Jan 2013

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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT www.vturesource.com USN 10EC: Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2012 Signals and Systems Time: 3 hrs. MaxX§Marks‘hoo Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting at least TWO questions from each part. oe i) Memoryless, ii) Stable ili) Causal iv) Linear and v) 2 y= . omar) Distinguish between: f) Deterministic and random sig DEnogyand pond aie (oo mars) For any arbitrary signal (which san even signal, vac 2 rca. cou marty Find the convolution integral of x(t x1) == D{uct=1)—w(t=3)} and h(t sketch the convolved signal, 2u(t—2). (02 Marks) Determine the ae {ime convolution ven sequences. xn) =} and bon) = 5, (08 Marks) Determine the condition oft mse of the system if system is, i) Memory less it) (6 marks) Find the total response of ti@sygfem 220 ad y0y x(t) with (0) =-13 Oe ey and x(t) = c0s(t)u(0. (a starts) One peri FSfboefficients of a signal is given by, x(k) =(f)", on 03° i) [-< and (08 Marks) 8 4. A system has impulse response hn) = (4 fermine the input to the system if the ‘output is given by, yoy = Lacey 2(-2) roy (08 Marks) ©. Solve the flowing difference lateral z-transform, Me) Bote Hied te “Oy et wih lel cel) i =d, y(-2) = 10, and x(n) = (12 Marks) 2of2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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