27 Jan Criticism of Migration Theories

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Critical Evaluation of Migration Theories.

Thursday January 27th, 2022

The objective of today´s class:
To do an overview George Massey´s article A Missing Element in
Migration Theories (2015).
As such, we will:
1. Talk in detail about what Massey says is missing in studying migration
theories: paying theoretical attention to the self-interested actions of
politicians and different stakeholders who benefit from the social
construction of certain migration/immigration crises that don´t really exist –
what is often referred to as the “Latino Threat Narrative (LTN)”.
2. We will then watch two videos: these are a very good examples of what
Massey is arguing: that certain issues are being taken out of context for the
sake of profits, audience, and building a certain political agenda.
3. We will then talk about Donald Trump and the Polish Brigade.
4. Conclusions.
What does George Massey say is missing in migration theories/in studying
Main points:
1. He says that migration (and referring mostly to Mexico-US migration) was well
theorized all the way up to 1986. He says migration theories were very useful to
understand the transnational movement of people.
2. However, he says that after 1986, migration became very difficult to explain/study
since migrants were not only concentrated in certain areas of the U.S anymore, but all
around the country. Migration was not circular anymore.
3. Migration also became difficult to study because certain anti-migrant stakeholders had
started to create migration crises.
4. As such, Massey´s argument is that it is very important to pay more theoretical
attention to the self-interested actions of politicians and different actors who benefit
from the social construction of certain migration/immigration crises.
5. Once all this is legitimately understood as a reality, we can begin to seek the right
answers to better address the opportunities and challenges brought forward by the
migration phenomenon.
This leads us to talk about the “Latino Threat
Narrative (LTN)”:
1. What is the ”Latino Threat Narrative (LTN)”?
2. Who was the most prominent politician to
contribute to the LTN?
3. Massey argues that the LTN was not based on
any substantive understanding/evidence of the
legitimate realities of undocumented migration.
More on the LTN
1. Massey says that, despite the existence of the LTN, there
are some, but no profound consequences for Mexico-US
migration. In other words, that even with the LTN, Mexican
Migration to the U.S. continues to be strong.
2. As such, he says that this shows that the U.S. created its
own migration crisis; that their own policies have forced
people to stay instead o allowing them to continue being
circular migrants.
3. However, he does not really talk about other
Does anybody recognize these men?
How about this man?
Geraldo Rivera and Bill O´Reilly:
Glenn Beck:
Does anyone recognize this building?
Norwegian Embassy
The Polish Brigade issue
What was the Polish Brigade?
1. It is the name that was given to 200
undocumented Polish workers who
were hired by Trump in the 1980s to
demolish the Bonwit Teller building to
make way for Trump Tower.
2. The Polish Brigade worked in
deplorable conditions: they had no
hard hats, no face masks, many of
them died of asbestos. This are just a
few of many things that happened.
Is the Polish Brigade a relevant example to
what Massey said?
1. Massey said that we need greater theoretical
attention to the self-interested actions of people
who benefit from the construction and
immigration crises when none really exist,
2. Does the Polish Brigade issue qualify?
Conclusions on Massey´s A Missing Element in Migration Theories:
1. He hints that the lack of attention to the actions of those who benefit from
constructing immigration crises is what has led the U.S. to expand its
immigration enforcement system.
2. This in turn, has created a multitude of jobs that have increased the profits
of firms such as the Corrections Corporation of America and the Geo
Group, which built and operate immigration detention facilities.
3. Massey says that this is what has led migrants to settle in the U.S instead
of having them go back and forth (circular migration). In many ways, the
expansion of the immigration enforcement system is the reason why there
are so many undocumented people living in the U.S.
4. But we have to acknowledge that there is indeed a migration crisis. It
would be unwise and naïve to think that there is not. However, current
approaches to deal with undocumented migration need further work.

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