Apex Installation

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Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.


http://www.appsdba.info A. Kishore

In this document we shall see steps to Integrate Oracle Application express (Apex 4.0.2) with Oracle Applications R12.1.3 on Linux Platform.

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

Table of Contents:
About Oracle Application Express 4.0.2 Architecture Diagram My Setup Install Oracle Applications R12.1.1 and upgrade to R12.1.3 Download and Install Oracle Application Express 4.0.2 on Oracle Application R12.1.3 database Install SOA (HTTP Server) Integrate SOA with Oracle Application R12.1.3 References

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

About Oracle Application Express 4.0.2 Oracle Application Express (Oracle APEX, previously named Oracle HTML DB) is a software development environment based on the Oracle database. It allows a fast development cycle to be achieved to create web based applications. It can be used for departmental-style applications with a dozen users, but can also scale up to handle thousands of users. The framework itself adds as little as 0.04 second of overhead to each page request; how well an application scales is primarily based on the efficiency of the SQL queries used by the application developer.

1. Background 2. Advantages 3. Disadvantages 4. See also 5. References 6. Bibliography 7. External links

Oracle Application Express can be installed in an Oracle 9.2 or higher database, and starting from Oracle 11g it will be preinstalled along with the database.

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

In January 2006 Oracle renamed HTML DB to "Oracle Application Express". Version 2.1 of APEX was bundled with the free Oracle Express Edition (XE) database.

In 2007 Oracle released APEX 3.0. This third major version features several new features, notably PDF Printing and Flash charting. APEX 3.0.1 was released in July 2007, and this version can also be installed into an Oracle XE database.

In Spring 2008 Oracle released APEX 3.1. This included a new major feature known as Interactive Reporting, which enables end-users to extensively customize a report without programmer intervention, using techniques such as filtering, sorting, group-by, choosing displayed columns, etc. The user can even save multiple versions of their customized reports. The programmer can limit which features are enabled. With this power comes a loss of programmer control over the layout of the report.

APEX 4.0 became available in June 2010. Some notable features are declarative dynamic actions which allow reacting to changes on a page without the developer having to write the javascript and RESTful capabilities.

Historically speaking, Application Express has gone through many name changes since its inception in 2000. A reasonably complete history of the names includes: Flows Oracle Platform Project Marvel HTML DB Application Express (APEX)

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

One popular misconception is that Application Express is a new version of Web DB. Mike Hichwa created Web DB, a successful web front-end for Oracle, but the development of Web DB started to move in a direction that diverged from Mike's vision. When tasked with building an internal web calendar, Mike enlisted the help of Joel Kallman and started "Flows". They co-developed the Web Calendar and Flows, adding features to Flows as they needed them to develop the calendar. In the earliest days of Flows, there was no front-end for it, so all changes to an application were made in SQL*Plus via inserts, updates and deletes. In some ways APEX is an evolution of Web DB, but it was developed with new code and no upgrade path.

A popular application developed in Application Express is the AskTom application developed by Thomas Kyte. Oracle's Metalink support site had been running on APEX, but was replaced with a Flash version in September 2008. Oracle's online store also runs on APEX.

Fast development Web-based Easy to create mock-ups Easy to deploy (end user opens a URL to access an APEX application) Scalable Server-side processing and validations Strong and supportive user community (especially Oracle APEX forum) Basic support for group development Free hosting of demo applications provided by Oracle Individual components of an application can be retrieved or identified using SQL, facilitating customized reports

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

Primary keys can be at most two separate fields. APEX assumes by default that all tables will use generated keys such as from sequences or triggers. The Oracle Database itself allows far more columns in a composite primary key. Pages in APEX can display at most 100 items and forms cannot handle more than 100 database items. Compare this to the Oracle Database where tables can have up to 1000 columns. APEX applications are created using Oracle's own tools and only can be hosted in an Oracle database, making an implementer susceptible to vendor lock-in. While applications are exportable to a script form that can be version controlled, the underlying PL/SQL code is not intended to be human-readable or writable, meaning that it is not easy to compare source code revisions. As an application framework, it can be difficult to customize an application outside of a set of expectations about how an APEX application is supposed to operate. Large installation size (V3.1.2 is 532Mb) Limited debugging facilities Very few webhosts offer APEX (Oracle Database) on their hosting service package (most of them offer PHP + MySQL or ASP + Microsoft SQL Server). As a result, APEX applications are limited in their choice of webhosts.

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

Architecture Diagram My Setup

Oracle SOA HTTP Server

Oracle Application R12.1.3 running on linux (linux1.oracle.com)

Oracle Application Express 4.0.2

Install Oracle Applications R12.1.1 and upgrade to R12.1.3 Follow the below for the Installation and upgrade to R12.1.3: http://www.appsdba.info/docs/oracle_apps/Installation/R12/sni-ln64bit.pdf http://www.appsdba.info/docs/oracle_apps/upgrades/upgrade_r12.1.1_r12.1.3. pdf

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

Download and Install Oracle Application Express 4.0.2 on Oracle Application R12.1.3 database http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developertools/apex/downloads/index.html

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

unzip apex_4.0.2_en.zip create tablespace APEX402 datafile '/d02/oracle/APEX/db/apps_st/data/apex402.dbf' size 1G autoextend on; @apexins.sql apex402 apex402 temp /i/

Takes 10 to 20 minutes

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

SQL> select count(*) from dba_objects where status='INVALID';

COUNT(*) ---------4349

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

Compile invalids adadmin menu_option=CMP_INVALID workers=8 defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/adalldefaults.txt logfile=adadmin2.log

SQL> select count(*) from dba_objects where status='INVALID'; COUNT(*) ---------15 ALTER USER ANONYMOUS ACCOUNT UNLOCK; ALTER USER XDB ACCOUNT UNLOCK; ALTER USER APEX_040000 ACCOUNT UNLOCK; ALTER USER FLOWS_FILES ACCOUNT UNLOCK; ALTER USER APEX_PUBLIC_USER ACCOUNT UNLOCK; ALTER USER ANONYMOUS ACCOUNT UNLOCK; alter user APEX_PUBLIC_USER identified by APEX_PUBLIC_USER; Change the password of admin user sqlplus "/as sysdba" @apxchpwd.sql SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Apr 13 06:43:00 2011 Copyright (c) 1982, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

Enter a value below for the password for the Application Express ADMIN user. Enter a password for the ADMIN user Session altered. ...changing password for ADMIN PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. []

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

Install SOA (HTTP Server) Download - Application Server 10g Release 3 (10.1.3.x) Downloads http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/ias/htdocs/1013 10.html soa_linux_x86_101310_disk1.cpio

cpio -idmv < soa_linux_x86_101310_disk1.cpio

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info


Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

Integrate SOA with Oracle Application R12.1.3

cd /d01/oracle/SOA mkdir images cp /d01/oracle/patches/apex/images/* . vi /d01/oracle/SOA/Apache/modplsql/conf/dads.conf Alias /i/ "/d01/oracle/SOA/images/" AddType text/xml xbl AddType text/x-component htc <Location /pls/apex> Order deny,allow PlsqlDocumentPath docs AllowOverride None PlsqlDocumentProcedure wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download PlsqlDatabaseConnectString PlsqlNLSLanguage AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1 PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic SetHandler pls_handler PlsqlDocumentTablename wwv_flow_file_objects$ PlsqlDatabaseUsername APEX_PUBLIC_USER PlsqlDefaultPage apex PlsqlDatabasePassword APEX_PUBLIC_USER PlsqlRequestValidationFunction wwv_flow_epg_include_modules.authorize Allow from all </Location> /d01/oracle/SOA/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall /d01/oracle/SOA/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info


Create a workspace and connect using the below link http://linux1.oracle.com:7777/pls/apex/

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

To verify cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin sqlplus "/as sysdba" @epgstat.sql to verify the installation

+--------------------------------------+ | XDB protocol ports: | | XDB is listening for the protocol | | when the protocol port is non-zero. | +--------------------------------------+ HTTP Port FTP Port --------- -------0 0 1 row selected. +---------------------------+ | DAD virtual-path mappings | +---------------------------+ no rows selected +----------------+ | DAD attributes | +----------------+ no rows selected +---------------------------------------------------+ | DAD authorization: | | To use static authentication of a user in a DAD, |

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

| the DAD must be authorized for the user. +---------------------------------------------------+ no rows selected +----------------------------+ | DAD authentication schemes | +----------------------------+ no rows selected

+--------------------------------------------------------+ | ANONYMOUS user status: | | To use static or anonymous authentication in any DAD, | | the ANONYMOUS account must be unlocked. | +--------------------------------------------------------+ Database User Status --------------- -------------------ANONYMOUS EXPIRED 1 row selected. +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ANONYMOUS access to XDB repository: | | To allow public access to XDB repository without authentication, | | ANONYMOUS access to the repository must be allowed. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Allow repository anonymous access? ---------------------------------false 1 row selected.

Author A.Kishore http://appsdba.info

References http://balajiabhi.blogspot.com/search?q=apex http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=2139950 http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=1094659&tstart=58 Easy Steps to Install/ Upgrade/ Migrate/ Uninstall APEX - Example 3.1.2 (Doc ID 761836.1) How to Uninstall Oracle HTML DB / Application Express from the Database? (Doc ID 558340.1) http://forappsdba.blogspot.com/\ How to Configure Oracle Application Express (APEX) & the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway (EPG) in an 11G DB (Doc ID 457621.1) http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=2159703&tstart=60#929 2431 http://spicyoracle.blogspot.com/search/label/Apex http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=862650 http://oraexplorer.com/2007/11/oracle-apex-in-11g-installation/ http://linux4.oracle.com:7777/pls/apex/apex_admin http://linux4.oracle.com:8080/apex/apex_admin http://www.runningoracle.com/product_info.php?currency=EUR&cPath=104&pr oducts_id=382

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