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SU Tien ON S6Z Degigen egitim - ogretim sisteminde 1Q (Genel Yetenek) Bilimsel amaglamistr. git sistemimizin nedotleri arasinda elestirel, anal- ik, yenlikg! dagdnen, sorgulayan yorum yapan ya ‘st dazey bilgsel becerilere sahip bireyler yetistrimes! bulunmaktadir. Bu nedenle kitabimiz hazirlanirken ‘6@renciyibirgok yonden desteklemek ve 8grenmeyi kolaylagtirmak icin gerekll yintemier dikkate alinmigtr Onite igeigi, konularin zoriugu ve kolaylig Gniversite inn gelisimi, doGasi, gOnl0k hayattaki yyansimalan, sosyal ve ekonomik yénden katkilar gibi birgok alant birlogtrerok OQrencilerin donanimil, biting ve matematik dersini severek oGrenmelerini PREFACE 1 (intetigence Quotient) in the changing ‘education system By combining many fields such as the development of scientific knowiadge, nature, reflections in dally life, social and economic contribu- tions, it aims to enable students to leam equipped, conscious by loving mathematics. ‘The objectives of our education system are to train Individuals who think critically, analytically, innova- tively think, question and interpret, that is, high level cognitive skils. . Therefore, while preparing our book, the necessary ‘methods ara taken into consideration in order to ‘support the student in many ways and to facilitate leaming. sinavinda soru gelme olasiligi test sayilan beliremede ‘gdemdz olmustur. Soru igerigi, MEB Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Baskan- liginin betirledigi kazanimlar esas alnarak olusturul- mustur. Kitabimizin siziere yetorl verimi saglamast dilegiyle. ‘The content ofthe uni, the difficuty and ease of the ‘subjects, the lkelInood of questions ‘coming from the university exam have been measured In determining the number of tests. ‘The content ofthe question is based on the achieve- ‘ments determined by the MEB The Head Council of ‘Omer Faruk CANER Education and Morality Wishing our book will provide you with sufficient efi Kitapla ilgili digiincele oace tapi ig Ger, istek ve diptincelernizi asaidak! ig 7 ope ‘Omer Faruk CANER mail adreslerineiletebilisiniz. ‘omercaner@ yosdershanesi.com ‘You can send your suggestions, requests and thoughts about the book to the following e-mail ad- dresses. omercaner@ yosdershanesi.com CANER egitim kurumlari iCGiINDEKILER / CONTENTS 1. Sireler a 05 Passwords 2. Say! Diziter Number Series 3. istemter Operations 4. Sayi Sek lighter. Number-Figure Relations : oat 5. Seki! Bagintian Figure Relations 6. Seki! Baglantian, Links in Figure 7. Teraziler Scales 8, Harfli itadoler. Letter Expressions 9. Ug Boyutiu Nesneler...... ‘Three Dimensional Objects: 10. Tablolar. Tables 11, Denklem Eslestirme..... Equation Matching 12.Grafikler Graphs 465 18. Garklar Wheels 14. Gevre ve Alan..... : ss SOT Perimeter & Area SIFRELER PASSWORDS 15) 232) sy cou) (NER vos CANER vos CANER vos CANER yos CANER vos CANER vs CANER vas 3 4 CANE sitter passwords) ‘Agagidakl sorularda |. adimdaki her bir hart, rakam veya, ‘goki,opitigin digertarafindak fark birer hart, rakam ‘veya geki ile gdsteriimistr. Buna gore, soru Igaretiyle belintlen harfleri, rakamiar veya goklleri bulunuz.. Inthe fllowing questions, each letter, cgi or igure in tho step lis shown by a ciferent letter, iit or igure in the order side of equivalance. Accordingly, what are the laters, cigs Cr figures in the which are indicated by question mark L. KAMARA = 472757 4. RAKAM A) seazr 8) srare ©) 75742 D) 2a7as, E) 75452 1. MARATON UL TORNA=? A) casom = 8) ascMO CC) amon D) Osama) Camm 1 x00 = KMCOU W, oseaa=? A) cIOKM 8) omc =) KOC. D) McouK =) CUCM 1. 947261 = DMBVZE 4. 7asat A) BMOME D) Zvove 8) vBDBZ SAQAK = A5%00 KAGAK =? A) A0*04 8) O4wAD CG) AHO D) ona50—&) GOsOn 1. 43527 = 25981 UL 25974=? a) 45971 8) sass ©) 95128, D) sast2 &) se23t ENDISE = DISLED NESED=? a) IgesD 8) ipeDs ©) eDIDg D) LDEDI ) LoEDS 1 0 A) FAJETNAT B) KAJETNAS ) JATEXSAK D) FAJETIAT ) SAKACLIK A) 2473 5) 8si7 ©) 5137 10.1 a) We 1 4 Wi ik ) S182 5) 9543 FIYONK = 914257 AKSAN = 67965 AKSIYON =? 2ai67sa 8) 2781257 ©) 897125 D) 8761257 =) 6791425 KABUS = AHENK AGORA =? HADEH 58) HNLMH = ¢) HOORH ) HEGJH &) HIDFH ‘Abo = KLMINP |. xemov =MADES OHV A =? NPMEK ——-B) NPL§K 0) KNPgA D) NPLEM B) KNASE 19. SOPHELENIS =? A) 9300242576 B) 1962747401 ©) séteses02 ) 2065896702 ©) enoest2006 14, HABABAM =? A) ato: 8) senate ©) -txex+ D) :xexax+ 5) wxex-+ 15. VANTILATOR =? A) SERMUBEMUN —B) SERMOBEMUN (©) SERMUREMUN —_D) SERMOBEMEN E) SERMOREMUN 16. mSAMPIYON = YONSAMP ATONAYOIN = DINAYTON AVERSIYON = BYONSIVER = IVERVONS. = MAOGRETWEN = 7 A) TOGRMENE ©) TOGRNEME 8) MENETOGA D) MENEOTGR 5) TOGREMNE CANER Sreertreconere ‘Agatdak! sorularda |. adumdaki her bir hart, rakam veya ‘gol, opitigin cigertarafindakl fark birer hart, rakam voya gekl ile gSsterilmigt. Buna gre, soru igeretiyle belinlen harflert, rakamlar veya gekller! bulunuz. In the folowing questions, each letter, digit or figure inthe stop | is shown by a diferent ater, digit or igure in the order ‘ide of equdvalance. Accordingly, what are the letters, digits ‘or figures in the which are incicated by quastion mark. FEN 549 FAY 249 ven | | si9 =Fav=7 TAN 215 yan} | 619 A)549 8) 249 C)SI9-D)ZIS BEI z u SAG. 728 CAM 328 mag | | 128 +mag=? TAG B21 DAM 421 )728 8) 328 C)128 Dyaet 42 = u Go. m4 Got. 334 ToL 536 +@0L=? SEL 24 TEL 514 A)714 B84 C)S84 DER ISHS a, r SiR *om SET vou IR som =TIR=7 YER wax tur ane a) som 5) vom D) ae 5) ane L 463 643 264 438 A) 080 1 oe wae tee ee wet A) 492 1 BAL Min Bin ik MAT >) A cee 468, 448 668 266 >) 4 nao ona aco oa aoa goa u 432 824 423 342 234 ) 324 3634-7 8) ona ©) a00 £) a00 atte? 0423 ps2) 284 =BAL=? CANER ‘rere 10, 1" 12, KEP EPK KE eKP A oxo >) L ToK Yok Toy SAY Tas. A) 126 242 256 297 212 5 | AEA 1 357 7235 537 753 378. A) eon 2) u eso +00 *e0 ocx nex eos 0. 126 134 137 624 “aT By 194 a EZA eT FE EGE Ben a won ene so% *a0 eax wae B) x0e = cox ©) x90 =SAY=? ©1937 D624) 497 = 256=7 OV EFE D)EGE ELA 5) Oma 5) eax 13. 14, 15. 16. ozs EDD aos EMD ano cay =020: aaa MEC mas May ) EDD 5) EMD ©) cay ) Mec 5) MAY I au HAL 8e7 FIL, 267 FAL 247 =FAL=? KAS a3 HES 543 Ayes? 8/287 ©)247D)BIS ESAS 1 u ana KAT soa SAT sana=? aoa kT eng EAT nea KET A) KAT 5) SAT © s«r ) EAT 5) KET IL: u 980 say goa ASA Deo BAS =O%0=7 ous AYA 00 ABA CANER Sentero ‘Asagidaki sorularda |. adimdaki her bie har, rakam ‘veya gokil,gikiardakdfarkl birer hart, rakam voya gekdl le gésterlimisti. Buna gére, soru igaretiye beir- ‘ten hare, rakamlar veya gekiller! bulunuz. In the following questions below, each ete, digit or figure inthe step | is shown by a diferent loter, cig or figu- rein choises. Accoringly, what are the lets, cigs or figures in the which are indicated by question mark. L ace eag nea | saeo=7 eca sea Ayaar B27 C)742D)724 «E274 ELA ECE KAR | KAR=? KEL GEL ATT 8/47 C)670 DY 708 «EBS L ‘oNU ‘OUN uno | =uNo=? NUO UON A tox B) x © -+x D) -x+ £) xe i Bin KIN sak | =BIN=? KAR BIN A)7e1 8427 C)361 0) 365, xt xls Vis} axnte? jon a-x Ajo 8/087 0)3420)3B7_—E) SAP Cary som ate | ave? -v~ ven A)SES B)HUY O)JON D)KIT EEDA I 212 434 rat | 685-7 685 343 A)HO® B)AMA 0)O1@ D)GHS E)+Oe 1 682 504 2a | asu4=? 614 514 AJGOL 8)KOL BOL D)GEL &)BEK CANER steerer 10. 1. 2 ie ay Yat aay Vie aya 217 7 22 art mm A) 188 can MAT kaT CAM A) 098 ‘an oan bam cao ao 4) 407 siel=? 8183) 198) sB1 EV ast 27142 5)116 0)888 D608) 168 =CAN=? B)996 ¢) 598 Dyese esse eam=? 5)405 c) 008 34, 573, 242 473 | =473=7 731 ai3 AJOLA B)KAL O)SOL O)YOL BVI 252 131 ees | 960-7 676 406 AIR B)TAT C)MUM D)KEK £) SiS BOL 487 a7 337 | =537=7 517 937 A)=-* B)A@e Cht-* D)-i* Eee 1 AYA vay tay | savA=? TAT. ATA, ASL Byun Opin Dy B= CANER Senne ‘Agadak! sorularda |. acimdaki her bir hart, rakam veya gekl,giklaréaki faith birer har, rakam veya sek Ile gBsterimisti. Buna gre, soru igaretiyle Deliriten harfiert, rakamiar veya gokart bulunur. In the following questions below, each letter, digit or gure In the step lis shown by 2 different letter, gt or figu- +n choises. Accordingly, what are the letters, cigts or figutes in the which are indicated by question mark. 1 Asi ksi pat | sar=? SAL, Dik A)2a7 8184 C)925 D197) 405 &. oh. van say KAR PAS TAK AyTB 8/81 C)S24D)Aa1_— «EBB a ARI SIR Ray | =YAT=? THR vat A413 B)91C)819_D)Se4 E995 ao KART ARTI Taki | 9ARTI=2 KARE: ETKi )247 8) 5419 ©) 1295 0) 1254) 4217. L c0cE ETEK KUKA ATAK ACAR A) 8984 KOSE OBEK ‘SART REVA VALE Ay1T38 i. SER ASiL UKE A) 7288 5)s268 c)azus paras) 7176 8)9203 c) 6802 0) 4265) 8143 8)9878 €)6431 0) 5619) 2508 =SAPA=? 8) 4272 ©) 7892 0) 1242) 2042

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