Prefabrication Structure Report

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PREFABRICATION STUCTURES 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1 Concept Of Prefabrication Structure A prefabricated structure or building is a structure that has several factory buit components that are assembkd on a sie, These pre-made components can consist of panek, modules or transportable sections. In precast ako known as prefabricated construction, the majority of structural components. are standardized and manufactured in dedicated facilities by industrial methods based on mass production, These are then transported to the site and by stitabke handing and erection schemes they are assembled like building blocks. Special techniques tor connecting different precast components are necessary, A stabk structural system is formed only afler proper assembly of structural components, Hence structural connections are vital finks to ensure intended structural behavior. Special structural considerations are also necessary for stability and safety at all stages of construction. Prefabrication is the production of housing or housing components using factorymechanisation. ‘The factory setting enhances affordability through a combination ofpulk purchase of materials, mass production assembly techniques and the use of essskilled knbour. Prefabrication can tke one of three form: prefabricated components, modular housing, and manufactured housing. ‘The prefabrication of housing components, such as windows, doors, and cabinets,tas Jong been a mainstay of the construction industry, keeping costs down by reducingon-site, high cost labour. Contiming develpment in this facet of prefibrication provides a growing range of construction products that may farther reduce construction costs. Moduler housing involves the prefabrication of sections of housing that are then assembled on-site thereby reducing on-site lbour costs, Modular housing is based on prefabricated, factory-produced, easy-to- transport modular units, which minimize the cost of production. Final structures are designed from. the inside out using a seresof standard “modules of use” and dwellings composed of these moduks inve the potential to be configured in a variety of ways, according to the specific requirement of the site or client Manufactured homes are typically purckased from a retail sales company, initially assembled by a local contracting company, and follow-up repairs performed by the manufactured home company under warranty. A manufactured home, once assembled, goes through a "setting-in’ period, where the home will settle into its location, During this period, some drywall cracking may appear, and any incorrectly installed appliances, wiring, or plumbing should be repaired, hopefilly under wamamy. If not covered under ‘warranty, the costs will be bome by the consumer, For this reason, it is important that the consumer ensure that a repulabk and honest contractor is used for the initial set-up. If any repaits are not completed by the intial set-up crew, the manufacturer will send repair crews to repair anything covered by the warranty. The secondary repair team must be scheduled, and may not be avaible immediately for most repairs. Just because a manufactured home has been assembled does not mean it is immediately inhabitable; appropriate ventilation heating, phimbing, and electrical systemsmust be installed by a set-up crew, otherwise, the buyer must wait for the manufacturer repair team or do it themselves. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE| PREFABRICATION STUCTURES 1.2 History Of Prefabrication Buildings Buildings have been buit in one place and reassembled in another throughout history. Possibly the first advertised prefab house was the Manning Portable Cottage. A London carpenter, Henmy Manning, constructed a house that was built in components, then shipped and assembled by British emigrants ‘This was published at the time (advertisement, South Australian Record, 1837) and a few still stand in Australia. One such is the “Friends Meeting House, Adebide” The peak year for the importation of portable buildings to Australia was 1853, when several hundred arrived. These have been identified as coming _ffom Liverpool, Boston and Singapore (with Chinese instructions for te assembly). In Barbados the Chattel house was a form of prefibricated building which was developed by emancipated slaves who had imited rights to buikd upon land they did not own. As the buildings were moveable they were legally regarded as chatteb. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE 2 PREFABRICATION STUCTURES 2.SCOPE OF PREFABRICATION STRUCTURES 1. Economy in large scale project with high degree of repetition in work execution. 2. Special architectural requirement in finishing 3. Consistency in structural quality control 4, Fast speed of construction 5. Constraints in availability of site resources DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE3 PREFABRICATION STUCTURES 3.LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Rinkesh patel, et al (2016) "Study Of Prefabrication In India" ‘The total cost and total duration for the double storey residential building have been determined for both prefab and conventional construction. And ako we had known about the advantages and disadvantages of both prefibrication and conventional construction by the survey conducted in similar companies. The comparison showed there i enormous cost dillerence between the methods, which the prefab is very hich when compared {0 comentional on this type of individual houses. The main advantages. for prefaby construction and alo it helps when there is labor shortage. This is main drawback for prefab construction which is not economical to construct in this case. 2. Fred Edmond Boafo , et al (2016)"Performance of Modular Prefabricated structure" A technique of building construction, referred to as prefabricated architecture (prefab), is increasing in reputation Prefab encompasses the offsite fabrication of buikling components to a greater degree of finish as bulk building structures and systems, and their assembly on-site, In this contest, prefab improves. the speed of construction, qualty of architecture, efficiency of materials, and worker safety, whik limiting environmental impacts of construction, as compared to conventional site-built construction practices. Quite recently, a 57 story skyscraper was buik in 19 days using prefabricated modules. From the building physics point of view, the bulk systems and tighter integration method of prefab minimizes thermal bridges. This study seeks to clearly characterie the kvek of prefab and to investigate the performance of modular prefab: considering acoustic constrain, seismic resistance, thermal behaviour, energy consumption, and life cle analysis of existing prefab cases and, thus, provides a dynamic case study-based review. Generally prefab can be categorized into components, panels (2D), modules (3D), hybrids, and unitized whole buildings. On average .greenhouwe gas emissions fom conventional construction were higher than for modular construction not discounting some individual discrepancies. Few studies have focus on ‘monitored data on prefab and occupants’ comfort but additional studies are required to understand the public's perception of the technology. The scope of the work examined will be of interest to building engineers, manufacturers, and energy experts, as well as serve as. foundational reference for funure study. 2 Kristen Strobel,et al (2013) 'Modular Prefabricated Residential Construction" Moduler prefabrication is expected to resuk in scheduk savings for most projects with more pronounced benefits for projects that are designed and planned as modular construction from the early stages. This allws for the maximum overlap between site-work and fabrication. Moduk fabrication varies greatly by project and manufacturer. Given the controfied nature of fabrication, rates coukl likely be increased as required by adjusting the number of bhourers at the factory. Modukr buildings in general have the potential to benefit fiom higher quality with respect to improved material quality, improved buikling performance, sustainability, etc. In addition, production in factory environment results in higher worker productivity and a safer and healthier environment in. modular construction compared with on-site construction DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE4 4. TYPES OF PREFABRICATION SYSTEM PREFABRICATION STUCTURES Partial Prefabrication Svstem 4.2 PREFABRICATED STRUCTURE COMPO! 4.2.1 Precast Slabs Full Prefabrication Sustem Precast Floors Precast Walls | Main types of slabs used in precast frames are: hollow core slab and solid slab. The details of hollow core shbs are shown in the Figure DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGES PREFABRICATION STUCTURES Hollow core slabs: These are prestressed, precast concrete shibs, with hollow portions in the zones of zero stresses. They reduces the overall concrete dead load, concrete requirement and provides for better insulation It is possible to achieve larger unsupported spans. Their general thickness used are 150, 200 and 265 mm, These shbs are casted 140m long at a time, with a fixed width of 1.2m Affer steam curing the shbs are cut into smaller pieces as per site requirement. They are then delivered to site and installed in position using tower cranes. After installation as per drawings, a thin reinforcement screeding of 50-75mm is laid on the top, to seal the joints. Solid slabs; These are casted on a titing bad with lateral and longitudinal reinforcement. These slabs are generally used for Jong span in the common areas and toilets where it is required to facilitate for various MEP services. They are helpfil to reduce weight thus easy for site crane handling. It ako eliminates the shuttering cost, and helps to attain a superior slaty soffits Figure: Precast (a) Hollow Core & (b) Solid Slab Details 4.2.2 Precast Columns Columns (Shear walls) in precast construction can either be done in CIS or precast. They are most stited in commercial, industrial bay buildings where thicker sections are needed. Precast columns are provided with corbel for simple beam column comections. Precast ako allows for casting of triple height columns, thus faster erection, DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE6 PREFABRICATION STUCTURES Figure : Typical Precast Column Details 4.2.3 Precast Beams ‘There are two main categories of beams used in a precast structure. Internal beams are used where for oading & approximately symmetrical, and extemal beams are used where floor bading is. predominantly non-symmetrical The use of precast beams with proper designed connections ensure higher structural obs Figure : Precast Beam Details 4.2.4 Precast Wall Panels Precast wall panels and chddings are smart substitute for conventional infill blckwork or brick walls ‘These walls offers superior finish surface, eliminates the plaster and touch ups, facilitate for desired & accurate openings of doors, windows, ventilators etc, These wall panels also improves the overall lateral stability of the structure. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGET PREFABRICATION STUCTURES 4.3 PREFABRICATED HOUSE COMPONENTS Prefahrication of windows, doors, kitchen cabinets, and roof trusses has jong fad a place in home construction, Recent innovations have resulted in an even wider varety of prefabricated components, which increase affordability. The folowing are descriptions of some of these innovations and how they enhance affordability. 4.3.1 Walls and Roofing ‘There are many materials which may be used for the construction of wall. These include rammed earth, conventional bricks, soil cement blocks, hollow clay blocks, dense concrete blocks, and modular panels of various sizes. Although bricks are still the backbone of the buikling industry, kige size panels made of low-density materials have increasingly been used for the construction of modular walls. The size of the panek depends on clent requirements and the material used for construction. These materials include industrial wastes, such as blast fumace slag and fly ash, or a sustainable medium such as straw. ‘This technology is economical in comparison with traditional brick wall construction due to greater speed of construction and lower mortar consumption. Prefabricated panels framed with wood or light-weight steel framing chd in arrange of exterior and interior finshes can be used for exterior walls. The wall assembly usually contains insulation, wiring, and. pre-cut openings for winlows and doors. Costs are reduced as a result of a reduction in on-site kbour. A “panelised home” uses factory-made panels that include whok walls with windows, doors, wiring or outsife siding. components are brought to the site to be erected or assembled as required Structural floors/roofs account for a substantial cost of most buildings. Therefore, any savings achieved in floor/roof construction considerably reduce the cost of the huikling. A traditional cast-in-situ. concrete roof involves the use of temporary shuttering which adds to the cost of construction and time. Use of standardised and optimised roofing components where shuttering is avoided has been shown to be economical, fast and of higher quality. Some prefabricated roofing/floorng components found to be suituble in low-cost housing projects are precast RC planks, precast hollaw concrete panels, precast RB panels, precast RB curved panel, precast concrete/ferro cement panels and precast RC channel units. 4.3.2 Modular Housing A modular house & highly engineered. It i constructed in sections and put together by a buibler on the site Moduler houses are designed, engineered and built in a factory-controlled environment. Most modular producers use state of the art computer aided design programs. Speed of construction and consistent quality are two of the major advantages of modular housing. For example, a house consisting of two sections can be built in the factory in a couple of weeks. Once the manufacturing is completed, the sections are transported to the housing site where they are placed on the foundations. Final completion is handled by a local buikler or general contractor who connects utilities and carries out finishing work. All building components are prefabricated and completely modulwr in design Prefabricated Buildings can be designed for Interior or Exterior use. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGES PREFABRICATION STUCTURES Window Panel w 316" Stel Base w! > Panels ‘The prefibricated building wall and ceiling panels are nominal 3-inch thick wih standard sizes from 4” *8” to 4°*10° tall Custom heights over 10° are also available, Standard Metal wall panels will have either Embossed 24 ga. repainted steel or .019 prepainted aluminium skins laminated to 1/8" tempered hardboard both siles of honeycomb or expanded polystyrene foam core. Many more custom panel configurations are available. » Posts, Posts are to be of four-piece design to form a non-progressive wall system. Cavity of posts will allow use of approved steel eketrical boxes that are now required by builling codes.Prefabricated building posts shall ako act as raceways for phone fines, dala fines, and other electrical lines. The structural ements of the posts shall be connected by machine bots and nuts DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE PREFABRICATION STUCTURES > Basechannel Base channel provides support for wall panek and posts whik allowing space for anchors or post uplift connectors. Its low profile design i aesthetically pleasing and eliminates the need for additional hase molding. > Cappingchannel Capping channel acts as a support for vertical deck loads in addition to serving as a continuous diaphragm member, > Door Door material will match wall panels and be flamed in an aluminum channel for heavy taflic areas. Door jamb is aheavy duty extrusion. A doors are factory preung with hinges and door lockset. » Windows Standart fixed windows with tempered safety glass are installed in alaninum frame. Window units are completely modular. Horizontal sliding and pass thu windows can abo be provided wih clear anodized finish. > Roof _ system Standard Steel faced, foam core, flat metal panels. » Floor Standard | 1/8" thick Plywood with 12° 12" x 1/8" vinyl floor tik. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE 10 PREFABRICATION STUCTURES 4.4 MATERIALS USED: Prefabricated building materials are used for buikiings that are manufactured off site and shipped later to assembk at the final focation some of the commonly used prefabricated buikling. The muterials used in the prefabricated components are many. The modem trend is to use concrete steel, treated wood, aluminium cellilar concrete, light weight concrete, ceramic products ete, While choosing the materials for prefabrication the special characteristics are to be considered. Y Light weight for easy handing and transport and to economic an sections and sizes of foundations, ‘Thermal insutstion property Easy workability Durability in all weather conditions Non combustibility Economy in cost ‘Sound insulation KARR 4.5 PRODUCTION OF PREFABRICATED STRUCTURES ‘The location of precasting yards consist of storage facilities suitable for transporting and erection equipments and avaihbiliy of raw materials are the critical factors which shoukl be carefully planned and provided for effective and economic use of pre-cast concrete components. in construction, ‘The manufacture of the components can be done in a centrally located factor of in a site where precasting yards set-up at or near the site of work. 4.5.1 Factory Prefabrication; ‘+ Factory prefabrication is restored in a centrally beated plant for manufacture of standardized components ‘ona long form basis. ‘© It is a capital intensive production where work is done throughout the year preferably under a covered shed to avoid the effects of seasonal variations high vel of mechanization can always be introduced in this system where the work can be organized in a factory lke manner with the help of constant team of workmen. © The basic disadvantage in factory prefabricated, is the extra cost in occurred in transportation of elements from plant to site of work sometimes the shape and size of prefabricabk are to be limited due to lack of suitable transportation equipment roads controls ete. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE 11 PREFABRICATION STUCTURES 4.5.2 Site Prefabrication ‘© Inthis scheme, the components are manufactured at site near the site of work as possible. ‘© This system is normally adopted for a specific job order for a short period. © The work is normally carried out in open space with locally @ valuable kbbour force, ‘The equipment machinery and moulds are of mobile nature. 4.6 Manufacture Process Of Prefabrication Structure ‘The various processes involved in the manufacture of precast elements are classified as follows: 1) Main process 2) Secondary process 3) Subsidiary process 4.6.1 Main Process: It involves. the following steps. 1) Providing and assembling the moulls, placing reinforcement cage in position for reinforced concrete work 2) Fixing of inserts and tubes where necessary, 3) Depositing the concrete in to the moukls. 4) Vibrating the deposited concrete into the moulds. 5)Demoulding the forms. 6) Curing (steam curing if necessary) 7) Stacking the precast products. 4.6.2 Secondary Process: This process is necessary for the successful completion of the process covered by the main process. 1) Mixing or manufacture of fresh concrete (done in a mixing station or by a matching plant), 2) Prefabrication of reinforcement cage (done in a steel yard of workshop) 3) Manufacture of inserts and other finishing items to be incorporated in the main precast products. 4) Finishing the precast products. 5) Testing the precast products DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE 12 PREFABRICATION STUCTURES 1 TRANSPORT OF PREFABRICATION STRUCTURES ‘Transport of prefabrication elements must be carried out and with extrem: care ‘Avoid any flock and distress in elements and handied as far as possible to be placed in final portion Transport of prefah elements inside the factory depends on the method of production selected for the manufacture, Transport of prefab elements from the factory to the site of action should be plamed in conformity with the trafficable rules and regulations as stipulated by the authouic the size of the ckments is offen restrited by the availabilty of suitable transport equipment, such as tractor-am-tailor, to suits the load and dimension of the member in addition to the load carrying capacity of the bridges on the way. While transporting the prefab ekments in various systems, such as wages, trucks, bullock cards ete, care shoukl be taken to avoid excessive cantilever actions Special care shoul! be taken in negotiating sharp beds uneven of slushy roads to avoid undesirable stresses in elements and in transport vehicles Care should be taken to ensure the base packing for supporting the elements are beated at specified portion 5.2 ERECTION Itis the process of assembling the Prefabrication element in the find portion as per the drawing. In the erection of prefab elements the follwing items of work are to be carried out 1) Slinging of the prefuby elements. 2) Tying up of erection slopes connecting to the erection books: 3) Cleaning the elements. and the site of erection 4) Adjustments to get the stipulated vel line and plumb, 5) Changing of the erection tackles. 6) Putting up and removing the necessary sealfolding or supports DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE 13 PREFABRICATION STUCTURES 6. -1 ADVANTAGE OF PREFABRICATION Self supporting readymade components are used so the need for formmoric shuntering and scaffolding is greatly reduced Construction time is reduced and buildings are completed sooner allowing on earlier retum of the capital invested. = On-site construction and congestion is minimized. Quality control can be easier in a factory assembly ine selfing than a construction site setting Prefabrication can be located where skilled labour, power materials. space and overheads are lower Availability of precise structure and expect workmanship, © Fewer expansion joints are required = Interruptions in connecting can be omitted. = Work is done with a better technology. 6.1.2 DISADVANTAGES ° Prefabricated houses are not necessarily ‘better’ for the environment than conventional houses. In fact, both prefabricated houses and conventional houses are bad for the environment. This is mostly because of the building materials and energy inputs they demand. Most prefab and most conventional homes do not use renewable builling materials, and instead use materials that involve a grat deal of energy to create. Brick, concrete, stec! - all of these are high-energy materials that typically must be shipped long distances. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE 14 PREFABRICATION STUCTURES 7. CASE STUDY OF PREFABRICATION STRUCTURE 7.1 Sandeep Jain (IIT Delhi) 7.1.1 Introduction After successful developing the foundation of precast construction technology in the aforementioned detaik of the research paper, an effort is made herealier to present a detailed case study with a focus to shure the real fie experiences for use of precast concrete construction technology at Amrapak Dream Valley, mixed CIS Precast high-rise residemial towers, designed by Architects Gian P Mathur (GPM, India), and E. Construct, U.A.E are the structural designers. The project is veited by IIT Dehi. Dream Valley project is cated in Greater Noida (West), Delhi NCR, India, It’s a residential township with total 47 high-rise residential towers, 379 villas, commercial & institutional buikling, and other developments. The total built-up area of project is more than 10 milion Sqft. ‘The high-rise residential towers are divided in to six series from A to F with further chssifcation as Al to A7, BI to B6, Cl to C12, DI to D2, El to BB, and Fl to F12, After a bt of brainstorming and feasibility study, Series A, D, E & F were planned to be constructed by using precast construction technobgy. All towers of series A (2B+G+18 Floors), D, El & F (2B+G+24 Floors) rise about 60m above ground with floor to floor height of 3.05m. A total of 3.7 million Sqft area was planned to be constructed with precast. To make the case easy to understand, this study will discuss the construction of series A having total seven towers. As of today all the seven towers are nearing completion. There are 12 apartments per floor with carpet area of about 430 Sqft. for IBHK. All apartments at of series A are identical that made precast technology a vib: option. It was @ mammoth task to construct a high-rise residential building using precast construction technology It was a roller-coaster ride for everyone involwed which, towards the end hecame a steep leaming curve ‘This learning experience made it possible to develop a deeper understanding of the technology, gbbal standard practices, & apply these Ieamings to the other projects in a workable way with available resource constraints. Several design, production & erection aspects of standard practices used abroad were modified to suit the Indian scenario. Following are some of the key kaming challenges which were encountered on the way. As the project was located in seismic zone IV, the suiteble design was adopted © Lack of skilled manpower with the knowledge of precast industry, operation of various machineries. & erection, which was overcome by providing detailed training. 1t was difficult to counter the typical mind-set of people to adapt to change in construction technology, patience & wilingness to experiment with a new technology. = Afthough, European and other standards were available for ready reference but uuvailabilty of IS codes was deemed important. The designers from India had only few Indian Standard to refer. The knowkdge and understanding acquired during this case was carried forward to the projects underway. Many improvisations were based on the experiences of this projects. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE 15 PREFABRICATION STUCTURES Figure : Typical Apartment Floor Plan ‘Dream Valley - Series & (Tower At-A2, High Rise Residential Buddings ‘Overall buitap Aree Precast 1S) 10 Millon Saft uiteap area planned in Precast 37% mion Saf ‘Bult up area of A series (AL-AT) BB2iaee Set Structural frames. 2BeG+18 Floors Total apartments 1500 apartments, 12 aparents pe tlor ‘Structural eytern (Sub-stucturs) Faftfowndation (C1) ‘Structural sytem (Super-ruture) nd Precast Consinucton (Shear walls & Qore in 8) Basement, Grund Bterace wk ‘Gast hn Stu Frecaat Desir wal pala baleonea, cadiings, 12 18 floor stritease, Bhollow core sab ‘Total precast conerete wre fn) ~16000 Total Ni. of Precast lements (Tits «C9 | 25000, DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE 16 PREFABRICATION STUCTURES 7.1.2 Results Achieved Some astonishing results along with kaming experiences achieved through this landmark project are noted as follows: [7 buildings of 2B1G'18 floors were completed in 18 morths of timeline was made possible through precast technology. | Achieved a slab cycle of 10-12 days for a slab area of 7000 Saft 1 Superior quality. & finish of construction C Cost & time optimisation with the use of hollow-core slabs. |. Reduction in conorete & steel factor per Sqft of built-up area. [Elimination of brick work and plaster by the use of precast wall panels & cladding L Automation & mechanisation of construction project improved overall productivity 1 Improved site safety & considerable reduction in wastage, dust & noise on site, thus reduced ecological 7.1.3 CONCLUSION ‘The precast concrete technology has already arrived in India, due to large size projects, need for quality construction with speed & reduced labour force. All these advantages can be exploited to the maximum by careful phiming & designing. This case study was aimed to share the hands-on-experience, and to aware the people about the potential the precast offers. Following Jeamings could be the key takeaways though this case study: | I can be concluded that precast construction, if designed and executed wih thorough planning, bas 2 ‘great potential to respond to new market demands, L Repetition of precast components is essential in order to meet quantity for cost effectiveness, | A considerable reduction in steel factor can be achieved even for seismic zones IV & V. [It becomes easy to perform non-destructive testing (NDT) if the need arses and becomes easy to mitigate, | Precast has evolved towards the use of non-standard design approach with modular elmerts optimising site opportunities & constraints. | For commercial construction and other standard products like boundary wall ete. precast has unprecedented benefits. [ Precast technology allowed for flexible design and longer clear spans in the non-tower areas like parking L_ Precast is smart way to achieve the sustainability objectives of Green Building, DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE 17 PREFABRICATION STUCTURES 7.2. 1BA Hamburg 7.2.1 Project Outline ‘The prefabricated construction is the end result of highly effective manufacturing processes that enable the building to he erected in a cost-ellective way It can therefore be applied in many different settings, and thus serves as a model for development within metro zones. Its versatiity comes from its modukr space concept, which allows different space divisions and living configurations, even across whok floors. Like lofts, the interiors of the modules are clearly structured, with minimal decoration, and are extremely flexible. The adaptable floor plan kaves room for the residents 10 express their individuality, as well as allowing the space to meet their many and changing needs. 7.2.2 Project Details Building Service Concept ‘The building is a composite construction. Primary structure consists of precast reinforced concrete components: the foors above the basement and the ground, first, and second floors consist of industrially prefabricated elements such as prestressed concrete false ceilings. The technical buiking equipment was integrated into the supporting and reinforcing exterior wall components at the factory. The non-bad- bearing wood panel ckments positioned in front of these provide protection against heat and the weather generally, as well as adding (o the buikling chss 4, which has high fire protection requirements that have been ingeniously mat through the construction methods used. Exterior Wall Construction : The exterior wall is a concrete bracing wall covered in a wood panel wall. The double wall system allows vertical load uansfer and reinforcement, primarily through the finished concrete components and the wall panels on the inner side. The curtain wall wood panel construction provides protection against heat and weather. Prior to this project, this system was used only in redevelopment. Using this combination in a mukistorey building is a pioneering move. The building therefore has a U- vale of 0.134 watts per square metre per degree Kelvin and a sound reduction value of 58 decibek. Its fire resstance rating meets the REI 90 test standard. The wall structure is divided into the following components: the fagade features wood chdding made of dark, vamished spruce. primarily achieved by the high degree of prefabrication, the materiak used, and the support-free construction of the ceiling elements to ensure extensive flexbility, as well as by the modular design itself. The structure and modular design will be explained in greater detail below, as these paved the way for the implementation of the innovative builling concept. ‘The envisioned two or three storey building was given another floor. The loft concept featuring modules from 45 square metres that coukl be joined up vertically or horizontally remuined unchanged. All building components had a high degree of prefabrication and were simply assembled at the buiking site. Ceilings DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE 18 PREFABRICATION STUCTURES were made of pre-stressed concrete with an inbuilt heating system, and were fitted into the other building components. The outer walls were produced as two-part wood and concrete boards in the form of large panek that could be fited together and pulled apart, with windows and building services components already in place 7.2.3 Assessment ‘This project sees the prefabricated building reinterpreted as a townhouse that brings innovative construction methods to a mubistorey builfing together with low kvels of (otal construction costs and sustainability sues. As such, it a piomering building that acts as a showcase within the IBA, and demonstrates a vast range of design, spatial and technical solutions and configurations for forward-boking urban living.takes an extremely fresh approach to is materials, of which it features countless innovative combinations in the outer walk and ceiing structures, made possible by the degree of prefabrication: reinforcement in the factory ensured that the assembly was quick and problem-free, as assistance was not required, and the division of the supporting structure from the thermal insulating shell permitted various facade systems with different levels of insubtion. As the buikling contractor, system producer, and architect formed a team as early as the competition stage, and the team went over the project intensively at that point, it was possible to deliver a design that could be executed with as few conceptual changes as possible, both in terms of the technology used and the expenditure required. Unfortunately, the decision was made not to go through with the concept of different ceiling systems, dur to difficulties in acquiring the correct permits. In this case the building contractor, who is not a project manager or property developer in the normal seme, tried to reach a compromise solution too quickly, without checking which permits apply to wooden ceiling structures by seeking advice or opening discussions with the buikling authorities. + This is the type of building that can be set in a green meadow, constructed as a block or linear structure, orinserted into a vacant. et, and can comprise from one to seven storeys . + An interior concept that allows for différent apartment si’s and types (apartment over one floor, ‘makonette) and also the possibility of retaining the open layout of the Ibfis or dividing them into individual room. + Prefabrication ensures the optimal use of resources (energy and material flows) and high-quality execution, combined with a sustainable, recyclable material concept. The two-part nature of the building's shell ako albws its energy profile to be upgraded in due course through the prefabricated components and by changing the outer components of the insulated wooden board elements DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE 19 ° PREFABRICATION STUCTURES 8. CONCLUSION: Due to the fexbility of the structure in expandability and appearance this prefab houses are the choice from the several advantage like reuseability, high scrap value durability and less construction tine ‘The prefabrication components and prefalh structure eliminate space and time over convectional construction ‘The use of precast concrete construction can significantly reduce the amount of construction waste generated on construction sites Redwve adverse environment. impact on sites Enhance quality control of concreting work DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGG, SIBIT PAGE 20

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