1st Newsletter ISMAFARSI

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Association of Indonesian Pharmaceutical Student

Dear friends all over the world, I am really glad to publish this first newsletter of our national organization for all pharmacy students in Indonesia. Association of Indonesian Pharmaceutical Students (ISMAFARSI) is the oldest and the biggest national organization of healthcare students in our country. Formed in 1955, now we are leading 60 pharmacy schools around Indonesia. The aim of this organization is to be the place for all pharmacy students to share ideas, discuss the global issues of pharmacy and to develop our professionalism through public health, development activities and make good relations with some national and international organizations. This first newsletter of ISMAFARSI was made by external team of ISMAFARSI that spread around Indonesia and I really thank all of them because we have achieved a lot of new projects together also had influenced more people. Here you can read a lot of our organization; from the history, our passions and of course, activities. I hope you enjoy this newsletter and let us know what youre doing too. Together we can bring a better future for pharmacy!

Dwi Ruth Kurniasih Chairperson of External Relation ISMAFARSI


ISMAFARSI (Association of Indonesian Pharmaceutical Student) is a students organization embracing 57 student organizations from pharmaceutical institutions in Indonesia. Formed on December, 22nd 1955 at Kaliurang (small town located about 25 km north of Yogyakarta, West Java) with the aim to unite the opinions and serve all pharmaceutical students. ISMAFARSI is the oldest profession based National Students Association in Indonesia. In 2007, ISMAFARSI have legalized through a decree from the Director of Institutional in DIKTI (Directorate General of Higher Education in Indonesia). In the same year, ISMAFARSI succeeded in becoming a Full Member of IPSF (International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation).


ISMAFARSIs vision is to strengthen students existence by actively act in pharmacy area society. Mission: 1. Constructing cooperation of all Indonesian pharmaceutical students with supporting activities. 2. Make a good cooperation with all profession organization and other healthcare students organization. 3. To bring Indonesia's pharmaceutical education into International level 4. Actively act in arranging and publishing national health policy, specifically in pharmacy section.

ISMAFARSI consist of 8 regionals. Each region is managed by Regional Coordinator. The followings are lists of region:

1. Regional

Sumatera I Coordinator: T. M. Haris

City Medan Medan Medan 1 2 3 4 5 6 City Padang Padang Padang Pekanbaru Jambi Palembang Palembang 7 8 9 10

5. Nata


Regional Coordinator: Liza Mardianty (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Jogjakarta)

Komsat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Universitas Gadjah Mada Universitas Sanata Dharma Universitas Islam Indonesia Universitas Muhammadiyah Universitas Setia Budi Universitas Wahid Hasyim Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Universitas Jendral Soedirman Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto City Jogjakarta Jogjakarta Jogjakarta Jogjakarta Solo Surakarta Semarang Semarang Purwokarto Purwokerto

(Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien, Medan)

Komsat 1 Universitas Sumatera Utara 2 Universitas Muslim Nusantara . 3 Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien . .


Sumatera II

Regional Coordinator: Benni Iskandar (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Farmasi Riau, Pekanbaru)
Komsat 1 Universitas Andalas 2 . STIF Indonesia Yayasan Perintis 3 . STI Farmasi 4 STIF Riau . 5 . STI Kesehatan Harapan Ibu 6 STIF Indonesia . 7 . Universitas Kader Bangsa .


Jatim bali

Regional Coordinator: Yulan Ari P. ( Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya)

Komsat City Surabaya Kediri Malang Surabaya Surabaya Jember Bali 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Universitas Airlangga Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Kediri Universitas Muhammadiyah Universitas Surabaya Universitas Widya Mandala Universitas Jember Universitas Udayana


Jabodelata Coordinator: Salahuddin Akbar

Regional Jakarta)

(Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka,

City Depok Jakarta Jakarta Jakarta Jakarta Bogor Bogor Lampung

1 Universitas Indonesia 2 Universitas Pancasila 3 UM Prof. DR. Hamka 4 UIN Syarif Hidayatullah 5 Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 6 Universitas Pakuan 7 STT Industri dan Farmasi 8 Universitas Tulang Bawang


Kalimantan Coordinator: Jusmiati A (Universitas

City Samarinda Banjarmasin Pontianak


Mulawarman, Samarinda)
Komsat 1 2 3 Universitas Mulawarman Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Universitas Tanjung Pura


Bandung Raya

Regional Coordinator: Patria Ardhi Nugraha (Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung)

Komsat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Universitas Padjajaran Institute Teknologi Bandung Universitas Al Ghifari Universitas Jendral Ahmad Yani STF Indonesia Bakti Tunas Husada Tasikmalaya Universitas Garut Universitas Islam Bandung Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Cirebon City Bandung Bandung Bandung Cimahi Bandung Tasik Garut Bandung Cirebon Bandung



Regional Coordinator: Irmin (Universitas Indonesia Timur, Makassar)

Komsat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Universitas Hasanuddin STIF Makassar Universitas Islam Negeri Universitas Muslim Indonesia Universitas Indonesia Timur Universitas Pancasakti Universitas Islam Makassar Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Farmasi Palu Universitas Kristen Tumohon Manado City Makassar Makassar Makassar Makassar Makassar Makassar Makassar Palu Manado

10 Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Bandung

DIABETES CAMPAIGN In commemoration of global anti-diabetic, which was held in 14 November, ISMAFARSI made a huge Aerobics event that was arranged in Yogyakarta (one of city from JOGLOSEPUR, ISMAFARSI REGION). Participants can do attractive things in this event; Aerobics that was led by professional instructors in gymnastics, blood sugar checks, and consultation about Diabetes. The blood sugar check along with health consultations were handled by the Ministry of Health so that the explanations of diabetes were easily understood by the public. Feedback and comments about this event were highly positive; this showed us that people now have more knowledge about diabetes, how to cure and how to prevent it. Since Indonesia is also a country that has numbers of diabetes sufferers.

HIV AIDS CAMPAIGN ISMAFARSI has a routine agenda of world HIVAIDS awareness campaign every 1st December each year. In 2010, ISMAFARSI also contributing in making various forms of activities in areas ISMAFARSI, such as the long march and rally in the Sumatra region I and II of Sumatra. The campaign aims to voice to the people to avoid HIV causes AIDS and how HIV-AIDS warned very risky. This event received a positive response from the community. TB CAMPAIGN On TB day, March 24th, ISMAFARSI took part throughout campaign to attempt helping sufferers of tuberculosis in Indonesia. By this campaign we provide invitations for the communities to be able to prevent the escalation of tuberculosis patients in Indonesia. We distributed leaflets to publics, informing them the way that TB is really contagious. Therefore we also shared mask. Furthermore, we were collecting funds that will be voluntarily given to LKC to help for treatment of TB patients. Money that we got there now has been donated to the LKC to support treatment of tuberculosis patients. We constantly evaluate this activity because it is an annual agenda. Feedback from the community towards this activity was very good; especially this is a social activity that is charitable.

Indonesians Pharmaceutical Students Involvement on Health Professional Education Quality Project In 2010, Directorate General of Higher Education-Ministry of National Education-Republic of Indonesia (DIKTI) launched the HPEQ Project, a developing program to increase the quality of health professional education system (HPES). The outcome result of this program is that it will produce the high quality of health professional to serve people on national health development. There are three main components in this tasks; first, increasing the quality of HPES, developing the health professional certification and developing of loan for HPES. HPEQ Project defined as the health professionals such as doctor, dentist, nurse and midwife; now it has been followed by pharmacist, nutritionist and public health professional (in HPEQ Plus Project). In the beginning, the stakeholders who were involved in HPEQ are health professional association (IAI, pharmacist) and health professional school association (APTFI, pharmaceutical school). But when the Mission program between DGHE-World Bank/WB-Health Professional Students Association/HPSA (ISMAFARSI, pharmaceutical student) in DGHE Office on April 2011, they have agreed to involve HPSA on HPEQ Plus Project. Now HPSA involve on each components of HPEQ Plus Project; as the main point of 1st HPEQ Students Summit on November 2010. HPSA has composed the main program as the evidence of students role on HPEQ; observing the data about students involvement on HPES, composing the regulation about students involvement on HPES, making the training program for students to involve on HPES, composing the independence system of students participation on accreditation system, composing the system about inter-professional education among the HPS and representing the students aspiration of HPES methodology. The achieving process of HPSA involvement on HPEQ Plus Project is a responsibility of all HPS including pharmaceutical student. So, the active roles of all pharmaceutical students are needed on coordination of Chairperson of Pharmacy Education-Association of Indonesian Pharmaceutical Students/ISMAFARSIINDONESIA, Vhony Purnamasari. Author: Redho Meisudi, Vhony Purnamasari

RAKERNAS: Meetings to discuss national event

RAKERNAS, which stands for Rapat Kerja Nasional and is similar to the IPSF World Congress, but held once every two years. This event aims to deliberate on the programs that will be run by ISMAFARSI in the next one and a half year. The meeting is held for several days, usually 6, where delegates from all over Indonesia, who are involved in ISMAFARSI, come together to negotiate the future of this organization. The process in RAKERNAS itself is carried out gradually and is divided into commissions as agreed together in the forum. Creation of the commissions in the congress is done according to each Executive Staff in ISMAFARSI or to which programs different Executive Staff collaborate on. In this organization, ISMAFARSI has 10 Executive Staffs such as Executive Staff of Finance, Secretarial Executive Staff, Executive Staff of Information and Data Centers, Executive Staff of Community Service etc. Each Executive Staff have programs that will be revealed to the commissioners concerned. One such program is the commemoration of National Health Day coordinated all commissariats of ISMAFARSI. Because most programs in ISMAFARSI are for the common good therefore it is discussed in this national event where all the delegates can contribute in preparing or giving advice. The aim of this is so that all members of the institutions who are involved in ISMAFARSI know about and can work together in executing all programs of ISMAFARSI. Each RAKERNAS have a different topic, chosen by the host institution. Incidentally, this event was recently held in January this year. Besides meeting to discuss the programs for the year, the contents of the event itself are a national studium generale and workshop for all students as well as other professions. For this year, the event covers social service and drug information campaigns to the public. So besides discussing about ISMAFARSI itself and how to manage programs internally, ISMAFARSI also hold events that embrace the community, provide knowledge about medicine to the community and provide direct benefits to the community.

World No Tobacco Day

As a form of awareness from ISMAFARSI to world health, ISMAFARSI is active in the commemoration of World No Tobacco Day on 31th Mei. Followings are some action plan that will be realized in the commemoration of World No Tobacco Day: 1. Longmarch on strategic routes in some region of ISMAFARSI. It aims to convey some information about the dangerous of smoking to the public. 2. Advocate to some government institutions regarding enforcement of the rules "NO SMOKING" in public places. 3. Making a joint statement with the WHO-Indonesia We hope this program can be successful and provide a positive impact including reduced numbers of smokers in Indonesia.

Vampire Days 2011: One Drop for Nusantara

Vampire Days is an event of ISMAFARSI to raise awareness about the importance of blood donation. This project supports for the Vampire Cup project, an international blood donation drive from IPSF. Vampire Days will be held in 8 ISMFARSIs region, theyre Sumatera I, Sumatera II, Jabodelata, Bandung Raya, Joglosepur, Jatim-Bali, Intim and Kalimantan. Blood donation have 6 week activity period. The 6 week activity period must be in between May 6th, 2011 to June 20th, 2011. Each region can realize it by turns; choosing time depends on regions condition. Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI / National Blood Donor Association) will help ISMAFARSI to handle donated on Vampire Days. People can make consultation about blood donor and get a lot of information concerning the advantages about it. Donating blood is a very important action that can make a large impact in a community. Each unit of blood can help save up to three lives.

Arif Zaenur



Esther Lamria Purba .S


Dwi Ruth Kurniasih


















Redho Meisudi




Putri Agustina



Novian Pradipta

Winnie Karunia Rahmani

Santi Sia






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