Exercise 2 Medical Letter Answer

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Dr Alan Wood MB BCH NUI

Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital

Adelaide Road
Dublin 2
Tel: 01 664 4600

Our ref: AW/SF

Today’s date long date format

Dr Niall Pender MICGP

Clane Medical Centre
Co. Kildare

Dear Dr Pender


It is now a year since Sarah had bilateral grommets inserted into her tympanic membranes,
during which time she has been well. However, about six weeks ago she had an attack of
otitis media.

She returned to the clinic again yesterday for a review when I found that the grommets had
been dislodged from the tympanic membranes and were lying in the meatuses from where I
removed them. I found that the right middle ear was aerated but on the left side she had a
middle ear effusion. Although this was within normal limits, she had a mild loss of 20
decibels on the left side.

I have asked Mrs. Wearing to make sure that Sarah frequently practices Valsalva’s
manoeuvre and I reminded mother and daughter how important this exercise is in returning
Sarah’s ears and hearing to normal function.

I will review the situation again in three months.

Yours sincerely

Dr Alan Wood MB BCH NUI

Consultant ENT

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