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4th year


Case 1
A 22 year old male came with progressive pallor
of 3 months duration.
Next slide we can see a physical sign and his
blood film
Give a provisional diagnosis and what
investigations will help to reach the diagnosis?
Case 1
Case 1

Case 1
• Take10 minutes to do group discussion and
then comment.
Case 2
• A 12 year old boy came with 3 weeks history
of progressive cough and dyspnea.
• In the next slides you will see his blood film
and his photo.
• Give one provisional diagnosis and 2
investigations to reach the diagnosis.
Case 2
Case 2

Dilated vein
Superior vena cava
Case 2
• Take10 minutes to do group discussion and
then comment.
Case 3
A 55 year old male came with pallor+stroke .
He is hypertensive .
In the next slide you will see a photo and his
blood film.
Give a provisional diagnosis and what
investigations you need.
Hemorragic from
iischemic --> CTsacn
Myloproferitive disorder
not cerrtain has
Case 3
If all tear drop on the same
direction :::::> technical error

Case 3
Case 3
• Take10 minutes to do group discussion and
then comment.
Case 4
A 30 year old female came with recurrent
bleeding from the gums of 4 weeks duration.
A dentist advised her to have cleansing of the
A photo and a blood fil will be shown.
Give a provisional diagnosis and what
investigations you need.
Case 4 Antiepileptic, cyclosporine

Auer rode in cytoplasm
Case 4
Case 4
• Take10 minutes to do group discussion and
then comment.
Case 5
• A 12 year old boy came with long history of
anemia for which he received many blood
• His recent complaint is orthopnea and
bilateral leg oedema.
• A photo and blood film will be shown
• Give one provisional diagnosis and
investigations to confirm it.
Case 5
Case 5
Case 5
Case 5
• Take10 minutes to do group discussion and
then comment.
Case 6
• A 55 year old female patient presented with ill
health, weight loss and sweating of 3 months
• Her Photo and blood film are shown.
• Give 2 differential diagnoses and what do you
expect to find in his blood counts and bone
marrow study.
Case 6
Case 6
Case 6
• Take10 minutes to do group discussion and
then comment.
Case 7
• A 60 year old male came with progressive
pallor and abnormal gait of 4 months
• He is also diabetic.
• A Photo and Blood film are shown
• What is your diagnosis and How would
confirm it.
Case 7
Case 7
Case 7
• Take10 minutes to do group discussion and
then comment.
Case 8
• A 10 year old boy came with recurrent attacks
of severe backpain, long standing anemia and
• A photo and blood film are shown.
• Give one possible diagnosis and how would
you confirm it by investigations.
Case 8
Case 8
Case 8
• Take10 minutes to do group discussion and
then comment.
Case 9
• A 12 year old boy came with history of recurrent
swelling of his both knees since he was one year
old.He has bleeding after tooth extraction.
• His oldest sister does not have a similar problem.
• A photo and his results of PT and PTT teats are
shown .
• Give 2 differential diagnoses and how would you
prove them?
Case 9
Case 9
• PT 13sec / control 12 sec.
• PTT 50 sec / control 35 sec
• Fibrinogen level normal
• Bleeding time: normal
Bleeding time prolonged van willbrand
Case 9
• Take10 minutes to do group discussion and
then comment.
Case 10
• A 20 year old female came with 4 weeks
history of menorrhagia and non-plapable skin
• She is otherwise healthy and has no fever or
weight loss.
• A photo and a blood film are shown next.
• What is the most likely diagnosis and how
would you confirm it.
Case 10
Case 10
• WBC count 6,000/mm3 with normal
differential, Platelet count 10,000/mm3
Case 10
• Take10 minutes to do group discussion and
then comment.
Case 11
• A 55 year old female came with recently
increasing headache and itching.
• She is hypertensive but not smoker.
• She has also vague abdominal pain.
• Her physical examination revealed an enlarged
• Her photo and blood film are shown next.
• What is your provisional diagnosis and how
would you confirm it?
Case 11
• Take10 minutes to do group discussion and
then comment.
Hereditary thrombophilia

Case 12 Sudden onset intestinal

thrombosis unusual site
+ arterial thromnosis

• A 30 year old female presented with swelling

of right lower limb of 3 days duration
following a 5 hours flight.
• A similar episode occurred 4 years ago after
delivering her baby. Thrombosis

• Her mother died at the age of 50 years post-

operative following cholecystectomy.

• The photo of her lower limbs is shown embolism

• What is the cause of these episodes.

Case 12
• Take10 minutes to do group discussion and
then comment.

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