subject is asked to reproduce the Design A recall (max 7) 5.6 4.6 4.6
original seven-chip pattern with nine chips Design A delayed (max 7) 5.4 5.2 4.1
and an empty board. Learning trials are *MS indicates multiple sclerosis; and max, maximum.
repeated four additional times with the tWAIS-R indicates Wechlsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised; WMS, Wechsler Memory Scale; FVRT,
same pattern (design A). One trial with a Free Verbal Recall Test; and SRT, Spatial Recall Test.
new pattern (design B) then ensues, fol¬ ¿Based on Tukey a posteriori contrast test.26
lowed by a free recall of design A. A
delayed recall of design A occurs after 30
minutes. This test of spatial learning was CT Analysis patient's age and made adjustments in his
chosen to obviate complications of inter¬ assignments based on this variable. A sim¬
pretation in patients with MS with motor Computed tomographie scans were per¬ ilar rating was also derived for sulcal
and/or visual acuity disturbances, since formed in the axial projection parallel to enlargement, although this measurement
the display is large (27.9 X 20.3 cm) and the orbital meatal line. An experienced CT proved to be unreliable and therefore is not
placement of the chips does not require rater (S.G.), who had no prior knowledge of reported.
fine motor coordination. For those patients the patients' clinical course or results of Linear measurements were recorded in
with severe ataxia, the chips were placed cognitive testing, recorded both subjective accordance with the procedures described
on the board by the examiner as directed ratings and linear measurements of cere¬ by Huckman et al.23-24 These measurements
by the verbal report of the patient. Three bral atrophy. For the subjective ratings, included the following: (1) the length of the
alternate forms of this test were used. Like the sample was divided into three groups distance between the most lateral portion
the FVRT, no differences were observed depending on whether the patients had no, of each of the frontal horns of the lateral
between test forms, and the data were mild, or moderate to severe ventricular ventricles ("bifrontal" span); (2) the width
subsequently collapsed. dilatation. The rater was provided with the of the lateral ventricles in the region of the

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Learning curves derived from the
Verbal Spatial
FVRT ("verbal") and SRT ("spatial")
tests are presented in the Figure.
Two-way repeated-measures analyses
of variance25 were performed to assess
possible differences in rates of acqui¬
sition between the groups. For both
tasks, the group main effect was sig¬
nificant (P < .05). However, the
groups X trials interactions for both
the verbal and spatial tasks were not
significant (P > .20). It was concluded
that while the three groups differed in
the amount of information acquired,
the acquisition rates for each group
Normal (N=19) were similar.
-Mild (N 19) = The analysis of neuropsychological
-Moderate-Severe (N=9) data has centered thus far on group
mean comparisons. A more clinically
_L L -L _L
relevant method of analysis would be
Trials to assess the overall accuracy of clas¬
sification when patients are dichoto¬
Learning curves for free verbal recall test ("verbal") and 7/24 spatial recall test ("spatial") for mized on the basis of presence or
three subgroups of patients with multiple sclerosis having normal ventricular size, mild dilatation,
and moderate to severe ventricular enlargement. absence of CT atrophy and of cogni¬
tive dysfunction. To accomplish this
analysis, a stepwise discriminant
function analysis26 was performed
caudate nuclei, that being the width of the delineate which subgroups differed using a limited number of highly dis¬
two lateral ventricles just anterior to the from each other (Table 3). The major¬ criminating cognitive variables, as
third ventricle ("bicaudate"); and (3) the ity of significant group differences determined from the statistical proce¬
maximum width of the third ventricle dure. Correct classification was
(P < .05) were observed between the
two extreme groups (ie, patients with¬ achieved in 35 (74.5%) of 47 patients
All measurements were recorded in mil¬
limeters from illuminated roentgeno- out atrophy those with moderate to using three cognitive measures: Com¬
graphic transparencies. A ventriculocran- severe atrophy). On two measures (Vi¬ prehension (WAIS-R), delayed recall
ial ratio was computed by dividing each sual Reproduction from the WMS and from the FVRT, and the recall con¬
measure by its internal transverse cranial recall of list from the FVRT), signif¬ dition from the SRT. Of the 12
diameter recorded at the same level. icant differences (P < .05) were patients who were misclassified, sev¬
observed between the mild atrophy en patients with enlarged ventricles
RESULTS and moderate to severe atrophy (three with moderate to severe atro¬
CT Ratings
groups. Only one measure (Logical phy) performed normally on cognitive
Nineteen patients (40% ) were rated Memory from the WMS) demon¬ measures, while five patients with
as having normal ventricular size for strated a significant difference impairment on cognitive measures
their age, 19 (40%) were judged to (P < .05) between the group with nor¬ had normal ventricles.
have mild atrophy, and the remaining mal ventricles and the group with
CT Linear Measurements
nine (20%) had moderate to severe mild ventricular enlargement.
ventricular enlargement. Table 2 Of the three WAIS-R subtests, only The linear measurements yielded
presents information regarding sex Comprehension, a measure of verbal mean scores of 0.32 (SD 0.05) for the

distribution and mean age, education, abstraction and judgment, was re¬ bifrontal span, 0.16 (SD 0.04) for the

duration of illness, and illness severi¬ lated to the degree of cerebral atro¬ bicaudate, and 0.05 (SD 0.03) for the

ty (DSS) for the three subgroups. A phy. On the WMS, significant third. Partial correlations were used
one-way analysis of variance was per¬ (P < .05) differences were observed to relate linear measurements with
formed to assess mean group differ¬ between the two extreme groups on cognitive variables, since age signifi¬
ences. None of these analyses the overall Memory Quotient. These cantly correlated with the bifrontal
approached statistical significance group differences were more apparent index (r 33, =
.01) and marginally

(P > .10). on the three memory subtests (Logical correlated with the third index
Table 3 summarizes results of cog¬ Memory, Visual Reproduction, and (r =
.22, =
nitive testing for the three subgroups. Associate Learning) than on mea¬ Table 4 summarizes intercorrela-
One-way analyses of variance25 were sures of orientation and attention (eg, tions between the three linear mea¬
computed to compare the three sub¬ Mental Control). On the experimental surements and the intellectual and
groups on each of the intelligence and memory measures (FVRT and SRT), memory variables. The third ventricle
memory variables. Because the sub¬ ventricular enlargement was associat¬ measure significantly correlated
jective atrophy ratings did not corre¬ ed with poorer performance on the (P < .05) most often with both intel¬
late with age (r < .03), it was not verbal than spatial task, particularly lectual and memory measures. The
necessary to covary this variable. on variables sensitive to proactive and negative correlations indicate that as
Eleven of the 20 variables yielded retroactive interference effects (mea¬ ventricular size increases, perfor¬
significant F ratios (P < .05). On each sured by responses to the recall and mance on cognitive measures declines.
of these 11 variables, a Tukey a A recall conditions, respectively) and Correlations between linear CT mea¬
posteriori test was performed to to delayed memory. sures and illness variables (ie, length

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of illness, Kurtzke DSS) were not sig¬ Table 4.—Partial Correlations Between Linear Computed Tomography and
nificant (P > .20).
Neuropsychological Test Measures Controlling for Effects of Age
Variable' "Bifrontal'' "Bicaudate
The findings strongly suggest that WAIS-R
Verbal IQ
cognitive dysfunction in chronic pro¬ (prorated) -.27t
gressive MS is associated with brain Vocabulary
atrophy, at least as reflected in mea¬ Comprehension
sures of CT ventricular size. With the -.33$
exception of isolated case reports, this Memory Quotient .32$ .37§
study appears to be the first major Information 25t -.29t
attempt in patients with MS to relate Orientation
psychometric measures of cognitive Mental Control
dysfunction with morphological Digit Span 26t .29$ .32$
changes in brain structure. Logical Memory .41§
The subjective global ratings of
Visual Reproduction -.29t -35§
atrophy demonstrated a better rela¬ Associate Learning .26$ .34$
tionship to cognitive variables than FVRT
the linear measurements, an observa¬ List A (total recall) .28$
tion that has also been noted in the List -.30* .34$
literature on senile dementia of the List A recall .32$
Alzheimer's type.27 In the present List A delayed .26$
study, the linear measurements 7/24 SRT
appeared to underestimate the degree Design A (total recall) -.29t .32$
of atrophy, presumably accounting for Design -.37§
the significant, but relatively modest Design A recall -.28$
correlations (ie, r < .40) with cogni¬ Design A delayed
tive measures. *
WAIS-R indicates Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised; WMS, Wechsler Memory scale; FVRT, Free
Of the linear measurements, the Verbal Recall test; and SRT, Spatial Recall test.
width of the third ventricle proved to tP<.05.
be the best indicator of cognitive dys¬ $P<.025.
function. We postulate two explana¬ §P<.01.
tions for this observation. The first is
based on the technical limitations in
deriving linear measurements from fiber tracts interconnecting prefron- power of the SRT.
CT. Because the third ventricle is slit¬ tal-limbic structures, resulting pri¬ The stepwise discriminant function
like when viewed in the horizontal marily in memory and conconceptual analysis demonstrated that 35 of 47
sections of the CT scanner, increases reasoning deficits. The correlations patients (75%) with and without CT
in width may more accurately reflect found in this study may suggest that atrophy could be accurately classified
changes in ventricular volume. On the such lesions, reflected indirectly by using a composite of three cognitive
other hand, measuring the lateral the degree of ventriculomegaly, may variables. While this classification
ventricles is more difficult because of produce this specific pattern of cogni¬ accuracy is statistically significant,
their irregular anatomy when viewed tive decline. Alternatively, the clini- the relatively high number of false-
in horizontal section. A second expla¬ coanatomic correlation may simply positive and negative results pre¬
nation would propose that the third reflect the severity of diffuse cerebral cludes reliable use of the CT scan as a
ventricle is a better indicator of cogni¬ involvement. predictor of neuropsychological dys¬
tive dysfunction since it more closely In comparing the results of the ver¬ function.
reflects the periventricular pathologic bal and visual-spatial experimental Cerebral atrophie changes were
changes in MS.28 memory measures, a stronger rela¬ noted in 28 of 47 patients (60% ), 19
Previous studies have demonstrated tionship between atrophy and memo¬ (40% ) with mild and nine (20% ) with
that cognitive deficit in MS appears to ry disturbance was observed on the moderate to severe ventriculomegaly.
be confined to recent memory and FVRT. At first glance, this might These figures appear to be somewhat
conceptual reasoning functions, suggest a greater impairment in lin¬ higher than those reported in previ¬
with only minimal involvement of lin¬ guistic memory as a result of greater ous studies (Table 1). This is likely the
and visuo-perceptual pro¬
guistic 10i2'29 left hemisphere involvement. This is result of limiting our sample to
cesses. Consistent with these pre¬ highly unlikely, however, since post¬ patients with chronic progressive dis¬
vious studies, we found stronger clini- mortem studies have shown that cere¬ ease. Thus, our sample may be more
coanatomic correlations for the mem¬ bral plaques are evenly distributed in severely impaired by the illness than
ory than verbal intellectual measures, both hemispheres.28 Alternatively, the general population of patients
particularly as reflected in measures this finding may be due to differences with MS.
of vocabulary usage. The observed in task difficulty between the two The lack of relationship between
relationship between atrophy and the measures. In comparing the total measures of CT ventricular size and of
Comprehension subtest of the WAIS- recall for the five learning trials, the illness characteristics (ie, length and
R may be more related to deficits with patients without atrophy (group 1) severity) was somewhat surprising.
abstraction and social judgment than achieved 63.5% accuracy with the Unlike previous CT studies,15 we did
with linguistic processes per se. We"·'2 FVRT, but retrieved 87.1% of the SRT not find a relationship between length
have speculated that periventricular items (Table 3). Thus, a ceiling effect of illness and degree of cerebral atro¬
MS plaques disrupt white matter may have reduced the discriminative phy. This may be the result of re-

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stricting the range of patients to those It would appear that this scale is also demyelination in the cerebrum.31·32
with chronic progressive disease. unrelated to degree of ventriculomeg¬ Cognitive testing in conjunction with
Alternatively, it is also possible that aly. magnetic resonance imaging may
atrophy may not occur invariably as In this study of patients with chron¬ prove to be more useful than CT in
part of the natural course of MS; ic progressive disease, a relatively correlating specific cognitive distur¬
instead, certain patients may be pre¬ small percentage of patients (36%) bance with localized abnormalities in
disposed to cerebral demyelination. demonstrated direct evidence of dis¬ MS.
The finding that the Kurtzke DSS, a ease (ie, plaques) on CT scan. The CT
This investigation was supported in part by a
global rating of disease severity as scan, however, has been shown to
defined by the patient's mobility, was underestimate the number and size of grant from the National Multiple Sclerosis Soci¬
not related to degree of cognitive dys¬ plaques in the brain.30 Magnetic reso¬ Victor Haughton, MD, and Gary Leo, DO,
function was not surprising, since we nance imaging shows promise of more provided technical assistance in the CT analy-
have noted this in previous reports."·12 effectively identifying white matter

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