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(b) Sektor / Unit/ Organisasi :INSTITUT
(c) Kumpulan Perkhidmatan : PELAJAR
(d) Tarikh & Masa Pembentangan : -
(jika berkaitan)
(e) Maklumat Buku Yang Dibaca: Bil. Muka surat: 25

Bil. Perkara Catatan

1. Tajuk Buku: My Lost Treasure


3. Tahun diterbitkan: 2015

4. Diterbitkan oleh: ANNA MARY PERUMAL

5. Sinopsis Buku
Having a dog in the house was not taboo to me but
Yang Dibaca: something I could never digest in the past. This could
be due to the fact that I was not an animal lover and I
could not tolerate animals running around my heels.
However, everything changed when my Choopy Darling
came into my home in 2003. Not only did he come into
my home, he secured a place in my heart and my
whole perception about animal too a positive outlook, in
particular dogs. The ten years that he was with us had
created so much of fonf times which were fun times too
and now they are warm memories and moments that
are sweet to be cherished.
They say a dog is a man’s best friend and this is so true
6. Manfaat/ to the word because from an undesirable animal, this
pengajaran yang wonderful creature qualified to be better and more
diperoleh daripada reliable than a fellow human being and so Choopy
buku yang dibaca:
certainly deserves to be placed on a pedestal. Besides
being a faihtful companion, he was a protector,
guardian, entertainer, joy-giver, comforter and therefore
was such a delight to us that he was part time of their

7. Tandatangan:

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