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VI Semester 3 Year LL.B/X Semester 5 Year B.A.LL.B./B.A.LL.B

(Maj.-Min. System)/B.B.A.LL.B. Examination, April/May 2022 (Dec. 2021)


Max. Marks 100

Duration:3 Hours
Instructions: 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining
2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining
questions carry 16 marks each.
3. Answers should be written either in English or

Kannada completely.
Q. No. 1. Define Fact. " Facts in issue" and "Relevant fact'. Distinguish

among 'May presume', 'Shall presume' and "conclusive proof

with suitable illustrations. Marks: 16

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wToaTioieoor 393.

Q. No. 2. "Motive only is not substantive evidence" I n light of the

statement, discuss in detail the concept of motive, preparation
and subsequent conduct with suitable illustrations and case
laws. Marks 16

Q. No. 3. When plea of alibi can be raised ? Discuss in brief the doctrine
of Res gestae with suitable illustrations and judicial
decisions. Marks: 16

. No. 4. Define confessions. Distinauish between admissIon
confession. Discuss when confessions are inadmissiDle
Marks 16
under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

C 3D,3NVT) 393. DTBec e7. sONab,

Q. No. 5. "Oral evidence in all the cases be direct". Explain and state
Marks 16
the exceptions to this.

Q. No. 6. The accused can be convicted on the basis of circumstantia

Marks: 16
evidence" Analyse with the help of decided cases.

Q. No.7. What do you mean by Burden of Proof ? On whom does the

burden of proof lies in any suit or proceedings ? Is there any
exception to the rule of burden of proof ? Marks 16

Q. No. 8. Write short note on any two of the following: Marks 2x8-16

(a) Privileged Communication.

(b) Accomplice.

(c) Presumption as to ancient document.


Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problem. Marks 2x10-20

(a) 'X' sues Y' for money which is due under a bond. "Y' admits the
execution of bond but says that it was obtained from him by
exercising fraud, which X' denies. Now if no evidence is given by
ether X' or Y', who will succeed in the case and why ?

(b) 'A' a lunatic before dying said that B stabbed him and tried to kill
. Is A's dying declaration admissible under the Indian Evidence
Act ?

(c) 'A' prosecutes 'B for adultery with C' 'A's wife. 'B' denies that 'C
is A' s wife, but the court convicts B for adultery. Afterwords 'C
is prosecuted for Bigamy for marrying 'B during 'A' s life time. C
pleads that she was never the wife of 'A'. Decide the relevancy
judgement against 'B as evidence in this case.

C'ab odb "Bigamy" sdooTnn 3DA 8 dixeprbES.

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