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Dynamic Response Analysis

of Rotor-Bearing Systems
M. A. Mohiuddin1 With Cracked Shaft
Y. A. Khulief2
A general dynamic model for a large-scale rotor-bearing system with a cracked shaft is
KFUPM P.O. Box 1767 introduced. A finite shaft element with a crack is developed using a consistent finite
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals element approach. The model accommodates shafts with tapered portions, multiple disks
Dhahran—31261 and anisotropic bearings. The formulation is applicable to rotor-bearing systems with
Saudi Arabia different practical design configurations including intermediate bearings, shaft overhang,
and stepped shaft assemblies. A reduced order form of equations of motion is obtained by
invoking the actual non-planar (complex) modal transformations. The time-response due
to different excitations are calculated, and comparisons are presented to establish the
validity and efficiency of the reduced order model. It is hoped that the developed compu-
tational scheme offers an efficient and essential core module in establishing other spe-
cialized crack detection schemes for rotor-bearing systems. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1423950兴

1 Literature Review depth of 0.5 yielded 50 percent greater amplitudes as compared

with the amplitudes of vibration of the uncracked beam, as re-
Cracks occur in mechanical components due to machining im-
ported in reference 共关3兴兲.
perfections, indentations resulting from collisions with solid ob-
Collins et al. 关4兴 presented a methodology for the detection of
jects, and the presence of any nonhomogeniety in the material.
cracks in rotating Timoshenko shafts using axial impulses as ex-
Such small cracks are known to propagate due to cyclic loading in citations. They presented the coupled equations of motion of a
rotor-bearing systems, and may eventually lead to a catastrophic rotating Timoshenko shaft due to the presence of the crack. The
failure of the rotor. system of differential equations of motion with cyclic axial im-
The presence of a crack is known to introduce local flexibility pulses as excitations is then solved. Their proposed methodology
due to the stress concentration in the vicinity of the crack tip. This for the detection of cracks is based on the difference of axial
consequent change in the rotor stiffness leads to considerable frequency spectrum of cracked rotating shaft, compared to un-
changes in the dynamic response characteristics of the system. cracked shaft. Their study, however, did not include the time re-
Monitoring the changes in the dynamic behavior due to presence sponse or frequency response of the shaft due to any excitation in
of cracks in rotating components has recently received greater bending directions. The frequency response analysis of a nonro-
attention by both engineers and dynamic analysts, 共关1兴兲. In this tating cracked shaft for coupled longitudinal-bending vibrations
regard, vibration monitoring can be used as a means of an early 共关5兴兲, coupled torsional-bending vibrations 共关6兴兲, and with a clos-
crack warning, thus safeguarding against sudden failures of such ing crack 共关7兴兲 has been addressed. Other investigators 共关8 –11兴兲
very expensive rotor systems. studied the frequency response and the unbalance response of ro-
Petroski 关2兴 studied the time response of a simply supported tating cracked shafts.
cracked beam. He evaluated the deflection of the cracked beam In the previously cited investigations, the dynamic response due
using Fourier series approximations, wherein a simple crack to harmonic excitations of cracked rotors has been considered.
model utilizing a pair of concentrated couples at the crack location Less attention, however, was given to the equally important dy-
is assumed. The ineffective material adjacent to the crack is mod- namic responses; e.g. transient response, as well as time-response
eled by an equivalent slot which size is established experimen- due to step and impulsive excitations.
tally. The time response of a simply supported cracked beam is Nevertheless, the dynamic time-response calculations were car-
presented, wherein the amplitudes of vibration of the cracked ried out by some investigators for the case of rotor-bearing sys-
beam were found to be three times greater than that of uncracked tems without cracks. A simple lumped parameter spring-mass ro-
beam. However, the crack model used in reference 关2兴 does not tor model was introduced for the purpose of control of transient
account for the change in the frequency spectrum of the beam due vibrations 共关12兴兲. The step-response is calculated for a shaft-disk
to the presence of the crack. rotor utilizing an analytical model based on the Galerkin’s method
Gounaris and Dimarogonas 共关3兴兲 presented a finite element of a 共关13兴兲. Another analytical model 共关14兴兲 using an asymptotic ap-
cracked prismatic beam. They modeled the crack using the con- proximation in the neighborhood of the critical speed was intro-
cepts of fracture mechanics by evaluating a local flexibility ma- duced for transient response analysis of a single disk rotor system.
trix, and then constructing the mass and stiffness matrices of the Recently, a dynamic model of a rotating Timoshenko shaft using
cracked beam using a consistent finite element approach. They the assumed modes method and the Hamilton’s principle is de-
presented results of the forced vibration of a slender cantilever rived for the transient response analysis of a simply-supported
beam when excited by a cyclic force at the free tip, and concluded shaft excited by axial as well as moving loads 共关15兴兲.
that vibration amplitudes are affected considerably by the crack. It is noteworthy to point out that we could not locate any cited
The amplitudes of vibration of the cracked beam with a crack work among the investigations reported in the available literature
that tackled the problem of time-response calculations in a rotor-
Petroleum and Gas Engineering Section, Center for Petroleum & Minerals, Re- bearing system with a cracked shaft. One must note, however, that
search Institute time-response calculation is of crucial importance to dynamic
Mechanical Engineering Department
Contributed by the Design Automation Committee for publication in the JOUR-
analysis and control of rotors in practical situations associated
NAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received Oct. 1998; revised May 2000. with the following loading conditions: 共a兲 sudden unbalance, 共b兲
Associate Technical Editor: H. Lankarani shock loading due to start-up torque, 共c兲 sudden loss of a blade,

690 Õ Vol. 124, DECEMBER 2002 Copyright © 2002 by ASME Transactions of the ASME

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共d兲 impulsive and step excitations on the floating frame of some where the matrix M d is the disk mass matrix, G d is the gyroscopic
rotor-bearing system, e.g. in ships and airplane rotors, and 共e兲 matrix and Q d is the vector of generalized forces of the disk. The
actuator forces associated with active control techniques for sup- equation of motion of the rigid disk Eq. 共5兲 is written in terms of
pression of transient vibrations. the generalized vector of the assembled nodal coordinates of the
Although the presently cited models for transient response rotor shaft e, hence the dimensions of the mass and gyroscopic
analysis 共关12–15兴兲 can produce satisfactory results for some spe- matrices of the rigid disk in Eq. 共5兲 are equal to the dimensions of
cial simple rotors, the actual complex multi-disk, multi-bearing the matrices in Eq. 共4兲. Similarly, the generalized forces associ-
stepped rotors with overhang would require a more general for- ated with the bearings can be written as
mulation utilizing the powerful finite element method. In such
large-scale rotors, the time response calculations, however, in- C b ė⫹K b e⫽Q b (6)
volve integration of equations of motion with a wide-spread b b
where C is the bearing damping matrix, K is the bearing stiff-
eigenspectrum. These systems with large dimensionality often re- ness matrix and Q b is the vector of generalized forces of the
sult in numerical integration difficulties, since it gives rise to a bearings.
numerically stiff system, thus causing the numerical integration Now, the equation of motion of a rotor-bearing system can be
scheme to search inefficiently for a solution or may even fail to written in the assembled general form as
find one.
In this paper, a general dynamic model for a large-scale rotor- M s ë⫹C s ė⫹K s e⫽Q s (7)
bearing system with a cracked shaft, rotating at constant speed is s
where M is the assembled mass matrix of the system taking into
introduced. The effect of the crack on the shaft stiffness has been
account the disk mass matrix associated with the corresponding
considered by the developed cracked finite shaft element utilizing
a consistent finite element approach. The model accommodates nodal degrees of freedom. Similarly, C s is the assembled gyro-
shafts with tapered portions, multi-disks, and anisotropic bearings. scopic matrix taking into account the disk gyroscopic matrix and
The formulation is applicable to rotor-bearing systems with dif- damping matrix of the bearings, K s is the assembled stiffness
ferent practical design configurations including intermediate bear- matrix which includes the stiffness matrix of the bearing as well,
ings, overhang, and stepped shaft assemblies. A reduced order and Q s is the assembled generalized force vector. The vector e
form of equations of motion is obtained by invoking the actual comprises nodal coordinates of the whole system.
non-planar 共complex兲 modal transformations. The time response The matrices of Eq. 共7兲 are evaluated in a consistent manner.
due to different excitations are calculated, and comparisons are The shape functions used to evaluate the matrices have shear and
presented to establish the validity and efficiency of the reduced- flexibility due to crack as a parameter. The flexibility compliance
order model. of the crack is evaluated using fracture mechanics concepts. The
graphs of non-dimensional flexibility compliance versus crack
depth are given in reference 共关5兴兲.
2 The Elastodynamic Model The assembled equations of motion of the rotor-bearing system
which are written in nodal coordinates are of large dimension.
Following the procedure outlined in reference 关16兴, the equa- Numerically integrating the equations of motion is not only time
tions of motion of the ith rotor shaft element can be derived as consuming but also numerically inefficient. Such a large dimen-
M i ë i ⫹ ␪˙ G i ė i ⫹K i e i ⫽Q i (1) sional system spans a large frequency spectrum. For mechanical
systems, a subset of frequency spectrum, spanning the lower
where modes is, in general, representative of the dynamics of the actual
full order system. Hence a reduction scheme to reduce the order of
M i ⫽M ti ⫹M ri ⫹M ␾i ⫹2M ie (2)
the equations of motion is desirable. The complex modal reduc-
i tion scheme which is being applied for the first time to cracked
is the composite mass matrix. The constituent matrices of M are
due to different types of motions of the rotor-shaft finite element. rotor-bearing system is invoked. The reduced modal form of the
These are the translational mass matrix M ti , the rotary inertia equations of motion are integrated forward in time to predict the
mass matrix M ri , the torsional mass matrix M ␾i and the time de- time response of the rotor-bearing system due to a general forcing
pendent matrix M ie , which couples the flexural and torsional mo-
tions. The matrix G i is the element gyroscopic matrix which
couples the flexural motions in two perpendicular directions, and 3 Finite Element Formulation
K i is the composite stiffness matrix given by The ith cracked rotor shaft finite element has two nodes with
five degrees of freedom per node. The five degrees of freedom are
K i ⫽K ie ⫹K si ⫹K ␾i (3)
two flexural deformations v i and w i along two mutually perpen-
The constituent stiffness matrices are the flexural stiffness matrix dicular directions and three elastic rotations ␤ i , ␥ i and ␾ i about
K ie , the shear stiffness matrix K si and the torsional stiffness matrix the three body axes of the finite element. A crack is present at
K ␾i . The vector e i is the vector of nodal coordinates of the shaft some position l ic along the length of the finite element. The pres-
finite element and Q i is a vector of applied forces. ence of the crack introduces additional flexibility in the finite el-
The equation of motion of the rotor shaft which is obtained by ement and is modeled using the crack flexibility influence coeffi-
assembling the equations of motion of all the finite shaft elements. cient. The expression used to evaluate the crack flexibility
This can be written as influence coefficient is given in Appendix A.
The additional flexibility due to the presence of the crack is
M ë⫹ ␪˙ Gė⫹Ke⫽Q (4) modeled by assuming a discontinuity in the slope of the neutral
where the matrices M, G and K are the assembled mass, gyro- axis of the shaft finite element. The difference in slopes of the
scopic and stiffness matrices of the rotor shaft. The vector e is the either side of the crack is written in terms of the crack flexibility
assembled vector of all the nodal coordinates of the rotor and Q is coefficient and the moment acting on the shaft. Hence at the lo-
the assembled vector of the external forces. cation of the crack it is assumed that 共a兲 the deflection of the finite
A generalized rotor system comprises shaft elements, disks and element is continuous, 共b兲 the slope of the finite element is dis-
bearings. If one considers a rigid disk attached to the shaft, the continuous to accommodate the additional flexibility, 共c兲 the mo-
equation of motion of such a rigid disk may be written as ments are continuous and 共d兲 the shear forces are continuous.
Using these four compatibility conditions at the crack location
M d ë⫹ ␪˙ G d ė⫽Q d (5) along with the boundary conditions, the shape functions of the

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crack rotor shaft finite element are presented in reference 共关17兴兲. Equations 共16兲–共18兲 are applicable to the left side of the cracked
Two different sets of shape functions are derived to model the beam element. Similar expressions can be written for the right
deformation of the two segments of the cracked shaft finite ele- side of the cracked beam element. The nonzero entries of K ie , K si
ment. and K ␾i which are obtained by carrying out the integration of Eqs.
共13兲, 共14兲 and 共15兲 respectively, are presented in the reference
3.1 Element Matrices
3.1.1 Inertia Matrices. Now, the components of the mass
matrix can be written in the form 4 Modal Reduction Schemes

M ti ⫽ 冕 0
lc T
N vi 1 ␮ i A i N vi 1 dx i ⫹ 冕 li

N vi 2 ␮ i A i N iv 2 dx i (8)
The finite element method is often used to model complex
rotor-bearing systems. This involves writing the equations of mo-
tion in terms of nodal coordinates. The use of nodal coordinates,

冕 冕
i however, results in a large dimensionality, thus inhibiting the ef-
lc T li T
M ri ⫽ N ␤i 1 I D
N i␤ 1 dx i ⫹ N ␤i 2 I D
N ␤i 2 dx i (9) ficiency of the finite element solution. Moreover, the use of nodal
lc coordinates results in a dynamic model of widely spread eigen-

冕 冕
spectrum that includes many insignificant modes.
i li
lc T T In order to alleviate this problem, reduced order models using
M ␾i ⫽ N ␾i 1 I iP N ␾i 1 dx i ⫹ N ␾i 2 I iP N ␾i 2 dx i (10) modal coordinates were introduced. Likins 关18兴 introduced modal
0 lc
reduction using complex modes in his early formulation of the
where M ti is the translational mass matrix, M ri is the rotary inertia elastic appendage equations. Gunter et al. 共关19兴兲 utilized modal
mass matrix, M ␾i is the torsional mass matrix, I D i
is the diametral transformations to obtain a reduced order modal form of the equa-
mass moment of inertia and I P is the polar mass moment of iner- tions of motion. Although they 共关18,19兴兲 recognized that the actual
vibration modes of a rotor system are complex, they have used
tia. The matrices N iv , N i␤ , and N ␾i are the shape functions for planar modes in their evaluation of the unbalance response of the
flexural, rotary and torsional deformations, respectively. The sub- rotor. They have also referred to the numerical difficulties associ-
scripts 1 and 2 denote the left and right side of the shaft finite ated with using complex modes. Nevertheless, they recommended
element. The explicit expressions of the element translational that complex modes 共damped modes兲 be considered in the final
mass matrix M ti , the rotary inertia mass matrix M ri and the el- analysis. Laurenson 共关20兴兲 addressed the issue of complex mode
emental torsional mass matrix M ␾i are obtained by carrying out shapes in rotating flexible structures. It was suggested, however,
the integration of Eqs. 共8兲, 共9兲 and 共10兲, respectively. The nonzero that planar modes be used in modal reduction of complex geomet-
entries of M ti , M ri and M ␾i are presented in the reference 共关17兴兲. ric configurations by employing the technique presented in 共关21兴兲
The gyroscopic matrix G i is defined by for converting the complex eigenvalue problem to one defined by
real matrices. In this regard, one can also refer to the general area
G i ⫽Ĝ i ⫺Ĝ i (11) of flexible multibody applications 共关22–25兴兲 where planar modes
were employed to obtain reduced order models inspite of the ex-
where, for constant rotating speed, Ĝ i can be calculated by istence of damping and gyroscopic forces.

冕 冕
i li
Kane and Torby 共关26兴兲 referred to the different methods for
Ĝ i ⫽ i
N ␤␥ I i N i dx i ⫹
1 P ␤␤ 1
N ␤␥ I i N i dx i
2 P ␤␤ 2
(12) reducing the size of the finite element model while preserving the
lc lower 共significant兲 frequencies. It was stated that the static reduc-
tion usually results in poor accuracy at higher modes, therefore,
The explicit expressions for the elemental gyroscopic matrix G i cannot be applied to general rotor systems because it is derived
are obtained by integrating Eq. 共12兲, and then substituting into Eq. for systems having symmetric mass and stiffness matrices. There-
共11兲. The nonzero entries of G i are presented in the reference fore, they introduced a modal transformation based on complex
共关17兴兲. modes that resulted in reduced mass and stiffness matrices, and
3.1.2 Stiffness Matrices. The constituent matrices of the demonstrated how the reduced model preserved the same modal
stiffness matrix K i are given by characteristics of the original finite element model. Their work,
however, was not carried out to the dynamic response analysis
K ie ⫽ 冕 0
lc T
B̂ ie 1 E i I i B̂ ie 1 dx i ⫹ 冕 li

B̂ ie 2 E i I i B̂ ie 2 dx i (13)
Having examined the previously cited investigations, one rec-
ognizes a strong view in support of using complex modes in

K si ⫽ 冕0
B̂ si 1 ␬ G i A i B̂ si 1 dx i ⫹ 冕 i
li T
B̂ si 2 ␬ G i A i B̂ si 2 dx i (14)
modal transformations of systems with gyroscopic matrices,
though acknowledging the associated numerical complexities. To
avoid such numerical difficulties, another view suggested the use

冕 冕
of planar modes obtained after modifying the mass matrix to in-
lc T li T
K ␾i ⫽ B̂ ␾i 1 G i J i B̂ ␾i 1 dx i ⫹ B̂ ␾i 2 G i J i B̂ ␾i 2 dx i (15) clude the gyroscopic effects. Nevertheless, other investigators, es-
lc pecially those concerned with dynamic response analysis, have
consistently employed planar modal transformations. It is note-
As defined earlier, K ie is the elastic stiffness matrix, K si is the shear worthy to mention, to the best of the author’s knowledge, that no
stiffness matrix and K ␾i is the torsional stiffness matrix. where dynamic response analysis study that invoked complex modal
transformations was reported in the available literature. In the
dN ␾i 1 following section, the complex modal reduction scheme is pre-
B̂ ␾i 1 ⫽ (16) sented.
dx i
4.1 Complex Modal Transformation. The elastodynamic
dN ␤i 1 model of Eq. 共7兲 can be represented in the state-space form as
B̂ ie 1 ⫽

冋 册再 冎 冋 册再 冎 再 冎
dx i 0 ⫺M s Ms 0
ë ė 0
⫹ ⫽ (19)
dN vi 1 M s
C s ė 0 Ks e Qx
B̂ si 1 ⫽ i ⫺N ␤ 1
dx Or simply as

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Aq̇⫹Bq⫽ f (20)
where q⫽ 兵兵 ė 其 , 兵 e 其 其 . One can write the following two homo-

geneous adjoint equations:

Aq̇⫹Bq⫽0 (21)
A T q̇ ⬘ ⫹B T q ⬘ ⫽0 (22)
Let R and L denote the complex modal matrices of the differential
operators of Eqs. 共21兲 and 共22兲, respectively, 共关27兴兲. Introducing
the transformation
q⫽Ru (23)
where u is the vector of modal coordinates. If only a subset of
significant modes are to be retained, the truncated modal form of
the equations of motion can be written as
L T ARu̇⫹L T BRu⫽L T f (24)
Or, simply as
Fig. 1 Comparisons of the deflections of the rotating shaft
A r u̇⫹B r u⫽L T f (25) due to unit step force
where R and L contain only those complex eigenvectors that rep-
resent a subset of selected modes. In general, a subset of eigen-
vectors which spans the frequency spectrum of the forcing func- The rotating shaft is divided into six equal finite elements and is
tion are retained as significant modes. excited by a unit step force in Y-direction at the midpoint of the
shaft. The response of the system is computed using both the
programs. Figure 1 gives a comparison of the deflection in
5 Results and Discussions Y-direction of the midpoint of the rotating shaft, when the re-
A computer scheme is developed to integrate forward in time sponse is computed using
the full-order as well as the reduced order equations of motion 共a兲 the currently developed code with full dimension state
obtained by complex modal reduction as presented by Eq. 共25兲. space matrices
The predicted time responses are presented in non- 共b兲 the currently developed code with 共4⫻4兲 reduced dimen-
dimensionalized form. The time response can be evaluated either sion state space matrices with complex modal reduction,
by applying external force or by specifying initial conditions. and
When the time response is due to external forces, it is normalized 共c兲 ANSYS software with full dimension matrices
with respect to the static deflection. When it is evaluated by speci-
fying initial conditions, the static deflection cannot be used for The response of the shaft using the dynamic analysis code de-
normalizing, instead the maximum value of deflection in the time veloped during this study is in a good agreement with the re-
response of the uncracked shaft is used. For the transverse deflec- sponse computed using ANSYS software. Hence, the validation of
tions, the non-dimensional generalized displacement parameter ␨ the developed dynamic analysis code using the complex modal
is defined as reduction technique can be established.
v 5.2 Rotating Tapered Shaft. Consider a cracked tapered
␨ v⫽ (26) shaft rotating at a spin speed of ⍀⫽3000 rad/sec with a crack of

depth ⌬⫽0.5 at ␳⫽0.3 and taper ratio equal to 0.5, which is sup-
where v is the deflection and ⌳ is the maximum static deflection ported at the widest end by a rigid journal bearing, is excited by a
of the shaft in the direction of the force. For the torsional deflec- step force near the crack. The tapered shaft is of length L⫽1 m
tion the non-dimensional generalized displacement parameter is and slenderness ration R 1 /L⫽0.125. The shaft is divided into 11
defined as equal finite elements. The excitation is applied at node 5. The time
responses of the rotating tapered shaft in the two planes of vibra-

␨ ␾⫽ (27) tion obtained using the full order models are plotted in Fig. 2. In
2⌳/d this example, the unit step force is acting in the direction of vi-
where ␾ is the torsional deformation and d is the diameter of the bration along which the crack is present. It is clearly shown in the
shaft at the point of measurement. The impulse response is evalu- figure that the deflection in the plane in which the crack is present
ated for some initial velocity input while the forcing vector is is greater than that in the other plane. Although the excitation is
zero. In this investigation the impulse response is normalized with only in one plane we record a deflection in the other plane because
respect to the maximum value of deflection in the unit impulse the two flexural motions are coupled by the gyroscopic moments.
response of the uncracked shaft. The response computed using the complex reduction scheme is
also shown in the figure. In Fig. 3, the time responses at node 5 of
5.1 Comparison With ANSYS. As a first example, a uni- an uncracked tapered rotating shaft excited by unit step at node 5
form steel shaft rotating at a spin speed of ⍀⫽400 rad/s and is plotted. It is observed that the vibration of the shaft in the two
supported at the two ends by rigid ball bearings 共simply sup- planes is exhibiting out of phase beating phenomenon. Comparing
ported兲 is considered. The shaft is of diameter d⫽10.16 cm and Figs. 2 and 3 one can infer that the amplitudes of vibration of the
length l⫽127 cm. The density and elastic modulus of the shaft cracked shaft have increased in the plane of crack.
material are ␮⫽7833 kg/m3 and E⫽2.068⫻1011 N/m2 , respec- In Fig. 4, the response of the cracked rotating shaft at node 5,
tively. This particular example is selected to validate the results of when excited by a unit impulse at node 5 is shown. The response
the dynamic analysis code developed during this study by com- computed using full order matrices is compared to the response
paring them to the results from the commercially available finite computed using the complex reduction model. The compared re-
element software ANSYS. sponses are in good agreement.

Journal of Mechanical Design DECEMBER 2002, Vol. 124 Õ 693

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Fig. 5 Step response of a cracked rotating tapered simply
Fig. 2 Step response of the rotating tapered cracked cantile-
supported shaft using planar modal reduction. „ Perpen-
ver shaft using complex modal reduction
dicular to Force, Direction of Force, " " " " Complex Re-

As another example, a simply supported rotating tapered

cracked shaft is considered. Other details of the shaft are similar
to those of the earlier example. The response of the simply sup-
ported rotating shaft to unit step force is shown in Fig. 5. The
amplitudes of vibration in the plane in which the crack is present
are much higher when compared to the amplitudes of vibration in
the other plane of vibration. This is due to the inertial coupling
matrix which couples the flexural and torsional vibrations of the
shaft. In Fig. 6 the torsional deflection of the simply supported
shaft due to a unit step force in the flexural direction is shown.
The torsional deflection is solely due to coupling with the flexural
motion because no torsional load is applied to the shaft. In addi-
tion, the response due to a unit step force computed using the
complex reduction model is in good agreement with that com-
puted using full order matrices.
In Fig. 7 the step response of a tapered rotating uncracked shaft
is plotted. The tapered shaft is simply supported at both ends and
is rotating at a spin speed of ⍀⫽3000 rad/sec. The comparison of
Fig. 3 Step response of the rotating tapered uncracked canti- Figs. 6 and 7 show the difference in the behavior of the rotating
lever shaft

Fig. 4 Impulse response of the rotating tapered cracked can-

tilever shaft using planar modal reduction. „ Perpendicular Fig. 6 Torsional response of a cracked rotating simply sup-
to Force, Direction of Force, " " " " Complex Reduction…. ported shaft due to inertial coupling

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Fig. 7 Step response of an uncracked rotating tapered simply Fig. 10 Step response of cracked multi-stepped system due to
supported shaft excitation at node 13

force sin(3000t) applied at node 5 is shown. In this case, the

frequency of the applied force is selected far from the lowest
natural frequency of the shaft, hence the phenomenon of beating
will not take place, however, this is a case of unbalance response
because the frequency of applied force is equal to the spin speed
of the rotor shaft. It is also observed that the amplitude of vibra-
tion in the plane of crack is higher than the amplitude of vibration
in the other plane.
5.3 Rotating Multi-Stepped Shaft. The complex multi-
stepped rotor-bearing system shown in Fig. 9 is now simulated to
study the time response of an actual large-scale rotor system. The
rotor-bearing system is rotating at a spin speed of ⍀⫽2000 rad/
sec. The shaft is supported by two bearings which are flexible and
damped. The stiffness coefficients of the bearings are K y y ⫽K zz
⫽3.503⫻107 N/m and K yz ⫽K zy ⫽⫺8.756⫻106 N/m. The damp-
ing coefficients are C y y ⫽C zz ⫽1.752⫻103 N.s/m and C yz ⫽C zy
⫽0. The mass properties of the disk are mass 1.401 kg, polar
moment of inertia 0.002 kg/m3, and diametral inertia 0.00136
Fig. 8 Time response of cracked rotating tapered cantilever
shaft due to a force sin„3000t …. „ Perpendicular to Force,
kg-m2. The multi-stepped shaft is divided into 18 elements of
Direction of Force, " " " ". Complex Reduction….

Fig. 9 The multi-stepped rotor-bearing shaft

shaft due to the presence of crack. The time responses of the

uncracked rotating shaft have out-of-phase vibrations exhibiting
the beating behavior. The step response of the cracked rotating
shaft does not exhibit the above characteristics. The deflection in
the plane of crack is much higher when compared to the deflection
in the other plane. Fig. 11 Step response of cracked multi-stepped shaft at node
In Fig. 8, the response at node 5 of the cantilever shaft due to a 1 due to excitation at node 13

Journal of Mechanical Design DECEMBER 2002, Vol. 124 Õ 695

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which some are hollow. The total number of degrees of freedom References
of the shaft are 95, therefore the state space full order model is of 关1兴 Wauer, J., 1990, ‘‘On the Dynamics of Cracked Rotors: A Literature Survey,’’
order 共190⫻190兲. The full order model is reduced to an order of Appl. Mech. Rev., 43, No. 1, pp. 13–17.
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The authors appreciate the support provided by the Research 480– 486.
Institute and Mechanical Engineering Department at King Fahd 关14兴 Fang, Z. C., and Luo, Z. H., 1989, ‘‘Transient Vibration of an Asymmetric
University of Petroleum & Minerals during this research. Rotor System Through Critical Speed,’’ ASME Design Engineering Division
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Appendix A 关16兴 Mohiuddin, M. A., and Khulief, Y. A., 1994, ‘‘Modal Characteristics of Rotors
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adapoulos and Dimarogonas 关5,10兴 is used in this investigation, 关17兴 Mohiuddin, M. A., and Khulief, Y. A., 1998, ‘‘Modal Characteristics of
Cracked Rotors Using a Conical Shaft Finite Element,’’ Comput. Methods
wherein the dimensionless form of the flexibility influence coef- Appl. Mech. Eng., 162, pp. 223–247.
ficient is given by 关18兴 Likins, P. W., 1972, ‘‘Finite Element Appendage Equations for Hybrid Coor-

冕冕 冋 冉 冊册 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊
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␣ 2 ␣ ␣ x 关19兴 Gunter, E. J., Choy, K. C., and Allaire, P. E., 1978, ‘‘Modal Analysis of Tur-
⫽ 32 1⫺ ␲ F d d borotors Using Planar Modes—Theory,’’ J. Franklin Inst., 305„4…, pp. 221–
1⫺ ␯ 2 0 ⫺b R R h R R 243.
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AIAA J., 14 No. 共10兲, pp. 1444 –1450.
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son’s ratio, c is the flexibility influence coefficient of the crack, a for Gyroscopic Systems,’’ AIAA J., 12, pp. 1337–1342.

冉 冊
is the crack depth, 2b is the crack width and 关22兴 Sundada, W. H., and Dubowsky, S., 1983, ‘‘On The Dynamic Analysis and

冉 冊
Behavior of Industrial Robotic Manipulators with Elastic Links,’’ ASME J.
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0.923⫹0.199 1⫺sin 关23兴 Shabana, A. A., and Wehage, R., 1983, ‘‘Variable Degree of Freedom Compact
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where h is the local height of the crack. The graphs obtained by Mechanisms,’’ Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., 97, pp. 23–32.
关26兴 Kane, K., and Torby, B. J., 1991, ‘‘The Extended Modal Reduction Method
numerically integrating Eq. 共A1兲 are plotted in reference 共关5,10兴兲. Applied to Rotor Dynamic Problems,’’ J. Vibr. Acoust., 113, pp. 79– 84.
The flexibility coefficient of the crack c can be obtained from such 关27兴 Wilkinson, 1965, The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem, Clarendon Press, Ox-
graphs. ford.

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