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LED Indicators MCM3320 Connectors and OnBoard Indicators

Utility Genset
Connected Connected
CT Wiring: Utility PT Input
Genset CT Inputs Utility CT Inputs
1 pass through hole for 5A CT
2 passes through hole for 1A CT (1A or 5A) (1A or 5A) (480V LL Max)
* = polarity mark for CT
Utility Genset Modbus
Available Available Activity TB7

L1* L2* L3* L1* L2* L3*

Fail to Sync
Not In Common Heartbeat
Blink = Sync Automatic Alarm (blink)
Genset PT Input
Solid = Ok TB6
to Close (480V LL Max)
Switch IO /
DC Power In
Seven Segment LED Indicator
Decimal Point = On Analog IO TB9
Active Fault Code Flashout
Code Event Nam e Response
343 Har d w ar e Failu r e War n in g War n in g
353 EEPROM Wr it e Er r o r War n in g War n in g
1121 Fail To Disco n n ect War n in g War n in g
1219 Ut ilit y Main Br eaker Tr ip p ed War n in g War n in g J14
1222 No t In Au t o m at ic Even t Even t
Modbus RTU TB8 InPower or
1223 Ut ilit y Bu s Fr eq u en cy War n in g War n in g TB15 Modbus RTU
1224 Gen set Bu s Over vo lt ag e War n in g War n in g (RS232) TB1 J17
1225 Gen set Bu s Un d er vo lt ag e War n in g War n in g (RS485)
1226 Gen set Bu s Fr eq u en cy War n in g War n in g
1328 Gen set Main Br eaker Tr ip p ed War n in g War n in g
1335 AC Met er in g Ou t Of Ran g e War n in g War n in g Decimal Point = Off TB3 TB10
Gen set Bu s Over lo ad War n in g
Gen set Main Br eaker Fail To Clo se War n in g
War n in g
War n in g
System State
1453 Gen set Main Br eaker Fail To Op en War n in g War n in g Switch IO / PCCNet (TB1)
1454 Gen set Main Br eaker Po sit io n Co n t act War n in g War n in g System State LED Output Breaker Control / Start Gensets (TB8)
1455 Ut ilit y Main Br eaker Po sit io n Co n t act War n in g War n in g Character Switch IO / CAN (TB3) Factory Test Connector (J17)
1456 Syn ch r o n izer Ou t p u t Lim it War n in g War n in g
1457 Fail To Syn ch r o n ize War n in g War n in g
Not Available - (center segment)
1458 Syn ch r o n izer Ph ase Ro t at io n Mism at ch War n in War n in g TD Start 1 Breaker Status Inputs (TB10)
1483 Co m m o n War n in g Even t Even t TD Stop 2
1534 Lo ad Co n t r o l Ou t p u t Even t Even t
1541 Gen set Failed To Co m e On lin e War n in g War n in g
TD Pgm Tran 3
1689 Real Tim e Clo ck Po w er In t er r u p t War n in g War n in g TD Transfer 4
1912 Ut ilit y Bu s Lo ss Of Ph ase War n in g War n in g TD Retransfer 5
Fault Code Flashout & Fault Reset
1913 Gen set Bu s Lo ss Of Ph ase War n in g War n in g
1914 Ut ilit y Bu s Ph ase Ro t at io n War n in g War n in g Synchronizing 6
1915 Gen set Bu s Ph ase Ro t at io n War n in g War n in g Sync Check OK 7 To Turn On/Off Fault Code Flashout: To Reset Faults:
1916 Syn ch r o n ized Even t Even t Inhibit 8 1. If Decimal point is on, already in fault 1. Make sure not in Fault Code
1989 kW Lo ad Co n t r o l Ou t p u t Lim it War n in g War n in g
1991 kVAR Lo ad Co n t r o l Ou t p u t Lim it War n in g War n in g Unassigned 9 code flashout mode. Flashout Mode. (Decimal point off)
1999 Maxim u m Par allel Tim e War n in g War n in g Ramp Unload A 2. Activate Reset input for >5 sec 2. Activate Reset input momentarily
2328 Ut ilit y Bu s Availab le Even t Even t Ramp Load b
2331 Ut ilit y Bu s Un d er vo lt ag e War n in g War n in g 3. Active fault codes will be displayed. (< 5 sec).
Manual C 3. Faults will be reset.
2332 Ut ilit y Bu s Co n n ect ed Even t Even t 4. Activate Reset input momentarily.
2333 Gen set Bu s Co n n ect ed Even t Even t Utility Failure d
2358 Ut ilit y Bu s Over vo lt ag e War n in g War n in g 5. Fault code flashout turns off. (Faults
Test E
2396 Ut ilit y Main Br eaker Fail To Clo se War n in g War n in g
Standby J
do not get reset.)
2397 Ut ilit y Main Br eaker Fail To Op en War n in g War n in g
2416 Calib r at io n Ch ecksu m War n in g War n in g Extended Parallel H 01/19/06
2647 Lo ad Dem an d Set u p War n in g War n in g Rev D
2648 Rem o t e IO Co m m u n icat io n Failu r e War n in g War n in g
2965 Gen set Bu s Availab le Even t Even t Hardware
2971 Test / Ext en d ed Par allel Even t Even t
Load Add Shed Modules -- Connectors and OnBoard Indicators

Connect to Grounded

Device Number: Must Read “0” for

AUX101 MCM3320 Applications.
To Change Device Number, Press and
hold pushbutton until decimal point is
P11 (Inputs)
illuminated. Then push button
repeatedly to cycle through numbers
until it reads “0”.
P10 (Ground for Inputs) AUX102

P14 (B+ / Gnd) P4 (Inputs)

Relay LEDs
ON = Energized Relay LEDs
ON = Energized

P1 (PCCNet, Wakeup)
P3 (Relays - NC) Aux102 Board Revision
Level: First letter on barcode
Green LED: PCCNet
(read from left to right) must
Communcations OK
P2 (Relays - Com) be “C” or higher letter.
Red LED: PCCNet P3 P4
Communcations Not (Relays) (Relays)
OK P2 (Relays) P1 (Relays - NO)

AUX101 connects to Load AUX102 connects to

Devices #1,2,3,4 Load Devices #5,6


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