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How would you describe your life in one sentence? That’s hard to answer, isn’t it? Because we
have lived so many years that we want to include all moments we had in just some words.
Children’s heads would be empty about what to write, I mean they have just started their life.
Young people would describe their life about either their school or their relationships. But
older people like me who have more than 172 years old and are already retired would describe
their life. Actually I would go for a specific year, the year of 2175. For different situations my
life became a movie that had learning and good moments.

Having noticed family’s and friends’ relationship wasn´t the best, improving it was a decision to
make. They have always been important to me. My first decision was to get closer between my
family and friends. I started with my family. My body was shaking of nervousness and my
hands were touching at each other, but then words and words came up from my mouth. After
this my family and I decided to live temporally in a small, brown house. One day in the morning
I went to the kitchen and my sister was making some cookies that were sweet and covered
with melted chocolate, and then in the afternoon my sisters and I went shopping. While we
were walking, we smelt dark and hot coffee that filled the air immediately. In addition trying to
be more opened of my circle friends was the second decision. I got sincere with them and all
just got better. One day, it was raining cats and dogs while we were all talking about some
anecdotes we had. However it got better, but not the best until a reunion between my best
friend and me changed that. When I saw her, she was so sweet like honey. My heart was
dancing of happiness. Since then the environment of my family and friends became different,
felt different.

Furthermore having studied two majors like Translation and Tourism created unique
situations. For example the hard path in Translation, I had to overcome some obstacles such as
feeling not good enough in my major and making a sea of crying because of things that didn’t
come out like I wanted. Although there were sad moments, I learned to put an effort and to be
patient. Good memories in Tourism like traveling, meeting new amazing people were one of
the special moments. Moreover helping people thanks to translation was also one of them.
News about an earthquake in China which destroyed a whole city, that news filled my eyes
with tears and made me feel like I wanted to do something about it. I traveled to China with
some other people willing to help. I saw houses were destroyed by the earthquake. Cars were
face down, bricks were all around them. Window of some houses were broken and other were
on the street. After years of helping, the city felt like home again.

In summary living special moments and having some reflections made my life a story to tell. I
would repeat all those moments if I had to because I know it was one of the best years. What
about you? Would you like to live your life again or would you change it?

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