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Elevated and Empowered Education:

Designing and Implementing Sustainable and Learner-Centered Education Innovations

Designed and facilitated by: Francis Jim Tuscano

Education Project Impact Measurement/Research Protocol Template

Title of your education
project/ research
Section Prompts Your description
Research purpose Why are you doing this?
What gap in the research does
this fill?
Is there any previous research
What do you intend to measure?

Measure(s) What quantitative

measurement(s) will you use?
Here you are being clear about
your dependent variable

Research aim(s) One specific aim for each This research has <number> aims:
different measure 1. To find out whether…

2. To find out whether. . .

Elevated and Empowered Education:
Designing and Implementing Sustainable and Learner-Centered Education Innovations
Designed and facilitated by: Francis Jim Tuscano

Research design Name your independent Adapt the models below, as appropriate
variable, decide on the number A between-subject/matched-pair design will be used with a post test-only/pre- and post-test. The
of conditions (levels of your IV independent variable <name> will be defined operationally by creating <number> conditions:
and design) IV Level I – Control condition
IV Level II – Active control <name>
IV Level III – Experimental condition <name>

A within-subject design will be used with a post-test only/pre-and post-test. The independent variable
<name> will be operationally defined by creating three counterbalanced conditions:
IV Level I – Control condition
IV Level II – Active control <name>
IV Level III – Experimental condition <name>

A quasi-experimental design will be used in which both groups will be exposed to the same
treatment. The independent variable <e.g. gender> will be assessed using a post test-only/pre- and
IV Level I – Boys
IV Level II – Girls
Hypothesis(es) State the null and experimental Sample
hypothesis clearly in the present
tense; and whether these are Null hypothesis
one or two tailed. You need a
 Three lessons of group work do not improve maths attainment in year 5 column addition lessons
different null and experimental
hypothesis for each

Elevated and Empowered Education:
Designing and Implementing Sustainable and Learner-Centered Education Innovations
Designed and facilitated by: Francis Jim Tuscano

Experimental hypothesis
 Three lessons of group work improve maths attainment in year 5 column addition lessons (one-

Null hypothesis

Experimental hypothesis

Methods Who will be your participants, Participants, sample size and randomisation
how many of them will there be
and how will you randomise
(if you are going to)?
What will happen to the Procedures
participants and teachers
involved? Also describe the
intervention being trialled

Elevated and Empowered Education:
Designing and Implementing Sustainable and Learner-Centered Education Innovations
Designed and facilitated by: Francis Jim Tuscano

Name the tests/measures you Materials (and apparatus)

will apply, the materials you
will use and the classroom

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