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Assignment 7

"Modern Systems Analysis and Design" (by Joseph S. Valacich & Joey F. George)


Things that need to be considered:

● Skills of user (confidence in usage of computer or beginner)

● Requirements of the user
● Variety of tasks
● Aims of the task
● Purposes and capabilities of the system

They can be used to address questions in designing forms:

● Who will use the form or report?

● What is the purpose of the form or report?
● When is the form or report needed and used?
● Where does the form or report need to be delivered and used?
● How many people need to use or view the form or report?



1. Color attracts your attention

2. Help to bring focus to unspeakable material
3. Warnings attract focus
4. Helps to manage complex systems


1. Color won't make sense for certain consumers ( e.g. color blindness)
2. More adjustments are required to print or convert
3. Resolution and color fidelity on various displays may decline

Flaws in existing design:

● Title is the same size as the table text and is not attractive
● It is difficult to differentiate the rows due to too small marginings
● Ineffective organization

Assumption: User of the form can navigate easily by Customer-ID


Avoid misclicks Buttons or links that open new pages should

not locate too close

Adaptiveness Web page must be adaptive to all devices,

e.g. smartphones, tablets and other devices

Quick access to the main page User must be provided with quick access to
main page from every page


Improvements that can be found:

● Clear and different column names for each type using bold or uppercase
● Columns have 2 spaces between them
● Numeric data such as purchase, payment are right justified
● Textual details such as date are left justified


Google browser’s menu:

● Wording: Titles are given meaningful names
● Wording: Menu items are displayed in mixed uppercase and lowercase letters and have a
clear, unambiguous interpretation
● Organization: Related options are be grouped together - History
● Length: The number of menu choices do not exceed the length of the screen
● Length: Submenus are used to break up exceedingly long menus - History, Bookmarks
● Selection: Consequences of each option is clear due to the arrows that indicate
● Highlighting: Highlighting is minimized and used only to convey selected options -
Downloads are highlighted


1. Graphics tablet - student grades

2. Keyboard - student grades
3. Trackball - handling invoices
4. Mouse - handling invoices
5. Touchscreen - interaction with user


Changing the paragraph orientation may be achieved quickly and in a normal way. The
explanation given is simple to understand. The connection in 1 button offers the differentiation
of 3 choices. The order is natural (center-right, left-hand alignment).

Spacing however is difficult to use, as it takes so many clicks to enforce your own spacing form.


I've had experience in usage of screen, keyboard and joystick .

I comply with all the evaluations given in Tables 11-3 and 11-4, but in my experience "movement
scaling" for a joystick is unenforceable.


I have exactly the same findings as in the table and I will apply a digit test here (may be
appropriate, for example, for impossible percentages in salaries or non-integer percentages). I
would also search for encryption (with passwords or secret-words) if necessary.


Microsoft Word has old-fashioned user interface, possibility of data loss, not easy to share.
However, it has many installed mockups and is resistant to change in the quality of the photos

Google Docs has a more user-friendly design, is reliable and is easy to share due to the usage of
cloud storage, but there is loss of image when it is inserted.

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