The Sunday Bulletin

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Sunday Bulletin

June 26, 2011

SummerA Time of Growth

Summer is one of the best times for making memories and becoming more productive. The longer evening hours make for great family and ministry time. For many people, summer tends toward unproductivityas in a break from responsibility and growth. How can you harness the energy of summer into creating an effective summer routine? Here are a few tips: Determine Your Priorities and Goals: Before you begin setting goals, you want to be sure that you are setting them in the right areas. Take a moment to list your God-given priorities - including your spiritual growth, your family, and your church and ministry. Discipline Your Schedule: A schedule is a wonderful tool, but it is only helpful as it is used! Learn to develop effective lists an d practice aggressi vel y completing your lists. Deal with Interruptions: When interruptions come, begin by assessing the situation. Perhaps this can be dealt with later? Perhaps it should be directed toward someone else? If the interruption calls for your immediate attention, respond to the needs, and then return to your God-given priorities. Summer can be a great time of intentional growth! The simple key is the word intentional. Plan for growth by developing an effective routine. Come August, youll be glad you did!

The New Testament Baptist Church, 437 N. Duffy Road, Butler, Pennsylvania 16001

Church Family Picnic

Carousel Shelter at Alameda Park This Saturday, July 2, 3 PM-6 PM
Our church family is invited to the New Testament Baptist Church 4th of July Picnic. There is no charge for this activity, but each family is asked to bring a side dish and dessert to share with others. Since we are representing the church, we ask that families dress appropriately. Bring a Frisbee, softball, and other game items for some additional fun. DONT FORGET: A singing group from Golden State Baptist College will be singing for us.

Ladies Fellowship Tuesday, July 12, at 6 PM

Andria Alexander from Simply Frugal Living will be sharing couponing tips with our ladies. There is no charge for the evening, but ladies are asked to bring a side dish to share with others.


Volume 11, Issue 26

First-time visitors are asked to stop by our Welcome Center for a gift.
Welcome to New Testament Baptist Church! We are so excited that you are taking the time to contemplate eternal matters with us. Thank you for your interest. We trust that the singing, preaching, and fellowship with our people will be a blessing to you.

Visit us at

Church Phone Number: 724.282.2494






Free Nursery & Childcare

Out of respect for your loved ones and those in attendance, we ask parents to use our clean & well-equipped nursery. Please avail us the opportunity to serve! This free service is available for newborns and infants (birth through 24 months). All of our volunteers have passed a background check with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Register at the Welcome Center for a complimentary oil change.

Sunday School: Renea Holt Sunday AM: Denise Masters AM Rockin Grandma: Mrs. Sibley Sunday PM: Mrs. Waterhouse Wednesday PM: Bonnie Heitzenrater
In the spirit of worship and as an act of courtesy, please do NOT bring food, soft drinks or bottled water into the Auditorium. Cellular devices should be turned off or placed in vibrate mode.

Your relationship to Jesus Christ is central to the answer to that question.

We are, by nature, sinners who stand guilty and condemned before our Creator and Judge. In our thoughts and actions, we have disobeyed His perfect standards. We are sinners (Romans 3:10, 23). We are helpless to save ourselves. Forgiveness is a gift to be received, not a reward that can be earned. We need a Saviour (Ephesians 2:8-9). Because of His love for us, God provided salvation through His Son, Jesus. He became a member of the human family, lived without sin, and died on the cross to pay for our sins. Jesus is the Saviour (Romans 5:8; John 3:16). Salvation is an individual matter and requires a personal response on the part of anyone that wants to be saved. All who acknowledge their sin and place their trust in Christ are adopted as Gods children (Romans 10:9, 13).

Where Will I Spend Eternity?

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