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Handbook of Research on Science Education

Norman G. Lederman, Sandra K. Abell

Scientific Literacy, Science Literacy, and Science Education

Publication details
Douglas A. Roberts, Rodger W. Bybee
Published online on: 03 Jul 2014

How to cite :- Douglas A. Roberts, Rodger W. Bybee. 03 Jul 2014, Scientific Literacy, Science
Literacy, and Science Education from: Handbook of Research on Science Education Routledge
Accessed on: 13 Apr 2020


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Section V
Curriculum and Assessment in Science
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Scientific Literacy, Science Literacy,
and Science Education

This chapter updates and extends an earlier review and analy- contrast, in the 2012 document A Framework for K–12
sis of the scientific literacy concept as a feature of school sci- Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts,
ence education literature and practice over the past half century and Core Ideas (National Research Council, 2012), the
(Roberts, 2007). Unlike the 2007 review, this one is not intended terms scientific literacy and science literacy do not appear
to be a comprehensive survey of what is happening globally in to play a significant role. As discussed in what follows,
countries where scientific literacy is being advanced. Instead, the 2012 NRC document lacks Vision II opportunities for
the focus is on presenting a methodology for detecting indica- students to grasp how the application of scientific knowl-
tors of change in the way scientific literacy is being embraced edge and practices bear on socioscientific issues. In fact,
as a major goal for school science programs. To that end, we that limitation is part of the charge to the committee that
have selected examples of policy and policy-oriented docu- developed the document.
ments from Australia, Canada, England, and the United States, It is our contention that the limited presence of Vision II
as well as the upcoming (2015) Programme for International in the NRC Framework, and the subsequent (inevitable)
Student Assessment (PISA) science assessment. decreased emphasis in the new standards for U.S. science
The 2007 review drew attention to the widespread— education, is an example (one of several) that suggests a
indeed, virtually worldwide—popularity of scientific lit- trend toward withdrawal of professional commitment to
eracy in recent decades as an umbrella term to represent Vision II of scientific literacy at this time. Following this
overall educational objectives for school science pro- brief introduction, the chapter unfolds in the following way:
grams. Referring to the appeal the term has had for the
profession, one observer has characterized its rise of pop- • A restatement of the characteristics of Vision I and
ularity over 50 years as “triumphal progress” (Feinstein, Vision II
2011). The term science literacy has become increasingly • Two curriculum arrangements that provide opportunities
common also, especially in the United States. The status to learn (OTL) for Vision II
and usage of this term has grown steadily since all publica- • The significance of discourse: SSI (The Socio-Scientific
tions of Project 2061 of the American Association for the Issues Project) sets an example
Advancement of Science (AAAS) began using the term • Reduction of Vision II in the new U.S. Framework for
exclusively. As discussed in more detail in what follows, K–12 Science Education
the original review dubbed these two terms, respectively, • Reduction of Vision II in the framework for Assessment
Vision II and Vision I of the scientifically literate person. of Science in PISA 2015
In the nearly 10 years since the material was assem- • The many perspectives and broad scope of Vision II
bled and analyzed for the 2007 review, there have been • Whither science education? Tentative explanations and
indicators that scientific literacy is slowing its triumphal implications
progress and losing the “worldwide cachet” it seemed to
enjoy in earlier decades (McEneaney, 2003). In particular,
Science Literacy Is Not the Same
there seems to be a withdrawal from Vision II in favor of
as Scientific Literacy
Vision I. In the United States, for example, the 1996 docu-
ment National Science Education Standards (National As the title of this chapter suggests, both scientific literacy
Research Council [NRC], 1996) is virtually built around and science literacy, as curriculum concepts, have close
Vision II scientific literacy as a backbone concept. By connections to school science education research and

546 Douglas A. Roberts and Rodger W. Bybee

practice at this time. However, the terms and concepts as literacy in the analysis by Norris and Phillips (2003). In
currently used in our profession are not interchangeable. Vision II classrooms, students learn how the discourse of
To be sure, it seemed they were when both began to appear resolving issues and making decisions differs from and
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in the literature at about the same time, in the 1950s. Since complements the explanatory discourse of science itself.
that time, much has happened to the concepts and prac- Historically, the term scientific literacy has been used to
tices the two terms represent. The distinctions between the refer to this more inclusive vision. The term continues to
two are crucially important for understanding the current be used, for example, in Canada, Australia, and England,
situation as we perceive it. in PISA, and in some science education programs such
as Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) in the United States. As
Two Visions, Two Purposes for Science a  curriculum term, scientific literacy typically incorpo-
Education rates a large number of diverse school science objectives
The earlier review (Roberts, 2007) proposed that two associated with personal and societal issues. Thus scien-
broad, overall visions of the meaning of scientific literacy tific literacy is aligned with such movements as environ-
can be distilled from the detailed science education lit- mental education; Science, Technology, and Society (STS);
erature that has developed since the 1950s. Each vision Science, Technology, Society, and Environment (STSE);
embodies a broadly different image of the scientifically lit- Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI); and, as well, any other edu-
erate individual, and each provides the basis of a different cational and curricular efforts that systematically link an
orientation for school science education that would nur- understanding of the scientific enterprise to socioscientific
ture and develop the individual in that direction. Vision I, issues.
so named because the image of student as novice scientist
was probably the earliest guide used to plan precollegiate The Two Visions and Their Terminology
school science, offers a blueprint for science education that Exemplified
introduces students systematically to the scientific enter- The most important feature for distinguishing between
prise itself. This is very much a “foundational” (Osborne, Vision I and Vision II is the overarching purpose for
2007b) or “Solid Foundation” (Roberts, 1982) orientation which a student is to learn scientific meaning—especially
to the purpose of school science—that is, mastering what whether there is consideration of personal and societal per-
is needed to study more advanced science in future. Vision spectives as mentioned above. Recently, Vision I is most
I looks inward at science, to build curriculum from its rich notably associated with AAAS Project 2061 and with the
and well-established array of techniques and methods, term science literacy. In Vision I, the reason for learning
habits of mind, and well-tested explanations for the events science is presumed to be self-evident, essentially. Science
and objects of the natural world. Literacy, in this view, is has been a powerful instrument for understanding the nat-
within science—general familiarity and fluency within the ural world. The defining instance of Vision I, in our view,
discipline, based on mastering a sampling of the language, is the AAAS Project 2061 characterization as it appears in
products, processes, and traditions of science itself. As the project’s flagship in-house publication Science for All
we understand the analysis by Norris and Phillips (2003), Americans. The overarching purpose for learning science
this would be a “fundamental sense” of scientific literacy. is found next in the fourth bullet—namely that science is
Historically, the reform curricula of the Sputnik era were the preferred and sufficient way to think about situations
consistent with a Vision I orientation. that have personal and societal components.
Vision II, developed later in the history of school sci-
ence, begins by looking outside science to build curricu- The scientifically literate person is one who:
lum that illuminates how science permeates and interacts
with many areas of human endeavor and life situations. • is aware that science, mathematics, and technology
These societal issues and individual life situations usually are interdependent enterprises with strengths and
include political, economic, and ethical considerations.
• understands key concepts and principles of science,
This view is sometimes called science for citizenship,
• is familiar with the natural world and recognizes both
concentrating on matters of more obvious personal and its diversity and unity, and
social relevance to students than preparing to grasp more • uses scientific knowledge and scientific ways of think-
demanding science they might or might not study. The ing for individual and social purposes.
slogan “science for all” represents a viewpoint that all stu- (American Association for the
dents need some introduction to citizen science, includ- Advancement of Science, 1989, p. 4)
ing such matters as environmental quality, resource use,
personal health, and decision making about complex In the more readily available version of Science for
socioscientific issues. According to Vision II thinking, All Americans (Rutherford & Ahlgren, 1991), published
what counts as scientific literacy is learning how science a bit later by Oxford University Press, this definition was
fits appropriately with such personal and societal per- not changed. However, the term scientific literacy was
spectives for a more complete grasp of the issues. This changed to science literacy throughout the volume. The
is what we understand as the “derived” sense of scientific latter term has been used consistently in all Project 2061
Scientific Literacy, Science Literacy, and Science Education 547

documents published since that time. Whatever else the animated by a concern—expressed by the slogan “science
name change accomplished, it gave Project 2061 philos- for all”—that all students, including the potential scientist
ophy and publications a distinctive brand in science group, should have some grounding in discussing issues
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education—free from the potential confusion arising from through personal and societal perspectives that are part of
the morass of scientific literacy definitions. Vision II. (All students are in fact future citizens.) This
Vision II is exemplified by the following remarkably section explores two curricular arrangements that provide
different characterization of a scientifically literate per- opportunities to learn science according to Vision II with-
son, as embodied in an ongoing research and development out losing the advantages of Vision I for the “potential
project in England called Twenty First Century Science. scientist” group.

We would expect a scientifically literate person to be able to: A Separate SL Course: Twenty First
• appreciate and understand the impact of science and Century Science
technology on everyday life, An ongoing project, drawing in large part on the ground-
• take informed personal decisions about things that breaking report titled Beyond 2000 (Millar & Osborne,
involve science, such as health, diet, use of energy 1998), tackled this problem head-on in England. Millar
resources, (2006) comments thus: “Many curricula, the report argues,
• read and understand the essential points of media attempt to achieve both purposes—with the pre-profes-
reports about matters that involve science, sional training emphasis invariably coming to have a domi-
• reflect critically on the information included in, and nant and distorting influence on the whole” (p. 1505). In
(often more important) omitted from, such reports, and the Twenty First Century Science project, the two purposes
• take part confidently in discussions with others about
have been separated or “unhooked” from each other for a
issues involving science.
(Twenty First Century Science, retrieved
part of every student’s time, in the following way.
February 9, 2013: www.nuffieldfoundation. The first of the 10 recommendations in Beyond 2000
org/twenty-first-century-science) states: “The science curriculum from [age] 5 to 16 should
be seen primarily as a course to enhance general ‘scientific
Notice that the fourth point in the Project 2061 char- literacy’” (Millar & Osborne, 1998, p. 9). The curricular
acterization concentrates attention on but one perspective arrangement to accomplish this goal is anticipated in the
on a situation—the scientific perspective—as the way to second recommendation: “At Key Stage 4 [North Ameri-
think about issues associated with “individual and social can grades 9–10], the structure of the science curriculum
purposes.” In other words, by default (since no other per- needs to differentiate more explicitly between those ele-
spective is mentioned), students are encouraged to under- ments designed to enhance ‘scientific literacy’, and those
stand situations as a scientist does. By contrast, in the designed as the early stages of a specialist training in sci-
Twenty First Century Science characterization, there is a ence, so that the requirement for the latter does not come
clear implication that other perspectives are appropriate to distort the former” (Millar & Osborne, 1998, p. 10). A
and necessary as well to understand such situations. special course on scientific literacy (SL) was developed
with structure and content that was characterized earlier
in this chapter as a defining instance of Vision II. The
Opportunity to Learn (OTL) Vision II:
course would be required of all students before they com-
Sample Curriculum Arrangements
plete their compulsory or General Certificate of Second-
The original purpose for defining and clarifying scientific ary Education (GCSE) schooling (15- and 16-year-olds),
literacy had to do with providing appropriate school sci- taking up half of their science time (science is 20% of the
ence for students who were not inclined to pursue pre- curriculum). Options would be provided for the other half
professional science studies of the type we have been to accommodate diversified interests in future general and
designating Vision I. In short, Vision II would be a dif- applied science study.
ferent kind of curriculum for the students Klopfer (1969) The first pilot study of the project began in September
referred to as the “SL stream,” where SL stands for sci- 2003. There are several very thorough descriptions of the
entific literacy. (Klopfer estimated that the SL stream design, intent, and content of the special SL course (e.g.,
would include 90% of school students, an estimate con- Millar, 2006, 2010, 2012; Osborne, 2007b). These also
sistent with that of many other authors.) Obviously, such report on developing research about the impact of the project,
an arrangement implies labeling students and, potentially, which has been substantial. To the best of our knowledge,
segregating them, which can have educational disadvan- the SL course in the Twenty First Century Science project
tages. Yet the persistent dilemma for science teachers is is the only one of its kind.
simply that the SL stream of students is more often than
not being taught in the same classroom as students who Incorporating Opportunity to Learn for Both
are quite comfortable with early science specialist training Vision I and II
(Klopfer’s PS or “potential scientist” stream). Contrari- A different curricular arrangement used to provide oppor-
wise, some of the attention to scientific literacy has been tunities to learn both visions gives equal status to Visions I
548 Douglas A. Roberts and Rodger W. Bybee

and II according to their overall educational purpose. • a decision-making emphasis, in which students identify
The technique for doing so is to systematically embed questions or issues and pursue scientific knowledge that
the learning of science subject matter in different learn- will inform the question or issue [this is an emphasis on
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ing contexts, so that students learn both at the same time. socio-scientific issues, thus stressing Vision II].”
(CMEC, 1997, p. 8)
Science curriculum revision that recognizes this approach
has been underway in Canada for more than a decade.
Second, although this is not stated explicitly in the docu-
Canada does not have a national curriculum. Jurisdiction
ment, these three areas of emphasis correspond to an Aris-
over educational matters resides with the governments of
totelian distinction among three different human purposes
the 10 provinces and 3 territories. Most recently, science
for discourse, namely seeking warranted knowledge, mak-
curriculum revision has been stimulated by a nationwide
ing beautiful and useful things, and arriving at defensible
“framework” (Council of Ministers of Education, Canada
decisions. Here, we shall use the terms theoria, techne,
[CMEC], 1997) to which provincial ministers of educa-
and praxis, respectively, to identify the three. A different
tion subscribed in hopes of providing common ground
pattern of reasoning—and therefore a different classroom
and more consistency in learning outcomes for school sci-
discourse—is characteristic of each, and the skill set asso-
ence across the country. The framework “is guided by the
ciated with each emphasis is identified accordingly. Hence
vision that all Canadian students, regardless of gender or
SL is operationally defined as the student’s grasp of not
cultural background, will have an opportunity to develop
only the way science itself permeates human affairs across
scientific literacy” (p. 4). Scientific literacy (SL) is defined
this broad trilogy of purposes but also how the relationship
as “an evolving combination of the science-related atti-
of science is different for each. (Predating the publication
tudes, skills, and knowledge students need to develop
of the Pan-Canadian framework, this organization of a sci-
inquiry, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities,
ence curriculum policy was implemented in the province
to become lifelong learners, and to maintain a sense of
of Alberta, as described by Roberts, 1995).
wonder about the world around them” (p. 4, italics added
to stress the intended links between context and science
subject matter). The Significance of Discourse: The
The definition is made operational by specifying four Socio-Scientific Issues Program (SSI)
“foundation statements,” one each for skills, knowledge, and Sets an Example
attitudes, and a fourth for “science, technology, society, and
the environment (STSE)” (CMEC, 1997, p. 6). According to The trilogy of theoria, techne, and praxis is based on
the document, acquisition of science-related skills, knowl- acknowledging that a different kind of discourse is appro-
edge, and attitudes “is best done through the study and priate to the three different ends in view, each expressing
analysis of the interrelationships among science, technol- a different domain of human purpose. Three correspond-
ogy, society, and the environment (STSE)” (p. iii). Implicit ing patterns of reasoning are appropriate for the three
in that statement, and more explicit in several provincially domains.
mandated curricula based on it, are two important features
of the meaning of SL. First, the “science-related skills, • A theoretical reasoning pattern is appropriate when
knowledge, and attitudes” specified in the respective foun- one intends to establish warranted knowledge. Scien-
dation statements for those three areas are to be developed tific reasoning and scientific activity aim for this end in
through the STSE situations and challenges comprising the view. The discourse is epistemic.
fourth. That is, the expectation is that curricula, instruc- • A technological reasoning pattern is appropriate when
tional materials, and teachers will provide opportunities for one intends to design and produce useful and beautiful
students to learn about STSE interrelationships at the same things—a bridge, a building, a symphony, a sculpture.
time they are learning science subject matter, skills, and Reasoning patterns in engineering, architecture, and
attitudes. This simultaneous learning is envisioned as hap- the arts aim for this end in view. The discourse is proce-
pening through contextual communication and learning, in dural and productive, heavily slanted toward designing
which units of science subject matter are organized to stress and testing “what works.”
one of three “broad areas of emphasis”: • A practical reasoning pattern is appropriate when one
intends to arrive at defensible value-laden decisions
• a science inquiry emphasis, in which students address that impact other people. This discourse includes per-
questions about the nature of things, involving broad sonal and societal perspectives that can be, for exam-
exploration as well as focussed investigations [this is ple, economic, political, ethical, and moral in character.
an emphasis on the nature of science, thus acknowl-
This pattern is an essential part of scientific literacy just
edging the importance of Vision I];
• a problem-solving emphasis, in which students seek
because most science-related events and issues have an
answers to practical problems requiring the applica- impact on people. The discourse is deliberative.
tion of their science knowledge in new ways [this is an
emphasis on science and technology, thus a mixture of The extent to which a school science classroom is pro-
Visions I and II]; viding opportunities to learn about Vision I or Vision II can
Scientific Literacy, Science Literacy, and Science Education 549

be gauged by the presence or absence of one or more of In describing the foundations of the program, Zeidler
these three reasoning patterns and the different discourses and Sadler (2011) point out the significance of multiple
associated with them. In short, no discourse means no perspectives thus (italics original).
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opportunities to learn or, as Kelly (2011) has pointed out,

students need to experience and practice these discourses In positioning perspectives as an aspect of socio-scientific
if they are to learn and comprehend them. reasoning, we suggest that exploring issues from the van-
tage of different perspectives constitutes a critical com-
ponent of the thoughtful negotiation of SSI. The goal for
Needed: Opportunities to Learn student practice would be to move from conceptualizing
a Different Discourse SSI only from one’s own personal framework toward
Theoretical and technological discourses are probably the the ability to analyze issues and potential solutions from
most familiar to science teachers. Yet Osborne cautions as diverse perspectives.
(Zeidler & Sadler, 2011, p. 186)
follows, regarding theoretical discourse (scientific reason-
ing), the most familiar one. Elsewhere they raise a caution about a typical
The correlate of the argument that learning science means
learning to talk science is that learning to reason scientifi- When educators want to use real world issues related to
cally means asking students to reason scientifically. In the science as vehicles for engaging students in meaningful
case of empirical work, observation of science lessons in learning experiences, they ought not attempt to distill the
England indicated that much of the time spent on practical science and discard other elements of the issues which
work is devoted to carrying out the practical procedures may be seen as beyond the boundaries of traditional
themselves. . . . [I]f we want our students to develop the science.
ability to think critically about scientific evidence, then (Sadler & Zeidler, 2009, p. 912)
we must offer them that opportunity.
(Osborne, 2007b, pp. 178–179) Sadler (2009) has described how the SSI program
relates to situated learning (see, e.g., Lave & Wenger,
If this lack of opportunities to learn is the case for the 1991) by characterizing the nature of socioscientific issues
familiar discourse of scientific reasoning (and we agree as presenting
that it is, in many classrooms), imagine the bleak situation
with respect to technological (e.g., engineering) discourse ill-structured problems [that] do not have single correct
and the even more bleak prospects for the least familiar of answers . . . Socio-scientific issues also tend to be contro-
the three, namely practical discourse. It is also the most versial . . . because of their connections to society. Issues
inclusive and complex of the three, and its absence or that have the potential to affect the lives of individuals
misrepresentation in socioscientific contexts is arguably with competing perspectives and priorities generate both
the most serious threat to the survival of Vision II. (See interest and controversy. . . . These issues can be informed
by scientific data and theory, but they are also subject to
Gauthier, 1963, for a widely respected classic treatment
economic, social, political and/or ethical considerations.
of practical reasoning. Closer to the present concern, see (Sadler, 2009, p. 11)
Orpwood, 1998, for an analysis and example of practi-
cal reasoning in the context of science curriculum policy Sadler also situates SSI in the chaos of scientific literacy
debate.) definitions thus: “Ryder’s (2001) analysis of ‘functional
scientific literacy’ provides an empirically derived descrip-
Taking Discourse Seriously: The Socio- tion of the kinds of Discourses expected of communities of
Scientific Issues Program practice engaged in the negotiation and resolution of SSI”
Typically, practical reasoning discourse includes some (Sadler, 2009, p. 12).
combination of such personal and societal perspectives as
ethical, legal, political, and moral considerations. A robust
How the 2012 U.S. Framework for K–12
research and development program in this area (consider-
Science Education Withdraws From Vision II
ably more modern than Aristotle) has been underway with
a steady stream of publications for more than a decade: the We focus on this United States document for two reasons.
Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) program undertaken by Dana (a) It is current and is very much a part of science educa-
Zeidler, Troy Sadler, and their colleagues. There is not tion in the United States at this time. Also (b) it provides
space to describe the significance of the contributions this an opportunity to demonstrate a theoretical framework and
program is making to science education in general and to methodology for stimulating discussion of the differences
Vision II scientific literacy in particular (but see Zeidler’s between Visions I and II as drivers of science education pol-
chapter in the current volume). We wish to focus here on icy and the potential impacts of making a choice between
the nature of discourse development and the qualities of them.
the discourse to which students become accustomed in the It seems clear that removing personal and societal per-
SSI program. spectives from classroom consideration would seriously
550 Douglas A. Roberts and Rodger W. Bybee

weaken the central meaning of Vision II. Yet consider the to find these is the five Core and Component Ideas in Engi-
following. neering, Technology, and Applications of Science, starting
on p. 201. The Core idea titled “Influence of Engineering,
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There is an important, and often unquestioned, assump- Technology, and Science on Society and the Natural World”
tion about achieving .  .  . the ability to apply scientific
is at least suggestive that personal and societal perspectives
knowledge in life situations. . . . “If an individual knows
enough science, he or she will apply that knowledge in
might be included, but instead treats socioscientific matters
life situations.” Stated another way, there is an assump- and issues rather dismissively as by-products of the work of
tion that scientific knowledge directly influences personal science and technology.
decisions and behaviours. It is worth displaying in full the “Definitions of Science,
(Bybee & McCrae, 2011, p. 8) Technology, and Applications of Science” from p. 202 (bold
type original, our italics, with our comments interspersed).
Jon Miller, whose work on measuring scientific literacy
still enjoys a certain cachet in the United States and inter- “Technology is any modification of the natural world
nationally, has asserted this view repeatedly (see Miller, made to fulfill human needs or desires.”
2000, or Roberts, 2007, pp. 760–762, for a more extensive “Engineering is a systematic and often iterative
discussion of Miller’s work). Such a “stripping down” of approach to designing objects, processes, and sys-
Vision II is not unusual in practice, especially when sci- tems to meet human needs and wants.”
ence teachers feel pressed for time and search for some- Comment: For both definitions, a technological reason-
thing to leave out of a crowded curriculum. As a matter ing pattern is appropriate as part of the opportuni-
of policy, however, we want to be quite clear that this ties to learn about technology.
represents a choice of Vision I over Vision II—not simply “An application of science is any use of scientific
the hope that Vision II goals can be accomplished through knowledge for a scientific purpose, whether to do
Vision I practice. Instead, this choice eliminates a vital more science . . .”
part of Vision II, namely an understanding of practical rea- Comment: So far this is using a theoretical reasoning
soning about science-related personal and societal issues. pattern.
“. . . to design a new process, product, or medical treat-
Marginalizing Practical Reasoning ment, to develop a new technology . . .”
in Science Education Comment: Those four—design a new process, product,
The position that a scientific perspective is sufficient for treatment, or technology—would arise from using a
understanding and dealing with science-related issues is not technological reasoning pattern.
new, of course. (See the earlier discussion of the AAAS def- “. . . or to predict the impacts of human actions.”
inition of science literacy.) A Framework for K–12 Science Comment: This is not practical reasoning: “Predicting
Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core the impacts” is not the same as deliberating over a
Ideas (National Research Council, 2012) reveals that such a socioscientific issue, including considerations that
choice has been made deliberately. The document specifies fall within perspectives other than scientific and
(p. 13) that “the social, behavioral, and economic sciences technological.
are not fully addressed” in this science education document.
Rather, “many of the topics related to the social, behavioral,
This document is an example of withdrawing from
and economic sciences are incorporated into curricula
Vision II by “purifying” science education policy through
of courses identified as social studies and may be taught
purging the attention to personal and societal perspectives.
from a humanities perspective.” Compared to the previous
By staying strictly with scientific and engineering aspects
National Science Education Standards (National Research
of the issues, this document does precisely what Sadler
Council, 1996), the new NRC Framework—which is the
and Zeidler (2009, p. 912) warned about, as mentioned
foundation for the NGSS (Next Generation Science Stan-
earlier: “they ought not attempt to distill the science and
dards, released in the spring of 2013)—has made a very
discard other elements of the issues which may be seen as
important shift from the central role of Vision II in the 1996
beyond the boundaries of traditional science.”
document (cf. Roberts 2007, pp. 747–748). One indicator
The inclusion of engineering along with “pure” science
of the changes in the new Framework document is that
is a noteworthy achievement because technological rea-
the terms science literacy and scientific literacy are men-
soning is being stressed in addition to theoretical reason-
tioned only in a token way. A second indicator is a stress
ing, consistent with the widespread adoption of STEM as
on both theoretical and technological discourse patterns,
shorthand for the current title of integrated school science:
but no mention of personal and societal perspectives (hence,
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The
no practical reasoning) in the treatment of socioscientific
justification for including engineering is shown, in part,
issues and decision making about science-related situa-
by this statement:
tions. The “Disciplinary Core Ideas” that touch on science-
society issues in the document do not include personal and Scientists and engineers often work together in realms,
societal perspectives. The area in which one would expect especially in new fields, such as nanotechnology or
Scientific Literacy, Science Literacy, and Science Education 551

synthetic biology and blur the lines between science and science has some bearing on their needs and interest
engineering. Students should come to understand these and to interact with sources of scientific expertise in
interactions and at increasing levels of sophistication as ways that help them achieve their own goals. [Thus] the
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they mature. Their appreciation of the interface of science, pursuit of science literacy is not incidentally but funda-
engineering, and society should give them deeper insights mentally about identifying relevance. . . . The idea of the
into local, national, and global issues. competent outsider also draws attention to the fact that
(National Research Council, 2012, p. 203) we are currently doing something very different: produc-
ing marginal insiders. These are students who have sat
through a long parade of concepts and theories. .  .  . A
The Discourse of Public Engagement
small number will go on to be real scientific insiders, but
With Science: Science Insiders and for most, this glimpse is all they will get. As I observed at
Science Outsiders the outset of this essay, there is little evidence that such
Feinstein (2011) has developed a provocative critique of abridged familiarity with science translates into everyday
scientific literacy/science literacy (he makes no distinc- competence.
tion) in which he “examines . . . the very specific notion (Feinstein, 2011, pp. 180–181, italics original)
that science education can help people solve personally
meaningful problems in their lives, directly affect their Feinstein’s critique echoes and sharpens the concerns
material and social circumstances, shape their behavior, we have expressed, following Bybee and MacRae (2011),
and inform their most significant practical and political about the assumption that knowing science (in the Vision
decisions” (Feinstein, 2011, p. 169). The thrust of his I sense) will automatically enable students to deal with
argument is that there is an “empirical vacuum” around Vision II situations. (Alas, in Feinstein’s essay there is
this notion—that is, “our field has produced very little evi- some confusion about the two visions, but that is immate-
dence” about how people actually use science in this way. rial to our purpose here.) We find it surprising that Fein-
Nevertheless, stein makes no mention of Twenty First Century Science
or the Socio-Scientific Issues Project, both of which can
I suggest that we do not need to abandon the . . . vision of
be seen to be doing just what he suggests—that is, teach-
a competent citizenry that can cope with science-related
real-life challenges. . . . We do need to examine how peo-
ing students to use the kind of “outsider” discourse and
ple actually use science in daily life and . . . pay attention skills associated with effective public engagement with
to research on public engagement with science. science.
(Feinstein, 2011, p. 170)

Feinstein analyzes some examples of the use of science PISA 2015: Gradual Withdrawal
in everyday life that have “the potential to transform our From Vision II
notions of science literacy” (e.g., Layton, Jenkins, Macgill, & Originating in 1997, and well known to science educators
Davey (1993), and Roth and Lee (2002). These are exam- around the world, the Programme for International Student
ples of actual empirical studies of the usefulness (or not) Assessment (PISA) represents an ongoing commitment
of science education for understanding everyday problems by member countries of the Organisation for Economic
and events. They lead in a direction “relatively novel in Co-Operation and Development (OECD) to monitor edu-
the context of science education, [but] not new to social cational outcomes in reading, mathematics, and science.
research. In particular, they echo some of the central find- PISA tests 15-year-old students in participating countries
ings from another field: public engagement with science” once every 3 years. The three domains rotate between
(Feinstein, 2011, p. 177). Engagement with science, he major and minor emphasis in the assessments. Reading
contends, is simply the connection between was the major emphasis in 2000, and mathematics was the
emphasis in 2003. In 2006, science was the major domain.
science and lived experience. It is . . . the act of an out-
sider [italics added]. People do not engage with science The previous review (Roberts, 2007) and this update
by removing themselves from their own social contexts are both concerned only with the conceptualization of sci-
and asking, “what would a scientist do?” They do not, for entific literacy (SL) inherent in the science assessment.
the most part, seek to become scientific insiders [italics The conceptualization of SL initially adopted for PISA
added]. They remain anchored outside of science, reach- stated: “Scientific literacy is the capacity to use scientific
ing in for bits and pieces that enrich their understanding knowledge, to identify questions and to draw evidence-
of their own lives. based conclusions in order to understand and help make
(Feinstein, 2011, p. 180) decisions about the natural world and the changes made
to it through human activity” (OECD, 1999, p. 60). The
Feinstein concludes his argument with significant
meaning of and the purpose for including particular
phrases in the definition, such as scientific knowledge and
I propose that science literate people are competent evidence-based conclusions, are elaborated in the OECD
outsiders [italics original] with respect to science: peo- documents and, as well, in two very informative papers by
ple who have learned to recognize the moments when Harlen (2001a, 2001b).
552 Douglas A. Roberts and Rodger W. Bybee

The following points about the conceptualization para- • awareness of how science and technology shape our
phrase Harlen (2001b). material, intellectual, and cultural environments
• willingness to engage in science-related issues and
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• This conceptualization of SL is about what learners with the ideas of science as a reflective citizen
should achieve in terms of their needs as citizens—
“understanding that will improve their future lives” The conceptualization for SL in 2006 was maintained
(Harlen, 2001b, p. 87). This suggests a view that future for 2009 and 2012 assessments of PISA. The 2006 con-
scientists also need such understanding. ceptualization is clearly specifying Vision II as the basis
• The roots of SL are in school experience, even though for PISA. From the beginning, the PISA project has con-
it can be “developed throughout life” (Harlen, 2001b, centrated on assessment within life situations. The 2006,
p. 87), a point that recognizes the significance of infor- 2009, and 2012 frameworks emphasized and strengthened
mal science education. that intention.
• SL is not equated with vocabulary, but connotes “gen- Science again will be a major domain for PISA 2015.
eral competence or being ‘at ease’ with scientific ways A new framework was prepared for PISA 2015 (OECD,
of understanding” (Harlen, 2001b, p. 87). This also 2013) and the conception of SL as the central construct for
suggests a broader, different kind of understanding that assessment was reviewed and revised. Following is a
than suggested by knowing how to “do science.” definition of SL for PISA Science 2015.
• A key feature of a student’s SL is skillfulness at relating Scientific literacy is the ability to engage with science-
evidence to claims: how evidence is used and collected related issues and with the ideas of science as a reflec-
in science, “what makes some evidence more depend- tive citizen. A scientifically literate person, therefore, is
able than other, what are its shortcomings, and where it willing to engage with science-related issues in reasoned
can and should be applied” (Harlen, 2001b, p. 87). discourse about science and technology, which requires
• This SL conceptualization contextualizes scientific the competencies to:
knowledge and scientific thinking in relation to prob-
lems, issues, and situations “in the real world” (Harlen, 1. Explain phenomena scientifically:
2001b, p. 91)—thus students can apply what they learn • recognize, offer and evaluate explanations for a
in laboratory settings to nonschool settings. range of natural and technological phenomena
2. Understand scientific enquiry:
Assessments based on this conceptualization of SL • recognize, describe and evaluate the design, practices
were conducted in 2000 and 2003 (OECD, 2003, p. 133). and conduct of scientific enquiry
Preparing for PISA 2006 presented an opportunity to 3. Interpret scientific evidence:
revise the science framework, as this was the first time • analyze and evaluate scientific information, claims,
science would be a major domain. The Science Forum and arguments in a variety of representations and
and the Science Expert Group, the former responsible for draw appropriate conclusions
advising and the latter responsible for developing specific
aspects of the framework, revised the 2000/2003 frame- Contrasts among 2000, 2006, and 2015 conceptions of
work. The 2006 background, rationale, and conceptualiza- SL are subtle but notable. For purposes of comparison,
tion of SL are described in Assessing Scientific, Reading, competencies are presented in Table 27.1.
and Mathematical Literacy (OECD, 2006). We propose that scientific literacy, as expressed in
In the 2006 PISA, scientific literacy referred to an Vision II, has reduced emphasis in 2015 compared to both
individual’s 2000 and 2006. The basis for this proposal can be seen
in the sets of competencies. Note, for example, that in
• scientific knowledge and use of that knowledge to iden- PISA 2000 and 2006 science, there was a clear emphasis
tify questions, to acquire new knowledge, to explain on the identification of scientific questions and the use
scientific phenomena, and to draw evidence-based con- of scientific knowledge (2000) or evidence (2006). In
clusions about science-related issues contrast, the 2015 framework gives greater emphasis to
• understanding of the characteristic features of science understanding scientific inquiry, and interpreting scien-
as a form of human knowledge and inquiry tific evidence.

TABLE 27.1
SL Competencies 2000 to 2015
2000 Competencies for 2006 Competencies for 2015 Competencies for
Scientific Literacy Scientific Literacy Scientific Literacy
• Use scientific knowledge • Identify scientific issues • Explain phenomena scientifically
• Identify questions • Explain phenomena scientifically • Understand scientific inquiry
• Draw evidence-based conclusions • Use scientific evidence • Interpret scientific evidence
Scientific Literacy, Science Literacy, and Science Education 553

The 2015 definition of scientific literacy has deeper and America contained analyses and views about the defini-
broader clarification of procedural and epistemic knowl- tion of SL. This is a characteristic feature of the logic of
edge. It seems these changes shifted emphasis to under- educational slogans. That is, slogans must be interpreted;
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standing the internal processes of science, away from the thus anyone moving (in the logical sense) from slogan to
application of scientific knowledge to situations external definition provides his or her own interpretation—within
to science. The shift is toward the AAAS definition of reasonable bounds. It is therefore not at all surprising that
“science literacy” presented earlier in this chapter as a definitions appeared in abundance and in considerable
defining instance of Vision I. variety.
Citizens encounter science not in its pure form but in Several authors attempted to consolidate the definitions
personal, local, and global contexts and life situations. of this era into a synthesis that represented the meaning
This view is consistent with Vision II of scientific literacy. of SL by accommodating the contributions of the sci-
The 2015 framework for PISA science has very elaborate ence education community. Three illustrative papers
discussions of three variations of scientific knowledge: are selected, all based on the work of science education
(1) content knowledge, (2) procedural knowledge, and authors in the United States (see Bybee, 1997, chapters
(3) epistemic knowledge. These dimensions of scientific 3 and 4, for a more extensive review and analysis of the
knowledge are the basis for the three competencies. While accommodating character of the American literature of
the discussions of scientific knowledge have been clarified this era), including the statements of professional associa-
and deepened, it seems that the application of scientific tions such as the (U.S.) National Science Teachers Asso-
knowledge in life situations has been de-emphasized as a ciation (NSTA).
basic construct for scientific literacy and by extension for In 1966, Milton Pella and his colleagues in the Sci-
PISA Science 2015. entific Literacy Center at the University of Wisconsin in
Madison reported a study of the “referents” authors had
made to SL. On the basis of a comprehensive literature
The Many Perspectives and Broad Scope
analysis, they identified 100 papers for further analysis
of Vision II
and characterized SL with a composite picture based on
The several examples of withdrawal from Vision II have six referents:
shown a reduced emphasis on the “nonscientific” per-
spectives on issues, such as the personal and societal The scientifically literate individual presently is charac-
perspectives. In this section, we review how Vision II terized as one with an understanding of the basic concepts
in science, nature of science, ethics that control the sci-
developed—that is, how those perspectives became a part
entist in his [sic] work, interrelationships of science and
of an orientation to school science. There is a more com- society, interrelationships of science and the humanities,
plete history of this aspect of scientific literacy (SL, for [and] differences between science and technology.
purposes of this section) in the earlier review (Roberts, (Pella, O’Hearn, & Gale, 1966, p. 206)
The early historical development of the term SL shows Building on Pella’s analysis and continuing the theme
a remarkable diversity of definitions. A useful starting of accommodation/consolidation, 8 years later Michael
point for making sense of this apparent chaos is to exam- Agin expressed the following concern. “Many individu-
ine SL according to the logic of educational slogans. That als use the term ‘scientific literacy’ but fail to give it an
is, the term was introduced in professional science edu- adequate meaning .  .  . A frame of reference should be
cation literature as a slogan—a way to rally support for established to help consolidate and summarize the many
re-examining the purposes of school science in the United definitions” (Agin, 1974, p. 405). Agin used Pella’s six
States’ postwar period of the 1950s (see, e.g., Hurd, 1958). categories to organize his own framework, drawing on
At first, the SL discussion was primarily (although not even more literature (much of it post–1966) to embel-
entirely) on behalf of curriculum planning for the “90% lish the categories by adding “selected dimensions” from
of students” who are not “potential scientists” and who among “the concerns and opinions of scientists and sci-
should therefore experience a “scientific literacy stream” ence educators” (Agin, 1974, p. 407).
(Klopfer, 1969). It was, in other words, a serious effort to An exhaustive example of seeking accommoda-
establish the meaning of an alternative to Vision I. tion in the literature of this time is the doctoral study by
Lawrence Gabel (1976). Gabel developed a theoretical
From Slogan to Accommodating model of SL based for the most part on statements of or
Multiple Definitions suggestions about science education objectives related to
Slogans don’t help professional science educators get interpretations of SL. His model expanded (refined, actu-
on with their research and the practical work of specify- ally) Pella’s six categories to eight, which constituted one
ing policy, planning programs, organizing teaching, and dimension of a matrix. The other dimension included the
designing assessment. Definitions are needed instead. six major categories of cognitive objectives and three
Between the late 1950s and the early 1980s, a very sub- categories of affective objectives from Bloom’s taxono-
stantial amount of science education literature in North mies. Gabel reported that from the literature he was able
554 Douglas A. Roberts and Rodger W. Bybee

to find examples for all but 16 of the 72 cells in this matrix development because individuals used it in a variety of
(Gabel, 1976, p. 92). He provided examples of the miss- ways” (Bybee, 1997, p. 59). This resulted in a renewed
ing ones himself to complete a consolidated picture of all increase in the definitional literature. It also shifted the
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of the possible objectives associated with SL—which, of meaning back to a distinction between Vision I and
course, is why it is a theoretical model, despite its substan- Vision II. Pressure for proliferation came from the need
tial empirical basis for 56 of the cells (the complete matrix for the original Vision II to meet a variety of challenges to
is shown in Gabel, 1976, p. 93). Thus did SL become an science education worldwide during the 1980s. Fensham
umbrella concept with the varied, composite meaning that (1992) offers the example that many countries had begun
ultimately gave Vision II its broad sweep. The aim of all retaining a higher percentage of young people in school
this effort was to develop a concept that was comprehen- for a longer time. As these students reached senior lev-
sive enough to guide curriculum making for all students els of schooling, it became increasingly imperative to pay
and that also accommodated the thinking of the science attention to a curriculum in science that made provision
education community of the time. for a “scientifically literate citizenry” as well as a “scien-
A related but slightly different approach to analyzing tifically based work force” (Fensham, 1992, pp. 793–795).
the history of SL is to start with significant events in the (The reader can refer to Bybee, 1997, and DeBoer, 2000,
educational history and culture of science education, espe- for accounts of further elaboration of the SL concept into
cially the changing societal demands on the curriculum. the 1990s.)
The purpose of this approach is to understand how events
have made a difference in science education policy state-
ments over time, with specific reference to SL. DeBoer Whither Science Education? Tentative
(1991, chapter 6) provides an excellent example of such Explanations and Implications
analysis in the United States. (See also Bybee & DeBoer, It is obvious that the overall character of science educa-
1994; Matthews, 1994, chapter 3). Along the same con- tion is significantly affected by the choice of one vision or
ceptual and methodological lines, Jenkins (1990) has another of scientific literacy. One way to keep that educa-
developed an account of the evolution of the SL concept tional image broad and general is to use a composite defi-
in England. nition of the type developed by Pella and his colleagues,
Returning about a decade later to the historical events as presented earlier. A second possibility is to make provi-
approach, DeBoer (2000) used as the significant event sion for all students to experience Vision II in a separate
for his analysis the mid-1990s onset of standards-based required course, as the Twenty First Century Science proj-
reform efforts in the United States. He presents nine sum- ect has done in England.
mary statements of science education goals that represent It seems to us that more concern was being expressed
“a wide range of meanings of scientific literacy” (DeBoer, about the clarity of SL at the time of the earlier review
2000, p. 591), essentially echoing Gabel’s finding of a chapter (Roberts, 2007) than is now apparent. In particular,
quarter century earlier to the effect that SL has now come the need to counterbalance the influence of Vision I and
to mean one, all, or some combination of the major goals make school science education more relevant and acces-
to which science educators subscribe. DeBoer comments sible was a clear aim. The review was used as part of the
as follows, in a manner somewhat reminiscent of the ini- discussion material for a major research conference on
tial intent of the SL slogan: “The one specific thing we can scientific literacy held in May 2007 at Uppsala Univer-
conclude is that scientific literacy has usually implied a sity, Sweden, during a celebration of the 300th birthday of
broad and functional understanding of science for general Carolus Linnaeus. Twenty distinguished science educators
education purposes and not preparation for specific scien- from around the world made presentations of their research
tific and technical careers” (DeBoer, 2000, p. 594). and agreed to a Statement of Concern about the condition
of science education worldwide, including the following
Reflections on the Accommodation Approach points (Linder, Östman, & Wickman, 2007, p. 1):
There is something comforting about a historical synthesis
of definitions for an educational slogan such as SL. One • Many students find little of interest in science and
gets a sense that despite the diversity of its definitions, actually express an active dislike of it
SL did after all express a unity of purpose and meaning • Compared to other subjects, science is seen as a trans-
mission of facts of little relevance and more difficult
for science education by the beginning of the 1980s. In
than other school subjects
one sense, that is accurate. The focus of SL in the science • School experience leads to loss of interest in science
education literature shifted from an image of curriculum and technology as career possibilities, and only a
appropriate solely for non–science-oriented students to mildly positive sense of their social importance.
aspects of science education appropriate for all students.
However, varied use of the term SL and definitional The presentations and discussion over the 2 days of the
activity did not cease. Bybee (1997) points out that during symposium ranged across many aspects of the potential
the 1980s, in the United States, “the term [SL] began to of Vision II to counteract the aforementioned concerns.
take on a symbolic value distinct from its past conceptual The book published as a result of the symposium consists
Scientific Literacy, Science Literacy, and Science Education 555

of 18 chapters prepared by 34 authors from 10 different societal considerations are more appropriate for social
countries (Linder et al., 2011). Some presentations were studies, and school science should be restricted to
not elaborated for publication in the book but are avail- “science-like” perspectives.
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able in the published Proceedings (Linder, Östman, &

Wickman, 2007). Osborne’s contribution in the Proceed- The withdrawal from personal and societal perspec-
ings underscored the need to counterbalance Vision I as tives in science curriculum policy is apparent in both
follows: the 2015 PISA definition of SL and in the character of
the 2012 Framework document prepared for the United
Transforming the pedagogy of school science is [a] States. This explanation derives further support from two
major challenge. . . . [S]uch pedagogy is a consequence quarters. First, In the AAAS definition of SL, one of the
of two features—one is a collective culturally embed- statements describing a scientifically literate person is
ded notion of what it means to teach science . . . [and] this: “uses scientific knowledge and scientific ways of
an assessment system which overwhelmingly values the
thinking for individual and social purposes” (p. 546 this
reproduction of factual information as the best measure
of a knowledge and understanding of science. . . . Politi-
chapter). This is a hallmark of Vision I, and AAAS pub-
cians need to realise that the values embedded in those lications have influenced many state and local curricu-
systems are resulting in an experience of school sci- lum policies in the United States and elsewhere. Second,
ence which leads to the very effect that most concerns as noted earlier, there is a common assumption (cf. Jon
them—the flight of contemporary youth from school Miller’s work, especially Miller, 2000) that knowing sci-
science. ence is sufficient for dealing with matters of personal and
(Osborne 2007a, pp. 109–110). societal significance.

3. Vision II requires that teachers master new content,

Four Possible Reasons One Might Use a very different teaching style, and a familiarity and
Vision I as the Default comfort level with a different kind of discourse (prac-
The impact of a “vision” of scientific literacy—how one tical reasoning) than the classroom discourses to
envisions the individual as a result of his or her science edu- which they are accustomed.
cation—cannot be overestimated. A vision, in the sense we
are using the term, is a highly significant—indeed, control- Difficulties in learning to teach according to the dis-
ling—part of a curriculum policy image (Roberts, 2011), course required for Vision II are of several types. Clark
which, in turn, has the potential to affect every aspect of and colleagues (2011) describe a South African project to
curriculum, course development, and implementation by implement a Vision II course using a chemistry unit that
teachers. In that long cascade of events, there are many had been rewritten to focus on mining. They identify two
spots where Vision I can exert its powerful grip on school different kinds of problems encountered by the teachers.
science and assume its “rightful” place as the default image First, the teachers themselves, and their students as well,
for science education. Here we advance tentative explana- knew nothing about the real world of mining, despite its
tions for the reduced emphasis on Vision II, arising from economic and cultural importance in South Africa. Sec-
our review. ond, the need to hold discussions was foreign to them as
science teachers—the common view that there really is
1. Vision II might be rejected not necessarily on its own nothing to discuss in a typical science classroom. In a simi-
terms but because curriculum decisions are increas- lar vein, Millar (2006) reported the following after the first
ingly in the hands of bureaucrats rather than pro- 2 years (one cycle) of the Twenty First Century Science
fessional science educators. Bureaucrats tend to be project: “Key challenges identified are the language and
focused primarily on accountability; Vision I mea- reasoning demands in looking critically at public accounts
sures are not as complex as those for Vision II. of science, and the classroom management of more open
discussion about science-related issues” (p. 1499).
Fensham (2012) has called attention to the increased
role played by bureaucrats, as opposed to experts, in moni- 4. Vision II might not be recognized as a viable curricu-
toring the accountability of school systems, teachers, and lum model. Leaders in the statement of science educa-
curriculum reform. He illustrates the shift, based on five tion policy or programs hold Vision I as the dominant
case studies of science education in Australia, noting “the (and exclusive) model and thus either reject or do not
rise in a number of countries of a market view of educa- recognize Vision II as an option.
tion, and of science education in particular, accompanied
by demands for public accountability via simplistic audit- In the 1950s and 1960s, the dominant model for cur-
ing measures” (Fensham, 2012, p. 1). riculum reform was located in the conceptual and proce-
dural foundations of science disciplines, as interpreted by
2. Vision II might be seen as simply too broad to be writers such as Bruner (1960). In the history of that era,
taught as school science. In this view, personal and the leaders of curriculum projects in the United States
556 Douglas A. Roberts and Rodger W. Bybee

(e.g., PSSC, BSCS, CHEM STUDY, ESCP, SCIS) were distributed and situated cognition take in the approach
scientists who by nature of their education and experi- we propose.” Indeed. More research is also needed on
ence embraced Vision I (Rudolph, 2002) as the basis for whether and how well students can shift from one con-
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reforms. In this historical example, Vision I was, by the text to another as appropriate in different situations. For
perception of these leaders, the default model for curricu- example, suppose students learn about a community’s
lum reform. river water chemistry in the context of personal and social
perspectives on science. Would that inhibit, contribute to,
The Potential Effects of Overemphasizing or have no effect on their understanding of appropriate
One Vision features of scientific inquiry and/or the history and nature
Science curriculum history is littered with examples of of science—such as the system-theory character of eco-
throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Major changes logical inquiry? We submit that more research is needed
in science curriculum have been due to changes in curricu- to answer questions of this sort. To be sure, we have sub-
lum orientation from Vision I to Vision II and vice versa. stantial research on the impacts of teaching science within
(An example is the academic influence on science course a single context or curriculum emphasis (e.g., the research
changes in the late 1950s and early 1960s, which com- on learning about the nature of science, about STS, etc.).
pletely discredited Vision II.) Of course there have been The point here is about multiple contexts and how those
changes to subject matter as well, but the change of vision affect learners, therefore feeding back implications for the
is more remarkable. When a curriculum vision changes, way SL is defined in curriculum policies and implemented
for whatever reason, the rhetoric usually cries out “Stop in instructional materials. There are risks to students’ edu-
doing any of that, and start doing all of this!” Neither cation in overemphasizing either Vision II or Vision I.
Vision I nor Vision II is immune from this possibility. The
introduction of some of the so-called alphabet courses—
notably PSSC Physics—is the most recent example of Concluding Remarks
shifting from Vision II to Vision I. The development of the Our review suggests to us there is more need than ever to
STS movement is probably the most telling example of a develop ways to balance science literacy (Vision I) and
shift from Vision I to Vision II. scientific literacy (Vision II) in science education pro-
Vision I programs run the risk of including situation-ori- grams that can successfully meet the needs of all students.
ented material (such as personal and social perspectives on a Surely we as a profession have seen enough examples of
science-related issue) in a token fashion, only as a source for overemphasizing one vision at the expense of the other.
motivating students in lessons. By the same token (pardon The Twenty First Century Science project in England has
the pun), Vision II programs run the risk of paying insuf- shown how an overall, systemic solution can provide for
ficient attention to science. Aikenhead (1994) presents an the two major functions of school science. It truly is a sys-
analysis of materials development, research, and teaching temic problem, too, in the sense that neither vision will
approaches in STS according to eight categories that show accommodate both functions. This project could provide
different blends of science content and attention to situa- a template for other strategies, perhaps more suited to
tions, or “STS content” (Aikenhead, 1994, pp. 55–56). At other educational systems. In any event, the focus has to
one extreme is “Motivation by STS Content,” described as be on the science education needs of the students, not the
“Traditional school science, plus a mention of STS content ideological purity or attractiveness of a vision that fits the
in order to make a lesson more interesting. Not normally needs of only a fraction of the students to be served.
taken seriously as STS instruction. .  .  . Students are not
assessed on the STS content.” At the other extreme is “STS
Contents,” described thus: “A major technology or social Acknowledgments
issue is studied. Science content is mentioned but only to We acknowledge the help of Justin Dillon and Gregory
indicate an existing link to science. .  .  . Students are not Kelly, who gave us useful reviews of this chapter.
assessed on pure science content to any appreciable degree.”
There is a message here, as well as an analytical scheme,
about what can happen in implementation efforts involving References
both Vision II and Vision I.
Agin, M. L. (1974). Education for scientific literacy: A conceptual frame
Roth and Lee (2002, 2004) and Roth and Barton (2004) of reference and some applications. Science Education 58, 403–415.
have pushed Vision II to the extreme by redefining SL as Aikenhead, G. (1994). What is STS science teaching? In J. Solomon &
“collective praxis”—as if there is no such thing as “indi- G. Aikenhead (Eds.), STS education: International perspectives on
vidual” SL. All of their case studies, so far as we can reform (pp. 47–59). New York: Teachers College Press.
American Association for the Advancement of Science. (1989). Science
determine, are based on teaching science through the same
for all Americans. Washington, DC: Author.
single context: personal and social perspectives. There is Bruner, J. S. (1960). The process of education. New York: Vintage Books.
a comment in a “Coda” (Roth & Lee 2004, p. 288) that Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving scientific literacy: From purposes to
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Scientific Literacy, Science Literacy, and Science Education 557

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