Ecosystem Processes For Biomimetic Architectural and Urban Design

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Ecosystem processes for biomimetic architectural and urban design

Article  in  Architectural Science Review · November 2014

DOI: 10.1080/00038628.2014.968086


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Maibritt Pedersen Zari

Auckland University of Technology


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Ecosystem processes for biomimetic architectural and

urban design
Maibritt Pedersen Zari
School of Architecture, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand
Published online: 07 Nov 2014.

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Architectural Science Review, 2014

Ecosystem processes for biomimetic architectural and urban design

Maibritt Pedersen Zari∗
School of Architecture, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand
(Received 28 November 2013; accepted 15 September 2014 )

This research investigates how ecosystems are able to be robust, resilient and capable of adapting to constant change, in
order to devise strategies and techniques that could be transferable to an architectural or urban design context. This is to aid
the creation, or evolution of urban-built environments that may be better able to integrate with and contribute to ecosystem
health. Specifically, this paper examines the processes of ecosystems and presents an integrated set of principles that could
Downloaded by [Victoria University of Wellington] at 18:01 17 November 2014

form the theoretical underpinnings of a practical ecosystem biomimicry approach to sustainable architectural design. This
is significant because although using an understanding of how ecosystems work has been proposed in some biomimicry
and industrial ecology literature, as well as in related fields, ecosystem processes suitable for use in a design context have
not been thoroughly defined, or mapped to express how these processes may be related to each other. The possibility that
employing ecosystem processes in architectural or urban design could lead to built environments able to mitigate the causes
of climate change and adapt to the impacts of it is examined. Benefits and disadvantages of such an approach are elaborated
Keywords: biomimicry; bionic; bio-inspired; climate change; ecology; sustainable design; urban

Introduction Ecosystem biomimicry in design

It is well known that humans affect ecosystems and evolu- Biomimicry is the emulation of strategies seen in the liv-
tionary processes at great rates and in multiple ways and ing world as a basis for human design. This may include
that major anthropogenic drivers of climate change and design of urban environments, infrastructure, buildings,
ecosystem degradation continue to grow (Vitousek et al. objects, materials or systems. It is the mimicry of an organ-
1997; Carpenter et al. 2009). Major drivers include anthro- ism, an organism’s behaviour or an entire ecosystem, in
pogenic emission of greenhouse gasses (GHGs), land-use terms of forms, materials, construction methods, processes
change, the introduction of invasive species, over exploita- or functions (Pedersen Zari 2007). While it is important to
tion of both renewable and non-renewable resources, pol- understand that not all kinds of biomimicry have increased
lution of air, water and soil, human population increase ecosystem or human health as their goals or outcomes
and rising per capita consumption demands (Carpenter (Reap, Baumeister, and Bras 2005), the investigation of
et al. 2009). How people build and inhabit urban areas biomimicry may provide a means to contribute to sus-
is strongly implicated in these issues. For example, the tainable design practice (Goel et al. 2011). Ecosystems
United Nations Environment Program states that 40% of provide designers with examples of how life can function
all global energy and material resources are used to build effectively in a given site and climate and offer insights
and operate buildings (UNEP 2007). Although there may into how the built environment could function more like
be few ecosystems that are truly unaffected by humans, a system than as a set of individual unrelated object-like
and humans are inherently part of the natural world, there buildings. It is crucial that designers, engineers and plan-
are some obvious and essential differences in the way ners understand both how ecosystems work, at least at a
that non-human-dominated and human-dominated systems basic level, and how to avoid shallow interpretations of
work (Vogel 2003; Vincent 2010). The initial premise of ecosystem processes. Design projects tend to be led by
this research was that by investigating how ecosystems are architects, planners or engineers without an ecology back-
able to be robust, resilient and capable of adapting to con- ground, with potentially limited resources to acquire that
stant change (Gunderson and Holling 2002), strategies and knowledge (either directly or through incorporating ecol-
techniques that could be transferable to a design context ogists into design teams), and who are under significant
may be elucidated. time and financial pressure to finish projects quickly and

∗ Email:

c 2014 Taylor & Francis
2 M. Pedersen Zari

cheaply. This may lead to experiments in biomimicry in measurable levels that may be possible when knowledge
architectural design or engineering, because the potential from ecology is thoroughly integrated into architectural
of biomimicry to improve the sustainability of the built design (Birkeland 2008; Gebeshuber, Gruber, and Drack
environment is easy to grasp though is perhaps overstated 2009).
(Gebeshuber, Gruber, and Drack 2009). The unfortunate
result can be simplistic form-based biomimicry that may
fall short in terms of improved sustainability performance Ecosystem processes for a design context
(Armstrong 2009). An understanding of ecosystems oper- Although several researchers advocate using an under-
ating formatively in setting the initial goals and in estab- standing of the processes of ecosystems in biomimicry
lishing the performance standards by which the appropri- (Benyus 1997; Hoeller et al. 2007; Gruber 2011; Peters
ateness of changes to the built environment are evaluated, 2011) and industrial ecology literature (O’Rourke,
may have the potential to create a significantly more eco- Connelly, and Koshland 1996; Korhonen 2001; Hermansen
logically sustainable built environment (Kibert, Sendzimir, 2006), as well as in related fields (Kibert, Sendzimir, and
and Guy 2002; Gamage and Hyde 2012). Guy 2002; McDonough and Braungart 2002; Van Der Ryn
Downloaded by [Victoria University of Wellington] at 18:01 17 November 2014

There are at least two ways to mimic ecosystems in and Cowan 2007) its use is not wide spread and defining
terms of biomimetic design (see also Gamage and Hyde and organizing the ecosystem processes concept so it can
2012). Either through mimicking ecosystem functions or be investigated by designers is still in need of expansion
ecosystem processes. In the context of this research ecosys- and refinement. This is evidenced by a lack of examples
tem processes are the strategies observed in ecosystems that go beyond mimicking the materials cycling process of
that enable them to function. For example, ecosystems ecosystems. Notable examples of industrial ecology that do
optimize whole systems rather than components; they are harness understandings of the way that ecosystems cycle
self-organizing, decentralized and distributed; they use nutrients include Denmark’s Kalundborg industrial region.
complex feedback loops or cascades of information, and Kalundborg illustrates how the process of cycling materi-
so on as discussed in the following sections. Identify- als in ecosystems can be mimicked, even between diverse
ing ecosystem processes enables people to understand companies. The sharing of waste as resource results in a
how ecosystems work at a basic level. Trying to under- reduction of 30 million m3 of groundwater used, and a
stand ecosystem processes and then applying them to reduction of 154,000 tonnes of CO2 and 389 tonnes of
design problems is a more common way for designers to mono-nitrogen oxides (NOx ) emitted. Five companies and
try to mimic ecosystems. The other kind of ecosystem one local municipality make up the industrial park where
biomimicry investigates ecosystem functions. Ecosystem 20 different by-product exchanges occur (Jacobsen 2006).
functions are the outcomes of ecosystem processes. They The UK Cardboard to Caviar (or ABLE) Project created by
are what ecosystems do. Recent research has examined Graham Wiles of the Green Business Network in Kirklees
how mimicking the functions of ecosystems can be applied and Calderdale and the design of a zero emissions beer
to urban design by harnessing the concept of ecosystem brewery near Tsumeb, Namibia, demonstrate similar con-
services (Pedersen Zari 2012b). The ecosystem services cepts of mimicking the waste cycling of ecosystems and
concept defines the goods and services that humans derive both projects report significant beneficial social outcomes
from ecosystems such as climate regulation, pollination (Mathews 2011; Pawlyn 2011, 45).
and provision of fresh water (see Millennium Ecosys- Analysis of further ecosystem processes other than
tem Assessment 2005 for a list of ecosystem services and cycling of wastes or sharing of energy may suggest
information about their current states). additional strategies for the built environment to mimic
This paper expands on previous research (Pedersen Zari (Korhonen 2001). To investigate this, different understand-
and Storey 2007) to more thoroughly define ecosystem ings of ecosystem processes from various disciplines were
process biomimicry, to understand how processes may be analysed to determine general principles for ecosystem
related, and to provide the basis for a practical ecosystem processes biomimicry. Those aspects of ecosystem pro-
biomimicry approach to sustainable design and engineer- cesses that are particularly relevant to climate change
ing. Ecosystem processes have not before been mapped adaptation or mitigation were identified in order to form an
to demonstrate relationships and hierarchies, providing understanding of how ecosystem-based biomimicry could
an overall view of how ecosystems work, in an archi- be harnessed to address climate change in terms of both
tectural or engineering design context. The significance mitigation and adaptation.
of this research then is that it provides a comprehensive Ecology literature does not typically offer sets of gen-
basis for the development of biomimicry for architecture eralized principles of how ecosystems work, but instead
seeking to move into highly sustainable or potentially tends to explore the complexities of certain aspects of
regenerative paradigms. The research presented here aims ecosystems. Descriptions of the processes of ecosystems
to move attempts to mimic ecosystems from the shallow, are varied in their format (Klijn and Udo de Haes 1994)
and misunderstood, to the more insightful, meaningful and and there is diversity in aspects of ecosystem processes
Architectural Science Review 3

that authors in different disciplines discuss. There is, there- Table 1. Ecosystem processes list.
fore, a significant number of ways of organizing a col-
Ecosystem Processes
lection of ecosystem processes. In light of this a list, as
well as a relationship matrix, has been devised here to Tier One. Ecosystem context
illustrate ecosystem processes that designers or engineers 1.1 The context that life exists in is constantly changing
could mimic. To address the problem of disparate lists 1.2 Living entities that make up ecosystems generally work
to remain alive.
and groupings of ecosystem processes, and to capture a
cross-disciplinary understanding of how ecosystems work, Tier Two. Therefore
a comparative analysis was conducted of explanations of 2.1 Ecosystems adapt and evolve within limits at different
levels and at different rates
ecosystem processes in the disciplines of ecology, biol- 2.2 Ecosystems are resilient. They can persist through time
ogy, industrial ecology and ecological design, as well as even as components within them change
the ‘life’s principles’ discussed in the biomimicry literature 2.3 Ecosystems enhance the capacity of the biosphere to sup-
(Benyus 1997). Such a process served as a checking mech- port life, and functioning and processes in ecosystems and
anism to ascertain that information related to ecosystem within organisms tend to be benign
2.4 Ecosystems are diverse in species, relationships and
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processes provided in design-oriented literature was in fact information

in line with that discussed in the field of ecology. Draw-
ing upon techniques used in phenomenological research, Tier Three. The implications of this are that
3.1 Ecosystems are self-organizing, decentralized and dis-
a matrix was formulated to compare various explana- tributed
tions of generalized ecosystem principles. This, along with 3.2 Ecosystems function through the use of complex feed-
lists of all sources drawn upon and further details of the back loops or cascades of information
research methodology employed can be found in Pedersen 3.3 Organisms within ecosystems operate in an interdepen-
Zari (2012a). From this matrix exercise, an inventory was dent framework
3.4 Ecosystems and organisms are dependent upon and
compiled encompassing as much of the information as responsive to local conditions
possible. 3.5 Ecosystems and the organisms within them optimize the
It should be noted that the ecosystem processes pro- whole system rather than maximize components
vided here are proposed as generalized norms for the way 3.6 Organisms within ecosystems are resourceful and oppor-
most ecosystems operate that are useful in a design context tunistic. Abundances or excesses are used as a resource
rather than absolute ecological laws that capture the full Tier Four. This is supported by the fact that
complexity of ecosystems. Kibert (2006) notes that com- 4.1 Ecosystems have the capacity to learn from and respond
plexity may be one of the most significant difficulties of to information and self-assemble
4.2 Ecosystems and the organisms within them have the
linking an understanding of ecosystems with design. What capacity to heal within limits
is proposed in this paper is not designed to encapsulate the 4.3 Variety can occur through emergent effects (rapid
finer working and myriad details of how ecosystems work, change)
but to give a thorough overview for designers so it can be 4.4 Variety can occur by recombination of information and
more readily used in design. mutation (gradual change)
4.5 Ecosystems are organized in different hierarchies and
4.6 Ecosystems and organisms use cyclic process in the
utilization of materials
Representing ecosystem processes: list format 4.7 Ecosystems often have in-built redundancies
Many discussions of how ecosystems work culminate in a 4.8 Parts of ecosystems and organisms are often multifunc-
list of ecosystem process components without considera- tional
tion of the relationships between components. A list, such 4.9 Local energy/resources become spatial and temporal
organizational devices
as Table 1, could initially be useful for designers who are 4.10 Ecosystems and the organisms within them gather, use
unfamiliar with ecology. This is because the information is and distribute and energy effectively
presented simply, and if brief descriptions of each process 4.11 The form of ecosystems and organisms is often a result
are available in relation to a design context, the designer of functional need
may be able to apply the concept of each process dur- 4.12 Organisms that make up ecosystems are typically made
from commonly occurring elements
ing the early design stages of a project with the potential
to improve the sustainability performance of the resulting
Although the initial list of ecosystem processes pre- time dimensions. Simple linear generalizations of ecosys-
sented in Table 1 is a simple and easily understandable tems can be inaccurate because each phenomenon in
way to describe ecosystem processes, it lacks the ability to ecosystems has multiple interconnected causes and effects
illustrate relationships between each process. This in turn (Vepsäläinen and Spence 2000). The development of gen-
reduces understanding the information in a way which is eral explanatory frameworks that can illustrate the relation-
useful for spatial design and complex situations involving ships between patterns and processes can become powerful
4 M. Pedersen Zari

research or explanatory tools however (Hoeller et al. 2007; It became apparent that each cluster was related to other
Goel et al. 2011). Establishing connections between ele- clusters in different ways. For example, some clusters of
ments of a system helps people to reduce, through abstrac- ecosystem processes were entirely dependent on others,
tion, the complexity of the system and understand how the while others provided the conditions that enabled further
elements come together to form a whole. Therefore, an clusters of processes to exist.
examination of the relationships between each ecosystem Initial iterations of the resulting matrix diagram
process may have the potential to offer additional insights explored the non-hierarchical web and Venn diagram for-
into how design and engineering could be based on the mats. It was found that these did not represent the different
processes of ecosystems. kinds of relationships between each process well. It also
did not allow the processes to be understood from the
most general to the more specific. It became apparent
that the relationships themselves were ordering mecha-
Representing ecosystem processes: relationship matrix nisms for understanding ecosystem processes. This is in
Ecosystems are made up of non-linear and interconnected line with what several ecosystem modelling experts have
processes (Peterson 2000). They are incredibly complex
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observed (Miller 2007). A hierarchical perspective is cru-

and are made up of large numbers of diverse components cial to understanding complex ecosystem dynamics (Wu
(both in terms of organisms and processes), scale multiplic- and David 2002). Hierarchical nested processes make up
ity and spatial heterogeneity (Wu and David 2002). This ecosystems, so it stands to reason that presenting the infor-
means it is difficult to organize generalized ecosystem prin- mation in this way is not only more suitable to portray
ciples into a neat list which encapsulates the complexity of ecosystem processes accurately, but may also contribute
the relationships between each process or between sets to a potential change in patterns of thinking about ecosys-
of processes accurately. This ultimately reflects the nature tems, particularly among non-ecologists, such as built
of ecology, which is the study of relationships between environment professionals (Ratzé et al. 2007). The use of
organisms and their contexts. One of the processes of a hierarchical relationship matrix diagram (Figure 1) to
ecosystems is that diversity is linked to resilience in a sys- portray ecosystem processes may at first seem to com-
tem that is constantly changing. Part of this diversity is plicate things, especially for a design rather than ecol-
found in the complex networks that exist in ecosystems, ogy context. Eldredge (1985, 9) points out however that:
between organisms, and also between ecosystem processes ‘. . .hierarchies actually deal with complexity by teasing it
(Ratzé et al. 2007). Part of the resilient nature of living sys- apart. . .hierarchies are more honest in their simple recog-
tems is that if one aspect of an ecosystem fails (a particular nition that a system is complex than is an approach that
function, process or organism), then typically other ways seeks unity in characterising the system in simple terms. . .’
of ensuring the continuity of the system as a whole exist. From a design perspective a non-linear format is useful
Just as ecosystems are difficult to compartmentalize accu- because it provides an overview of how each process,
rately because they are complex systems, so too are the once mimicked, could relate to others in a potentially
processes of ecosystems. It is not surprising that in map- reinforcing way.
ping ecosystem processes, a relationship diagram reveals Miller (2007) discusses understanding ecosystem pro-
that each principle is a part of and is related to many others. cesses in terms of hierarchies as a means both to broaden
It is a misconception to assume that all significant the ability to generalize about ‘how life works’ as well as to
aspects of how ecosystems work can be described by pro- ‘forge new and mutually enriching connections to related
cesses associated with individual organisms rather than disciplines’. While it is doubtful that he may have had
ecosystems themselves (Miller 2007). The following rela- architectural or urban design in mind, it is apparent that
tionship matrix (Figure 1) focuses therefore on describing ecological information is being applied to more and more
the processes of ecosystems rather than organisms, which disciplines and that these disciplines seek to understand
distinguishes this research from some earlier attempts to ecosystems in ways relevant to their fields. Hierarchy the-
describe ecosystems for a design context. ory emphasizes the importance of both bottom-up as well
In order to expand the research to include an under- as top-down interactions as generators of change and sta-
standing of relationships and to ensure that no information bility (Wu and David 2002; Lane 2006). This means that
had been left out, the author took each list of ecosys- elements of lower levels may cause aspects of a higher
tem processes provided by different sources and broke level, and that higher levels are made up aspects of the
these into their individual components. Each component lower levels. It is the relationships or causation pathways
was recorded separately. The components were then sorted that the ecosystem processes matrix presented here seeks
into clusters of ecosystem processes. Many researchers dis- to represent (Figure 1). ‘Hierarchy’ in this context does
cussed the same phenomena in ecosystems but used differ- not mean that a higher level process is better or more
ent terms. Clustering all these similar terms into one group important, but rather that it encompasses the others below
enabled suitable single terms to be devised for each group. it in a series of nested and connected systems. Ecosys-
The clusters were then analysed for different relationships. tem processes overlap, enabling multiple causations for
Architectural Science Review 5
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Figure 1. Ecosystem processes relationship matrix diagram.

phenomena to exist and rendering efforts to identify single is seen in nested ecological hierarchies (Ratzé et al.
isolated factors in ecological systems difficult (Vepsäläinen 2007). Nested hierarchies refer to systems where each
and Spence 2000). So although the diagram (Figure 1) higher tier actually encompasses all the objects (processes)
depicts each process on each level as separate, they are in the tiers below it. The ecosystem processes matrix dia-
often closely related both horizontally and vertically in the gram (Figure 1) is a nested hierarchy, which is convenient
matrix. in terms of representing the information, but crucially also
In Simon’s (1962) foundation paper describing hier- relates to how actual processes in ecosystems work. This
archy theory, the idea of near-decomposability was intro- means that each process commonly has two or more ‘par-
duced. If systems are completely decomposable there ents’ in the tier above it, and a number of ‘children’ below
can be no emergent whole, because the parts only it, as well as several ‘siblings’ in the same tier.
exist separately. Being near-decomposable then allows Many human engineered systems are also nested hier-
upper levels of hierarchies to emerge because the parts archies meaning that each higher level contains the systems
are not completely separate. The ecosystem processes of the level below it. For example, an electrical system
matrix diagram (Figure 1) is composed of interacting is part of a room and connects to other rooms. A series
components that are near-decomposable vertically into of rooms make up a building, a building can be part of
levels of organization, and horizontally into holons. A a neighbourhood, a series of neighbourhoods make up a
holon is an entity in a grouping that is a whole pro- section of a city, these in turn make up a whole city,
cess in its own right and at the same time a part a grouping of urban and rural environments make up a
of others (Wu and David 2002). Such organization district, region, or state and a series of these make up a
6 M. Pedersen Zari

country. Architects and engineers already understand the It is beyond the scope of this paper to provide compre-
nested hierarchical aspects of building processes. Mapping hensive and complete explanations of the way ecosystems
ecological processes onto these or mimicking them may work in terms of descriptions of each ecosystem process.
not, therefore, be as great a leap as in some other disciplines Descriptions of the ecosystem processes presented in this
in terms of understanding the nested hierarchy aspect of paper in relation to a built environment or engineering con-
ecosystem processes. text were prepared as part of this research and can be found
The most difficult part of devising the ecosystem pro- in Pedersen Zari (2012a). For a discussion of the processes,
cesses matrix was determining where level boundaries laws or phenomena that may govern ecosystem processes
should fall. This was done by determining the num- as a whole such as metabolic rates (the metabolic theory of
ber of relationship interactions (the lines between pro- ecology) and patterns of least resistance flow (constructal
cesses in the matrix) both to the levels above and below theory) see Bejan (2000) and Brown et al. (2004).
for each process. Boundaries between levels are often
set by people to enable a deeper understanding, rather
than existing discreetly in ecosystems (Vepsäläinen and Ecosystem processes that may contribute to
architectural design responses to climate change
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Spence 2000). The lines connecting each ecosystem pro-

cess represent direct relationships. Each process is the Mimicking features of ecosystems that make them resilient
consequence of and, in most cases, causes many oth- and adaptable could be useful in the context of adapt-
ers. What the matrix reveals is that even if a design ing to climate change. By using the relationship matrix
team decides to focus on one particular ecosystem pro- chart of ecosystem processes (Figure 1) and understand-
cess, several other ecosystem processes, if employed, ing which ecosystem processes are related to the second
will probably support this (shown in the tier above), tier processes of ‘ecosystems adapt and evolve within
and that one process will be likely to cause or have limits at different levels and at different rates (2.1)’,
repercussions for other lower tier or same tier pro- and ‘ecosystems are resilient and can persist through
cesses. It is not surprising for example that many time even as components within them change (2.2)’, a
ecosystems processes enable ecosystems to be adapt- designer may understand which ecosystem processes in
able, because a constantly changing environment is the tier three or four they could mimic in order to potentially
context that ecosystems must respond effectively to in increase adaptability and resilience in a built environ-
order to survive and thrive (Gunderson and Holling ment. Aspects of the processes of ecosystems that could
2002). add to strategies to mitigate the causes of climate change
The processes in the tier refer to the context in which relate to the fact that ‘ecosystems enhance the capacity
ecosystems exist. This context directly affects the way that of the biosphere to support life, and functioning and pro-
ecosystem processes work. Two clear ecosystem operat- cesses in ecosystems and within organisms tend to be
ing parameters seem to exist and form the top level of the benign (2.3)’.
matrix. The first is that the context life exists in is con- Figure 2 illustrates how the relationship matrix dia-
stantly changing (Mathews 2011). The second is that living gram can be used as a tool to target specific design issues.
entities that make up ecosystems generally work to remain In this case, how a designer might increase the resilience
alive. These conditions have led to the evolution of a set to change of the built environment. For example, the
of strategies for enabling the on-going existence of organ- fact that ecosystems are self-organizing, decentralized and
isms within ecosystems in a dynamic context of change. distributed (3.1), that they function through the use of com-
Some biomimicry researchers discuss the need to find plex feedback loops and cascades of information (3.2),
the deeper underlying principles in ecosystems. (Mathews that living organisms operate in an interdependent frame-
2011) posits that there may be many such principles, but work (3.3), that ecosystems and organisms are responsive
argues that the ‘principle of conativity’ and the ‘princi- to and dependent upon local conditions (3.4), that whole
ple of least resistance’ are two. Conativity (also termed systems rather than parts are optimized (3.5) and that
‘autopoiesis’ in contemporary systems theory) means the organisms within ecosystems are resourceful and oppor-
will or impulse of the individual to maintain and increase tunistic (3.6), all contribute to the fact that ecosystems are
existence. This is the same as the idea that ‘living entities resilient. Examining a further level of detail (the fourth tier
that make up ecosystems generally work to remain alive’ of ecosystem processes) would reveal further ecosystem
as presented in the matrix. processes to mimic.
Tier two elements of the matrix are consequences of
tier one conditions. As illustrated in Figure 1, it was deter-
mined that this layer consists of four ecosystem processes. Applying ecosystem processes to a built environment
The implications of these four main processes become context
manifest in tier three. This third tier is in turn supported by Humans do not necessarily need new technologies to solve
a fourth tier which begins to become much more specific problems regarding the health of ecosystems and climate,
in terms of potential design strategies. but rather people need to apply what has already been
Architectural Science Review 7
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Figure 2. Ecosystem processes that contribute to resilience.

developed, and reassess their consumption behaviour, so Table 2 lists ecosystem processes and suggests how
that the idea of sustainability becomes physically manifest these might be interpreted in a built environment con-
in the built environment (Mitchell 2012). Reductions of text and how each ecosystem process could practically
80% in carbon emissions associated with the built envi- relate to design practice. The table also demonstrates how
ronment may be possible using current technologies for designers or engineers could use the myriad of exist-
example (Lowe 2000). Ecosystem processes biomimicry ing sustainable design technologies and methods within
could provide a clear and logical framework to apply exist- a biologically inspired design paradigm. For example, if
ing technology or design strategies for a more thorough designers were to attempt to base a project on the ecosys-
approach to increasing the sustainability of the built envi- tem process of being dependent upon and responsive to
ronment, if it can be proven that a built environment that local conditions, they could draw upon several established
works like an ecosystem will be more sustainable in the design techniques or concepts such as permaculture; biocli-
long term. matic design; vernacular design; participatory or integrated
8 M. Pedersen Zari

Table 2. Ecosystem process strategies for the built environment to mimic.

Ecosystem process strategies for the built environment to Climate change/ecosystem health
mimic implications

1. Ecosystems adapt and evolve • Re-define when developments • Planning for change allows for
within limits at different levels are considered as finished and easier adaptation
and at different rates design them to be dynamic over • Less pollution of ecosystems and
time. Plan for and allow constant atmosphere related to demoli-
change tion and construction waste may
• Design systems that incorporate a occur
level of redundancy to allow for • Less pollution or habitat destruc-
added complexity to evolve over tion caused by production and
time transportation of new materials
• Increase the ability of the built
environment to be able to respond
to new conditions, preferably
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2. Ecosystems enhance the • Production and functioning • Healthier ecosystems mean better
capacity of the biosphere to should be environmentally life support systems for humans
support life. Functioning and benign. Employ the precau- and greater potential to adapt
processes in ecosystems and tionary principle when there is as the climate changes (Kibert,
within organisms tend to be doubt Sendzimir, and Guy 2002)
benign • The development should enhance • If the built environment con-
the biosphere as it functions tributed to the regeneration of the
• Consider the built environment atmosphere so that acid rain and
as a producer of energy and extreme weather was reduced,
resources, and adapt it over time this would result in cause less
to increase biodiversity in the damage to buildings and infras-
urban environment tructure and less waste of energy
• Integrate an understanding of and materials
ecosystems into decision-making • Less pollution or habitat destruc-
• Use biodegradable or recyclable tion caused by production of new
materials (beware of composite materials and ‘waste’
materials that mix the two)
3. Ecosystems are resilient. They • Plan for change over time • More effective human adaptation
persist through time as • Create performance goals related to some of the impacts of climate
components within them to different time scales change
change • Integrate built environments with • Less destructive human distur-
ecosystems to sustain or increase bance of ecosystems
resilience • Increased opportunities for
humans to interact with and
possibly begin to restore local
4.Ecosystems are diverse in • Increase diversity to increase • More robust built environment
species, relationships and resilience and community able to adapt to
information • Create and foster a variety of climate change
relationships in the development • Decisions based on a broader
and with groups outside it knowledge base are likely to
• Utilize opportunities to create be more sustainable (Wahl and
self-organizing and distributed Baxter 2008)
• Adopt a systems approach to
design where the facilitation of
relationships between buildings,
components, people and ecosys-
tems is as important as designing
the individual buildings them-
Architectural Science Review 9

Table 2. Continued.

5. Ecosystems are • Decision-making to become • More awareness of local ecology

self-organizing, decentralized more localized to reflect local and climate issues and opportuni-
and distributed conditions ties to address them
• Power generation and distribu- • Less use of fossil fuels to gener-
tion may become more decentral- ate energy and fewer GHG emis-
ized sions
6. Ecosystems function through • Building systems and systems • A built environment more able to
the use of complex feedback connecting buildings should be adapt to changing conditions may
loops or cascades of designed to incorporate some last for longer periods, reducing
information level of redundancy to allow for pollution and habitat destruction
added complexity to evolve over created by new building
time, increasing the ability of • A more rapidly responsive built
the built environment to respond environment to local conditions
to new conditions throughout may be less damaging to ecosys-
time and become partially self- tems
Downloaded by [Victoria University of Wellington] at 18:01 17 November 2014

7. Organisms within ecosystems • Redefine building boundaries • More effective integration of
operate in an interdependent to ensure a cooperative system human systems with ecosystems
framework emerges to the mutual benefit of both

8. Ecosystems and the organisms • Cycle matter and transform • Reduced use of energy and
within them optimize the energy effectively materials
whole system rather than • Materials and energy should have
maximize components multiple functions • Reduced need for min-
• Multifunctional use, closed-loop ing/growing/production of
functionality and overall sys- new materials and energy
tem optimization to ensure effec-
tive material cycles and careful • Reduced waste, all of which lead
energy flow would beneficially to reduction of GHG emissions
challenge conventional attitudes and less ecosystem disturbance
to building boundaries and the
idea of waste
9. Ecosystems and organisms are • Source and use materials locally • Reduced transport-related GHG
dependent upon and and use local abundances or emissions
responsive to local conditions unique features as design oppor- • Less disruption to ecosystems
tunities and biodiversity if impacts of
• Local characteristics of ecology mining/deforestation are visible
and culture should be seen as and understood by people driving
drivers and opportunities in the demand for the products of those
creation of place activities
• More robust local communities
and economies able to adapt to
climate change impacts
10. Living organisms within • Source energy from current sun- • Increased energy effectiveness
ecosystems are resourceful light, or other renewable sources leading to a reduction of GHG
and opportunistic • Understand and harness locally emissions used to operate build-
available materials sources or ings
geographical or climatic features • Less damage done to ecosystems
• Design to enable buildings (or
urban environments) to respond
more effectively to ecological
cycles and climatic conditions

10 M. Pedersen Zari

Table 2. Continued.

11. Ecosystems and the • Design to enable the building (or • More cared for and utilized build-
organisms within them have people with in it) to respond to ings will last longer resulting
the capacity to learn from and changing conditions, preferably in less waste of materials and
respond to information and passively fewer GHG emissions (through
self-assemble • Allow for adaptable and diverse transporting and manufacturing
user control materials) and less disturbance to
• Buildings should respond to ecosystems (through mining, pol-
changing social conditions. Use lution and land use changes to
feedback mechanisms such as source new materials and through
post occupancy evaluations pollution attributed to waste)
• Consider use of materials or
building systems that have more
rather than less value as they age
12. Ecosystems and the • Integrate user or building feed- • Better maintained buildings will
organisms with them have the back mechanisms into building last longer resulting in less waste
Downloaded by [Victoria University of Wellington] at 18:01 17 November 2014

capacity to heal within limits maintenance regimes of materials

• Consider self-repairing or clean- • Potentially more energy and
ing materials if appropriate materially effective built
13. Ecosystems often have • Redundancies for future changes • A more adaptable and resilient
in-built redundancies. need to be balanced against built environment as the climate
energy and material effectiveness continues to change
considerations of the present • Reduced negative environmental
• Consider possible future societal impact from the built environ-
needs or technological changes ment
• Plan for multiple energy genera- • Reduced pressure on ecosystems
tion possibilities and the utiliza- distant from urban areas to pro-
tion of multiple energy sources vide certain ecosystem services
• Consider adding redundancy to (such as energy generation)
structural capacity if there is a
possibility for addition over time
or if buildings will exist when
climate change impacts become
more severe
• Design to facilitate easy adapta-
tion and transformation in use of
space over time
• Allow for generous, non-specific
allocation of space if possible
14. Variety can occur through • Design for increased complexity • A built environment able to adapt
emergent effects (rapid rather than complicatedness to changes more rapidly
change) • Create or utilize positive (rein- • A more energy and materially
forcing) feedback loops within effective built environment
organizations, and buildings • More psychologically healthy
• Include societal, climatic and human population
ecological factors external to
a localized system (i.e. build-
ing) when planning organiza-
tional models
• Consider information-based
relationships between elements
rather than solely mechanical
• Allow interior environments to
be dynamic and responsive

Architectural Science Review 11

Table 2. Continued.

15. Variety can occur by • New architectural design should • More adaptable built environ-
recombination of information build upon the best examples of ment in terms of climate change
and mutation (gradual change) sustainable architecture building • Less generation of waste as
technologies buildings become obsolete
• Successes from vernacular or tra- or unsuitable (positive cli-
ditional forms of building should mate change mitigation and
be examined because many of biodiversity health implications)
these rely on passive techniques
rather than high amounts of
external energy to function
• Buildings should be designed to
enable gradual change over time
16. Ecosystems are organized in • Match the intensity of building • A more adaptable and less energy
different hierarchies and scales activities with cycles of ecosys- and materially intensive built
tems (for example, use long last- environment will have positive
Downloaded by [Victoria University of Wellington] at 18:01 17 November 2014

ing materials and construction implications for both climate and

methods where buildings will ecosystem health
remain long term)
• Plan for changes, additions, new
uses, increased performance over
short, medium and long time
17. Ecosystems and organisms • Buildings should be constructed • More effective material use
use cyclic processes in the to allow for future reuse or would have a positive impact
utilization of materials recycling in separate nutri- on both mitigating the causes of
ent streams (McDonough and climate change and on ecosystem
Braungart 2002) health
• Design for deconstruction • Less generation of waste could
• Buildings should utilize reused or mean less pollution of ecosys-
recycled building materials tems
• Minimize the use of compos-
ite materials and the number of
• Records should be kept of which
materials are used when build-
ings are constructed so these can
be identified later at the end of the
building life
• Consider the entire life-cycle of a
material when specifying it
• Consider ‘take back’ schemes
relevant for a built environment
18. Parts of ecosystems and • Consider how space can be used • More effective use of materials
organisms are often more effectively by allowing for and energy could translate into
multifunctional different activities to occur at dif- less GHG emissions and less
ferent times of the day/night or ecosystem disturbance
year • A more adaptable built environ-
• Plan for adaptive responses to the ment may be better suited to
different needs of people future climate change impacts
• Allow for future adaptive reuse • Less pressure on ecosystems to
• Consider buildings not just as provide humans with ecosystem
shelters of humans but also services
providers of energy and food,
purifiers of air and water,
sequesters of carbon, providers
of habitat for non-humans
(Pedersen Zari 2012b)

12 M. Pedersen Zari

Table 2. Continued.

19. The form of ecosystems and • Consider reducing the amount of • Reduced GHG emissions through
organisms is often a result of material or energy in designs that energy use and transportation of
functional need is a stylistic response to fashion materials
trends • Reduced ecosystem damage
• Consider psychological human through materials use
well-being in design
20. Living organisms that make • Materials used in built environ- • Reduced mining/extraction of
up ecosystems are typically ments should be non-toxic (to use difficult to source materials
made from commonly or make), benign, and made from and therefore less ecosystem
occurring elements materials that are not rare or diffi- disturbance
cult to extract and are renewable • Reduced pollution through
unless they can recycled indefi- waste/emissions
nitely • Healthier and more resilient
Downloaded by [Victoria University of Wellington] at 18:01 17 November 2014

21. Ecosystems and the • Consider not just energy effi- • Reduced GHG emissions from
organisms within them gather, ciency and generation within the burning of fossil fuels for
use and distribute and energy urban environments but also to energy
effectively how energy is moved, shared and • Reduced pollution/damage of
dissipated ecosystems through mining,
• Consider using ‘free energy’ or drilling and emissions from
‘waste’ energy from one process sourcing fossil fuels
to power another. Elaborations to
harness this energy (preferably
passively) may become struc-
tural or more physically apparent
within or between buildings
22. Local energy/resource • Energy should be sourced from • Reduced GHG emissions
become spatial and temporal contemporary sunlight (includ- • Reduced energy use
organizational devices ing wind, hydro and biomass • Physical and psychological bene-
sources) fits (Kellert 2005)
• Built environments should be • Development more suited to a
sited and organized according local context
to climate, utilizing if possible
unique features of the site to
improve environmental perfor-

design; post occupancy evaluation techniques; regenera- the intricacies of each ecosystem process more thoroughly.
tive design strategies to develop a sense of place and local Mapping the relationships between each process enables
ecology/geography/climate modelling to achieve this. In designers or engineers, many of whom think visually and
order to make the ecosystem processes mimicry con- spatially (Bertel 2005), and have the ability to understand
cept more practically applicable to architectural or urban complex relationships, to incorporate into their designs a
design, further research and testing stages need to occur. series of ecosystem processes that are self-reinforcing or
These would include devising and testing strategies along symbiotic.
with conducting in depth case studies that expand upon and The relationship matrix diagram proposed here should
provide another layer of details to the general points given be taken as a work in process, particularly as the study
in Table 2. Potential case studies and additional research of ecology is constantly evolving and with it, human
sources for each process described can however be found understanding of the living world. It may not be an abso-
in Pedersen Zari (2012a). lute true and accurate reflection of ecosystem processes
due to their complex nature, but it could enable design-
ers to engage with mimicking such processes in design,
Discussion and allow testing of the value of such a method. Once
It should be noted that the author is not an ecologist, but evaluation processes begin, feedback loops, if deliber-
rather is a designer trying to understand the processes of ately created could enable the refinement of the matrix.
ecosystems so that they can become useable and tangi- Vepsäläinen and Spence (2000, 213) state that ‘. . .highly
ble guides in design processes for built environments with abstract generalizations are essential frameworks for ask-
sustainable environmental outcomes. It may be that such ing more specific questions about nature’. This means that
a matrix is not useful for ecologists who may understand even if generalizations are not completely accurate, their
Architectural Science Review 13

value is in enabling people to think in a different way and any suitable existing method or technology can be used to
to discover ‘truths’ through devising tests of proposed gen- meet those goals. In a similar way, a built environment that
eralizations. Such generalizations are more effective when utilized ecosystem processes biomimicry would not have
people have minimal working knowledge of the phenom- set outcomes in terms of style or aesthetics.
ena in question (Vepsäläinen and Spence 2000). In the case Mimicking the processes of ecosystems could poten-
of designers or engineers trying to understand ecology, this tially result in better sustainability outcomes but the dan-
is likely to be the case. ger exists that such efforts may remain at a shallow
Although issues of scale and time are important when or metaphorical level. For example, a development that
discussing complex ecosystem dynamics (Peterson 2000), cycles matter, gathers and uses energy effectively and
these are not represented in the ecosystem processes is able to adapt to changing conditions might be based
matrix diagram (Figure 1) and could be an area for fur- upon an understanding of ecosystem processes. It may
ther exploration. In the context of presenting generalized not have environmental performance outcomes that are
ecosystem processes for potential mimicry in a design con- any better overall than other ‘sustainable’ buildings or
text, such issues may be less relevant and may further even conventional ones however. Mimicking the func-
Downloaded by [Victoria University of Wellington] at 18:01 17 November 2014

complicate representations of ecosystem processes how- tions of ecosystems (what they do rather than how they
ever. While systems which exist at a micro scale may work) may be easier because they are readily comprehen-
be different from those at a macro level (Ratzé et al. sible and because many aspects of ecosystem functions are
2007), Klijn and Udo de Haes (1994, 90) offer a different measurable.
perspective: It should be noted that even basic actions to reduce
. . .The only organizational ‘reality’. . .is the ecosystem
the environmental impact of the built environment, such as
which can be understood as a tangible whole of interre- specifying high insulation levels, or even orienting build-
lated biotic and abiotic components. The term ecosystem ings correctly relative to heating and cooling needs, are
thus becomes scale independent, implying that there are still not wide spread among all building design profes-
small ecosystems as well as large ones, made up of smaller sionals. Expecting this group to understand ecosystems in
geophysically related systems. . .
a thorough way, therefore, is probably ambitious. Rapid
The processes discussed in this research relate to mature changes in built environment design thinking and practice
ecosystems, such as forests or prairies. Biological systems does need to occur however in response to the need to both
display different characteristics depending on their stage mitigate the causes of climate change and adapt to it, so
of maturity (Odum 1969). Refining the ecosystem pro- information about ecosystems as presented here could be
cesses matrix to include differences between developing useful if it was part of wider and comprehensive efforts
and mature ecosystems could be a useful way to develop to enable built environment professionals to move towards
ecosystem biomimicry. creating truly sustainable urban environments.

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