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Unit 1C Workbook

1 Choose the correct options to complete the senterices.

1 Kathy can't go out today. her essay.

a She's finishing b She finishes

2 This soup is very salty it.

a I'm not liking b I don't like

3 a lot in your country?

a Is it snowing b Does it snow

4 for exams right now.

a We're studying b We study

5 Is that, Emir? his brother.

a I'm knowing b. I know

6 Sophia is busy Dinner.

a She's cooking b She cooks dinner.

7 Luis works as a journalist. articles about sports.

a He's writing b He writes

8 I can go with you anything right now.

a I'm not doing b I don't do

9 his daughter to school every morning.

a Sam is taking b Sam takes

10 to the gym with you very often?

a Is Raul going b Does Raul go

2 Complete the sentences with the simple present or present continuous form of the verbs
in the box.

1 Mr. Silva walk past our house every morning.

2 Mom and Dad do their lunch right now.

3 Laura work in a café for three months this summer

4 Luca not play soccer very often.

5 Olga and Sergei were from Russia.

6 Think Helen usually have her homework in the evenings?

7 Maria be our new teacher is great

8 Jorge wear a jacket today.

3 Choose the correct verbs to complete the sentences.

miss lose wins earns looks like looks go back come back wearing carrying remember
remind hoping waiting looking expecting forward to ends. says tells Mr. take bring

1 I often miss my keys. It's very annoying!

2 Pablo usually wins our swimming races.

3 Susi looks really happy, doesn't she?

4 I'm cold! Let's go back home

5 Emma's wearing a blue coat today

6 Can you remind me to call Alan later?

7 I'm waiting for Francesca to arrive.

8 Are you expecting your vacation?

9 Emma ells often me about her friends.

10 I need to bring some documents to Mr. Smith's office.

4 Complete the conversation with verbs from exercise 3 in the correct tense.

Anna: Are you going to Jorge and Sara's

wedding? I'm really 1 expecting it.

Laura: Yes, I am! Bus, I can only buy them

a small present, because I'm not 2 carrying
very much money at the moment.

Anna: Never mind! Do you have anything to

wear to the wedding?

Laura: No, but my sister 3 go back from her

vacation tomorrow, and she has so many amazing dresses.

Anna: I looking she’ll have something perfect!

Laura: Yes, definitely. Every week she 5 come back home something new from the shopping

Anna: By the way, do you remember Carlos, Jorge's best friend?

Laura: Yes, I do. He's the tall guy who like Zac Efron, isn't he? He's great-I really 8 wedding.
he'll be at the wedding.

Anna: Of course, he will. Jorge 9 remind he's like a brother to him. He works in France in the
winter, and Jorge really 10 waiting him when he's gone.

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