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E 12 Quarter 2 Week 6


Learning Competency: Explains the role of physical activity assessments in managing one’s
stress. (PEH12FH-If-5)

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of
1. An expression of the body, following Rhythmic patterns.
A. Festival dance C. Dance
B. Folk dance D. Contemporary dance
2. The following statements defines dancing as stress management except one:
A. Dance can be used in many ways and one function is to relieve stress.
B. Through dancing, we lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.
C. To avoid chronic illness or disease, we opted to seek activities to have a healthy living.
D. In dancing, it avoids stress and can make our life easy and much more fun.
3. The following are the causes and effects of stress except one.
A. Anxiety C. Joy
B. Panic D. Misery
4. What is the reason why dancing is enjoyable?
A. It has physical and mental benefits.
B. Helps you connect to who you really are.
C. It plays a vital role for self-expression.
D. All of the above
5. These are chemicals within the brain that helps communicate messages throughout the body.
A. Endorphin C. Norepinephrine
B. Dopamine D. Neurotransmitters
6. These are the body’s natural pain killers to reduce stress and improve the mind’s perception of the
A. Endorphin C. Norepinephrine
B. Dopamine D. Neurotransmitters
7. The following are the physical benefits of dancing except one:
A. Improved condition of heart and lungs.
B. Increased muscular strength and endurance.
C. Improved physical confidence.
D. Improved general and psychological well-being.
8. Which of the following are the mental benefits of dancing?
A. Improved muscle tone and strength.
B. Greater self-confidence, and self-esteem.
C. Improved condition of your heart and lungs.
D. Improved general and psychological well-being.
H.O.P.E 12 Quarter 2 Week 6
9. How can dancing improve your life and health?
A.Dancing will decrease your chances of developing heart disease.
B.Dancing improves positive feelings, behavior and communication.
C.Keeping you physically strong, isn’t the only benefit dancing provides, but it can also provide
social and emotional health.
D. All of the above.
10.Why is dancing good for the brain?
A. Dancing increases depression symptoms
B. Dancing supports motor emotional and intellectual brain functions.
C. Dancing never stimulates nerve growth factor.
D. Dancing declines memory.


Stress is sometimes the reason why your energy level goes down, it is because stress affects
your physical, emotional, mental and social aspect. Everyone experience stress one way or the other
this is because stress is inevitable. We tend to ignore the stress that we feel but it went to cause
much more stress. We live in a world with a busy life. That’s why we encounter so much of stress in a
day to day of living. It is important to know on how to cope up with this stress in a most managing
way. We can do a lot of things to relieve stress, and one of which is through dance. Dance can be a
form of stress management. We have different ways on how to relieve stress. Activities in relieving
one’s stress may vary on how we look at stress.
A more precise measure of personal stress can be determined by using a variety of
instruments that have been designed to help measure individual stress levels. The first of these is
called the Perceived Stress Scale. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is a classic stress assessment
instrument. This tool, while originally developed in 1983, remains a popular choice for helping us
understand how different situations affect our feelings and our perceived stress. The questions in this
scale ask about your feelings and thoughts during the last month. In each case, you will be asked to
indicate how often you felt or thought a certain way. Although some of the questions are similar, there
are differences between them and you should treat each one as a separate question. The best
approach is to answer fairly quickly. That is, don't try to count up the number of times you felt a
particular way; rather indicate the alternative that seems like a reasonable estimate.
The Perceived Stress Scale is interesting and important because your perception of what is
happening in your life is most important. Consider the idea that 2 individuals could have the exact
same events and experiences in their lives for the past month. Depending on their perception, total
score could put one of those individuals in the low stress category and the total score could put the
second person in the high stress category.

H.O.P.E 12 Quarter 2 Week 6
DIRECTIONS: For each question choose from the following alternatives. Write the number of your
choice on the answer sheet provided: never-1, almost never-2, sometimes-3, fairly often-4,very
often-5. Figure your PSS Score by following the steps given below the table.
Never Almost Sometimes Fairly Very
(1) Never (3) Often Often
(2) (4) (5)
1.In the last month, how often have
you been upset because of something
that happened unexpectedly?
2.In the last month, how often have
you felt that you were unable to control
the important things in your life?
3. In the last month, how often have
you felt nervous and stressed?
4. In the last month, how often have
you felt confident about your ability to
handle your personal problems?
5. In the last month, how often have
you felt that things were going your
6. In the last month, how often have
you found that you could not cope with
all the things that you had to do?
7. In the last month, how often have
you been able to control irritations in
your life?
8. In the last month, how often have
you felt that you were on top of things?
9. In the last month, how often have
you been angered because of things
that happened that were outside of
your control?
10. In the last month, how often have
you felt difficulties were piling up so
high that you could not overcome


You can determine your PSS score by following these directions:
 First, reverse your scores for questions 4, 5, 7, & 8. On these 4 questions, change the scores
like this: 0 = 4, 1 = 3, 2 = 2, 3 = 1, 4 = 0.
 Now add up your scores for each item to get a total. My total score is ______.
NOTE: Individual scores on the PSS can range from 0 to 40 with higher scores indicating higher perceived
stress. Scores ranging from 0-13 would be considered low stress. Scores ranging from 14-26 would be
considered moderate stress. Scores ranging from 27-40 would be considered high perceived stress.
H.O.P.E 12 Quarter 2 Week 6
The COVID 19 pandemic have affected the lives of many drastically. With the onset of the
pandemic stress is being experienced by everyone and comes in various forms. Fear and anxiety
about the disease and what could happen can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults
and children. Public health actions, such as social distancing, can make people feel isolated and
lonely and can increase stress and anxiety. However, these actions are necessary to reduce the
spread of COVID-19. Coping with stress in a healthy way will make you, the people you care about,
and your community stronger.
Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. How you respond to stress during the
COVID-19 pandemic can depend on your background, your social support from family or friends, your
financial situation, your health and emotional background, the community you live in, and many other
factors. The changes that can happen because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ways we try to
contain the spread of the virus can affect anyone. People who may respond more strongly to the
stress of a crisis include:
 People who are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 (for example, older
people, and people of any age with certain underlying medical conditions).
 Children and teens.
 People caring for family members or loved ones.
 People who have existing mental health conditions.
 People who have lost their jobs, had their work hours reduced, or had other major
changes to their employment.
 People who have disabilities or developmental delay.
 People who are socially isolated from others, including people who live alone, and
people in rural or frontier areas.
 People in some racial and ethnic minority groups.
 People who do not have access to information in their primary language.
 People experiencing homelessness.
 People who live in congregate (group) settings.
When people get stressed out, they tend to turn to various things to ease the pressure on their
minds and bodies. However, most of those things tend to be harmful to the person as well. One
example of such a stress reducing agent are expensive therapeutic techniques. Massages and
acupuncture can be very healthy and good for you, as well as suitable stress reducing agents.
However, in today’s time where people get stressed out easily and often, those techniques can add
up to be very costly when repeated often to just reduce stress. While these techniques are good to be
used in rare fashion, relying solely on these methods is just another way to put a hole in someone’s
Dance can be used in so many ways. One of the functions of a dance is to relieve stress. In
able for us to avoid chronic illness or diseases, we opted to seek activities that may help us to have a
healthy living. Avoiding stress can make our life easy and much more fun. Through dancing we lead
to a healthy lifestyle. Dance is purposeful. It plays a vital role for self-expression and has been part of
rituals and religious gatherings. It is also part of our culture and traditions throughout the years. It was
H.O.P.E 12 Quarter 2 Week 6
passed in to one generation into another generation. Its functions become so wide that it can even
help in our daily life. How far can dance go in terms of relieving stress? Dance is a form of exercise. It
provides proper body coordination, mobility and reduces tension in the body. It calms our mind and
releases toxins in our body.
The scientific reason for why dance has the ability to act as a stress reliever stems from the idea
that when the body feels good, the mind does, too. Any type of physical activity releases
neurotransmitters and endorphins which serve to alleviate stress.
Neurotransmitters are chemicals within the brain that help communicate messages throughout
the body. Endorphins are the body’s natural painkiller to reduce stress and improve the mind’s
perception of the world. Thus, after a good workout the endorphins cause the body to feel calm and
optimistic. The endorphins also aid in improving the quality of sleep, so that a few sleepless nights
due to stress can be avoided after dancing!
Your work environment isn’t always to best place to express who you really are. More often than
not, you need to be a more buttoned up version of yourself and hide much of your inner self. Dancing
offers an outlet for people to express who they are––through music, movement or even costumes!
Dancing helps you connect to who you really are. Leave that suit or pencil skirt at the office and trade
it in for sparkles and spandex!
From weight loss, to increased flexibility, stronger bones and building muscle tone, dancing is a
total body workout.
Dancing can be a way to stay fit for people of all ages, shapes and sizes. It has a wide range of
physical and mental benefits including:
1. Improves condition of your heart and lungs
2. Increases muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness.
3. Increases aerobic fitness
4. Improves muscle tone and strength
5. Weight management
6. Stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis
7. Better coordination, agility and flexibility
8. Improves balance and spatial awareness
9. Increases physical confidence
10. Improves mental functioning
11. Improves general and psychological well-being
12. Greater self-confidence and self-esteem
13. Better social skills.

H.O.P.E 12 Quarter 2 Week 6
A. Self-Assessment
People differ remarkably in their responses to potentially stressful events. The questions
below relate to factors most closely associated with the capacity to cope successfully with stress.
Write the letter which lists the option that you choose. Answer each question as honestly as possible.
1. How frequently do you moderately exercise?
a. Daily or more often c. Once or twice a month
b. Once or twice a week d. Seldom
2. How often do you get a full, restful night of sleep?
a. Most every night c. Two to three times each week
b. Four to five times each week d. Seldom
3. To what extent is your energy sufficient for our work and daily activities?
a. to a very great extent c. to little extent
b. to some extent d. to very little extent
4. How closely does your weight approach the ideal level?
a. My weight is at the ideal level c. My weight is not close to the ideal level
b. My weight is close to the idea level d. I am dangerously overweight (underweight)
5. To what extent do you eat a nutritious diet?
a. to a very great extent c. to little extent
b. to some extent d. to very little extent
6. Which of the following best describes your use of tobacco?
a. In no period of my life have I had the habit of smoking or chewing tobacco.
b. Early in my life for a short period I smoked or chewed tobacco
c. I stopped smoking or chewing tobacco over the past two years
d. I currently smoke or chew tobacco
7. Which of the following best describes your use of alcohol?
a. I do not abuse alcohol, and never have. (Abuse is defined as drinking more than two drinks
within a short period such as an evening.)
b. Very occasionally I abuse alcohol.
c. I have a history of abusing alcohol, but am not presently abusing it.
d. I am presently abusing alcohol.
8. To what extent do you believe that you have a history of coping well with highly stressful
a. to a very great extent c. to a little extent
b. to a great extent d. to a very little extent
9. How confident are you of being able to control your emotions in stressful situations?
a. I never let my emotions run away me.
b. I seldom let my emotions run away with me.
c. I sometimes let my emotions run away with me.
d. I often let my emotions run away with me.
10. When things are not going well, how likely are you to view the situation as being temporary
rather than permanent?
a. very likely b. likely c. unlikely d. very unlikely
11. When something bad happens to you, how likely are you to exaggerate its importance?
H.O.P.E 12 Quarter 2 Week 6
a. very unlikely b. unlikely c. likely d. very likely
12. When stressed by a complex situation, how likely are you to focus your attention on those
aspects of the situation that you can manage?
a. very likely b. likely c. unlikely d. very unlikely
13. When highly stressed, how capable are you of changing your thinking to calm down?
a. very capable b. capable c. incapable d. very incapable
14. When confronted with a stressful situation, how likely are you to wait passively for events to
develop rather than to take charge?
a. very unlikely b. unlikely c. likely d. very likely
15. Which of the following courses of action are you most likely to take when you have become
thoroughly frustrated?
a. identify an alternate goal and pursue it
b. pursue a relaxing activity
c. withdraw and fell sorry for yourself
d. vent your aggression on someone weaker than you
16. If you had worn an article of clothing one day and then found it to be flawed, how likely would you
be to return it and ask for a refund?
a. very likely b. likely c. unlikely d. very unlikely
17. When an unexpected, negative event happens to you, how likely are you to actively seek
information about the event and how to cope with it?
a. very likely b. likely c. unlikely d. very unlikely
18. How much decision-making power so you have in your family?
a. more power than any other member of my family
b. as much power as any other member of my family
c. less power than most members of my family
d. less power than any other member of my family
19. How much decision-making power do you have in your working environment? (if not working
outside the home at present, use your last job as a basis for answering this question.)
a. more power than most members of my work team
b. as much power as any other member of my work team
c. less power than most members of my work team
d. less power than any other member of my work team
20. To what extent do you believe that events in your life are merely the result of luck, fate, or
a. to very little extent b. to little extent c. to some extent d. to a great extent
21. What is your best guess as to the extent and quality of contact you had with your parent(s)
shortly after birth?
a. was given an above average amount of contact by happy parent(s)
b. was given an average amount of contact by happy parent(s)
c. was given an average amount of contact by unhappy (perhaps angry) parent(s)
d. was given a below average amount of contact by unhappy (perhaps angry) parent(s)
22. During your early childhood, to what extent was your mother both calm and generally
a. to a very great extent b. to some extent c. to little extent d. to very little extent
23. How easily do you make friends in a strange situation?
H.O.P.E 12 Quarter 2 Week 6
a. very easily b. easily c. uneasily d. very uneasily

24. When highly stressed, how likely are you to ask friends or relatives for help?
a. very likely b. likely c. unlikely d. very unlikely
25. In comparison with other people, how likely are you to see others as threatening, uncooperative,
or exploitative?
a. highly unlikely b. unlikely c. likely d. highly likely
26. How often are you confused about the intentions of others toward you?
a. very infrequently b. infrequently c. frequently d. very frequently
27. To what extent are you aware of practical, healthy ways of relaxing?
a. to a very great extent c. to a little extent
b. to some extent d. to a very little extent
28. How frequently do you pursue some highly relaxing practice?
a. daily or more often c. once or twice a month
b. once or twice a week d. seldom
29. How often do you engage in a spiritual practice such as prayer, mediation, or inspirational
reading to enrich your interior life?
a. daily or more often c. once or twice a month
b. once or twice a week d. seldom
30. How connected do you feel to your conception of a higher power or to a worthy cause?
a. to a very great extent c. to a little extent
b. to some extent d. to a very little extent
31. To what extent do you believe your life has purpose?
a. to a very great extent c. to a little extent
b. to some extent d. to a very little extent
32. How much contact do you have with what you would consider a spiritual community?
a. very much b. much c. very little d. none

B. Scoring
Scoring Legend: Please note that the scoring legend has been derived rationally, not empirically.
Nevertheless, you might find it interesting to compute your score for each of the scales below using
the following legend: ‘a’ = 4; ‘b’= 3; ‘c’ = 2; ‘d’ = 1.

Wellness Scale (sum of scores for questions 1-7 divided by 7) _____

Thought Control Scale (sum of scores for questions 8-13, divided by 6) _____
Active Coping Scale (sum of scores for questions 14-20, divided by7) _____
Social Ease Scale (sum of scores for questions 21-26, divided by 6) _____
Tension reduction Scale (sum of scores for questions 27-28, divided by 2) _____
Spiritual Practice Scale (sum of scores for questions 29-32 divided by 4) _____
Overall Score (sum of the scale scores above, divided by 6) _____

Interpreting Your Score. A perfect score on each scale would be 4. With this in mind, we might
construct the following interpretive key:
An overall score of 3.5+ suggests you may be a superior stress coper.
An overall score of 2.5-3.4 suggests you may be an above average stress coper.

H.O.P.E 12 Quarter 2 Week 6
An overall score of 1.5-2.4 suggests you may be an average stress coper.
An overall score of less than 1.5 suggests you may be a below average stress coper.
Directions: Answer the following questions. (Refer to the rubrics for your guide)
1.What are stressful events have you encountered lately that have affected your life drastically?

2. Aside from dancing what other activities do you do to combat stress?

Clear sense of order. Begins
Develops each point with
Answer is appropriate to the with a topic sentence.
may specific details.
5 question. Content is factually Supporting points are
Answers question
correct. presented in a logical
Each point supported with
Answer is appropriate to the May lack a thesis sentence,
some details and
4 question. Content may have but points are presented in a
evidence. All important
one or two factual errors. logical progression.
points included.
Logic of argument is
Content relates peripherally minimally perceivable. Sparse details or
3 to the question; contains Points presented in a evidence. Question only
significant factual errors. seemingly random fashion, partially answered.
but all support argument.
Statements are
unsupported by any detail
Content unrelated to Lacks clear organizational
2 or explanation.
question. plan. Reader is confused.
Repetitious, incoherent,
illogical development.

H.O.P.E 12 Quarter 2 Week 6

H.O.P.E 12 Quarter 2 Week 6
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of
1. Which of these events can give you stress?
A. Doing tiktok dance with your friends.
B. Lesson cramming due to many academic activities
C. Joining the Zumba team in your barangay every morning.
D. Bonding with your friends and families.
2. The following statements defines dancing as stress management except one:
A. Dance can be used in many ways and one function is to relieve stress.
B. Through dancing, we lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.
C. To avoid chronic illness or disease, we opted to seek activities to have a healthy living.
D. In dancing, it avoids stress and can make our life easy and much more fun.
3. The following are the causes and effects of stress except one.
A. Anxiety B. Panic C. Joy D. Misery
4. Why is dancing enjoyable to do?
A. It has physical and mental benefits.
B. Helps you connect to who you really are.
C. It plays a vital role for self-expression.
D. All of the above
5. These are chemicals within the brain that helps communicate messages throughout the body.
A. Endorphin B. Dopamine C. Norepinephrine D. Neurotransmitters
6. These are the body’s natural pain killers to reduce stress and improve the mind’s perception of the
A. Endorphin B. Dopamine C. Norepinephrine D. Neurotransmitters
7. The following are the physical benefits of dancing except one:
A. Improved condition of heart and lungs.
B. Increased muscular strength and endurance.
C. Improved physical confidence.
D. Improved general and psychological well-being.
8. Which of the following are the mental benefits of dancing?
A. Improved muscle tone and strength.
B. Greater self-confidence, and self-esteem.
C. Improved condition of your heart and lungs.
D. Stronger bones.
9. How dancing can improve your life and health?
A. Dancing will decrease your chances of developing heart disease.
B. Dancing improves positive feelings, behavior and communication.
C. Keeping you physically strong, isn’t the only benefit dancing provides, but it can also
provide social and emotional health.
D. All of the above.
10. Why is dancing good for the brain?
A. Dancing increases depression symptoms
B. Dancing supports motor emotional and intellectual brain functions.
C. Dancing never stimulates nerve growth factor.
H.O.P.E 12 Quarter 2 Week 6
D. Dancing declines memory.
Complete the sentences below.
I have learned that ________________________________________________________________.
I have realized that ________________________________________________________________.
I will apply _______________________________________________________________________.


1. C 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. D

6. A 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. B


1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. D

6. A 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. B

1. Dance Learner's Module in HOPE 3 Quarter 1 - Module 2 by Gretel F. Acosta.
Published by:DepEd Schools Division of Baguio City Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System

Prepared by: Checked by:

LSB Teacher Teacher II/SHS LRMDS Coordinator

Approved by:


Secondary School Principal I

H.O.P.E 12 Quarter 2 Week 6


Watch and study the video thru the below-mentioned link and do your own demo interpretation. Upload your video thru the facebook.

Projection of eye The dancer draws The dancer Acceptable Partial
contact and the judge in to communicates
cheerful facial want to watch with The dancer The dancer is
expressions with them and is able audience/judge s communicates generally
the judges. The to engage the through eye with focused, but only
dancer is audience contact and facial audience/judge s some attempt
confident with completely and body through eye made to grab
movements. through their expression. Is contact and facial attention of the
performance. A able to engage and body judges with eye
true joy to the judges. expression. contact and good
Occasionally facial expression.
loses focus.
Rhythm/Tempo Shows a Accurate in beat, Generally Shows a basic
complete tempo, rhythms of accurate in beat, understanding of
Staying on count understanding of dance sequences tempo, rhythms of tempo and beat,
and with the tempo and beat throughout the dance sequences but falls behind
beats of the and stays on dance. most of the time. and/or speeds up
music. rhythm in places or
throughout the makes errors in
dance. rhythm.


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