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Part 1:

1. What is environmental pollution?

Human activities directly or indirectly affect the environment adversely. In my
perspective, the definition of environment pollution is the introduction
of pollutants into the environment, that harmful to humans or other living creatures
and damage the environment, as a result of human activities. Environment
contaminants can be chemical substances, or fossil fuels emissions from factories
2. What are the causes of environmental pollution in your area?
I live in Hue city, which can be considered as one of the industrial center of
Viet Nam’s Central. Therefore, developmental activities that occur daily such as
construction and manufacturing not only deplete the natural resources but also
produce a great amount of wastes that triggers to pollution of air, water, soil, and
oceans. There are natural events such as forest fires, leading to environmental
pollution in my city too.

3. What are the consequences of environmental pollution?

Environmental pollution is not a new phrase, yet it remains one of the pressing
issues facing humanity, leading to environmental causes of diseases and mortality
to humans and other living organisms. It has negative impacts on the environment
such as the provision of clean air and clean water without which life on Earth as
we know it would not exist. Moreover, due to environmental pollution, there is an
imbalance in nature, posing a serious threat to many faunas and floras. The
consequence is the extinction of a wide range of species
Part 2:
1. What kind of experience are different crowds of people having?
Both photos illustrate people are enjoying their experience when taking part in
an activity but in different spaces and situation.
Picture 1
A crow is engaging in an outdoor activity => Standing and clapping => A
music concert
The event takes place in a huge stadium => The atmosphere seems to be lively
and dynamic => The audiences are enjoying the vibrant music which is played by
the performers
People are wearing casually clothes => An informal music events, which is
may be included in a summer festival in that area
The stadium is fraught with audiences and music instruments => Everyone has
to jostle each other
Attracting a large number of people, especially the youngster to participate =>
Be able to establish new relationship with others

Picture 2
People are involving in an indoor activity => A movie theatre
Their emotional expression seems to be overwhelmed and excited=> Watching
adventurous or action film => Providing thrilling and stimulant feelings to the
The room is dark and private => Uncrowded => Create a pleasant and
delightful atmosphere
People from a wide range of ages come to watch the movie => Enjoying their
experience in the movie theatre => Strengthen the relationship between friends and
family members
2. What did people do in order to organize the different birthday
Both images show how people in a family celebrate a birthday party for a
member in their family but in different places and situations

Picture 1:
The function is taken place indoor => In a stage which is set up in a white tent
=> The arrangement is extravagant and luxurious
In the center => An elderly couple => standing and taking photo together =>
wearing black suit and white prom dress
The guests are dressing formally => Stylish and fashionable clothes =>
Wealthy and prosperous people
The tables are fraught with foods and drinks => Diverse menu from sweets to
savory dishes => The dishes are presented delicately and skillfully => Cost an arm
and a leg
The atmosphere => Pleasant and delightful => Everyone is enjoying the
Picture 2:
The event is held in an outdoor space => A garden
In the center => A group of people => Members in a family => Gathering in
order to celebrate a birthday party for an elder woman => grandmother
Everyone is wearing casual clothes => Standing around the table and cheering
There is a birthday cake with some refreshments and foods that maybe were
cooked by themselves on the table
Only invite a few family members and friends => A simple and unobtrusive
celebration => Shows the coziness and homeliness
Conclusion: Both picture depict the birthday celebrations which are organized
in an opposite way
The first photo => the arrangement is extravagant and luxurious
The second photo => A simple yet cozy party that is taken place at home
The differences in the way how people celebrate a party => Everyone is joyful
and enjoying the moment
Part 3:

A teenage girl is reading a book in the middle of the wood => Only trees and
plants around her => The harmony between human and nature => The vibe is
aesthetic => rustic and pacific picture

Sunset at seaside => A man is lying on a cliff next to a lighthouse => The
ocean is in front of him => Boundless and immense
He is relaxing and enjoying the dusk fall => The photo is covered with
peaceful and tranquility => A picturesque scene which can immerse others easily

An adult man in his working place => A toy store => There is a shelf fraught
with toys behind him
He is working hard and industrious => Make an attempt to finish the toy train
=> His daily tasks => The picture depicts the diligence and passion of an employee
towards his work

In the center => A girl who maybe in her early 20s => Making a telephone call
while looking at something attentively
She is standing in the middle of the street => A large number of people =>
Everyone seems to be in a rush => Illustrate a fast-paced urban area => The city
dwellers are busy with their hectic schedule

A group of people => Members in a family => Sitting around the table =>
Holding each other hand => Praying before having their meals together => Their
expression seems to be joyful and => They are cherishing the moment that
everyone having meal together as a close - knit family => Contribute significantly
to strengthen the family relationship => A cozy and snug family scene

An adult woman is in her office => Looking at the camera and smiling
There are other people in the image => Her co-workers => They look energetic
and passionate
Despite the fact that there are plenty of documents and note stickers on the
desk => The woman still enjoying her work => Describe a positive working
environment => The importance of being happy in your job => Provide employees
with satisfaction at workplace => Increase productivity
Members in a baseball team => In the restroom after a baseball competition
They are hugging each other excitedly => In their good spirit => Cheering for
their victory => Illustrate a joyful and cheerful memory
Part 4:
1. Do you take a lot of photographs?
I’m not an artistry individual => Not involving in taking photo frequently
It’s only a method to capture those precious and valuable moments => I usually
snap a few of selfie picture and send them to my close friend when travelling to
another destination => Sharing my experience without words
2. What are your favorite photographs that you possess? Why are they
your favorites?
A photo which included a family reunion on Tet holiday last year => Each
member in my family are busy with their own schedule the only=> Tet holiday is
the only occasion that all family members can gather together => The image has a
remarkable meaning to me => It provides an opportunity to commemorate this
meaningful memory
3. When do you/your family/your friends take photos? What do you/they
do with these photographs?
My best friend usually taking photos of me whenever we hanging out together
=> She has been into photography since she was a high school student => She
always bring a camera with her to get a snap of others expression
Most of her photos are storage on a portable device like USB. She also keeps
her picture on iCloud which allows her to storage a large amount of data
4. Some people say that taking lots of photographs is a waste of time. What
do you think?
I partially agree with the statement
On the one hand, it is claimed that taking photos is not the perfect memory-
retention tool => When taking picture => Not able to enjoy the moment =>
Snapping too many pictures could actually harm the brain's ability to retain
memories => Spoiling your memories of important events

On the other hands => Photos tilt your memories toward the good experiences
you've had => A way to commemorate those meaningful memories => Taking a
large number of picture shows the desire to hold on to the moment of a person

5. What kind of surroundings do you particularly like to be in?

A person who love nature => I find the surrounding with landscape in the
second photo is most appealed to involve in

A harmonious moment of human and nature => A method to release negative

energy and recharge myself with positive energy

6. What kind of surroundings do/would you dislike being in?

The photo which describe the city life attract me the least => A large
metropolis which depict a hectic pace of life => Detest the feeling
of hustling through crowds of people as well as the energy of metropolitan city

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