Administrators Upgrade Guide To 16

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Tekla Structures
Administrators Guide

Upgrade guide from 15.0 to 16.0

This new administrator's guide was formerly called the localization guide. It is meant as a guide for advanced users to determine what additional customizations are available in new Tekla Structures versions.

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Table of contents GENERAL SETTINGS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Windows 7 compatible with Tekla Structures ................................................................................................................ 3 1.1.1 New file locations ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.2 Objects.inp ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7 1.3 privileges.inp Improvements ........................................................................................................................................... 8 1.4 IFC Improvements ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 1.5 Web Viewer Content Improvements ............................................................................................................................12 1.6 Drawing Improvements .................................................................................................................................................12 1.6.1 Master Drawing Catalog Localization of folders and stored searches ..................................................................12 1.6.2 Obsolete Drawing History ........................................................................................................................................16 1.6.3 Improvements in Drawings Associativity .................................................................................................................16 1.6.4 Better support for Arches and Circles in Drawings .................................................................................................17 1.6.5 Dimension Grouping .................................................................................................................................................17 1.7 Modeling Improvements................................................................................................................................................18 1.7.1 Sketching of Variable Cross Sections Improvements ............................................................................................18 1.7.2 Some notes about Component catalog files system components:.....................................................................18 1.7.3 Empty attribute filter ..................................................................................................................................................19 1.7.4 Numbering Development: Numbering series of selected objects ..........................................................................19 1.7.5 Numbering settings : Warning dialog box ...............................................................................................................20 1.7.6 Concrete Part inherits numbering settings from Cast unit Numberings series .....................................................20 1.7.7 Numbering Improvements in Multi-User Mode .......................................................................................................21 1.7.8 Numbering History Log File Improvements .............................................................................................................21 1.7.9 Locking of Components............................................................................................................................................22 1.7.10 Links to Analysis software ...................................................................................................................................22 1.8 Reports & Templates ....................................................................................................................................................23 1.8.1 New functionality in Contractor reports ...................................................................................................................23 1.8.2 New History content type .........................................................................................................................................24 1.8.3 Inquiry report option for all object types ..................................................................................................................24 2. 3. STEEL SPECIFIC SETTINGS ...............................................................................................................................................25 2.1 SDNF import improvements .........................................................................................................................................25 CONCRETE SPECIFIC SETTINGS .....................................................................................................................................26 3.1 New cast unit/assembly views ......................................................................................................................................26 3.2 Elislab link ......................................................................................................................................................................27 3.3 .NET improvements: Rebar catalog component .........................................................................................................27 3.4 .NET Improvements: Mesh Catalog Component ........................................................................................................27 3.5 New Bending types .......................................................................................................................................................28 GLOBALLY CHANGED SETTINGS .....................................................................................................................................28 4.1 Variables added or changed in env_global_default.ini ...............................................................................................28 4.1.1 Bypass the login dialog box .....................................................................................................................................28 4.1.2 XS_DIALOG_ENABLE_STATE ...............................................................................................................................28 4.2 Variables deleted from env_global_default.ini: ............................................................................................................29


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1.1 Windows 7 compatible with Tekla Structures

Tested for compatibility and reliability on Windows 7 Passed Microsoft designed tests to minimize possible application errors, hangs and reboots Meets privacy standards set forth by the Anti Spyware coalition Installs cleanly and reliably Eliminates unnecessary reboots Ensures compatibility with Windows 7, both 32-bit and 64-bit editions
1.1.1 New file locations

There are some changes in the file placement due to Windows 7 certification. The OLD folder structure was like this:

All files were installed under TeklaStructures folder.

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From Tekla Structures 16.0 onwards the software and environments are separated into different locations. Depending on the OS the NEW default folder structure is now: Windows XP

Software is installed under .../Program files/TeklaStructures folder Environments are installed under /Documents and Settings/All users/Application data/TeklaStructures folder User settings go into /Documents and Settings/username//Application data/TeklaStructures folder

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Windows Vista

Software is installed under .../Program files/TeklaStructures folder Environments are installed under /ProgramData /TeklaStructures folder User settings go into /Users/username/AppData/Local/TeklaStructures folder

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Windows 7

Software is installed under .../Program files/TeklaStructures folder Environments are installed under /ProgramData /TeklaStructures folder User settings go into /Users/username/AppData/Local/TeklaStructures folder

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This affects also the runtime, like .NET related files. According to Windows 7 certification requirements, program should not create any new files to Program Files-folder runtime. In Tekla Structures 16.0 directory is first defined using XSUSERDATADIR, if environment variable is not found then from XSDATADIR. For .NET plugins this means that upon loading into Tekla Structures they do not replace any older existing inp-file. Redeployment of an inp-file for a plugin is therefore required in /Runtime/Plugins folder. See above the location in different OS.

The OLD location for these files was in \TeklaStructures\15.0\applications\plugins folder.

1.2 Objects.inp

Two new attributes added to Parameters tab page under Part attributes to objects.inp file in common/inp folder:
attribute("PRODUCT_WEIGHT", "j_Product_weight", float,"%d", no, none, "0.0", "0.0") { value("", 0) } attribute("PRODUCT_UNIT", "j_Product_unit", string,"%s", no, none, "0.0", "0.0") { value("", 0)

} PRODUCT_WEIGHT is used i.e. for standard embed weight when rebars or bolts are used in steel assembly. PRODUCT_UNIT is used in standard embed listing for units which can vary by embed type: pcs, meters, area etc.

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1.3 privileges.inp Improvements

It is now possible to control locking of components by controlling Locked attribute of connections from privileges.inp file. To control components of a particular model, respective priviledges.inp can be saved to model folder.

1.4 IFC Improvements

Re-edited and re-wrote of the code: Architecture changed to get version independence - new plug-ins can be used with 14.1 and newer versions Speed improvements File size optimization IFC export is faster and can now write larger files EDM tweaking Numerous fixes IFC model content enriched: Improved interoperability with architect and HVAC designer

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Reinforcement (& bolts, nuts, washers) will be visible

#489980= IFCMECHANICALFASTENER('12PB4J00003J4nCJCuEJSv',#20,'Bolt assembly','','',#489736,#489976,'TS_2353525',30.,6.);

IFC export import supports both presentation and coordination views New format IfcXML in both import and export

Web viewer model will include rebars, bolts, nuts, washers IFC and IfcXML file structure is quite loose By compressing the file size goes to ~1/10 of actual size Support added to both import and export (.Ifczip)

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Added Support of IFC Presentation View. Now import and export support also the presentation view beside the coordination view. Coordination view for design coordination graphics as extrusion solids, Boolean operations in use, Parameterization used Presentation view for publishing graphics as B-reps, no parameterization

Object and progress count.

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File header improved

HEADER; FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView, QuantityTakeOffAddOnView]'),'2;1'); FILE_NAME('C:\\TeklaStructuresModels\\4671_Nikinmaki\\03022009cv.ifc','200902-03T10:51:27',('TEKLAAD/lli'),('Structural Designer'),'EXPRESS Data Manager version:20070116','Tekla Structures 15.0 Build:481594/30.1.2009, IFC Export Version:104/Jan 19 2009',''); FILE_SCHEMA(('IFC2X3')); ENDSEC;

Base quantities added

#202= IFCQUANTITYLENGTH('Length',$,$,1000.); #204= IFCQUANTITYAREA('OuterSurfaceArea',$,$,0.4444); #206= IFCQUANTITYVOLUME('NetVolume',$,$,0.0044); #208= IFCQUANTITYWEIGHT('NetWeight',$,$,10.56); #210= IFCELEMENTQUANTITY ('16yJKh4iLAbvrofNq$O1QV',#20,'BaseQuantities',$,$,(#202,#204,#206,#208));

Type objects (IfcBeamType, etc.) added

#152= IFCBEAM('12jcia0000734nCJaoDJ8r',#20,'COLUMN','CFRHS120X10','CFRHS120X10',#9 9,#148,'TS_3403346');

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GENERAL SETTINGS #171= IFCBEAMTYPE('2r7o2k0OP9jhL2eM$pIOow',#20,'CFRHS120X10',$,$,$,$,$,$,.NOTDEFIN ED.);

Profile names in the units of the used environment Imperial profile name remains as inserted Possibility to cast property set values in IFC model units Float types can be included with the value in IFC (e.g. previously exported as 1 now exported as 1 m or 1 ft): LENGTHMEASURE AREAMEASURE VOLUMEMEASURE MASSMEASURE

1.5 Web Viewer Content Improvements

Colors same as in Tekla model.

1.6 Drawing Improvements

1.6.1 Master Drawing Catalog Localization of folders and stored searches MDC now supports full localization of folders and stored searches in the masterCatalog.xml file. The localization works as follows: 1. Before displaying the name of a folder or a stored search, the name string is run through the localization system. 2. Names matching any of the localized labels (albl_*) are localized automatically. 3. If the name does not match any known label, the name string is displayed as is. This allows the user to create folders and stored searches without knowing the localized labels. Inside the

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masterCatalog.xml the names should use the localization labels. Here is an example of fully localized masterCatalog.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <CatalogSettings xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <IncludeTemplates>true</IncludeTemplates> <IncludeStandards>true</IncludeStandards> <IncludeRulesets>true</IncludeRulesets> <SearchString /> <SelectedFolder /> <SelectedCategory>albl_Basic</SelectedCategory> <WorkingMode>Search</WorkingMode> <DrawingView>Thumbnails</DrawingView> <ShowDescription>false</ShowDescription> <Folders> <Folder Name="albl_Basic"> <Files /> <Folders /> </Folder> </Folders> <StoredSearches> <StoredSearch> <Hidden>false</Hidden> <Name>albl_All</Name> <Search /> <Target>Catalog</Target> <TargetFolder /> <SourceType>None</SourceType> <TargetType>None</TargetType> </StoredSearch> <StoredSearch> <Hidden>false</Hidden> <Name>albl_Basic</Name> <Search /> <Target>Catalog</Target> <TargetFolder>albl_Basic</TargetFolder> <SourceType>None</SourceType> <TargetType>None</TargetType> </StoredSearch> <StoredSearch> <Hidden>false</Hidden> <Name>albl_Deleted</Name> <Search /> <Target>Deleted</Target> <TargetFolder /> <SourceType>None</SourceType> <TargetType>None</TargetType> </StoredSearch> <StoredSearch> <Hidden>true</Hidden> <Name>==========</Name> <Search />

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<Target>Catalog</Target> <TargetFolder /> <SourceType>None</SourceType> <TargetType>None</TargetType> </StoredSearch> <StoredSearch> <Hidden>false</Hidden> <Name>albl_General_arrangement_drawings</Name> <Search /> <Target>Catalog</Target> <TargetFolder /> <SourceType>None</SourceType> <TargetType>GeneralArrangement</TargetType> </StoredSearch> <StoredSearch> <Hidden>false</Hidden> <Name>albl_Assembly_drawings</Name> <Search /> <Target>Catalog</Target> <TargetFolder /> <SourceType>None</SourceType> <TargetType>Assembly</TargetType> </StoredSearch> <StoredSearch> <Hidden>false</Hidden> <Name>albl_Single_part_drawings</Name> <Search /> <Target>Catalog</Target> <TargetFolder /> <SourceType>None</SourceType> <TargetType>SinglePart</TargetType> </StoredSearch> <StoredSearch> <Hidden>false</Hidden> <Name>albl_Cast_unit_drawings</Name> <Search /> <Target>Catalog</Target> <TargetFolder /> <SourceType>None</SourceType> <TargetType>CastUnit</TargetType> </StoredSearch> <StoredSearch> <Hidden>true</Hidden> <Name>==========</Name> <Search /> <Target>Catalog</Target> <TargetFolder /> <SourceType>None</SourceType> <TargetType>None</TargetType> </StoredSearch> <StoredSearch> <Hidden>false</Hidden> <Name>albl_Cloning_templates</Name>

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<Search /> <Target>Catalog</Target> <TargetFolder /> <SourceType>TemplateDrawing</SourceType> <TargetType>None</TargetType> </StoredSearch> <StoredSearch> <Hidden>false</Hidden> <Name>albl_Saved_settings</Name> <Search /> <Target>Catalog</Target> <TargetFolder /> <SourceType>StandardFile</SourceType> <TargetType>None</TargetType> </StoredSearch> <StoredSearch> <Hidden>false</Hidden> <Name>albl_Rule_sets__wizards_</Name> <Search /> <Target>Catalog</Target> <TargetFolder /> <SourceType>RuleSet</SourceType> <TargetType>None</TargetType> </StoredSearch> </StoredSearches> <ForeignModels /> </CatalogSettings>

Notice how the names use the localized labels. Other texts are not localized as they are part of the file format and not displayed to the user. The file above is the default configuration the MDC will create if the masterCatalog.xml cannot be found.

Note that you don't need to edit the masterCatalog.xml file by hand, MDC can be used to localize any existing files. To localize an existing file, open the Master Drawing Catalog, switch to Browse view and rename the folders and stored searches using the table below.

All Basic Deleted General arrangement drawings Assembly drawings Single-part drawings Cast-unit drawings

albl_All albl_Basic albl_Deleted albl_General_arrangement_drawings albl_Assembly_drawings albl_Single_part_drawings albl_Cast_unit_drawings

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Cloning templates Saved settings Rule sets (wizards)

albl_Cloning_templates albl_Saved_settings albl_Rule_sets__wizards_

The names are updated automatically as the labels are matched.

1.6.2 Obsolete Drawing History

When a drawing is marked as obsolete (All parts deleted), Drawings Quantity , Name, and Assembly Pos information will be written to the following UDAs for the drawing: DRAWING_X_PARTS_NO number of parts DRAWING_X_MARK mark of the drawing DRAWING_X_NAME name of the drawing

These UDAs can be used in reports and templates to provide information about obsolete drawings. By Setting XS_MULTIDRAWING_KEEP_OBSOLETE_DRAWINGS to TRUE, leaves obsolete drawings in multi drawing as well.
1.6.3 Improvements in Drawings Associativity

Drawing detail view is associative with part of model when the part(s) are not completely inside of the view (for instance in polygon slabs). 3D views are associative, view sizes and annotation update correctly. This applies also to cloned drawings that use Model Coordinate system.

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1.6.4 Better support for Arches and Circles in Drawings

New tolerance added as advanced option: XS_DRAWING_SOLID_MERGE_TOLERANCE Removing necessary segments of edge Solid edges are classified as line, curved or double curved.

1.6.5 Dimension Grouping

Number of objects in the dimension tag is updated correctly. Dimension grouping is updated automatically by choosing the option Update grouping when model changes

Drawing Properties>Dimensioning>Dimension grouping

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1.7 Modeling Improvements

1.7.1 Sketching of Variable Cross Sections Improvements

Faster than before User can now create Library Profiles from Variable Cross Section Profiles

1.7.2 Some notes about Component catalog files system components:

- No translations, names of the components are the same as in the file regardless of the language - The file \Messages\Joints.ail contains translations of component names and tooltips that are shown in the "All components" toolbar - The names of the components must be exactly the same in both files (ComponentCatalog.txt and ComponentCatalogTreeView.txt) - The components listed must be exactly the same in both files (ComponentCatalog.txt and ComponentCatalogTreeView.txt) If one of the components mentioned in the ComponentCatalogTreeView.txt file is missing in the ComponentCatalog.txt, the whole folder becomes empty.

- The name cannot contain slash (for example name "Lifting/alignment pieces" is not acceptable) - The name should contain the number too (this is the practice that we should follow)

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ComponentCatalog.txt (located in C:\TeklaStructures\work\environments\europe\system\): - Affects to the Search view of the catalog - Affects to the Search results branch of the Folders view - Can be edited while TS is running but model must be re-opened after saving the file ComponentCatalogTreeView.txt (located in C:\TeklaStructures\work\environments\europe\system\): - Affects to the Folders view of the catalog (but not the Search results branch) - Can be edited while TS is running but first the file under the model must be deleted and after that the model must be re-opened
1.7.3 Empty attribute filter

Part, assembly and other objects' properties can now be filtered with empty values

1.7.4 Numbering Development: Numbering series of selected objects

New option to Number Series of Selected Objects. This facilitates the speed of handling larger models. User can create and open drawings without executing full numbering (of all modified objects) but just numbering series of selected objects. For effective use of this feature, numbering series shall be carefully planned: splitting them to smaller part series. In new models created TS 16.0, Concrete parts numbering series are formed according to CU numbering settings.

Automatically used when you update or create a drawing. Numbers all numbering series of selected parts, concrete parts inherit numbering settings from cast unit numbering settings. Note: Based on experiment with a large model, this new feature will cut down numbering time after modifications 70%-90% compared to old functionality used in earlier versions.

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1.7.5 Numbering settings : Warning dialog box

A confirmation dialog is now displayed if the "Renumber all"-option is selected when numbering is performed.

1.7.6 Concrete Part inherits numbering settings from Cast unit Numberings series

Functionality was developed to enable to number concrete parts partially. Note: This functionality cannot be used with models that are created with previous versions.

Concrete_Cast unit Prefix-Cast unit Start Number and gets Start number 1

If you change Part Numbering settings either Prefix or start number, those settings will be used in numbering. That can be performed for example with Corbel connection. If Corbel Pos is Corbel, it will be numbered as Corbel. If Pos is Concrete, it will inherit Cast unit numbering settings.

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1.7.7 Numbering Improvements in Multi-User Mode

Numbering doesnt override other multiuser editing. Now the saving order no longer determine which changes are kept all changes are saved. This reduces the amount of conflicts in the multi-user model.
1.7.8 Numbering History Log File Improvements

Check numbering report provides selectable list overlapping assemblies/parts. Created when full numbering is done. Tools menu >> Display Log file >> Numbering History.

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1.7.9 Locking of Components

It is now possible to control locking of components by controlling Locked attribute of connections from privileges.inp file.

1.7.10 Links to Analysis software

SAP2000 version 12 and 14 links have now been implemented.

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1.8 Reports & Templates

1.8.1 New functionality in Contractor reports

Added task-support to reporting. Enables report creation from task data for construction management: quantity lists of materials needed in different phases of the building project tracking project progress

Added Task object to template editor. New content type TASK in \environments\default\template\settings\contenttypes.lst file. New attributes in \environments\default\template\settings\contentattributes_global.lst file:



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1.8.2 New History content type

You can now create a template where you use the HISTORY row content type. This content type can be used hierarchically under PART, REBAR, CONNECTION and DRAWING rows. On the HISTORY row you can use the following attributes to ask for its information: TYPE, returns what kind of history action it is, "insert", "update", or "numbering". USER, returns the user who has made the change TIME, returns the time when the change was made COMMENT, returns the Save comment which was given

You can get the history report only in multi user.

1.8.3 Inquiry report option for all object types

It's now possible to use reports to show data on Inquire object dialog for all kind of objects. Previously this was possible only for part, welding, assembly and cast unit type objects. TS first checks if a report for certain object type is found from the environment. If it's found inquire dialog uses the report, otherwise old inquire data is shown. The name of the report is TS_Report_Inquire_<ObjectType>.rpt. e.g for parts the name of the report is TS_Report_Inquire_Part.rpt. The possible object type names for the report after the fix are: Addmaterial Analysis_Node Analysis_Node_Link Analysis_Part Antimaterial Area_Load

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Assembly Bolt Cast_Unit Chamfer Circle Component Connection Cut Distance Fitting Grid Line Line_Load Macro Part Plane Point Point_Load Rebar_Mesh Rebar_Splice Rebar_Strand Reference Reinforcement Sketch_Item Surfacing Temperature_Load Uniform_Load Weld_Cut Welding


2.1 SDNF import improvements

SDNF(3.0) import supports holes in plates. Packet 22 data is now imported correctly Revisions are handled correctly Note: SDNF export supports only polygon cuts

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3.1 New cast unit/assembly views

Cast unit view, i.e. view showing only items of the selected cast unit (assembly) New functionality to create cast unit/assembly views from popup menu the same way as they are created for part. The new functionality can be used as follows: - Select a cast unit/assembly and right-click over it so popup menu is shown. - Select the option Create view - Inside that option there are several options: create "3D view", create "default views" (front, end, top and perspective views), create "undeformed view", create "on plane" views (front, top, bottom and back views) New example view files have been added to \environments\default\system folder:
assembly_back_view.mvi assembly_basic_view.mvi assembly_bottom_view.mvi assembly_end_view.mvi assembly_front_view.mvi assembly_persp_view.mvi assembly_top_view.mvi

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3.2 Elislab link

User can use TS model as a source of input for to calculate HC capasity by using EliSlab Run EliSlab macro: Tools macros Link available from extranet.

3.3 .NET improvements: Rebar catalog component

Rebar catalog dialog can now be accessed in .net applications and plugins.

3.4 .NET Improvements: Mesh Catalog Component

Mesh catalog dialog can now be accessed in .net applications and plugins.

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3.5 New Bending types

New rebar bending types added Examples:


These are settings that have been changed in all environments due to a fix, update, or various other reasons. You are of course welcome to further localize these variables if they do not suit your regional needs.
4.1 Variables added or changed in env_global_default.ini 4.1.1 Bypass the login dialog box

If you want to bypass the login dialog box, use a separate .ini file, where you set the following variables: Both XS_DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT and XS_DEFAULT_ROLE should be set for startup to work correctly. XS_DEFAULT_LICENSE is optional. XS_DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT This variable points to the environment specific .ini file, for example C:\TeklaStructures\16.0\environments\usimp\env_usimp.ini XS_DEFAULT_ROLE This variable points to the role specific .ini file, for example C:\ TeklaStructures\16.0\environments\usimp\role_steel_Detailer.ini To be able to set these variables, you can use the new parameter for the shortcut: -I (capital i). This points to an additional initialization file to be read BEFORE reading the environment ini. For example: -I C:\TeklaStructures\Bypass.ini

All object dialog enable check boxes can now be set to unchecked state by default by using environment variable set XS_DIALOG_ENABLE_STATE=FALSE

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