Assignment 2 Group Report: Hotels Comparative Studies Report

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Hotels comparative studies report


Lecturer: Dr. Ha Quach – Word count: - Group 5 – Campus: SGS
Hoang Minh Khoi – s3778483
Phung Dieu Xan – s3836197
Vo Minh Nhat – s3879674
Bui Kim Long – s3749132
Pham Trinh Thuy Van – s3878791
Van Quynh Nhu – s3818462

I. INTRODUCTION_______________________________P.3
a) Market overview
b) Chosen hotel’s brief background


1. Pre-arrival
2. Arrival
3. Occupancy
4. Departure

III. RECOMMENDATION_____________________P.16-18

IV. FEASIBILITY_______________________________P.19

V. CONCLUSION_______________________________P.20

VI. REFERENCES____________________________P.20-24

VII. APPENDIX_______________________________P.24-25

a) Market overview:
It has been severe for the traveling industry and related sectors since late 2019 due to the
Coronavirus spread has led to many urgent border closures and city lockdowns, not excluding
Vietnam. Hotels within the lodging segment also suffered as many of them have to close
temporarily or forever (Euromonitor International 2021). However, up-scale brand ones are
able to survive because they offer up to 70% sales off promotions, which means they provide
5-star service at 1 to 3-star prices to attract and retain both current and potential customers
(Euromonitor International 2021). And to have the ability to do that, besides having strong
financial status, these luxury hotel names are also famous for how it delivers both tangible
and intangible products with hedonic values that fulfill customer satisfaction and pleasure
(Madhurima & Ewuukgem 2020), in short, they create a professional and unique guest cycle
for the brand. The guest cycle encompasses four stages such as pre-arrival, arrival,
occupancy, and departure (Raksmey & Pei-Chun 2020).

b) Chosen hotel’s brief background:

Both InterContinental and Park Hyatt are luxury and up-scale hotels located in the center area
of Saigon (district 1). InterContinental has a total of 305 rooms that have a more modern
design, detailed with Vietnamese culture-oriented custom-made décor elements
(Intercontinental Saigon n.d). And Park Hyatt has 245 rooms that have French colony time
inspired design, but the rooms are equipped with up-to-date technological devices such as
Nespresso coffee machines, mini-iPad, and sensor lightings (Park Hyatt n.d)

This report chooses Park Hyatt and InterContinental in Ho Chi Minh city, which follows the
IDEA model (Identify the problem, Develop the solution, execute a plan and access a result)
to firstly discover, interpret, and then put in comparison based on the four stages of the guest
cycle by observing their official websites and TripAdvisor because they have more than 3000
reviews for each hotel. Next, proposing recommendations for the 4 stages utilizing SMART
goals. Thirdly, addressing the feasibility of the two hotels. Lastly, giving a conclusion.


1. Pre-Arrival

This stage decides whether the guest will choose to stay in the hotel or not after searching for
all of the necessary information such as ‘location, hotel types, service diversity, and price’
and making comparisons with other brands (Manana, Ia, & Tsiuri 2018). Currently, people
prefer to look up information and refer to reviews on online travel agent (OTA) sites which
are called electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). This tool has the power to either create good
or bad impressions since it comes from people who have actually used the product, hence,
building trust for the customer to make their decision if the reviews are majorly positive
(Mathews et al. 2021). This stage comes to an end when the guests have booked a room
(Manana, Ia, & Tsiuri 2018).

As mentioned, Park Hyatt and InterContinental Saigon are 5-star hotels, plus, have the same
room types which include non-smoking rooms, family rooms, and suites (TripAdvisor n.d).
Additionally, both of them are rated 4.5 stars on TripAdvisor and located in district 1 (the
center area of Ho Chi Minh that is busy, bustling, and luxurious). However, the differences
are shown below:

Hotel Park Hyatt Intercontinental

Rankings Ranked in top 6 out of Ranked 34 out of 1,536

1,536 hotels in Saigon by hotels in Saigon by
Traveler’s choice Traveler's choice

Location Surrounded with: Surrounded with:

-637 restaurants -324 restaurants
-137 attractions -45 attractions

Language English English

Vietnamese Vietnamese

Facilities and Services -43 hotel services -58 hotel services

-11 room features -9 room features

Price 5.900.000vnd++- 2.338.000vnd++-

60.900.000vnd++ (Park 24.654.000vnd++

Hyatt n.d) (Intercontinental Saigon

Table 1: differences of Park Hyatt and intercontinental with information is collected on

Tripadvisor (n.d)

Overall, Table 1 shows that InterContinental provides more benefits for the customer in terms
of languages, amenities, and price. But Park Hyatt’s location seems to be more convenient
since the guest can easily access, discover and mingle with the local businesses, in addition, it
might offer better quality services as it is ranked a lot higher than Intercontinental.

2. Arrivals
This section exhibits the ‘moment of truth’ - it is when the booking is successful and the
guests actually show up at the hotel without any cancellations (Sam 2016). This phase
includes picking the guest up (at the airport, train station, and so forth), welcoming at the
entrance, registration, and rooming process that are composed of both human interactions
between the customers and the staff and physical facilities shown. Within, the check-in
procedure is the most important one since it might leave the guest the impression that last
(Manana, Ia, & Tsiuri 2018). Moreover, interactions such as baggage handling, giving a room
key, and directing guests to their rooms are crucial to make them feel welcomed
(setupmyhotel n.d). As a result, this part will emphasize analyzing the front desk:

Regarding the hospitality between Park Hyatt and the Intercontinental, they have uniquely
designed their front desk and brand meaning, and also when customers come, they always
have their welcome gestures (figure 1 & 2).

The receptionist is the person who has qualified knowledge of not only the whole hotel, but
also must understand how to treat and serve the guests with ‘friendliness and politeness,
attitude, grooming, loyalty and dedication, discipline, efficient and practical, honesty, and
self-confidence, so that the customers can be comfortable and have the self-esteem to enjoy
the most out of their stay (Ni, Gede, & I 2018). However, there was a case of Park Hyatt
hotel when the staff miscommunicated when handing over the room to the guest, but they still

have not finished cleaning that room. This is a communication error of the reception,
housekeeping, and departments (figure 3)

Figure 3: Negative review from the guest in Park Hyatt

Meanwhile, in an InterContinental hotel case, a customer complained about the attitude of the
staff when she laughs in front of the customer at the front desk and other staff around her did
nothing, making this customer feel ashamed of her actions (figure 4)

Figure 4: Negative review in Intercontinental hotel

The two hotels have common faults in that their staff has unacceptable attitudes towards
guests. This affects the hotel and creates negative guest experience as well as a negative
reviews. This is an issue that needs to be handled for the best customer experience.


This stage is considered an extremely important stage to create loyalty between customers
and the hotel (Jeffrey and Hubbard 1994). It can be said that this is the stage where customers
will feel and evaluate based on satisfaction with the hotel's services and is a factor that can
bring customers back or leave.

Food & Beverage (F&B)

Restaurant or food service is an essential service of any hotel, and this is also considered an
important factor creating customer satisfaction for the hotel. The FnB preparation process is
shown through the following stages: menu planning, processing, presentation of dishes and
finally serving customers with the most positive expectations (Riley 2005). F&B is also
considered as one of the hotel's business and marketing strategies for customers (Siguaw and

Enz 1999). However, it is very difficult for the hotel to ensure consistency and
synchronisation in the entire implementation chain, even negative problems or mixed
opinions from customer reviews will occur (Abukhalifeh and Mat Som 2012).

The first is the Park Hyatt hotel, in general, this hotel has the most basic preparations in the
FnB stages of a standard hotel. But there are still negative reviews, such as the fact that
'hspsaigon' customers think that the breakfast buffet here really does not create satisfaction
for them. Or in the words of 'GT22' that they are a case of a food allergy and have been
notified in advance for the hotel to prepare separately, but the restaurant department of Park
Hyatt can only accommodate "low gluten" bread instead of "gluten free" bread (Figure 6).
This shows that there are still many inadequacies in the process of receiving requests and
preparing services of the hotel, especially in the FnB stage.

Figure 6

Furthermore, the Intercontinental hotel also has a similar problem in the F&B sector. For
Matthew S, he thinks that the meal here is just enough for a standard hotel, but it's not eye-
catching and standard for 5-star hotels (Figure 7). At the same time, for the guest 'bfvermont',
it is reasonable to update environmental factors according to this guest's perception,
especially the replacement of environmentally harmful plastic products. the use of plastic in
food preservation. This shows that customer requirements will change frequently and the
hotel's flexibility in the preparation stages is necessary.

Figure 7

Spa & Lounge

Spa & Lounge is an indispensable service part of any 5-star hotel. Spa & Lounge is an
essential relaxation need of customers, especially customers who have business trips. The
careful implementation of the hotel's Spa & Lounge model is also a business plan that brings
effective revenue attraction to the hotel. But both hotels are underperforming in this part of
service delivery.

For Park Hyatt, the Spa and Lounge model here has not worked. When customers still feel
that the Lounge service is still not attracted by promotions, or the quality is not good - in his
words "Ka H' (Figure 8). Or the poor interaction between the service staff and the customer.
customer, Mr. 'ThanhHuynh' said that the rigidity in service made him uncomfortable (Figure

Figure 8

Figure 9

Furthermore, according to the review of Intercontinental hotel, customers report a lot about
the service here, which is not really attractive and is a bit boring compared to hotels with the

same price - according to the evaluation of "Rory James DOYLE" (Figure 10). Moreover, the
use of the lounge is an inconvenience to Peter H when he cannot use it when he arrives at the
hotel, due to the heterogeneity between the reception stages (Figure 11). As can be seen, the
evaluation of customers is based on 5-star standards that they have experienced elsewhere,
and they cannot get at Intercontinental.

Figure 10

Figure 11

4. Departure

Departure is the stage where customers will leave extremely useful reviews for the hotel's
business (Petkoava 2017). Specifically, at this time, after using the hotel's services, customers
will easily have positive or negative feelings. And the hotel's mission is to collect those
feelings through visiting customers at check-out (Blue and Harun 2003).

For the Park Hyatt hotel, 'TrinhDang' customers rated the hotel's check-out process as really
lacking in warmth, the communication before guests leaving was absent, including inquiries
(Figure 12). In addition, the management of the hotel throughout the stay is also the reason
why 'El_Mudo_11' chose not to return to the hotel next time after checking out. Although the
preparations for guests after check-out are still properly performed by Park Hyatt, there are
still many inadequacies between the hotel and customers (Figure 13). That's why negative
reviews still happen here.

Figure 12

Figure 13

In addition, Intercontinental also encountered similar conditions. The 'ohioscubadiver'

customer attributed poor management and ineffective customer service to what kept him from
coming back anymore since checking out (Figure 14). Because customers' expectations are
not worth the price set by the hotel, it is often difficult for customers to return after leaving
and from there, loyal customers will also choose products and services. other services,
including customer 'the_Janadians' (Figure 15).

Figure 14

Figure 15

Both hotels still leave many shortcomings that are not deserved by the standards of a 5-star
hotel, namely the negative feedback that appears in the basic problems that the hotel should
not have.


Because pre-arrival steps of both hotels are similar in terms of website displays, credible
appearance on TripAdvisor, number of positive and negative reviews, and so forth. Thus, this
part will concentrate on executing (idEa) solutions to solve more problematic stages and
which are arrival, occupancy, and departure with the application of the SMART goal.

1. Arrival:

Issues with the receptionists in InterContinental and Park Hyatt Saigon have an impact on
short- and long-term achievements of the hotels, which cause the loss of indirect costs that

are composed of recruiting, training the employees, and so on, or indirect costs such as
recovery brand image in dissatisfaction customers plus negative eWOM on social media
platforms or OTA websites that affect potential customer choice in the pre-arrival stage and
so forth (David & Jefferey 2013). Highlighting that impressive ‘moment of truth’ which is
the pleasant first interaction between the guest and the receptionist is found to have a close
relationship with a high occupancy rate (Ni, Gede, and I 2018).

Every international luxury hotel brand is always well-established with the most professional
and strict initial staff training stage, also, in the interviews based on general standards.
Nevertheless, there are still loopholes identified. And to fix the staff’s professionalism in the
serving attitude of the two hotels are:

a) Emphasizing on the result when there is customers’ feedback on the attitude are bad
such as being fired, or got heavy salary deduction.

b) Shift supervisor should be around to sincerely and immediately address the problems
like how InterContinental managers appear to help figure out the situation for the customer.

c) Checking front desk reception knowledge of the staff by making them do tests every 6

d) CCTV installations and do strict and frequent check-ups to evoke the urge of being
responsible for the job, and always reminded to treat customers as kings and queens equally.
Hence, there will be compensation for excellent staff who provide the best customer service.

2. Occupancy

F&B Problems:

In the case of Park Hyatt, the hotel fails to include a variety of food options for guests who
follow a particular diet or have health concerns. It is recommended for Park Hyatt to first
examine the problem which is repetitive and unchanging menu food items. Next, the
managers must work with the executive chef to develop new menus and calculate the cost of
implementing the new items. Conduct a survey to gather common guests’ food preferences
and concerns at the hotel through the brand’s website, then share it across social media and
OTA. Customer surveys are believed to have high ROI and guide the hotel to determine its
priority as well as retaining guests (Peek 2021). The plan should take around three weeks to

complete, then managers can start evaluating the outcomes. The goal of this recommended
execution is to evaluate guest satisfaction in the F&B services at Park Hyatt.

Similarly, Intercontinental hotel leaves visitors with bad impressions of over-using plastic in
table arrangement and environment setting. The hotel needs to inspect the issue with plastic
products disqualifying guest dining experience. It is suggested that managers of F&B
departments provide further training for staff to develop creative, up-to-date food preparation.
Most importantly, purchasing new products to replace unpleasant plastic appearance for food
preservation. Implementing those steps requires seven to ten days in order to yield the
expected results. The target of this plan is acquiring a pleasing guest experience when
consuming food or beverages at the hotel.

Spa & lounge problems:

Issues are prominent for both hotel brands in their spa and lounge model. Park Hyatt and
Intercontinental must observe the reasons why guests do not feel welcomed or greeted when
experiencing the services. The implementation of upgrading the venue and investing in
higher quality employee training programs should be their first step. Then, the two hotels
focus on renovating design elements and fabricating warm interactions between guest and
service staff. The training can be implemented in three weeks and the reconditioning stage
might take two to three weeks. Accordingly, the recommendation aims to meet guest
expectations of five-star hotels and leave customers feeling content.

3. Departure

Through investigation, it is evident that guests find Park Hyatt and Intercontinental do not
perform memorable farewell gestures as they check out. The ultimate step for managers is to
review staff performances at the front-desk and gate to detect related problems. Next,
managers can consider recruitment of new staff for the position or provide professionalism
training by empowerment for current employees. A study on employee empowerment
concluded that empowered employees can use individual skills and creativity to give
immediate solutions and responsiveness, which is a tribute to service quality enhancement
(Erstad 1997). This process roughly takes two to three weeks to improve guest farewell
gestures including the assessment of results. By implementing these steps, Park Hyatt and

Intercontinental will be able to achieve guest gratification and enhance the chances of guests
returning to the premises.


The feasibility of the location of both hotels is generally good: Park Hyatt Saigon is located
in Ben Nghe Ward District One (Park Hyatt Saigon, n.d), and InterContinental Ho Chi Minh
is located in Corner Hai Ba Trung St. & Le Duan BLVD District One (Intercontinental
Saigon, n.d). The location of the two hotels brings them strategic advantages compared to
other competitors since it is more convenient and visible for the guests to reach destinations

Secondly, Park Hyatt Saigon and InterContinental Saigon share the same level of rating in the
market with 4.5 out of 5 points in Tripadvisor (Tripadvisor, n.d). Overall, the guests are
satisfied with the service of both hotels but the rank of Park Hyatt Saigon is much higher than
its competitor. Park Hyatt Saigon has more feedback as well as positive reviews due to the
superior location and service of this hotel with the result of top 6 hotels that you should stay
in Ho Chi Minh City (Tripadvisor, n.d). Overall, the statistics of the feasibility of location
and market of Park Hyatt and InterContinental are generally good, showing their stability.

In addition, the supply and demand of the market have been changed dramatically due to the
difficult situation of the Covid-19 pandemic. It is impossible to predict the incoming
problems that happen to the hotel industry, but we can minimize the damage that it can cause.
During the lockdown of social distancing time, many five-star hotels sold their food online to
increase their revenue during this hard time (Lan, 2021). The fact is Park Hyatt Saigon has
already tried this solution by serving delicious food in multiple online apps (The Huan,
2021), but the result of this action is unknown so the author cannot justify the effectiveness of
this solution. Furthermore, the demand of customers can not be the same as the normal day
before the pandemic, the hotels need to calculate their supply carefully.

To adapt to the new demand of the market, the authors suggest both hotels should install
Ozone technology in their air conditioners. A report of Chedly (2020) concluded that Ozone
is very effective at fighting with virus SARS-Cov-2 and can be used to prevent this
pandemic. By installing this technology in the hotel, the guests will feel safer and
comfortable when staying in the hotel which can resolve safety problems inside the room.
Otherwise, the training employee program needs to change since there are several problems
that have been pointed out during the research.

In brief, the goal of the research in the feasibility of Park Hyatt Saigon and InterContinental
Saigon is to detect the problems of both hotels in terms of location, popularity, economy, and
service quality which heavily affect the Guest life cycle as well as overall performances.
With the steady situation of pandemics in Vietnam, the highest priority for hotels is ensuring
the safety of customers and the working environment for all stakeholders of the hotel.


The report closely investigated the current issues regarding the four stages of guest service at
Park Hyatt and Intercontinental Hotel. The pre-arrival stage is relatively effective for guests
to compare the available services at the two premises. However, Park Hyatt includes more
language options on its website compared to Intercontinental. When checking in, guests
disapprove of the unprofessional front-desk employee attitude. Customers also expressed
disappointment with F&B and Spa & Lounge offered at both hotel brands as they lack
attention to the quality of customer services, they believe the prices are incompatible with the
services. Likewise, the absence of geniality at Park Hyatt and Intercontinental when checking
out for guests affects their willingness to revisit. Hence, the practical recommendations will
resolve the listed problems and improve the efficiency of the guest cycle at the two hotels.
Lastly, the findings of feasibility concerning location, popularity, economy, and service
quality provide an overview for both Park Hyatt and Intercontinental to elevate their guest
cycle in a highly competitive market.


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Figure 1: intercontinental front desk

Figure 2: park hyatt front desk


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