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Assalamualaikum and good morning to all teachers and

friends. Welcome back to school. Today, I would like to
remind us all about Covid-19 prevention measures.
To ensure the safety of our school from Covid-19, we
must always follow these guidelines:
 First, wear your face mask all the time. You are only
allowed to take off your mask before eating and
straight away put it on afterwards.
 Second, wash your hands frequently. Do not touch
your face, mouth and nose with unwashed hands.
 Third, keep your social distance. You are not
allowed to get close to other people.
 Next, please stay in your classroom all the time.
Only five pupils are allowed to go to the restroom at
one time.
We hope that all of us can follow these guidelines to
make sure that the spread of Covid-19 can be stopped.

Before we end our assembly, I would like to invite

____________________ to lead the prayer.

Thank you to ________________ for the prayer.

With that, we end our assembly. Thank you.

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