تجميع Grammar

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H ‘Close my ayes only for ‘a moment, and the moment's gang a Ss e (a ar) cel ape ye ite Legh dpa - pps 0) fs db etna X ball i Hala Mostafa “* ‘ x cat 743 va cat X99 0 a i i an &F45 Pr ~ (en) dal fale le) dsl aos | Lig pl cree a dees cil sald dem Jka et Gre} Mt A} 2A Lille Hpac he a aes 2 ADSL AT, Bae an x —ray a ; © ; a Srl as Le ee ate) CAN git WO ae Loh Comel ar ToL qpeytd nll- - 2 Liga St Ai aw Lubes! Grell ter 2 aN Lis te) oie lie One summer dream made with fancy whims thal surimer night Page Dale abl ju dsi¢ ever @ a unit a uniform az. university Hala Mostafa ash par dale —y pts @ eS Qa Xy lophone CED jak 2Ah FA dal é Cred er Ge an umbretla qe ce € ash 7a bel 2 apt phi dele Silent” EBay ie ines ae an pe a ees an _ hour & hen ave )anest mar 2 horse One summer cream made wit fancy whims that summer sight bee Sropwnins eteummernight Date ee AP 24 CW ey x x 2A} A BTS. fil) paolo! O (S-%-Z-ch-Sh-55) Losi ol pai Wad) a! 22 ppl UL depot (pared ez) ele Hala Mostafa S Sy €5 ae, ao Zale ae @ Ht clo > dogs : trée —»-tree S$ Cot = Cats cap —> Caps Bai ae church-churches FoX = Fokes lash —> Lashes us —> Buses class —> classes quite Gere Buzz > Gu2zes se) Wert CLA epee se es 25) cabs Il 2 ES hin a beaches (7) a is stomachs (oO A ee ee eete Page Dawe Close my ayes only for ‘moment, and the momen's gone ss ie ee Deitig all pa Ce oO B51 NW el earl at, 3 2eeul cea Tena pee Bh Clik yadiO —> radios “gS ‘ video —» videos 5 Kile —» Kkiles prane — pianos studig—» Studios Phote => Photos ah potato.» potatoes ee @ Temato—» tema toes Hala Mostafa hero —» heroes 3 ee a Sole bos ae. 2 Ly Buffaloes gS? q volCane ve Leanos a \ voleanaes = tornaclo ;= ternades pie i ternaclaes p- CamCranmers Wipe as posal Cam@canner + Wise dguaall | ae Page dream made with ‘ One sts tal summer night Date plage wae ocak FAD caz5h1 131 ee + OBS x pip ops oe Circe aie ¥ Le6t pe ae Aas y eal 4 V Yost Sees A) Gusis Y OF T. jes baby _. babies Lacly -» Ladclres boy > boys ———Hala Mostafa = Close my eyes only for a moment, and the moment's gone Fe sl. gas di cur Fe_sl chp 2 eae 2 VeS Ae 4 : Kuife. 2 nives 2 Laife sais i#e volves : q —~-_-half — halves leaf. 5 Leaves thief _, thieves a 7 \e Lao F > Wolves _ - Ves Lives Hata-Mostafa “ of AaB gis ent ag : Te als belief — be}; Chief _s Shiels yoo _. roa hee % Scarfs * Roark SCay Ves Re =| Eade) Regd ol eis pt ot © Foot —> Feet Vooth os ee bb oX —s oxen woman» Women man—> men child -5childre” mouse —> 19 / €e OD Hala Mostafa ) i 22 CUS a Fish. bik CF wy) a shee) > SheeP = UWouU uaa u wu we wow This — ~ Tat 022/15 Hala Mostafa Ub/AN> ds Pac Wheab/ tis ple Sete Qpa ish | gael r Te is @ boy ic LE be That is ee ne - ai By -Ls ona Sif lbs cle “lt Le pes That, “This ( alg gaishehl) de Gromples :- This is an apple That i5 a Car, This is an orange hat is a train Haw yl ot5 GL yle CBU". Mei pnsl 00 P25 yl CMS i Date Tk ——. be ab j\h his—sle ee cpt at "=his-— ee SS ae eel Deis is_—ay cu s\ cit 5 Hala Mostafa— ‘ nis man__is_ ‘tall dbtkdesiie Shots oo 1s ae aL rcucdii sige. oe aol pales rf wet Eo far) irs, = Lae: on ee She, po nalisle sella apd» Sil a isa Nig girl man Pep \i Wie Cat | This bey wanes Lasheiel Ainge Mie. pb alsté oP oF Heelan This —girk |! Likes. ‘Gali, eal tldeb cbcahara 6, Bea es = That: man is pla aying...foot ball hes This. Nen 15 ad pik i ; ' 4 | 4 — PS RS SE NY Oemeewe i a jb Qe “Nese —. —_ “Those sSzao.\ Hala Mostafa as jf a BB TRose | These yale i Gilat) af Viger Gre) deel Thess. are. A These Qres seer j Esta biel | These are boy's vp Gh St Lpbaten _Thase- ave —gicls> clash Ah ean ad! ri_stan Xjda, Ruste tlepded be yh a e4-2—Fy ve —— ut eh | | & Wese_}. hese. eRe allp)- Gre) el ps 2 . Theses ate — Hata Mostafa ot WEBS AD ce os Ce : Lieve) (aA tasks a conti are ir alza) : Teseltg Su rnepcire tall it 2h 8. Dp seidl te iL” Sead “hase gil are = beau tiful aoe, aden Se Jy ALS eH, i peeks JEM E _ Sal cares we sat cabjare, a CLdl 9 shel aia Wros 2 ss: Theses: a Alaa Thebes ie nia! Pbleie Shirts. oief loa Ltd Jp igllaN 320° ral | are spy See ia ol Boe = a These girls ore happy - Those. —— Like ono bactisaae. fla eee Oh tf (One summer dream mado with faney whims that summer night Dawe rool ates Verb 1a be oe as bf? pa & {Se , Ln of SLYSo nea Ke i se A ay He : a rr rier a bi >> aut wir) they > are at C8! Hote Moctata aD _ZT am Hala. 7 a4 3) te af a9 a teacher > jobs" -I_am your friend 5 rash Tam heppy——> pee” ie 's aie bs ~ She 1s ‘ _ Sara _is = , The boys are stron -\eu are fram Cairo. "Ali cand Hala are hungry, _._the. bays aye sad. Page ‘Close my yes only for a moment Date and the moments gone T. .daetor.. df ot) —> Tama doch ie * = © — oe is mare @ Théy ~ flowers. er They are flowers . Hala Mostafa sa CYhe wo] ay SS : Lam a Fe_iS = He’s she Sa Shes JEWS = Es / . You are = You're : We are = we're They are = They ’re ie — oy Ca are _Wwe are Hala Mostafa “Lam not = bel bod He iS 170 = He isn’t $he.1s = she israt This wot nit ist cu ove 10 ou avert we ave “lo — aren’ They ave not = They aren't ! hb ares is i oma she es: ees rich —> —lweé_are prot) ric Ch bese! \, Page \ Date ] Giose my eyes only for moment, and the moment's gong verb te oe CF od) a gle E y . Cols 2120 | NS odl soles Yes ov Nov questiongat Sous ois JP UT one English lites hel on SO cue eH Late sell fra) costs Aint ts Sore aig adl Lie et beg alsralk § Sula ject ce Le} (Pas. Hala- Mostafa = = | Lec hoe ke eat pee NS IS» pelts t He I> rie. Pby-otries/ Stucky. 5 Stuchiag i HOPMAN kemarmies ih | lays. shes 3. oe eaan see ts Se capt oe a oe * ith peo made wil ore sig ‘summer night Da al De et By be, = Ste u-lLl ae cd lis Cara. is-are) U.to be ae suave! le ‘pailep alae —va cloctor Laliiiege ala] He is tall. eenont : gle ie Caper Sab oe : tt isa mice gal. gibi Abs fe ave 2 ose! girl. ee Hala Mostafa. 3 A eae 4 fe BUG eee EEL) 2) =e am ual not gee} ob 7 : Aptis) EO ~i am net a doctor. pe? cde —He isare tall : Cb owl? F net izh 5 >You aven’t 4 9o8 git we avent tall - ' Sap 6G. Sal eget Db Kid po SER Bu os iF shear lanl “ga pa a ay Crug! PY iy) aye Re. sho Se a6 15) ald gid 2 x) sf ee fre Sake kt me by by GPs hears he School by ‘bead alae i — qs) La) ceokt I al feast SY po “ti 3 i 5 Jn és Licece Halowostata Lx rte ba a wtblag: Wey mE Love tei ae Bice on PP brome jE Sy aE a saad! ali) 31 1 rebel ps ae eo f am-is- ofa aus A aude =a js acteachers \ Re oP + Zs she a teacher 7 Carine he yes she is NO, She isn’t ale 4! Wwe _are gle pt a L Are we hay 2 g sheer ge _ are. NO, we aren : are _ oloctors .. —~ (ubbid a sf a Tae they leet _& ¢ ub) esis sede ei aoe at No, “phey. arent. Hala Mostafa tp Le uae AEE cb 131 © Ve on OSes Do—3 on _ ck Ziipiesls4) - poche, Tat vi Sel JF ae Sly hard. opie Be ad study “hard”. is EP cole! tuaty hare es, paz. one face cowilhs 2d ere She drinks Gffee eu FF it et | VDees pm arinkCotfee or see eo ~Yex she _oloes Ma fae. es . Yes,shedvinks ates — cube & a Page Gloso my oyos only for Q |amoment, and the a moments gone £ Alsat amas Og Fi aon torte. Sohcol b biesuc Jay thes den. No, they ~alon't: (ote Mostafa 4 ou Like chicken \ 0d eh ase a y ‘feu Like chicken eso I lelesde elo 55. con i teaches. Ga joe A oat 4 Does Amr tench cE: 5 125, he oloes (pblwesde ‘ edness’ £ érdream made with One sins that summer night 9 re, ¢ oe OSI cng Le pH Ait) & oo aia! os pe vyle ee fein i + veri 4199 \ are pat Hate- Mostafa 2 as Ee 23) get coal abt aa Playing tenis Row. if pbk | tS st Losi) pimp ae _ she is als wuith i “Friend. (O59). ate fst ad zi The weet _ is eating A Pistia le 3 Cee Lines we ae reading. Cam@canner+ bid & sual ‘Close my eyas only for a. moment, and the moment's gone Hala Mostafa ee © pl cata ae pun gpa) eB) crale_tag—to* ye Dos Deing 4 pt abides aly 2 C38 pe fran BIL -s i ing cues E lp — peMake—» Making - 4 Jae ap ald, iL ce Alla 15) —" oo ape SPA cele dg Beg Begging arts sithrg — (Sie eel tnielG eon oe” poxtnuap ales wh dee] oe 651 -§— a Cle 9 wo op py ata) Pa aan — qaining MW —--¥ wip pf hall -K slo aol ing) ow ap _ pl cashes) Play —> playing: fe Fix Fixing Cam@canner 2 Wad doguaall ‘One summer dream made with Page fancy whims that summer hight ne om not eee, Orig get Aswt= \s act ee ovent - ave note. | ave “ Tam Playing _. pe Lr am ae "hig hinted +. Weis eating 33 | Sbse He isn’t eating. 4 oa a. tsb _We ave. read int ABE Ly we aren't reading. —. ne Hata Mostafa eee ave - iS aM. alll leall : -in§ Motes atl fds Ts. Hala clriving ag Car Ook apo — achey alviniin caffe ? Bape dt 3 PO on qe Zi Menta bo you P Cebit Iho cutis Page 4 Date? tae treet tyme sh Y fans a Close my eyes only for a moment, and the moment's gone Sa goal eter Mo iLook Jo) al eb Soh fe oa 4 “Leck, the chi lol is Bote hat a 2 ced a ~e - Listen _ 2 vig embers Listen, the teacher is speaking. i ~ antl gertankl a = are ee Hala Mostafa= ——~-— oe 4 AA Ser a ee a thes < t

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