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Name: __________________________Block: ______________ Date: _________________

Research Project: Country ________________ Continent: _______________

Points You Peer Final
1 Customs/Food/other interesting facts (3x) 20 h
2 Creativity 20 h
3 Transportation 1
4 Percent agriculture 1
5 Location 1 h
6 Area, Area comparative 1 h
7 Land boundaries 1 h
8 Coastline 1 h
9 Maritime claims 1 h
10 Climate 1 h
11 Terrain 1 h
12 Elevation 1 h
13 Extremes 1 h
14 Natural resources, Natural hazards 1 h
15 Environment 1
16 Current issues 1
17 Geography (most important information) 1
18 Population 1
19 Age Structure 1
20 Median age 1
21 Growth Rate, Birth Rate, Death Rate 1
22 Net migration rate 1
23 Infant mortality 1
24 Life expectancy at birth 1
25 Total fertility rate 1
26 Ethnic groups 1
27 Religion 1
28 Language 1
29 Literacy 1
30 Country name 1
31 Government type 1
32 Independence(if available) 1
33 GDP 1
34 GDP growth rate 1
35 GDP per capita 1
36 GDP composition by sector 1
37 Inflation rate 1
38 Labor force 1
39 Unemployment 1
40 Budget 1
41 Industries 1
42 Exports (what is sold out of the country) 1
43 Imports (what is purchased from other countries) 1
44 Currency (money) 1
45 Infer the poverty or wealth of this country 18
Total Points (Extra Credit) 100

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