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Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School Don’t Know, Don’t Care Act 2 Sc.

Secondary Two Express Literature 2022

Name: ( ) Class: Date:

Don’t Know, Don’t Care Act 2 Scene 1

Lesson Targets: By the end of this module,

 1. I will define ‘setting’ in my own words and list the two components that form setting
 2. I will define ‘mood’
 3. I will define ‘atmosphere’
 4. I will close-read and annotate Act 2 Sc. 1 of Don’t know, Don’t Care
 5. I will identify the setting of the scene
 6. I will answer that is the mood evoked in the extract

1. What is setting?
Every story must take place at some place, at some time. The author’s or playwright’s choice of
the time and place in which the story takes place is known as the setting.
In literature, several components form setting. The author or the playwright may or may not use
all components when they craft their story/play. Refer to the organisational chart below to see
what components form setting:

time place

Time of the day

Physical location
2. What is mood?
Mood refers to the reader’s feelings as they read the story. Mood is affected by the
atmosphere of a place.

3. What is atmosphere?

The atmosphere is the surrounding feeling/ environment that the author/playwright wants the
reader to pick up subconsciously (unknowingly).

Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School Don’t Know, Don’t Care Act 2 Sc. 1
Secondary Two Express Literature 2022

Quick Recap of Setting, Mood and Atmosphere

Thinking Cloud: All the components of setting work hand in hand to affect your mood, and the
atmosphere of the surrounding. Refer to the example below. You notice that both pictures feature
the same physical location yet they evoke different emotional quality. Why do you think this is so?

Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School Don’t Know, Don’t Care Act 2 Sc. 1
Secondary Two Express Literature 2022

Don’t Know, Don’t Care Act 2 Scene 1: PASSAGE-BASED QUESTION 3

The following passage is an extract from Haresh Sharma’s play, Don’t Know, Don’t Care (pg. 52 -
53 of your drama textbook). Read the passage carefully and answer the question that follows.

1. Circle all the stage directions [8]

2. What is the setting of this scene?

Describe Son’s Time: _____________________ [1]
response. Why do
you think he is Place: ____________________ [1]
replying Mother’s
questions in such a

2. Refer to lines 138 – 142. Is this a

dialogue or a monologue? Why? [2]
Mother is
multitasking in
this scene. Why
do you think
mother is doing

Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School Don’t Know, Don’t Care Act 2 Sc. 1
Secondary Two Express Literature 2022

What do you think did

nurse tell Mother?

Why do you think Mother lashes out

at Son when he is just trying to help?

How do you feel reading lines 167 –

168? Why do you feel this way?

What is the mood evoked in the identified part of the passage (lines 162 – 165)?
Explain why. Recall: Mood refers to how the reader’s/audience’s feeling triggered
or evoked by the setting.

Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School Don’t Know, Don’t Care Act 2 Sc. 1
Secondary Two Express Literature 2022

Question: Referring closely to Act 2 Scene 1, explain how does the playwright
make this scene tense for you

Step 1: Underline the task (what you are supposed to do)

Referring closely to Act 2 Scene 1, explain how does the playwright make this scene tense for
This is the main task. You are supposed to provide
reasons. You may look at

• Speech (dialogue and monologue)

• Stage directions
• What is happening in the passage – what is the
• The character’s dialogue

Step 2: Highlight the topic (what you have to answer → this will form your ideas)
Referring closely to Act 2 Scene 1, explain how does the playwright make this scene tense for
This is the question that you will be answering. Every paragraph
should address this topic.
What ideas/words do you associate with ‘tense’?

Step 3: Unpack the question (clarify the question and brainstorm ideas)
Referring closely to Act 2 Scene 1, explain how does the playwright make this scene tense for
• Tension is a growing sense of expectation within the drama, a feeling that
the story is building up towards something exciting/foreboding.

• Tension can be caused by a number of factors (below are a few

1. it can be an emotional scene which causes the audience to be heavily invested
2. there may be an element of surprise (e.g. plot twist, unexpected responses,
subversion of expectations, a character does something unpredictable)
3. it can be caused by a conflict or an obstacle that affects the characters’
relationship or behaviour

*it differs from scene to scene

Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School Don’t Know, Don’t Care Act 2 Sc. 1
Secondary Two Express Literature 2022

Teacher-Modelling: Essay Writing

Question: Referring closely to Act 2 Scene 1, explain how does the playwright make this scene tense for you

Point Evidence Analysis (Explanation and Elaboration)

The playwright makes This is evident from when The use of imperative, “go” illustrates how mother is able to command

this scene tense for me mother reiterates that she son to do to her bidding. Moreover, the use of exclamation mark

by worsening the man wants son to “stay away” from suggests that mom is extremely agitated and frustrated by son’s

vs. man conflict grandfather’s room. Mother interference, despite his best intentions. This makes the scene tense

between mother and even commands son to “Go!” because it shows hints of son disagreeing with mother. Furthermore,

son. when he insists on helping her. the heated exchange between son and mother so early in the play

suggests that there might be more to come, which causes audience to

anticipate how son and mother would resolve or worsen the conflict.

Therefore the scene is tense due to the heated exchange of dialogue

between mother and son.

Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School Don’t Know, Don’t Care Act 2 Sc. 1
Secondary Two Express Literature 2022

The playwright makes This is illustrated from mother’s The repetition of “I have to be” highlights how mother regards these

this scene tense for me sudden emotional outburst aforementioned roles as an obligation which she performs out of duty,

by portraying mother’s towards the end of the scene not out of free will. This demonstrates just how suffocated mother

inner struggles. when she declares the many feels being entrapped by these roles. This scene is tense because the

roles she has to juggle: “I have audience did not expect that mother, being the independent and

to be the wife. I have to be the domineering character that she is, would break down. Mother’s

mother. I have to be the breakdown is an unexpected turn of event that enables audience to

daughter… nurse” and this realise just how overwhelmed, overworked and vulnerable mother is

culminates in her breaking despite the strong façade she puts on infront of son. Furthermore, this

down to an incomprehensible scene is tense as it is an emotionally-charged scene. The fact that

string of “IIIII.” mother ends her lines with an incomprehensible string of “IIII” hints

that mother does not even have the words to describe how she feels

– she is stretched beyond her limit. Therefore, the scene is tense as it

vividly portrays mother’s internal conflict.

Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School Don’t Know, Don’t Care Act 2 Sc. 1
Secondary Two Express Literature 2022

The playwright makes This is depicted when mother This is in contrast to son’s ineffectual defence when he simply “walks

this scene tense for me orders son to stay away from away” without a nary of a fight. Prior to son walking away, he was

by portraying the grandfather’s room, “I told you trying to change mother’s mind. However, even his persuasion and

unequal power to stay away from this way” and pleas fall flat. This scene is tense because the audience can clearly tell

dynamics between son crescendos to a commanding that mother is the one in power and control, to the extent where son

and mother. and crisp “Go!” has no fighting chance against her.

What are your key learning takeaway from this session?

Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School Don’t Know, Don’t Care Act 2 Sc. 1
Secondary Two Express Literature 2022

Instructions: Populate the following table with your own ideas and analysis. This will serve as
your personal set of notes.
Question: Are there other moments in the play which you find tense/nervous/exciting?

Identify the moment Quote key pieces of Evidence Analysis (point form will do)
(pg. reference)

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