It Was For Many Centuries Since Writers That This Has Come To Be Called The "Gastronomic Generation of 27"

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Gastronomy or Spanish cuisines are the dishes, ingredients, techniques, and all the culinary
traditions practiced in Spain. The cuisine of origin oscillates between rural and coastal styles, and
that represents a diversity resulting from many cultures, as well as landscapes and climates.


The gastronomy of Spain is a varied way of preparing dishes, which is enriched by the
contributions of the various regions that make up the country. Spanish cuisine has been strongly
influenced throughout its history by the peoples that conquered its territory, as well as the
peoples that it later colonized. This situation has given it a great reputation in Europe, and it is
between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century that it acquires a
national identity, based on its different dishes and culinary techniques.
It was for many centuries since writers that this has come to be called the "gastronomic generation
of 27".
Food Time:

In Spain, there are 3 main meals: breakfast (it varies a lot depending on the time work starts, but
the most common is to take it between 7 and 9 in the morning. However, you can have breakfast
in a hotel until 10 or 10:30 a.m. and in a cafeteria until 11 a.m.), lunch (2 and 3 p.m.) and dinner (9
and 10 p.m.) and another 2 secondary ones that only some people take: brunch (mid-morning, 11
or 12) and snack (mid-afternoon, 6 to 6:30 p.m.).


The hours vary a lot depending on the start time of the work, but the most common is to take it
between 7 and 9 in the morning. However, you can have breakfast in a hotel until 10 or 10:30 and
in a cafeteria until 11 or 12).

The typical breakfast dishes are very varied and different in each part or region of Spain.

It is a light meal consisting of drinks and something to eat.

Black coffee, cut coffee (more coffee than milk) and coffee with milk (it can be with milk), fresh
orange juice (usually freshly squeezed orange juice), fruit, tea, or an infusion.

Pastries (donuts with or without chocolate coverage, croissants that can be butter and churros
with chocolate, cookies), toast with butter and jam or toast with oil and tomato (optional Iberian
ham) and salty a small sandwich with different fillings, generally sausages or cheese (thin and
elongated flute and short and thick mini or flea, tortilla pincho (a piece of potato omelet
accompanied by bread.


It is taken in the middle of the morning, usually around noon in the middle of the working day. For
many Spaniards it is a second breakfast since the one they make at home first thing in the morning
is very light. It is very common to have some tapas in a bar.

It is the most important meal of the day, it is not usual to eat standing up, people sit down and
usually eat a full menu, even if they are working

First course:

Salad (with cheese or tuna, egg or even ham), pasta, vegetables or legumes, rice

Second course:

Some meat (pork, beef, rabbit, deer), fish or shellfish, or more sophisticated dishes such as a noble
cut of meat or lobster

The first and second course is accompanied by bread

Drink: Wine or water


Fruit, ice cream, or traditional sweets (custard or curd or typical desserts of the region)

It is very common to drink coffee to close the meal.

Afternoon snack:

It is a mid-afternoon meal around 18:00 almost exclusively for children. It usually consists of a
sandwich accompanied by milk, yogurt, fruit, or something sweet (cookies).


It is usually much lighter than lunch and cooked with fresh food, it usually only has a main course
(soup, salad, eggs, etc.) with a dessert (fruit, yogurt, etc.).


Coffee, churros with chocolate, orange juice

Coffee, toast with olive oil and tomato, orange juice

Coffee, tortilla chips, orange juice


Spanish tortilla

Shrimp Scampi

Spicy potatoes


black rice

Senyoret rice

Plenty of rice



Valencian paella

baked suckling lamb

Extremadura fried suckling pig


Pumpkin Fritters

Galician larpeira cake

Carolinas of Bilbao

Afternoon snack:


Andalusian gazpacho

ratatouille manchego

Castilian garlic soup


rice pudding

Extremadura bones

Santiago's cake



Coffee, churros with chocolate, orange juice (oranges) (water, flour, salt, baking powder, olive oil,
white sugar)

Coffee, toast with olive oil and tomato, orange juice (olive oil, tomato, toast)

Coffee, tortilla skewer, orange juice (potato, egg, onion, salt, pepper, oil, bread, tomato)


Spanish omelet (egg, onion, parsley, potatoes, green pepper, salt)

Gambas al ajillo (shrimp, garlic, dried chilies, olive oil, salt, pepper,

Patatas bravas (potatoes, oil, salt, onion, water, flour, olive oil, garlic, meat broth)



Black rice (rice, cuttlefish, shrimp, onion, tomato, garlic, green pepper, fish broth, white wine, olive
oil, cuttlefish, or squid ink)

Senyoret rice

Arroz a banda (rice, medium cuttlefish, prawn grains, tomato, garlic, onion, sweet pepper, food
coloring, oil, salt, pepper)

Fideuá (noodles, fish broth, oil, salt, onion, green pepper, tomato, squid, shrimp,


Valencian paella (rice, chicken, rabbit, green beans, carob beans, artichoke, snails, olive oil, sweet
pepper, crushed tomato, saffron, rosemary, salt)

Baked suckling lamb (leg of lamb, water, salt, lettuce, tomato, onion)

Extremaduran fried suckling pig (suckling pig, garlic, sweet pepper, rosemary, thyme, basil, pitarra
wine, olive oil, salt)


Pumpkin fritters (pumpkin, flour, egg, sugar, orange zest, lemon zest, cinnamon powder, salt, yeast
or baking powder, oil)

Galician larpeira cake (flour, sugar, milk, yeast, butter, salt, lemon zest, corn, cinnamon, egg, anise)

Carolinas de Bilbao (puff pastry, butter, sugar, egg, flour, milk, ground cinnamon, water, egg yolk,
sugar, dark chocolate)

Afternoon snack:


Andalusian gazpacho (tomato, garlic, olive oil, white bread, green pepper, cucumber, wine vinegar,

Manchego ratatouille (garlic, onion, green pepper, red pepper, tomato, courgette, salt, ground
black pepper, olive oil)

Castilian garlic soup (


Rice pudding (milk, sugar, cinnamon, lemon peel, orange peel, rice, cinnamon powder)
Huesillos Extremadura (flour, sugar, egg, olive oil, milk, lemon zest, ground anise, yeast, lemon
peel, orange peel)

Santiago cake (Egg, ground almonds, cinnamon, sugar, lemon zest)

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