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Lund’s Elliptic Orbit Forced

Response Analysis: The Keystone

of Modern Rotating Machinery
R. Gordon Kirk A total understanding of rotating machinery vibration analysis requires evaluation of
Professor, critical speed placement, forced response sensitivity to imbalance, linear onset of insta-
Randolph Hall 0238, bility prediction and full non-linear response analysis. Of these four areas of analysis,
Virginia Tech, only the first three are applied as a basic design tool in modern turbo-machinery analysis.
Blacksburg, VA 24061 The prediction of multi-mass flexible rotor steady-state elliptic orbit response, including
bearing damping and support flexibility, has been and remains in this author’s opinion, to
be the basic workhorse and keystone of machinery design. This has now been true for
over 35 years. The person responsible for developing this basic method of analysis has
been a longtime friend of many engineers worldwide. This paper is written to acknowl-
edge this contribution, one of many in fact, made by Jørgen W. Lund and is presented in
memory of his life’s work at this occasion of honoring his contributions to our profession.
A short section on the methods and understanding gained from the basic analysis will be
presented. Finally, some personal reflections will be given concerning Jørgen Lund.
关DOI: 10.1115/1.1605977兴

Keywords: Synchronous, Response, Imbalance, Modeling

Introduction engine rotors and the use of anti-friction bearings that are treated
as symmetric in most dynamic evaluations. The support structure
A typical introduction to rotating machinery analysis graduate
produces the asymmetry and has been treated by individual hori-
course begins with a historical account of major contributors to zontal and vertical calculations to prove a design as acceptable. It
this field of research and the importance of this area of study to is also true that iterative calculations required to evaluate the non-
many industries. The history must include both machinery dynam- linear squeeze film dampers are easier to include in assumed cir-
ics and bearing evaluation. In more recent years, the analysis of cular response evaluations 关4兴. The beauty and worth of elliptic
liquid and gas seals have been added to the necessary literature orbit analysis is best recognized and appreciated by land based
reviews to fully appreciate and understand the basic design re- machinery designers and analysts. The author has been in both
quirements of modern rotating machinery. The current paper is industries under discussion in this paragraph, and has great respect
focused on synchronous forced response and hence the review for engineers in both aircraft engine and land based machinery
will skip to the basic Jeffcott rotor analysis presented in 1919 关1兴 design. The comments are made to show that all machinery indus-
that explained by analysis, why a rotor can operate beyond the tries may not and indeed have not needed the advances developed
first bending critical speed. The fact that a rotor can operate su- for the general field of rotating machinery dynamics.
percritical had been proven much earlier in fact. Engineers actu- The subject of this paper is the report and computer program
ally built a supercritical steam turbine rotor and operated it above written by Jørgen Lund 关5兴 for the computation of elliptic orbit
the first critical speed. And so the story of the interplay between forced response. The capability remains as the major analysis tool
theoretical analysis and the practical design engineer has and con- for initial design evaluations in many companies. Newer finite
tinues to be a healthy source of advancement for the turbo ma- element programs 关6 – 8兴 that have been since developed, have
chinery industry. New and improved designs for rotating machin- relied upon basic concepts and equations first documented by
ery are advanced beyond analysis capability by designers with Lund 关5,9,10兴. This paper will first summarize the innovative con-
innovative insight into performance capability and requirements. cepts developed in Lund’s response program. Then a short section
The resulting unacceptable vibrations that often result, gives mo- on the methods and understanding gained from this basic analysis.
tivation to develop enhanced capability to predict the vibration
levels, frequency content, and new instability mechanism.
In the mid 1940’s, Prohl 关2兴 developed his transfer matrix Method of Solution
method of iterative calculation of the undamped natural frequen-
cies of a turbine rotor supported on bearings. This capability has In the early 1960’s the rotating machinery industry was in need
continued to be of great use to designers, even into this century. In of a innovative solution technique to solve the elliptic forced re-
the early 1960’s, basic response capability existed for circular sponse for a flexible multi-mass rotor bearing system, including
response 关3兴 but modern land based machinery were running on massive flexible pedestals for each bearing.
fluid-film bearings and the resulting vibrations were not circular. The original Lund solution 关5兴 is based on a lumped inertia and
The analysis of jet engines continued to rely on such circular massless beam analysis for a solution of the deflection and rota-
response analysis evaluations as a result of the symmetry of the tion of the lumped inertia. This is shown in Fig. 1 for one plane of
deflection. This is all that is necessary to explain the solution
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication
technique. A more detailed derivation is necessary to actually
in the Jørgen Lund Special Issue of the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. implement the solution, this is outlined by Lund. A brief summary
Manuscript received June 2003. Associate Editor: L. A. Bergman. of Lund’s solution is discussed below.

Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2003 by ASME OCTOBER 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 455

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Fig. 1 The basic transfer elements and station nomenclature

The presentation by Lund of a related discussion is shown in Integrating the equation from simple beam theory, d 2 x/dz 2
Fig. 2. The event was an invited Keynote Paper 关11兴 presented in ⫽M /EI, and using the above moment expression

冋冕 册 冋冕 册
1988 and the slide under discussion shows a lumped inertia with
Ln dz Ln
flexible support and the equations include the linear gyroscopic
␪ n⫹1 ⫽ ␪ n ⫹ M n⬘ ⫹ Vn (2)
terms. Figure 3 shows Lund making a point prior to the slide z⫽0 EI z⫽0 EI

再 冋冕 册 冕 冎
discussion of the same Keynote Paper presentation.
With reference to Fig. 1, the moments and deflection relations Ln dz Ln zdz
can be derived by applying simple beam theory for the shaft sec- X n⫹1 ⫽X n ⫹L n ␪ n ⫹M ⬘n L n ⫺
z⫽0 EI z⫽0 EI
tions. Since the shear is constant for the assumed massless shaft
section, then
M n⫹1 ⫽M n⬘ ⫹L n V n (1) 再 冕 冕 冎
⫹V n L n
Ln zdz
z⫽0 EI

Ln z 2 dz
z⫽0 EI

For the case of constant shaft properties (EI constant for each
different shaft section兲, then
M n⫹1 ⫽M n⬘ ⫹L n V n (4)

Ln L 2n
␪ n⫹1 ⫽ ␪ n ⫹ M ⬘⫹ V (5)
EI n 2EI n
L 2n L 3n
X n⫹1 ⫽X n ⫹L n ␪ n ⫹ M ⬘n ⫹ Vn (6)
The moment change across a mass station includes the gyro-
scopic action and angular spring rates of the bearing. The shear
change across a mass station includes the effect of inertia loading,
bearing reactions, and unbalance loading. Detailed equations for
these contributions are given by Lund 关5兴. Harmonic motion is
assumed and the bending moment, shear, angular and lateral de-
flections can then be expressed as
M x ⫽M xc cos共 ␻ t 兲 ⫹M xs sin共 ␻ t 兲 (7)
V x ⫽V xc cos共 ␻ t 兲 ⫹V xs sin共 ␻ t 兲 (8)
Fig. 2 Lund presenting an invited Keynote Paper in 1988 ex-
␪ ⫽ ␪ c cos共 ␻ t 兲 ⫹ ␪ s sin共 ␻ t 兲 (9)
plaining the dynamics of a lumped mass station including the
support stiffness and gyroscopic terms X⫽X c cos共 ␻ t 兲 ⫹X s sin共 ␻ t 兲 (10)
For the y-direction, the variables M y , V y , ␸, Y are used in
similar equations. The resulting equations needed to describe the
rotor reactions include the change of moment across a mass sta-
tion and shaft length 共8 equations兲, plus change of shear across a
mass station 共4 equations兲, and the angular and lateral displace-
ment along a shaft length 共8 equations兲 for a total of 20 equations
to step across one mass and shaft section.
For a beam with free ends the bending moment and shear are
zero at the extremities, or they can be calculated for an assumed
deflection and given support characteristics. The unknown quan-
tities are the angular and lateral displacement components at the
left or first rotor station. Using the superposition principle, each
unknown is given a unit value with all the others set to zero and
the twenty equations as mentioned above are used to calculate the
residual bending moment and shear at the right end of the rotor.
An additional calculation is made applying the given unbalance
loading but with the other unknowns set to zero. The result of the
superposition of the applied unit loads produce a set of equations
which may be solved for the unknowns at the first rotor station.
This procedure is best described as follows:
Let ␪ c1 ⫽1, set ␪ s1 ⫽ ␸ c1 ⫽ ␸ s1 ⫽X c1 ⫽X s1 ⫽Y c1 ⫽Y s1 ⫽U xn
Fig. 3 Jørgen W. Lund ⫽U yn ⫽0 (U xn and U yn are rotor imbalance levels兲

456 Õ Vol. 125, OCTOBER 2003 Transactions of the ASME

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Calculate the residuals at the right rotor end. Call them
⬘ ;
M xcy,1 ⬘ ;
M xsy,1 M ⬘ycr,1 ; M ⬘ysr,1
V xcr,1 ; V xsr,1 ; V ycr,1 ; V ysr,1
Let ␪ s1 ⫽1 and set the other variables to zero. Calculate the re-
siduals and denote them as
⬘ ;
M xcr,2 ⬘ ;
M xsr,2 M ⬘ycr,2 ; M ⬘ysr,2
V xcr,2 ; V xsr,2 ; V ycr,2 ; V ysr,2
Repeat the procedure for the remainder of the unknown displace-
ments and rotations.
Then apply all of the unbalance loading with all initial station
values zero and call the residuals Fig. 4 Ellipse showing orientation angle, ␪ and semi-major, a
semi-minor axis, b
⬘ ;
M xcr,9 ⬘ ;
M xsr,9 M ⬘ycr,9 ; M ⬘ysr,9
V xcr,9 ; V xsr,9 ; V ycr,9 ; V ysr,9 Elliptical Orbits
The solution is correct when the initial state parameters at sta- A major basic understanding required in the study of dynamics
tion one will produce residuals equal and opposite to the residuals of rotors is the concept of forward and backward whirl. Elliptic
for the ‘‘imbalance only’’ applied condition. This produces a set of motion may in fact be whirling in one of two directions. A flexible
influence coefficients which allows the unknowns to be solved. rotor can have stations that whirl either forward or backward
The solution for the unknown displacements and rotations at sta- along the rotor, at the same time. Lund denoted a backward whirl-
tion 1 can then be found by solving the matrix expression of these ing mass station by making the semi-minor axis value a negative
influence coefficients. This can be expressed as follows: value. If a particular motion is described by the following

冤 冥冤 冥 冤 冥

M xcr,1 ⬘
M xcr,2 ⬘
M xcr,8 equations:
␪ c1 ⬘
⫺M xcr,9 x⫽x c cos共 ␻ t 兲 ⫹x s sin共 ␻ t 兲 ⫽A cos共 ␻ t 兲 ⫹B sin共 ␻ t 兲

M xsr,1 ⬘
M xsr,2 ⬘
M xsr,8 (12)
␪ s1 ⬘
⫺M xsr,9
M ⬘ycr,1 M ⬘ycr,2 M ⬘ycr,8 y⫽y c cos共 ␻ t 兲 ⫹y s sin共 ␻ t 兲 ⫽C cos共 ␻ t 兲 ⫹D sin共 ␻ t 兲 (13)
␸ c1 ⫺M ⬘ycr,9
M ⬘ysr,1 M ⬘ysr,2 M ⬘ysr,8 ␸ s1 ⫺M ⬘ysr,9 the resulting motion can then be described by the ellipse semi-
... ⫽ major axis, a and semi-minor axis b, plus the angle of inclination,
V xcr,1 V xcr,2 V xcr,8 x c1 ⫺V xcr,9 ␪, as shown in Fig. 4, where
x s1 ⫺V xsr,9
冑 冑␩
V xsr,1 V xsr,2 V xsr,8
y c1 ⫺V ycr,9 1 1 1 1
V ycr,1 V ycr,2 V ycr,8 a⫽ ␩ ⫹ 冑␩ 2 ⫺4 ␤ 2 ⫽ ⫹ 冑␥ 2 ⫹4 ␰ 2 (14)
y s1 ⫺V ysr,9 2 2 2 2

冑 冑␩
V ysr,1 V ysr,2 V ysr,8
1 1 1 1
(11) b⫽ ␩ ⫺ 冑␩ 2 ⫺4 ␤ 2 ⫽ ⫺ 冑␥ 2 ⫹4 ␰ 2 (15)
2 2 2 2
The unbalance on the rotor produces a residual moment and
shear that must be equal and opposite to the residuals generated with
by the solution. The unknowns at the first station can thus be
determined as indicated in Eq. 共11兲 and the response all along the ␩ ⫽A 2 ⫹B 2 ⫹C 2 ⫹D 2
rotor can then be calculated for a given speed. Lund’s original ␰ ⫽AC⫹BD
analysis included an iterative approach to the solution of the gy-
roscopic contribution which required a tenth pass and another ␥ ⫽A 2 ⫹B 2 ⫺C 2 ⫺D 2
contribution to the residual vector on the right hand side of Eq.
共11兲. However, linear gyroscopic equations, as suggested by Dr. ␤ ⫽AD⫺BC
Gunter, can replace this iterative solution for the small motion of and
rotating machinery vibrations. The documentation of the exact
equations needed to complete the solution including the linear 1
␪ ⫽ arctan共 2 ␰ / ␥ 兲 (16)
gyroscopic terms is beyond the purpose of this paper. The conven- 2
tion for shear and moments and angular rotations must be properly
These equations may be applied to the rotor, journal, and sup-
addressed. When that is in order, the solution is simple and el-
port displacements to describe the motion. Lund had programmed
egant. Lund continues and details the solution including bearing
the second expression in Eq. 共12兲 and Eq. 共13兲 for the semi-major
station pedestal flexibility and pedestal mass. In addition, the so-
and semi-minor axis for the ellipse calculation. The condition for
lution was not written in matrix form but rather each equation was
forward or backward whirl is for the result of AD⫺BC⫽x c y s
expressed individually, which makes the calculations very effi-
⫺x s y c to be positive or negative, respectively. The obvious to
cient by the elimination of multiplication of terms by zero. This is
Lund has taken years for the casual vibration engineer to under-
a major problem for a program written in matrix notation, if many
stand or in some cases, to even believe the facts, let alone the
computations must be performed. This is true of either forced
response or stability programs written for application of transfer
An alternate representation 关12兴 is to write the x, y components
matrix methods.
of motion as
The major innovative contribution of this work was the method
of solution for the initial state vector. The influence of shear de- x⫽X cos共 wt⫺ ␤ x 兲 (17)
formation, methods to account for beam mass, and even taper
sections are easily adapted to Lund’s basic solution method. y⫽Y sin共 wt⫺ ␤ ⬘y 兲 ⫽Y cos共 wt⫺ ␤ y 兲 (18)

Journal of Vibration and Acoustics OCTOBER 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 457

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Fig. 5 Graphical construction to find actual phase from an or-
bit with timing mark if the direction of whirl is known

These amplitudes and phase angles can be obtained from ex-

perimental results as indicated in Fig. 5 if the direction of whirl is
known. This type synchronous orbit and timing mark can be
shown on a dual axis scope with z-axis input of the one per rev
timing mark. The phase angles are dependent on whether the whirl
is forward or backward. The other way of saying this is that if the
phase angles are known, you know if the orbit is forward or back-
ward. For experimental data from (x,y) probes at 90 deg, the
whirl is backward if the phase lag difference for y-phase minus
x-phase lies between 180 and 360 deg. For a symmetric system
the phase lag difference will produce round forward/ straight line/
round backward/ straight line for phase lag difference of
90/180/270/360 deg respectively.
The experimental result form the early 1970’s for a test rig rotor
is shown in Fig. 6. This figure shows a strong backward mode and
then a forward mode excited by very small imbalance levels. The
rotor was operating on hard mount precision ball bearings. Nu-
merous other whirl orbits are also visible in the attached scope

Special Modeling Methods Fig. 6 „a… Experimental results showing forward and back-
The use of forced response analysis to study coupling effects is ward whirl orbits; „b… Critical speed map for test rig showing
often of interest in the evaluation of turbo machinery. Solid predicted forward and backward modes
coupled rotors are very easy to evaluate. Older gear couplings
have been successfully modeled by a small diameter shaft section
for the length of the mesh, at each gear mesh. This usually re-
sulted in a 1 in. diameter by 1 in. long section at the mesh 共2.54 the same moment flexibility as quoted for the actual coupling flex
⫻2.54 cm兲. The trick was to have the shaft in effect have very section. The moment flexibility is given by L/(EI), see Eq. 共5兲,
little moment transfer, but to force displacement continuity. At the and if the inverse of the disk pack stiffness was made to equal the
same time, the solution residual moment and shear was to remain small shaft section flexibility, and if the residual shear and mo-
very low. Lund had in fact included the effect of a pin joint in his ment were near zero, it was a good simulation. This method usu-
analysis as one option. It was never made to work correctly by ally had difficulty as the speeds increased. Individual machine
anyone, not even Lund. The writer concluded that if Lund could analysis was considered acceptable in these cases.
not fix the problem, it could not be fixed in fact. In any event a Another influence of interest to simulate for power turbines or
coupling is actually not a perfect pin joint and the use of a small expanders, with large overhung disks, was the influence of disk
section of shaft was very adequate to represent a coupling mesh in skew angle, ␶. It is possible to simulate the effective disk skew by
train analyses. For newer dry diaphragm type couplings, the flex considering two imbalance planes, one on either side of the disk
members are often so flexible that it is not possible to use the and 180 deg out of phase. The amount of imbalance is computed
transfer matrix solution without adding some additional moment with the application of the disk skew moment effect given by the
stiffness. The method was to put in a small shaft section that had equation developed from the work of Yamamoto 关13兴.

458 Õ Vol. 125, OCTOBER 2003 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 8 Major axis response to imbalance excitation versus ro-
tor speed for a turbocharger
Fig. 7 Simulation of a turbocharger rotor to rotating imbal-
ance excitation. The lower right hand corner shows orbits at
the bearing locations plus a phase reference for the imbalance be seen in live animation for full effect of the forward/backward
angular location.
whirling and phase shifting. The response versus speed often plot-
ted is major axis response versus speed such as shown in Fig. 8
for the same turbocharger rotor running in fixed geometry fluid-
M skew⫽ ␶ 共 I P ⫺I T 兲 ␻ 2 cos共 ␻ t 兲 film bearings. Such calculations, and many more in fact, are now
considered routine, thanks to Jørgen Lund.
Equating this to an equivalent unbalance couple results in the
following expression for a simple solid disk
Personal Reflections
2 ␦ S WD 2
U OZ ⫽ How can one compute the steady state response to imbalance of
D S␦ WD W a multi-mass flexible rotor? The author asks this question, to
where, stimulate the analytic solving ability of graduate students who
␦ S ⫽runout from dial indicator, in. 共1 in.⫽2.54 cm兲 may have had a first course or even an advanced course in vibra-
␦ w ⫽axial separation of balance weights, symmetric to disk cen- tion analysis, yet have never been faced with solving this particu-
terline, in. lar problem. The lead-in to the discussion in previous lectures and
U oz ⫽oz-in needed to counteract skew or to simulate a skew, assignments have addressed the Holzer method for solution of
oz-in. 共1 oz-in⫽28.35 g-in.兲 torsional vibration natural frequency solution with the assignment
D⫽diameter of disk, in. to write such a search program to find the zero crossings of the
D s ⫽diameter where skew was measured, in. characteristic determinant. The introduction to lateral analysis
D w ⫽diameter of balance weight circle, in. starts with a review of the Jeffcott model for a single mass rotor,
W⫽disk weight, lb f . (1 lb f ⫽4.448 N) followed by the extended Jeffcott analysis 关17兴. Then the students
are introduced to the Prohl transfer matrix solution for a zero
damped flexible beam, supported on one or more bearing stations
Animation of Elliptic Forced Response with specified bearing stiffness. They are not required to write a
The use of Lund’s forced response program in the compressor program but rather, they use a standard industrial program to in-
industry was and remains the major program required to satisfy vestigate mode shapes and influence of bearing stiffness on criti-
API specifications on rotor sensitivity to imbalance and the loca- cal speed placement. Following these lectures and problem solv-
tion of actual critical speeds and separation margins. The tabular ing, the students are asked how they would solve for the forced
data from the analysis was first presented as line printer plots and response of a general multi-mass rotor. The discussion of Lund’s
digital plots with a, then amazing, resolution of 0.01 inches. Mod- technique is in the course notes to read but not for the day of this
ern laser printers run easily at 300-600 dots per inch and any less lecture. The normal response is silence and deep thought. The
than 300 is considered unacceptable. The mainframe programs ones who have knowledge of FEA have the better comments but
were modified slightly to make them PC compatible. Then came not a single student has independently formed a solution method
the desire to make easier to use front-ends and then post proces- without a lot of leading questions and suggestions. It is true that
sors. But Lund’s basic computation module has been untouched with the speed of modern computers the transfer matrix solution
for over 30 years. seems to be obsolete and many are doing FEA of large structural
By the mid 1990’s, the ability to see an animated whirling rotor systems. The simplicity and speed of the transfer matrix solution
on a personal PC gave tremendous further insight into how com- for forced response cannot be matched.
plex a simple rotor vibration can actually be. The visualization of The solution procedure was introduced to the author in graduate
mixed forward backward whirling from a simple imbalance or the school in the late 1960’s by his advisor and teacher, Dr. E. J.
simple fact of whirling modes being phase shifted as you move Gunter. Professor Gunter had worked at The Franklin Institute
down the rotor. The facts were all contained in the solution pro- Research Labs while getting his graduate degrees and prior to
cedure results documented by Lund in 1965. coming to The University of Virginia. He had become acquainted
One such PC based rotor analysis package has been in use for with Lund, who worked at Mechanical Technology Inc., through
almost fifteen years 关14兴. The post processors are still being de- meetings associated with research contracts that required these
veloped but the animation capability was written some eight years joint research meetings. As part of a NASA funded project work,
ago. An example of the projected rotor whirling motion is cap- a circular response program was adapted from Lund’s response
tured in Fig. 7 where the simulation program was a major factor in analysis that included an iterative squeeze film damper solution
solving the field problem 关15,16兴. The response mode shapes must 关4兴. It was called LUNDJR, which was pronounced ‘‘Lund jun-

Journal of Vibration and Acoustics OCTOBER 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 459

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ior.’’ The author has been using a modified version of Lund’s without any trouble carried 500 lbs with a 2 mil film thick-
forced response analysis, known as MODLUND, for nearly thirty ness, touches when the load is reduced to 20 lbs. Anybody
years. This consists of thirteen years in industry from 1972 until intending to use the design charts must leave behind him
1985 and then as a private consultant and teaching Introduction to his natural common sense 共this may be superfluous advice
Rotor Dynamics at Virginia Tech for the past seventeen years. to most of the readers兲 before embarking upon the adven-
This is in addition to the use of the analysis as a graduate student ture and just hope for one of those miracles which, after all,
prior to 1972. happens once in a while to those who have faith.
The writer recalls vividly a discussion with Lund in 1992 re- The design charts are based on a somewhat arbitrary set
garding forward and backward whirl. The discussion started with of design parameters selected in such a way that the curves
the reason an unbalance can cause a rotor to whirl backwards. are very close together and, therefore, almost impossible to
Lund indicated an elliptic orbit can be expressed as a forward and read. Other systems of presentation have been investigated
backward component that could be described to produce the el- such as the Lewis-method which is based on plotting actu-
lipse and hence energy could get into the backward mode in this ally measured data according to some preconceived for-
manner. The writer agreed this was indeed true and agreed with mula but the method has proven costly and time consuming
his statement. A question was asked and answered to see if Lund and there are nowadays more efficient ways of obtaining a
agreed. Was it possible for even a rigid rotor to whirl both forward uniform scatter of points on any given size graph paper.
and backward? Lund seemed interested and in serious thought, Another method, which lately seems to have gone out of
that I said it could and then illustrated this action to him with a fashion at MTI, is the so-called Warner—method where the
pencil. At the time I thought I had explained one thing to Lund choice of dimensionless parameters is such that all the 742
that he had not previously considered. In retrospect, he was more curves on the attached 86 graphs reduce to a single point.
likely simply being polite to me. This, however, proved disastrous on at least one occasion
Following another paper presented in 1998 关18兴, Lund was still due to the presence of a dust speck on the screen in the
present at the end of the presentation. Just to see him still in the Xerox machine. The subsequently calculated bearing flow
room at the end of the presentation was a great personal reward. requirement prompted the acquisition of a 1150 HP com-
pressor with a discharge pressure of 4,500 psi from which
The presentation included a detailed discussion and experimental
transaction the overhead account has as yet not recovered.
orbits showing forward and backward whirl in the same rotor and
With this short introduction I shall leave this unique de-
an instability that was claimed to have been generated by an aero-
sign manual in your hands trusting that in the future you
dynamic pumping action on a double disk overhung station.
will still come back to my office and ask: ‘‘How does one
Lund’s comment as he was approached after the session was
design a hydrostatic bearing?’’
something like this. ‘‘That was a nice one.’’ A short pause. ‘‘I
wonder what was causing that instability in your rotor.’’ He did
not buy into the theory as to the cause. He suggested a continua-
tion of the study of this rotor and another paper at the next meet-
ing, in 2002. To have Lund’s approval for the paper content and Conclusion
possible follow-on study of a simple rotor was one conversation Words cannot express the importance of Jørgen Lund’s techni-
that will forever be etched in this writer’s memory. That and our cal publications and research work to the field of rotating machin-
struggle to keep up with Mel Prohl after one session at a Boston ery analysis and design. One of his earlier publications documents
ASME Vibration Conference as we were heading to a nice little the analysis for elliptic forced response, a capability that every
place for a drink and discussion with Lund. rotating machinery manufacturer must have to design and analyze
An indication of the conflict between analytical and experimen- their machinery to satisfy current industry standards and customer
tal engineers that was mentioned earlier in this paper is more expectations.
clearly shown in a humorous way, by this excerpt from a memo
written by Jørgen at the occasion of issuing his hydrostatic gas Nomenclature
bearing design manual:
Numerous comparisons between the theoretical results of a ⫽ ellipse semi-major axis 共L兲
the report and actual test data obtained outside MTI have b ⫽ ellipse semi-minor axis 共L兲
shown almost perfect agreement. Hence, should the reader E ⫽ Young’s modulus 共F/L2兲
decide to take up residence and employment outside the I ⫽ area moment of inertia 共L4兲
Greater Latham area, he can use the report with absolute IP , IT ⫽ polar, transverse moment of inertia 共M L2兲
confidence and to the last decimal. For those who are not L ⫽ shaft length between mass stations 共M L2兲
that fortunate, a word of warning and caution is necessary. M ⫽ shaft bending moment 共L F兲
It is far from me to suggest, or even hint, that our diligent V ⫽ shaft shear 共F兲
staff of diligent research scientists and diligent research x, y ⫽ ellipse horizontal and vertical motion 共L兲
laboratory specialists should not conduct their experiments ␪ ⫽ rotation angle in x-z plane 共⫺兲
and build their scientific apparatus with the most diligent ␾ ⫽ rotation angle in y-z plane 共⫺兲
care and effort, but neither can I hide the truth: the results ␶ ⫽ disk skew angle from vertical 共⫺兲
are not diligent. I shall pass lightly over a few slighting ␻ ⫽ synchronous angular spin velocity 共1/T兲
remarks I happened to overhear with regard to the trustwor-
thiness of my own results. I have forgiven the frustrated References
originators their ignorant utterances, after all, it is not 关1兴 Jeffcott, H. H., 1919, ‘‘The Lateral Vibrations of Loaded Shafts in the Neigh-
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purely accidental as long as the comparison is made inside Turborotors With Particular Reference to Balancing; Part I, Theoretical Foun-
MTI. Thus, it is by no means a rare occurrence to find that dations,’’ ASME J. Appl. Mech., 31共1兲, March, pp. 115–122.
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the bearing flow decreases as the supply pressure is in- tors,’’ Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Virginia, June.
creased, that the stiffness bears no relationship whatsoever 关5兴 Lund, J. W., and Sternlicht, B., 1962, ‘‘Rotor-Bearing Dynamics With Empha-
with the supply pressure or that a thrust bearing, which sis on Attenuation,’’ ASME J. Basic Eng., 84共4兲, pp. 491–502.

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关6兴 Rouch, K. E., and Kao, J. S., 1979, ‘‘A Tapered Beam Finite Element for Rotor 关13兴 Yamamoto, T., 1954, ‘‘On the Critical Speeds of a Shaft,’’ Memoirs of the
Dynamics Analysis,’’ J. Sound Vib., 66, pp. 119–140. Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan.
关7兴 Nelson, H. D., 1980, ‘‘A Finite Rotating Shaft Element Using Timoshenko 关14兴 Kirk, R. G., Raju, K. V. S., and Ramesh, K., 1999, ‘‘PC-Based Analysis of
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关8兴 Nelson, H. D., and McVaugh, J. M., 1975, ‘‘The Dynamics of Rotor-Bearing 关15兴 Faulkner, H., Strong, W., and Kirk., R. G., 1997, ‘‘Thermally Induced Syn-
Systems Using Finite Elements,’’ ASME J. Eng. Ind., 98共2兲, pp. 593– 600. chronous Instability of a Radial Inflow Overhung Turbine PART I,’’ Proceed-
关9兴 Lund, J. W., and Orcutt, F. K., 1967, ‘‘Calculations and Experiments on the ings of ASME Design Technical Vibrations Conference, Sacramento, CA.,
Unbalance Response of a Flexible Rotor,’’ ASME J. Eng. Ind., 89共4兲, pp. Sept.
785–796. 关16兴 Faulkner, H., Strong, W., and Kirk., R. G., 1997, ‘‘Thermally Induced Syn-
关10兴 Lund, J. W., 1965, Rotor-Bearing Dynamics Technology, Part V, AFAPL-TR- chronous Instability of a Radial Inflow Overhung Turbine PART II,’’ Proceed-
65-45, Aero Propulsion Lab, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, ings of ASME Design Technical Vibrations Conference, Sacramento, CA, Sept.
May. 关17兴 Kirk, R. G., and Gunter, E. J., 1972, ‘‘The Effect of Support Flexibility and
关11兴 Lund, J. W., 1988, ‘‘Keynote Paper: Topics in Rotor Dynamics,’’ The Second Damping on the Synchronous Response of a Single-Mass Flexible Rotor,’’
International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Dynamics and Design of ASME J. Eng. Ind., 94共1兲, pp. 221–232.
Rotating Machinery, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 205–211. 关18兴 Kirk, R. Gordon, 1998, ‘‘Observation of Disk Axial Face Instability,’’ Proceed-
关12兴 Kirk, R. G., and Gunter, E. J., 1973, ‘‘Nonlinear Transient Analysis of Multi- ings of 1998 IFTOMM Conference, Darmstadt Technical University Germany,
Mass Flexible Rotors-Theory and Applications,’’ NASA CR 2300. Sept., pp. 595– 604.

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