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Phrasal verbs

*What are Phrasal Verbs- Phrasal verbs are also

sometimes called multi-word verbs. They’re used just like other
verbs and are a combination of a verb, such as ‘talk,’ or ‘run,’
plus one or two particles(an adverb or preposition), that result in
a new word.

List of commonly used Phrasal Verbs + Meaning & Example


1)Be Snowed Under-Meaning=Have too much work. Exp Sent-We are completely
Snowed Under at work because it’s the end of the tax year.

2) Bottle Up-Meaning=Not expressing your feelings. Exp sent-She BOTTLE UP her

feelings even though she was furious with them kept quiet.

3)Break Down-Meaning=To start crying. Exp sent-He BROKE DOWN in tears.

4)Break Down(2)-Meaning=To stop working. Exp sent-My cars Broken Down, so

came by Taxi.

5)Chalk Up-Meaning=To achieve something good. Exp sent-The company has

Chalked up it’s highest ever profits.

6)Cover For-Meaning=Provide an excuse or alibi. Exp sent-She asked me to

COVER FOR her if anyone asked where she’d gone.

7)Embark On-Meaning=Start a project or venture. Exp sent-Leon EMBARKED ON

an MBA at the University of Stanford last autumn.

8)Fathom Out-Meaning=Understand something. Exp sent-I couldn’t FATHOM OUT

what she wanted from me.

9)Frown On-Meaning=Disapprove. Exp sent-He FROWNS ON people making

personal calls at work.
10)Hammer out-Meaning=Negotiate and reach an agreement. Exp sent- They
HAMMERED OUT their differences and got the contract signed.

Formal Phrasal Verbs:

1)Adhere to-Meaning=Closely follow, observe, or represent. Exp sent- All drivers must
Adhere to the speed limits.

2)Appertain to-Meaning=Relate to; concern. Exp Sent-These figures Appertain to last

year's sales.

3)Ascribe to-Meaning=Regard something as being due (to). Exp Sent- A great work ethic
is often Ascribed to Immigrant workers.

4)Emanate From/to-Meaning=Originated from; be produced by. Exp Sent- Good smells

Emanate from the kitchen.

5)Set Forth-Meaning=To describe something in writing or speech. Exp Sent- None quite
meets all the criteria set forth above.

6)Disabuse of-Meaning=Persuade someone that an idea or belief is mistaken. Exp Sent-

If you think I am going to lend you money, I must disabuse you of the wrong idea.

7)Enlarge on/upon-Meaning=Speak or write about something in greater detail. Exp Sent-

Can you enlarge on what has already been said?

8)Depart from-Meaning=To go away from. Exp Sent- The group is scheduled to depart
from Denmark tomorrow at 8:00am.

9)Permit of-Meaning=Officially allow someone to do something. Exp Sent- Vaccination

Documents are now Permitted or a part thereof.

10)Enter on/upon-Meaning=Begin an activity or job. Exp Sent- He entered upon a

turbulent political career.
Idioms/Phrasal Verbs:

1)To Race against Time-Meaning=A situation in which you must complete something very
quickly; a deadline that is approaching soon and requires you to work at a hasty pace. Exp
Sent- I have one hour before my deadline but I still have so much to do- I am in a race
against time!

2)When it rains it pours-Meaning=We use ‘when it rains, it pours,’ when something bad
happens and other bad things usually happen at the same time. Exp Sent- The team not only
lost the game, but three of it’s best players were injured. When it rains, it pours.

3)Put the Ball in their Court-Meaning=To give someone else the responsibility. Exp Sent-
You’ve made them an offer, so now they have to decide whether to accept it or not; the ball is
in their court.

4)Hit the Road-Meaning=This idiom means to begin travelling; to leave a place; or to go

away. Exp Sent -We got a long way to go. We need to hit the road if we are going to make it
by sunset.

5)On the Same Page-Meaning=To be in agreement about something. Exp Sent- Let’s go
over all the details proposal one more time to make sure we are on the same page.

*For a full list of Phrasal Verbs along with their definitions please visit the website which can be
reached at the following link below.

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