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The research literature is compromised with related studies and materials

related to the topic of the present study. It includes previous research on the

impact of online reviews on purchasing decisions. The information gathered here

was used by the proponents as a guide for formulating frameworks and

recommendations that provided an idea for analyzing and interpreting the results

of the study.

Battha and Zina (2022), is similar to the present study as it determine the

impact of online reviews on consumer’s purchase intention. They used

descriptive method to know the results of the study. Hence, the different of the

study is they examine the impact of influencers on purchase intention of the

consumers which is not included in the present study.

The study of Sahoo (2018), is similar to the study as it focuses on

impact of online product reviews. They also examine the valence of reviews

which is connected to the present study. In contrast, the study focuses on the

product returns of the consumers and the respondents of their study is different

from the present study as they select the respondents from each brand.

E Constatinides (2016), is similar to the present study as the online survey

in the format of a questionnaire was conducted in order to survey consumer

purchasing behavior in relation to reviews . The difference is they conduct an

online survey using Qualtrics.

The dissimilarities of the study of Chen, Kou & Peng (2017-2018), on the

present study is it uses numerical stimulation to experiment and analyze the

information among online review opinions. Also it is similar to the present study

that consumers’ purchasing decision making affected by eWOm.

Unlike the present study which made use of a descriptive method and

used online survey questionnaires to gather data, the study of Chen et al. (2022)

identifies the impact of online reviews on consumers’ purchasing decisions by

employing an eye-tracking method. However, their study is similar in terms of the

respondents they target, they collect necessary data from participants with online

shopping experience.

The study of Holleschovsky and Constantinides (2016), is similar to the

present study in terms of the research design, research instrument,and sampling

design they used. Both the reviewed and the present study made use of

descriptive method to analyze the data collected, resort to online survey

questionnaires in data gathering, and refer to convenience sampling under non-

probability sampling methods. Nevertheless, they used different variables to

determine the impact of online product reviews on purchasing decisions. They

identify four main types of online review platforms which are retail websites,

independent reviewing platforms, video sharing platforms, and personal blogs

while the present study used three qualities of online reviews which are review

valence, review relevance, and review accuracy.

Unlike the present study, the study of Macasaet and Bantang (2017),

focuses on the criteria of online purchasing while the present study focuses on

the impact of online reviews to purchasing decisions. Hence, the similarities of

the study is they used descriptive research method and Google Form as a survey

questionnaire for the respondents.

Laviña and Bantang (2021), have similarities to the present study in terms

of respondents as their respondents are online consumers. It also determine the

purchase intention in online shopping. And the difference of the study is their

study examine the scarcity messages with price discounts in online shopping

while the present study is investigating the impact of online reviews.

The study conducted by Brazil et al. (2022), is related to the current

research as it aimed in identifying the effect of the quality of the website of an

online shop on the purchase intention of consumers. They also used similar

instrument in data gathering in the form of online survey questionnaires and was

disseminated through various social media platforms. However, there is also a

discrepancy between the previous and current study. They did not established

any limitations for their respondents, they were randomly selected unlike to the

present study which set the minimum age requirement of the participants.

Bañares et al. (2022), conducted a research which is similar to the present

study in terms of the research instrument they used to gather data from the

respondents. They are both quantitative research study but they used different

method, the previous one used descriptive correlational approach to identify the
relationship between the dependent variable and independent variable while the

current study used descriptive method.

Andoy et al. (2022), conducted a study to identify the factors that influence

review credibility and its effect on purchase intention by using a correlational type

of design which differs from the present study which used a descriptive method.

On the other hand, they both used review accuracy as one of their variables to

identify the credibility of the review.

The study of Dulay et al. (2022), is different to the present study in terms

of the age of the respondents they target in conducting the study. The target of

their study is limited to Gen Y and Gen Z as they used descriptive-comparative

design while the present study targeted 15 years old and above and employed a

descriptive method. However, they are similar to the data gathering instrument

they used; they both used online survey questionnaires.

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