Claudio Ronco, MD, Dinna Cruz, MD, and Brian W. Noland, PHD

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Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin

Curve and Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin

Extended-Range Assay: A New Biomarker Approach in the
Early Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury and Cardio-Renal Syndrome

Claudio Ronco, MD,* Dinna Cruz, MD,* and Brian W. Noland, PhD†

Summary: Cardio-Renal syndrome (CRS) is a common and complex clinical condition in which multiple causative
factors are involved. The time window between renal insult and development of acute kidney injury (AKI) in acute
heart failure (AHF) can be varied in different patients and AKI often is diagnosed too late, only when the effects
of the insult become evident with a loss or decline of renal function. For this reason, pharmaceutical interventions
for AKI that have been shown to be renoprotective or beneficial when tested in experimental conditions do not
display similar results in the clinical setting. In most cases patients with AHF are admitted with clinical signs and
symptoms of congestion and fluid overload. Loop diuretics, typically used to induce an enhanced diuresis in these
congested patients, often are associated with a subsequent significant decrease in glomerular filtration rate and
cause a creatinine increase that is apparent within 72 hours. Early detection of AKI is not possible with the use of
serum creatinine and there is a need for a timely diagnostic tool able to address renal damage while it is
happening. We need to define the diagnosis of both AHF and AKI in the early phases of CRS type 1 by coupling
a kidney damage marker such as neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) with B-type natriuretic peptide
(BNP). Indeed, it would be ideal to make available a panel including whole blood or plasma cardiac and renal
biomarkers building specific, pathophysiologically based, molecular profiles. Based on current knowledge and
consensus, we can use kidney damage biomarkers such as plasma NGAL for an early diagnosis of AKI. However,
differences in individual patient values and uncertainties about the ideal cut-off values may currently limit the
application of these biomarkers. We propose that NGAL may increase its usefulness in the diagnosis and
prevention of CRS if a curve of plasma values rather than a single plasma measurement is determined. To apply
the concept of measuring an NGAL curve in AHF patients, however, assay performance in the lower-range values
becomes a critical factor. For this reason, we propose the use of the new extended-range plasma NGAL assay that
may contribute to remarkably improve the sensitivity of AKI diagnosis in AHF and lead to more effective
intervention strategies.
Semin Nephrol 32:121-128 © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Acute kidney injury, cardio-renal syndrome, fluid overload, biomarkers, NGAL

G reat interest recently has developed in the clini-

cal importance of cardio-renal syndromes (CRS)
and their pathophysiological mechanisms. In
particular, the attention of clinicians has been driven by
the high frequency of acute kidney injury (AKI) in acute
tempt to remove fluid overload, severe hemodynamic
consequences may lead to renal hypoperfusion and AKI.
In these circumstances, the importance of sensitive,
specific, but most of all early criteria to diagnose AKI
have clearly emerged. The main issue is to characterize
heart failure (AHF) and its management. Frequently, in the type of renal injury separating functional disorders
fact, the most important mechanism behind CRS type 1 is from tubular damage. In this field, creatinine has been
indeed an iatrogenic derangement caused by inappropri- proven useful as a biomarker for AKI although it repre-
ate use of diuretics or other strategies to alleviate con- sents a late diagnostic tool serving as a surrogate marker
gestion such as extracorporeal ultrafiltration.1 In the at- for a decrease in glomerular filtration rate.2 When glo-
merular filtration rate is declining the damage often al-
ready has occurred and very little can be done to prevent
*Department of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation, Interna-
or to protect the kidney from further damage. In this area,
tional Renal Research Institute, St. Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza, Italy. several molecules have been proven to be useful diag-
†Alere Inc., San Diego, CA. nostic tools to detect the presence of early kidney damage
Financial support for this work: none. and to describe the level of its severity.3 Among them,
Financial disclosure and conflict of interest statement: Dr. Claudio neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) is the
Ronco receives speaking honoraria from Alere, Abbot, Gambro and
most carefully and extensively studied molecule. Be-
Address reprint requests to Claudio Ronco, MD, Department of Ne- cause of its ability to discriminate between volume-re-
phrology Dialysis and Transplantation, International Renal Re- sponsive functional changes and true kidney damage,
search Institute, St. Bortolo Hospital, Viale Rodolfi 37, 36100 Vi- NGAL has emerged as the most attractive and reliable
cenza, Italy. E-mail:
0270-9295/ - see front matter
candidate biomarker.4 In some studies, however, the area
© 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. under the receiver operating characteristic curve has been
doi:10.1016/j.semnephrol.2011.11.015 suboptimal compared with other reports in the litera-

Seminars in Nephrology, Vol 32, No 1, January 2012, pp 121-128 121

122 C. Ronco and B. Noland

ture.5,6 Because of the dynamic nature of the marker early diagnosis of AKI, distinguishing between kidney
kinetics, the current uncertainties pertaining to the opti- damage AKI and functional volume-responsive renal dis-
mal cut-off point and the timing in which the measure- orders.4
ment should be made, despite some interesting results7,8
it may be that in certain settings the predictive capacity of CRS TYPE 1
a single NGAL measurement could be somewhat limited.
Furthermore, when AKI is in its early phases, the levels CRS type 1 is defined by an acute heart disease (eg,
of NGAL in blood may still be quite low and difficult to AHF) leading to AKI.1 The clinical importance of AKI as
discriminate with a single absolute cut-off value across far as the outcome is concerned has emerged clearly in
individual patients. For these reasons, an approach may recent years. AKI diagnosed by RIFLE or AKIN criteria
be required that includes a clear definition of a con- is associated with adverse clinical outcome. Worsening
tinuous scale of NGAL values in the low range and a of renal function in patients with heart failure represents
repeated series of measurements while the clinical an extremely important risk factor and often results in an
situation is evolving. In this article we present a new accelerated decline of the clinical picture.27 For this rea-
way to use NGAL for the early diagnosis of AKI and son, the questions to be answered in the immediate future
a new expanded-range plasma assay capable of dis- are as follows: is it possible to prevent AKI in AHF
crete measurement even in the range below the classic patients or is it at least possible to make the diagnosis in
lower limit of detection. the very early stages when a mitigation of the severe
consequences is still conceivable? How can we manage
NGAL AND ITS CURRENT APPLICATIONS HF patients without harming their kidneys? Why have
our previous attempts to prevent AKI failed even in
NGAL was first characterized as a protein complexed the presence of promising experimental results? To an-
with MMP-9 isolated from neutrophils in response to swer these questions one must analyze the pathophysiol-
specific stimuli.9 NGAL is also known as lipocalin-2, as ogy of renal damage in CRS. First, in contrast to exper-
well as siderocalin, and is known to play a role in fighting imental models of AKI, in clinical practice AKI is
bacterial infections by recovery through specific binding diagnosed quite late and so the interventions that have
of siderophore-chelated iron earmarked for bacterial im- seemed to have a beneficial and protective action in the
portation.10 The association between NGAL and kidney experimental setting may not present similar results in
injury was first identified using the ischemia reperfusion the real world because they probably are applied too late.
model in rodents in which NGAL messenger RNA If we could have an earlier indicator of kidney damage,
showed a marked increase and resultant NGAL protein the application of various protective molecules might
increases in the plasma and urine within a few hours after occur earlier within a window of potential clinical ben-
ischemia reperfusion model, 24 to 48 hours preceding efit. If we could diagnose AKI early enough, we likely
serum creatinine increase.11 Similar results with early could rewrite completely the chapter of renal prevention/
increase of NGAL ahead of creatinine were obtained protection with new or pre-existing drug molecules. Sec-
using cisplatin nephrotoxic injury models in animals.11,12 ond, in AHF many mechanisms play an important role in
NGAL is therefore one of the most reliable early the development of AKI and the most important among
biomarkers for ischemic and nephrotoxic kidney injury them should be addressed and considered in a more
(acute tubular necrosis [ATN], contrast induced nephrop- timely fashion. We may identify hemodynamic changes,
athy [CIN], and intensive care unit [ICU] setting). It neurohormonal derangements, associated exogenous fac-
increases significantly in AKI patients but not in controls tors and toxic effects, embolic episodes, and important
24 to 48 hours before the increase of creatinine.13 NGAL immunomediated effects such as inflammation-derived
levels on the day of transplant predict delayed graft necrosis and apoptosis in the target organ. Even assuming
function and dialysis requirement (2-4 days later).14 the co-existence of risk factors such as obesity, subclin-
NGAL predicts the severity of AKI and dialysis require- ical inflammation, endothelial dysfunction and acceler-
ment in children and in adults.13,15-18 This biomarker has ated atherosclerosis, anemia, and previous chronic kid-
been proven useful in several clinical settings especially ney disease we cannot neglect the paramount importance
after cardiopulmonary bypass in children and adults, in of two main factors such as renal hypoperfusion and
pediatric and adult ICUs, in trauma patients, in contrast- renal congestion.
induced nephropathy, and in toxic AKI.13-23 This allows
the phases of the AKI continuum to be matched with the
potential applications for biomarkers in the different ep-
ochs of AKI syndrome (Fig. 1). Most patients admitted to the hospital for AHF present
Measurements may be influenced by co-existing vari- with a status of congestion and are definitely fluid over-
ables such as systemic or urinary tract infections and loaded.27 In such patients the RAA axis is activated and
pre-existing renal diseases, but, nevertheless, NGAL has a nonosmotic release of vasopressin determines an inap-
displayed remarkable specificity and sensitivity.24-26 Re- propriate renal vasoconstriction mediated by the V1 re-
cently, one important study showed that NGAL allows an ceptors and a significant free water reabsorption medi-
NGAL curve in the diagnosis of AKI 123


Hypovolemic? Renal (damage +
( i
l) (d
(damage)) funconal)

Normal ↑Risk Damage ↓GFR Failure Death

damage +
Funconal Damage funconal
Biomarkers Biomarkers Biomarkers
Figure 1. The spectrum of conditions from normal renal function to severe AKI represent a continuum in which, in the early phases, the
functional, hypovolemic AKI may be detected by an increase in serum creatinine not related to damage. In this condition NGAL has been shown
to remain unaffected. In the subsequent steps of the continuum, parenchymal damage may occur and biomarkers such as NGAL may increase
even in the presence of normal functional biomarkers such as creatinine. In the later phases of AKI, functional biomarkers such as creatinine
increase owing to a significant decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR). NGAL may remain high, be increasing, or even decrease, depending
on the presence or absence of ongoing insult.

ated by the V2 receptors present in the distal segment of reach. In recent studies, the use of bioimpedance vecto-
the nephrons. Such hemodynamic and pathophysiologi- rial analysis (BIVA) has been advocated as a tool to be
cal changes are worsened by a significant venous con- used in conjunction with BNP to modulate therapy and to
gestion that in the presence of a decreased perfusion of define criteria for hospital discharge.28 In particular, al-
the glomerular tuft leads to a marked decrease in the though BNP is useful in identifying when the patient
glomerular transcapillary pressure gradient. This results should be discharged, BNP ⫹ BIVA may help to opti-
in severe status of oliguria, water and sodium retention, mize the fluid status of the patient at discharge, reducing
worsening congestion, and peripheral edema. In these the number of subsequent rehospitalizations for AHF.
circumstances, besides the pharmacologic therapy and These two parameters, however, do not contribute to
the often overlooked dietary recommendations, the cor- better understanding of the renal response to diuretic
nerstone of immediate management is represented by and fluid removal strategies and especially do not
diuretics. Patients are squeezed with loop diuretics often allow the detection of possible renal insults caused by
at very high doses because a “status of diuretic resis- excessive fluid removal and iatrogenic renal hypoper-
tance” is often occurring with limited polyuric response fusion. In fact, more than a third of these patients
to increasing doses of the drug. In some cases diuretics display a significant increase in creatinine 48 to 72
become ineffective and the only method to resolve the hours after the beginning of the intensive diuretic or
clinical impasse is the use of extracorporeal ultrafiltra- ultrafiltration therapy.29,30 In these circumstances we
tion. In all cases, however, the clinician has little or no suggest the use of NGAL determination in blood as a
idea of the level of overhydration, and especially of the biomarker of early renal damage. NGAL has been
target body weight and hydration that the patient should shown to predict AKI 24 to 48 hours before a creati-
124 C. Ronco and B. Noland

NGAL was more than four times higher than the baseline
value at hospital admission. The NGAL warning trig-
gered the treating physician to stop the diuretic therapy
and stabilize the patient for the days that followed. Di-
uresis and BNP values remained stable whereas NGAL
showed a trend toward reduction. The values of creati-
nine remained stable throughout the hospital admission.
In this case, we may speculate that CRS type 1 was
prevented by modifying the treatment strategy based on
the NGAL warning. This approach is possible only if a
series of NGAL measurements are made. In particular,
the use of the NGAL curve may allow the treating
physician to overcome the limitations caused by uncer-
tainties about the cut-off value, and may create a more
personalized evaluation in the single patient considering
baseline values and subsequent changes in NGAL values
Figure 2. Didactic representation of a time course of BNP, diuresis,
and creatinine over several days after hospitalization for acute de- over time. However, a potential limitation to this ap-
compensated heart failure (ADHF) and the beginning of a high-dose proach in the AHF population may be presented by the
diuretic regimen.
relatively low NGAL levels expected in these patients in
light of the lower limit of detection of the first-generation
plasma NGAL assay and the expected variation at the
nine increase is observed. However, because the man- extreme low end of competitive immunoassays. For this
agement of AHF patients often may be performed over
reason we may speculate that the novel extended-range
several days, it is unclear when the NGAL should be
plasma NGAL assay may allow for the better exploita-
measured. We believe that defining an NGAL curve
tion of the potential of the NGAL curve, offering quan-
could be a useful tool and would be determined by
titative determinations of the NGAL levels even in the
taking blood samples every 12 to 24 hours as it has
been performed in the past for other biomarkers such low range. As in the case of CRP and troponin, we may
as troponin, myoglobin, and so forth. To support this consider that NGAL values in a single subject are a
approach, we report our experience in some cases that continuum in which significant variations within the low
may prove extremely didactic and explanatory. range or even below the previous assay detection limit
In Figure 2, we describe a typical case of a patient represent a significant event from the clinical point of
hospitalized for AHF. The patient displayed high values view. For this reason the development of the extended-
of BNP at admission and severe fluid overload. The range assay represents a step forward for the early diag-
BIVA analysis suggested a moderate status of overhy- nosis of AKI in AHF, especially if used in conjunction
dration with a slight condition of malnutrition. The pa- with the curve concept.
tient presented with typical signs of congestion with
shortness of breath and oliguria. Treatment with high-
dose diuretics produced a significant increase of diuresis
already after 24 hours with partial relief of symptoms. In
the subsequent days the progressive increase in diuresis
was coupled with a parallel reduction of BNP levels (wet
BNP) until both diuresis and BNP stabilized (dry BNP
level). By day 3, BIVA, which is performed serially in
these patients, displayed a moderate status of dehydration
whereas creatinine started to increase, reaching the con-
dition of AKI (RIFLE R). Further increase of creatinine
in the subsequent days led to RIFLE I class of AKI. The
diagnosis of such condition is typically CRS type 1.
In Figure 3, a similar patient was hospitalized for AHF
and a pharmacologic approach similar to the previous
case was undertaken. However, in this case, a close
monitoring of plasma NGAL was performed together
with BNP, diuresis, and BIVA. After 24 hours NGAL
values were more than double compared with baseline. Figure 3. Didactic representation of a time course of BNP, diuresis,
and creatinine over several days after hospitalization for ADHF and
At 48 hours BIVA displayed a significant reduction of the beginning of a high-dose diuretic regimen. The management is
the overhydration with values close to normal, whereas modified based on the NGAL curve.
NGAL curve in the diagnosis of AKI 125

THE EXTENDED-RANGE ASSAY FOR NGAL antigen covalently conjugated to an immobilized latex
nanoparticle and an NGAL-specific antibody conjugated
Plasma NGAL was first described as a putative novel
to a fluorescently labeled latex nanoparticle as a detection
marker of AKI in clinical samples in 2005 by Mishra et
reagent (Fig. 4A). As the sample moves through the
al,13 who studied this marker in pediatric cardiopulmo-
nary bypass patients. At this time, the clinically relevant device, it resuspends the detection reagent. After a short
range of NGAL in adult populations was not yet well engineered delay, the sample then flows down the diag-
known, nor was much known about the various states in nostic lane zone and over the immobilized NGAL anti-
which NGAL might exist in the plasma and the associ- gen. Unbound detection particles bind to the immobilized
ated clinical importance of these forms. The competitive NGAL antigen whereas bound NGAL particles and ex-
Triage NGAL Test (Alere Inc, San Diego, CA) was cess detection reagent flow past this zone. The remainder
designed to rapidly and quantitatively measure all forms of the sample serves to wash away the unbound detection
of NGAL across an assay range from 60 to 1,300 ng/mL reagent. The fluorescent signal at the capture zone is
in human blood or plasma, which was shown to ade- therefore indirectly proportional to the concentration of
quately cover the expected NGAL values for a cohort of NGAL in the sample (Fig. 4C).
adult ICU patients.17,18 The competitive Triage NGAL The advantage of this competitive NGAL assay design
test comprises recombinant, bacterially expressed NGAL is that it will never display a high-dose hook effect,

Figure 4. Comparison of attributes of competitive and sandwich NGAL immunoassays on the triage platform. (A and D) Cartoon representation
of the competitive and sandwich Triage NGAL immunoassays, respectively. (B and E) Dependence of signal-to-concentration %CV conversion
factors as a function of NGAL concentration for the competitive and sandwich formats, respectively. (C and F) Normalized dose-response
characteristics for the competitive and sandwich immunoassay formats, respectively. The filled circles represent averaged measurements from
multiple Triage device replicates. The solid black line through the measured points is a nonlinear least-squares fit of those data to a 5-parameter
asymmetric sigmoid model. The vertical dashed grey line represents the lower assay cut-off value per the product package inserts.
126 C. Ronco and B. Noland

which can be useful for the measurement of NGAL in ward this end, Alere embarked on a development pro-
samples from individuals with relatively high blood gram that would extend the quantifiable range of NGAL
NGAL (eg, patients in the ICU with AKI resulting from to include all apparently healthy samples to the same
acute infections). Some disadvantages of the competitive upper limit as the existing competitive product. The final
approach are a somewhat limited quantitative range and design was a sandwich format immunoassay that uses
the indiscriminant measure of the total NGAL pool. The two antibodies separate from the one used in the com-
competitive Triage NGAL test was designed to quanti- petitive format as well as a different sized detection
tatively measure NGAL from the median of normal en- particle (Fig. 4A and D). In the initial competitive format,
dogenous NGAL (approximately 60 ng/mL) to 1,300 immunization, antibody selection, capture chemistry, and
ng/mL. In competitive assays, the range of quantitation calibration material all were derived from recombinant
tends to be smaller than corresponding sandwich immu- NGAL cloned and expressed in bacteria. The resulting
noassays because of the typical rectangular hyperbolic assay was capable of measuring total NGAL, regardless
r-shape of their dose-response curves. As is typical of all of whether the antigen was free or in a covalent complex
immunoassays, at the extremes of the NGAL dose-re- with matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)9. The redesigned
sponse curve the assay imprecision increases. This can be sandwich assay used the same NGAL construct but ex-
seen in the exaggerated parabolic dependence of the pressed in mammalian cells, which imparts post-transla-
conversion factors for signal-to-concentration percent co- tional modifications in the form of glycosylations. This
efficient of variation (%CV) factors in Figure 1B. The mammalian cell– expressed NGAL was used for immu-
zone where the best concentration precision is achieved nization, antibody selection, and final calibration. In ad-
for the competitive Triage NGAL test is aligned with the dition, the antibodies used in the sandwich immunoassay
intended use in the aid in diagnosis of AKI in ICU have been selected to target the free form of NGAL, not
patients. NGAL in the covalent homodimeric form or heterodi-
meric complexes with MMP9. It is believed that this free
form of NGAL is associated more closely with AKI.31
SANDWICH TRIAGE NGAL TEST Beyond new antibodies, the size of the detection par-
The Conformité Européenne (CE)-marked competitive ticle is a major determinant of assay dose-response curve
Triage NGAL test has proven useful in the diagnosis of shape in the new NGAL sandwich immunoassay. This
AKI in ICU patients as designed.17,18 However, many can be partially explained by the fact that reducing the
other indications in which NGAL may prove useful such diameter of the detection sphere from 500 to 68 nm
as contrast-induced nephropathy, worsening renal func- greatly increases the surface-to-volume ratio. At equiva-
tion in the background of heart failure, and AKI in lent percentage solids there is an approximately 400-fold
chronic kidney disease require improved precision within increase in the total number of particles and a 7.4-fold
the apparently healthy NGAL concentration range. To- increase in detection of particle surface area. The amount


45 Sandwich
Assay Limit

40 Compeve

Lower A


95th Percenttile
95th Percenttile

ower Assay Limit




10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200

NGAL Concentraon (ng/mL)

Figure 5. Comparison of the standard and the high-sensitivity assays in different samples at different concentrations. This shows that the new
extended-range sandwich immunoassay for plasma NGAL is capable of quantitatively measuring the full range of expected values from
apparently healthy donor populations.
NGAL curve in the diagnosis of AKI 127

of available surface area is directly proportional to the petitive immunoassays, respectively. This result showed
amount of antibody that can be applied by conjugation. that the new extended-range sandwich immunoassay for
This increase in total detection antibody serves to par- plasma NGAL is capable of quantitatively measuring the
tially detune the assay. In addition, the smaller particles full range of expected values from apparently healthy
show better passive resuspension than larger ones and the donor populations.
diffusion and flow properties were shown to be more
advantageous than large ones when subjected to laminar CONCLUSIONS
flow in computational fluid dynamic simulations (data
not shown). Smaller-diameter detection particles yield CRS is a complex clinical condition with potentially
less total fluorescence than larger ones in proportion to severe consequences. AKI in heart failure patients often
their respective volumes. However, the NGAL analyte is caused by iatrogenic hemodynamic derangement after
yields a high slope in calibration and correspondingly inappropriate fluid status assessment and management.
sensitive limits of detection, presumably from higher Based on current knowledge, we can use early biomark-
capture efficiency owing to the improved resuspension ers such as NGAL for an early diagnosis of AKI. How-
and diffusion properties of smaller particles. This permit- ever, differences in individual response and uncertainties
ted the decreasing of the lower limit of NGAL assay about cut-off values may limit the application of these
detection from 60 ng/mL in the competitive format to 15 new biomarkers. We propose that plasma NGAL may
ng/mL in the sandwich immunoassay. As such, the new increase its usefulness in the diagnosis and prevention of
sandwich assay has the ability to make quantitative mea- CRS if a curve of plasma values rather than a single
surements of NGAL over the entire range of expected plasma measurement is determined. Even in the case of a
NGAL values from a nondiseased apparently healthy curve, however, limitations of the first-generation assay
population. in measuring the lower-range values may affect the
The properties cited earlier taken together give rise to meaning of results significantly. For this reason, the new
a broader dynamic range in the sandwich NGAL immu- high-sensitivity assay for plasma NGAL may contribute
noassay as compared with the competitive format (Fig. to a remarkable improvement in the sensitivity of the
4C and E). This, in turn, yields a much broader range in diagnosis, leading to more effective intervention strate-
which relatively lower concentration CVs can be ob- gies.
tained (Fig. 4B and D). This becomes important as the
concentration of NGAL approaches the endogenous ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
NGAL levels observed in apparently healthy, normal
The authors would like to kindly thank Fred Sundquist, PhD, and
patient samples and in the additional indications of in- Gillian Parker for their contributions to this article.
terest cited previously. The effect can be shown if one
considers an example in which both assays measure an
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