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First record of Imipenem is

Penicillin discovered
an antibiotic

1912 1928 1939 1970
a.n.e The first First antibiotic
substance that used in human
can fight an diseases
disease is

Event Additional information

1.- First record of an antibiotic primitive The Chinese used the moldy husk of soybeans
to cure anthrax, boils and other infections
2.- The first substance that can fight an Paul Erlich, "the father of chemotherapy" was
infectious disease is created the first to create a substance that was
capable of fighting an infectious disease,
Salvarsan, derived from arsenobenzene, with
which he was able to cure syphilis and
3.- Penicillin develops Alexander Fleming after inspecting his cultures
observed that the colony of a fungus had
grown spontaneously, as a contaminant, in
one of the Petri dishes planted with
Staphylococcus aureus. Found that the
bacterial colonies around the fungus
(Penicillium notatum) were transparent
because bacterial death had occurred.
Specifically, the genus Penicillium produces a
natural substance with antibacterial effects
called penicillin.
4.- first antibiotic used in human diseases Dubos found thyrothricin, the first antibiotic
used in human disease, isolated from certain
bacteria in the soil.
5.- Imipenem is discovered During the study of organisms in the earth,
imipenem is discovered, which gave rise to a
new class of broad-spectrum antibiotics, the
carbapenems. It marked a new chapter in the
history of beta-lactam antibiotics, as certain
pathogens were observed to produce
substances with a different beta-lactam ring.

The origin of the word antibiotic comes from the Greek: anti (against) and bios
(life). Antibacterial are natural, semi-synthetic or synthetic substances that, at low
concentrations, inhibit the growth or cause the death of bacteria.

In the year 1500 B.C., the first record of an antibiotic primitive, the Chinese used
the moldy husk of soybeans to cure anthrax, boils and other infections. Until 1912
the first significant record is presented, Paul Erlich, "the father of chemotherapy"
was the first to create a substance that was capable of fighting an infectious
disease, Salvarsan, derived from arsenobenzene, with which he was able to cure
syphilis and trypanosomiasis.
Years later Alexander Fleming would mark a before and after in the history of
antibiotics by inspecting his cultures observed that the colony of a fungus had
grown spontaneously, as a contaminant, in one of the Petri dishes planted with
Staphylococcus aureus. Found that the bacterial colonies around the fungus
(Penicillium notatum) were transparent because bacterial death had occurred.
Specifically, the genus Penicillium produces a natural substance with antibacterial
effects called penicillin, in 1928.
In the year 1939, Dubos found thyrothricin, the first antibiotic used in human
disease, isolated from certain bacteria in the soil.
Early 70s, during the study of organisms in the earth, imipenem is discovered,
which gave rise to a new class of broad-spectrum antibiotics, the carbapenems. It
marked a new chapter in the history of beta-lactam antibiotics, as certain
pathogens were observed to produce substances with a different beta-lactam ring.

The development of antibiotics will always be in constant renewal, since bacterial
agents are constantly evolving so current antibiotics, as has been shown
throughout history, could lose their effectiveness.
Línea del tiempo de antibióticos. (2021). Retrieved 9 October 2021, from

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