Conditioning For Basketball - Schelling & Torres

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Conditioning for Basketball: Quality and Quantity of Training

Article  in  Strength and Conditioning Journal · December 2013

DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000018


62 24,367

2 authors:

Xavi Schelling Lorena Torres-Ronda

San Antonio Spurs San Antonio Spurs


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Conditioning for
Basketball: Quality and
Quantity of Training
Xavi Schelling, PhD1 and Lorena Torres-Ronda, PhD2
Department of Athletic Performance, “Foment del Bàsquet,” Bàsquet Manresa SAD, Manresa, Spain; and
Department of Sport Performance, National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia, Lérida, Spain

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ABSTRACT OVERVIEW thought to be mainly dependent on

urrently basketball demon-
C strates an increase in the phys-
ical demands of competition
because of changes in the rules and evo-
players’ anaerobic ability (2), high aer-
obic fitness is also important for
improved performance, specifically
maximal aerobic power (V̇ O2max) is
ODOLOGY FOR BASKETBALL lution of strategies (8,18). Basketball considered to improve the ability to
CONDITIONING. THE METHODOL- players require well-developed physical recovery from the anaerobic efforts
OGY IS BASED ON SPECIFIC fitness to play successfully (25). The main during the game (43).” Furthermore,
PROGRESSION ACCORDING TO physical characteristics in a basketball it is crucial to take into account that
TASK ORIENTATION, APPROACH- player are (a) running faster than the op- physical demands are depending on
ING LEVELS, AND PLAYER’S ponents, (b) having strength and balance age (15), gender (20), playing position
to endure contacts and hits involved in (7), and playing time (16).
the game, (c) jumping higher and faster
MANDS OF THE APPROACHING Studies regarding external load in bas-
than the adversaries, (d) being able to do
LEVELS. THIS INCLUDES ketball reveal that players run between
the 3 aforementioned points more times
TRAINING ORGANIZATION, 4,500 and 7,500 m per game, perform
than their opponents during the game
CONTENT PROGRESSION up to 1,000 different actions (defense,
with less fatigue. Furthermore, these
(GENERIC ENDURANCE TRAINING, sprinting, changing direction, jumping,
tasks must be carried out with team-
walking, etc.) (6,30), perform about
HIGH-INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAIN- mates, against opponents and in relation
45 jumps (8,30), and that just few game
ING, REPEATED-SPRINT TRAINING, to a ball and a court, meaning optimally
sequences last more than 40 seconds
WITH OR WITHOUT CHANGES OF in relation to a specific context. An (5). The density of game activity
DIRECTION, SMALL-SIDED GAMES, “optimal” action does not necessarily (work-to-rest ratio, work:rest) varies
AND ACTUAL BASKETBALL), AND require the peak potential of the player, depending on the action, intensity
GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS but it makes sense to think that a greater and the moment of the game. Thus,
potential will allow a greater availability medium- to high-intensity actions have
of resources. a 1:1 density, with 15 s of duration
POSED METHODOLOGY IS BASED Although the predominant energy sys- approximately (15 s work and 15 s
tem in basketball is still under study, recovery) (35). High- to maximal-
most authors agree that competitive intensity actions last 2–5 s (2 s predom-
basketball is an intermittent high- inantly) (8) and have a 1:10 density (2 s
PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE WITH work and 20 s recovery) (8,25,30).
intensity physical activity that requires
ELITE PLAYERS. FOR A VIDEO well-developed aerobic and anaero-
ABSTRACT OF THIS ARTICLE, bic fitness (30). Castagna et al. (14)
SEE VIDEO SUPPLEMENTAL summarize very well the current
conditioning; team-sports; basketball;
DIGITAL CONTENT 1, HTTP:// knowledge state about this issue:
training; periodization
LINKS.LWW.COM/SCJ/A128. “although basketball performance is

Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association Strength and Conditioning Journal | 89
Conditioning for Basketball

High-intensity activity requires longer the required fitness levels to perform continuous moderate intensity run/
rest periods. Ben Abdelkrim et al. (6), the coach’s philosophy, as well as bike/swim training is not a priority in
however, reported a mean work-to-rest avoid more resting time, which rules basketball. In fact, we suggest high-
ratio of 1:3.6, with a higher value re- or referees imply. intensity interval training (HIIT) as
corded in the first half compared with The training methodology proposal soon as possible. Several authors pro-
the second half, in male basketball (38) is based on exercise specificity pose HIIT either to improve the car-
games. Most of these actions require progression according to the task ori- diovascular responses or fat loss
the anaerobic system, both lactic and entation (degree of similarity in rela- (10,27). The levels 02 and 0+ can be
alactic (20,24). Regarding heart rates tion to actual basketball: general, performed with any kind of physical
(HRs), the highest values are between directed, special, and competitive) activity (running, cycling, swimming,
188 and 195 bpm, and the mean (39), the approaching levels (02, 0+, I, rowing, etc.), and the maximum training
(HRmean) ranges from 169 to 180 II, III, IV, and V), which are related volume is determined by the distance
bpm, representing the 85–90% of with the orientation (33) and player covered by players during the game
HRpeak (6,29,30,32,34). According to needs. This is a pedagogical proposal, (,4,500–7,500 m (6,30)) or its duration
these characteristics, the ability to which facilitates conditioning training (,40 minutes). The intensity varies de-
repeat high-intensity efforts is an impor- programming, to improve the specific- pending on physiological aim (aerobic
tant fitness component for team-sport game demands and the player fitness efficiency or aerobic capacity). The most
athletes and hence basketball players level. Figure 1 shows our personal important aim of general orientation is
(22,40). Nevertheless, it would be nec- adaptation of this philosophy for level I, where the main physiological goal
essary to carry out specific assessments basketball. is to improve maximal oxygen uptake
of your own team. (V̇ O2max) characterized by lower volume
Finally, the following game intensity GENERAL ORIENTATION (LEVELS and higher training intensity. It is impor-
modulators should be kept in mind: 02, 0+, AND I) tant to consider that team-sport athletes
(a) the head coach’s philosophy-strategy, This orientation is associated with require a high level of aerobic fitness to
(b) the player’s commitment-effort, generic endurance training. Unless generate and maintain power output
and (c) the referees-rules. Condition- a player has special needs (e.g., limiting during repeated high-intensity efforts
ing training must provide the players injuries, joint/tendon pain, etc.), and to recover (41). In this level,


physical activity may be sport specific characterized by short HIIT (,60- rather than traditional conditioning
or not: on grass, on basketball court, second intervals) (10). We suggest doing (1,28). In this sense, the assessment of
with or without ball, with or without this type of work on court, with changes rating of perceived exertion may assist
specific movement patterns or spe- of direction (COD) (9) and specific players to achieve target exercise
cific-skills, etc. The only premise that pathways, taking into account playing intensities during skill drills in basket-
should be respected is that the pro- position needs. Useful resources include ball (13). However, careful consider-
posed exercises (movement patterns, tactical situations with specific path- ation of player skill levels, current
technical skills, etc.) should not have ways, offensive or defensive actions, fitness, number of players, court
to limit the physiological demand etc. Perform exercise without opposi- dimensions, game rules, work-to-rest
required to achieve the training goal. tion (1v0, 2v0, 3v0) to facilitate maximal ratios, and availability of player
 Level 02: Physical activity not intensity. It may be difficult to reach encouragement is required (28,36,41);
related with our sport. Decision maximum intensity with more than 3 altering these factors we can manipu-
making does not exist. We suggest players on the court (4,13). late the overall physiological and
using different exercises not involving  Level II: Exercises simulate sports- perceptual workload (1). We would
specific-movement patterns: cycling, specific movement patterns with like to highlight the following training
swimming, rowing, etc. Team-sport COD. Decision making is simple variables:
coaches usually do this continuous and basketball based or does not exist.  Number of players: reducing the num-
“cardiotraining” with low joint impact This level is physiologically associ- ber of players over the same court size
(e.g., as recovery workout (42) or with ated with lactic acid metabolism. results in increments in physiological
injured players (12)). It can be carried out on court by demands (13). The 2v2 (13) and 3v3
 Level 0+: Physical activity not related the sprint interval training method (4) conditions may be considered as
to the sport, but with muscle activity (15–40 second “all-out” efforts inter- a viable training tool when aerobic
a little more similar to our sport than spersed with 2- to 4-minute passive and anaerobic training stresses higher
in level 02. Movement patterns are recovery periods; 1:3–6) (10). than actual-game conditions (i.e., 5v5)
not specific yet, but exercises should  Level III: Exercises simulate sports- are required.
be primarily run based. Decision specific movement patterns with  Work-to-rest ratios: when designing
making does not exist. Intensity is COD. Decision making is simple training exercises it is important to
higher than in level 02, and long and basketball based or does not know the characteristics of the sport,
interval training method is recom- exist. This level is related with accel- and according to that, to propose
mended, although continuous eration ability (explosive strength), exercises supra-, equal-, or infra-,
methods can be used also on this and performing the repeated-sprint actual-game conditions. If the mean
level. training method on court is recom- work-to-rest ratio is 1:4 (actually
 Level I: Actions and movement pat- mended (sprints lasting 2–7 sec- 1:3.6 (6)), we can manipulate the
terns should be similar to those in onds, preferably 2–5 seconds (40), work-to-rest ratios between bouts
basketball. Decision making does interspersed with recovery periods of exercise, through players rotations
not exist or is very simple and non- lasting generally ,60 seconds; (number of players playing on court
specific. We can work with basket- 1:5–10) (10). and number of players resting off
ball skills circuits, depending on the court), and during bouts of exercise,
player’s level, but technical skills SPECIAL ORIENTATION (LEVEL IV) modifying game rules (reducing/
must be consolidated. If the player’s This level is essential for skill-based increasing the stop time: fouls, out
basketball skills are not high enough, conditioning, in the form of small- of bounds, free throws, etc.)
it is better to use generic run drills, on sided games (SSGs) (2v2, 2vX, 3v3, (1,21,36).
or off court. Figure 1 shows the 3vX, and 4vX). Decision making is  Court dimensions: with the same
intensity evolution: first, elicit maxi- complex and basketball specific. Sev- number of players, increasing the
mal oxygen uptake and after, work eral authors have recently argued that court size results in increments in
on the aerobic-anaerobic transition SSGs are as efficient as HIIT to physiological demands (i.e., full-court
zone. Exercise intensities should be develop specific aerobic fitness for the games produced significantly higher
between 90 and 100% of V̇ O2max team-sport player (1,11,23,26). Skill- physiological responses than half-
(31), and the long HIIT method based conditioning benefits include court games (4,32)). However, a
(.60-second intervals) is the best greater transfer of physiological adap- smaller playing space entails signifi-
choice to perform it (3,10,17,37). tations when the exercise simulates cantly higher frequencies of technical
sports-specific movement patterns, actions (4,28) and, consequently,
DIRECTED ORIENTATION athletes simultaneously develop tech- more COD. Exercises can be classi-
(LEVELS II AND III) nical and tactical skills under high fied by the number of courts required:
This orientation requires “all-out” efforts physical loads and higher motivation half court (1/2; the drill is carried
and it is divided into 2 levels, both of athletes performing sport specific out only in half court), half court

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 91

Conditioning for Basketball

Table 1
Calendar example and level distribution


Off-season Preseason In-season

Duration 1–4 wk 2 wk to 5 mo 4–8 wk 6–9 mo

Kind of — Individual workouts Individual and/or team workouts Individual and team workouts
Main goal Rest/recovery Individual needs and Aerobic power and ability to repeat Skill-based conditioning and
aerobic power high-intensity efforts small-sided games
Secondary — Ability to repeat high- Small-sided games and actual Ability to repeat high-intensity
goal intensity efforts basketball efforts
Levels 02 0+ and I I, II, and III IV and V
II IV and V II and III

plus 1 court (1/2 + 1; the drill is decision making is complex and bas- From a periodization viewpoint, well-
carried out in half court plus fast ketball specific. Exercises are based controlled training of generic aerobic
break or transition to opposite bas- on 4v4, 5vX, and 5v5. The value of power development (level I) should
ket once), half court plus 2 courts involving a larger number of players be carried out off-season, at early pre-
(1/2 + 2; the drill is carried out in in SSGs lies in enhancing team- season or for specific player needs.
half court plus fast break or transi- specific decision-making skills: more During the preseason, the authors
tion twice, finishing always in the teammates and adversaries are mainly recommend improving the
same basket where you started), involved in the decision-making pro- ability to repeat high-intensity efforts
open court (“X” courts; drills with cesses (19). In team sports, condition- (levels II and III), interspersing SSG
more than 2 transitions or fast ing training is a way to improve player or actual basketball (levels IV and V),
breaks: 3, 4, 5, etc). capabilities (fitness, cognition, tech- preparing the players for the high
 Coach encouragement: This effect nique, tactic, teamwork, etc.), but demands of the competition. During
could be very important from a prac- never a goal itself. Players must be the competitive season, skill-based
tical point of view because the external better at level V (playing actual bas- conditioning and SSG will predomi-
motivation provided by coach ketball), not at, for example, level 0+ or nate (levels IV and V). There is a risk
supervision has been shown to level III. Nonetheless, training at levels that involves the ‘decontrol’ of level V.
achieve greater gains and training IV and V only could be risky because A workout based on level II and/or
adherence (1,36). According to the tasks are “open” (not allowing an level III should be performed periodi-
these highlighted points, a good accurate training control), and some cally (once a week or every 2-3 weeks)
high-intensity exercise into this players might not receive enough (Table 1).
level could be 2vX or 3vX full-court training stimuli (by insufficient effort), Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
drills, with coach encouragement all losing fitness level. The topic “play as The authors report no conflicts of interest
the time, given that limiting drib- you train and train as you play” is cru- and no source of funding.
bling or possession time can be use- cial, which means: if your goal is that
ful tools to increase the intensity. your team runs every fast break as fast as
Moreover, the existing research on they can, fights for every ball or collects
SSG, particularly in soccer, is infor- every rebound, you must demand that Xavi Schelling
mative but more basketball-specific in every action of every drill, instilling is a strength and
research is needed (28). the attitude you want in your players. conditioning
The design of exercises at this level coach at Club
COMPETITIVE ORIENTATION should follow the considerations dis- Ba`squet Manresa
(LEVEL V) cussed in the “special orientation,” (Spanish first
Competitive orientation is the most spe- which are common in SSGs. At Division), Pri-
cific skill-based conditioning, involving this level it is typical to use game vate Foundation
the most realistic cognitive, physical, incentives (e.g., points) or modify other “Foment del Ba`s-
and physiological requirements. The rules. quet,” Ba`squet Manresa SAD.


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