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Answer 1:

1. Payback Period and Average Rate of Return

Payback Period
Cash Flow Cumulative Cash Inflow
1 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00
2 $ 25,000.00 $ 45,000.00
3 $ 30,000.00 $ 75,000.00
4 $ 50,000.00 $ 125,000.00

The initial investment of the project is $75000, Now, $75000 is completely recovered in 3 rd year,
the payback period for the project is 3 years. This means that in three years the project will return
the initial cost of the investment.

Average Rate of Return

We know,
Average rate of return= Average expected profit/Initial Investment*100

Cash Flow Required Rate of Return 20% Expected Profit
1 $ 20,000.00 $ 24,000.00 $ 4,000.00
2 $ 25,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 5,000.00
3 $ 30,000.00 $ 36,000.00 $ 6,000.00
4 $ 50,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 10,000.00
Total Expected Profit $ 25,000.00
Average Expected Profit $ 6,250.00
Average Rate of Return $ 8.33

Since the required rate of return is 20%, we can calculate expected profit, going through the
calculation, it is found that the average rate of return for the project is $ 8.33%.

2. Net Present Value
We know,
NPV= Cash flow/(1+i) t - Initial Investment
i = Required rate of return
t = Number of time periods
Year Cash Flow PV @ 20% Present Value
1 $ 20,000.00 0.833 $ 16,660.00
2 $ 25,000.00 0.694 $ 17,350.00
3 $ 30,000.00 0.579 $ 17,370.00
4 $ 50,000.00 0.482 $ 24,100.00
Total Present Value $ 75,480.00
Less: Initial Investment $ 75,000.00
Net Present Value $ 480.00

Since the NPV of project is positive which is $480, the project is feasible, and I recommend this
project based on positive Net Present Value.

3. Net Present Value with Inflation 4%

Cash Flow Inflation 4% PV @ 20% Present Value
1 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,800.00 0.833 $ 17,326.40
2 $ 25,000.00 $ 27,040.00 0.694 $ 18,765.76
3 $ 30,000.00 $ 33,747.00 0.579 $ 19,539.51
4 $ 50,000.00 $ 58,495.00 0.482 $ 28,194.59
Total Present Value $ 83,826.26
Less: Initial Investment $ 75,000.00
Net Present Value $ 8,826.26

If the inflation rate is expected to 4% yearly for the next four years, the value of cash flow rises
along with the rise in Net Present Value which is $8826.26. Since the NPV is positive the project
is accepted.

Answer 2:
1. Network Diagram:

ES Earliest Start Time
EF Earliest Finish Time
LS Latest Start Time
LF Latest Finish Time

2. Critical Path
Any project's critical path is the set of tasks that, from project start to finish, have the longest
anticipated time to complete them. This path is the most important since even the slightest of
delays in any of the operations along it will cause the project's projected completion date to shift.
(Luenendonk, 2022)

We can calculate critical path with above network diagram, the critical path for Razman &
Associates is:
The path A-D-E-G-I-J has a slack value of 0 days that’s why it is a critical path, any delay in any
activity of critical path delays the entire project.
The duration for complete project is 97 days.

3. Slack Time on activities C, F & H
The phrase "slack time" is actually used in project management to describe the amount of time
that is available between different project milestones. It outlines how much time you have before
beginning a specific project job in order to keep the project on schedule. The project will be
delayed if you exceed the slack time. When certain project tasks take longer than others, slack
time is created. (Alcocer, 2022)

Activity Earliest Start Latest Start Slack Time (LS-ES)
C 5 3 64 61
F 40 18 38 20
H 7 58 78 20

The slack value of activity C is 61 days which means that Razman & Associates can delay step C
by 61 days without compromising overall time line of the project, if activity C is delayed more
than 61 days it will impact the time line of the project.
Furthermore, the slack value of activity F & H is 20 days which means that Razman &
Associates can delay step F & H by 20 days without compromising overall time line of the
project, if activity F & H is delayed more than 20 days it will impact the time line of the project.

1. Introduction
Prime Mojo Resources Sdn Bhd (PMR) founded in 1990 by Syed Mokhtar AlBukhary.
The PMR hold true to the values established by Syed and remain committed to
craftsmanship and customer service. Our success in providing quality general
contracting services has always been dependent on the talent and commitment of our
employees. PMR has been fortunate to acquire and retain many talented people who
are committed to our company and our clients.

Over the decades, we have grown and changed with the various work that we do her in
Malaysia. We have succeeded in establishing ourselves as one of the most prominent
commercial construction firms in Malaysia and have utilized our resources to become
one of the premiere companies of Malaysia. We are also growing our company by
expanding into other construction activities.

The AES stands for Automated Enforcement System, The Automated Enforcement
System helps to operate cameras that able to capture high resolution images of
offences committed by traffic offenders and relay them to the relevant authorities for the
issuance of the relevant summons in accordance to provisions under the road
transports. Our company have received five years contract of installing AES in all four
regions in the Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak, the company received RM700 million to
resume installing AES within five years.

2. Project Organization
An organizational structure is a framework that specifies how certain tasks are to be
carried out in order to meet the objectives of an organization. Rules, roles, and
obligations may be a part of these activities. How information is transferred across
layers of the organization is likewise governed by its organizational structure.

A centralized structure, for instance, makes choices from the top down, whereas a
decentralized structure distributes decision-making authority among different

organizational levels. Companies may stay effective and focused by using an
organizational structure. (Kenton, 2022)

The following organization structures shows the project organization of PMR:

Company Director

Director: Finance Director
& Corporate Program
Public Relation

Internal Auditor Project Manager

Front Line Staff

Figure 2.1: Organization structure of PMR

The administration of people resources in PMR is governed by human resource policies

and procedures. The management team, which consists of the directors of finance and
corporate, program operations, and public relations, mobilizes the organization. For
governance, risk management, and guaranteeing the internal PMR control system, the
company has an internal audit department.

There are about 100 employees total at the company, including front-line workers and
those who work in offices. While office-based staff are in charge of supporting frontline

staff, keeping daily financial and operational records, managing public relations,
conducting social audits, and reporting to various stakeholders, including funding
agencies, frontline staff are situated in various geographic locations and work closely
with community members.

The key roles and responsibility of team members are given in table below

S.No. Team No. Roles and Responsibilities Qualification

1 Director – 1 The individual is responsible for Chartered
finance and overview of the financial and corporate Accountant /
corporate affairs of the company and ensures Professional
financial stability, proper financial Accountants
record keeping and preparing policies
and procedures of the company.
2 Director – 1 The individual is responsible for Degree in project
program planning, executing, monitoring and management and
operations revising all programs including project business
team management, program delivery, management
strategic shift in project locations, new
programs development and oversight
on program implementation and
3 Director - 1 The individual is responsible for setting Degree in
public relations objectives for public relations, marketing,
maximizing brand presence vis various communication or
media, maintaining relations with journalism
various stakeholders; funding agencies,
Government agencies, media,
customers etc.
4 Internal Auditor 1 The individual is responsible for Chartered
auditing internal control system of the Accountants
company, checking accuracy if the
financial reports, safeguarding assets
and people, ensuring policies and
procedures are followed across the
company by everyone.

4 Project 1 The individual is responsible for overall Engineering
Manager project supervision, monitoring and
reporting to senior management.
Table 2.1: Key Roles and Responsibility

3. Objectives of the Project

The primary objectives of the project are to Install and roll out AES in all the four regions
of Peninsular, as well as Sabah and Sarawak within the next five years with allocated

4. Risk Analysis: describe possible project risks, the likelihood of these risks
arising & the risk resolution strategies developed
Project risk analysis is crucial since it aids in project managers' identification of a
project's shortcomings, strengths, and potential possibilities. One must become
knowledgeable about prospective issues or "high risk" threats that could adversely
influence a scheduled project's successful completion in order to analyze risks
efficiently. To prevent or reduce losses, it is essential to make a list of all unforeseen
circumstances that could affect the technology, resources, and processes of an ongoing
project. A robust readiness plan is part of a comprehensive mitigation strategy and is
necessary to manage losses efficiently.
Management gives a platform to close the gaps and take advantage of the opportunities
that come with those risks by understanding the risks. Risk analysis jobs demand a
powerful team of a competent project manager and skilled technical employees to
tackle the risks within the scope of their respective specialties.

The possible project risks for PMR are:

4.1 Technological Risk: The technology component of project management is a

complicated deliverable due to the rapid emergence of new and cutting-edge
technologies. Data security, organizational services, compliance, and information
security are all seriously threatened by a project's technological components.
Technology-related risks are more difficult to manage because installing new IT
systems frequently necessitates training new staff members and purchasing new

software. There are additional technological hazards as well, such as service
interruptions, which could cause delays and project failure.

4.2 Cost Risk: The project's success could be jeopardized by a lack of cash or poor
financial management brought on by an overly ambitious budget or other restrictions.
The risk may migrate to other operations and labor segments if the project cost exceeds
the allocated money. The decrease in funds could also have an impact on the incidence
of a scope risk.

4.3 Operational Risk: Poorly implemented vital operations and fundamental processes,
such as production or procurement, may cause a project to stagnate or end. A loss
could be experienced directly or indirectly as a result of inadequate or unsuccessful
qualitative, quantitative, or strategic efforts. Operational hazards vary depending on the
project type and include:

 IT System Risk
 Human and Process Risk
 Financial Capacity Risk

4.4 Health and Safety Risk: One form of risk that can jeopardize a company's
compliance standards is health and safety. A company's health and safety standards
should be continuously examined and monitored to spot any potential dangers that
could cost it money or get it in trouble. The risk can also result in health issues for
employees or clients, which could be detrimental to a company's reputation. The
management is in charge of creating ongoing health and safety risk monitoring in the
business's facilities and with regard to its goods and services.

4.5 Performance Risk: A project has a perceived performance risk when the planned
results are unlikely to be realized. The risk naturally affects the business's overall
performance. Such a situation would necessitate additional funding, a possible fine for
nonperformance, and it might also influence the competitors' performance.

4.6 Market Risk: Market risk is likely to manifest itself when a project doesn't achieve
the expected results. The advantage could be used by rivals to bankrupt the company
and drive it out of business. Commodity and international market fluctuations could also

pose a danger to the project's early estimates. Sales of the project's products may also
be hampered by liquidity, credit, and interest rate fluctuations.

4.7 External Hazards Risk: A prospective risk is an uncontrollable unfavorable event

that is likely to occur. These dangers can take many different shapes and forms, such
as terrorism, earthquakes, vandalism, storms, floods, and civil upheaval. When such
things happen, a project could stagnate or end. Organizations can avert significant
losses or damage from an unforeseen external threat by implementing the proper
monitoring methods.

4.8 Communication Risk: When you are in control of a project, you must closely
adhere to a key work ethic called effective and prompt communication. Organizing
meetings with stakeholders, such as project donors, enables you to keep track of
developments, reassign tasks, and promote a strong sense of teamwork. With all the
communication tools and channels at our disposal, team members occasionally
overlook the essentials of efficient communication, which can result in data loss or
disinformation, project disruption, and other problems.

The likelihood of associated risk of project and risk mitigation strategy is shown in given
table below:

S. No Potential Risk Risk Mitigation Plan
1 Technological Risk High Avoid & Control
2 Cost Risk Low Accept & Monitor
3 Operational Risk High Avoid & Control
4 Health and Safety Risk Medium Control & Share
5 Performance Risk Low Accept & Monitor
6 Market Risk High Avoid & Control
7 External Hazards Risk Medium Control & Share
8 Communication Risk Medium Control & Share

Table 4.1: Potential Risk and Mitigation for AES installation

5. Required Resource

The project has budgeted for the roles necessary to carry out project operations at the
community level and to guarantee the effective and efficient execution of daily tasks.
Costing for the necessary human resources to complete the project has been done in
accordance with organizational policy and local law.

5.1 People: I have already mentioned about the people required for completion of
project. We will make a team of highly qualified people, along with that we have a
project manager for this specific project who will directly report to our director: Program
and Operation. Under the project manager there will be numbers of front-line staffs who
will be responsible for installation of AES. The frontline staff included all the drivers and
labor associated with this project. We will also have numbers of engineers responsible
for quality inspection and site visits to ensure the quality.

5.2 Equipment: The core objectives of project is to install AES; the location is in
different regions. Since we have multiple numbers of people working in different
department of the project, considering all the human resources we have needful
Equipments will be allocated.

So, considering the nature of project following equipment will be required for the
completion of project:

S.N. Equipment Quantity

1 Vehicle: For Staff Transfer 3
2 Vehicle: Equipment Transfer 6
3 Laptop 5
4 Radio Communication System 1
5 Printers 3
6 Installation Equipment 10

Table 5.1: Required Equipments for Project

5.3 Materials & Facilities: Employees have a fundamental right to safe working
conditions. They need to have absolute confidence that their workplace won't do them
any damage. They will also be safely ejected in the event of any natural disaster or
human error. Frontline employees will be protected by rigorous safety measures.

We must control some welfare facilities in the workplace for the benefit of our personnel,
which will ultimately encourage them to devote more time to the project. We will give the
workers amenities like pure and clean drinking water, a tidy lunchroom, and a two-way
shuttle service from the office to their homes.

6. Project Success Criteria

The industry in which your business operates, your business itself, and the goals you
have in mind will all affect the project success criteria. However, they might be
considered to be the quantifiable conditions or elements required for a project's effective
conclusion. The project deliverables and the project benefits serve as the basis for the
project success criterion. (Project,, 2022)
Project management's most important and fundamental component is the project
success criterion. Any team without them would be working in the dark without knowing
what their ultimate objectives are. So, in order to serve as a guide as the project
develops, we must first establish and define our success criterion. The following are the
project success criteria for PMR.

 We will complete of installation project within five years period.

 We will complete our project with the allocated budget of RM700 million.
 We will carry out planned training for appropriate team.
 We will raise the proper level of customer and team awareness of the project.
 The project will achieve all financial and commercial goals for revenue and profit.
 The project's quality objectives will be accomplished, as per the Quality
Management Plan.

7. Change Control System

Change control is a mechanism used to handle any requests for changes that affect the
project's baseline. It is a method of documenting that change from the time it is

identified through each stage of the project cycle. That entails assessing the request
and deciding whether to approve, reject, or defer it. (Westland, 2022)

This procedure is designed to prevent you from making changes to the project that are
unnecessary. The last thing you want to do is waste time and money by interrupting the
project without a valid reason. Following approval, all modifications are documented. A
more comprehensive change management strategy includes the change control
procedure. (Westland, 2022)
As we are aware of the process that take to change control system, we will not change
any control system in our installation program. But if there is need of change in control
system we will do so as per the framework developed by PMR.

8. Gantt Chart & Project Milestone

The Gantt chart was created by American mechanical engineer Henry Gantt (1861–
1919). A Gantt chart is a popular tool for displaying a project schedule graphically. The
start and end dates of a project's components, such as resources, planning, and
dependencies, are displayed in this particular style of bar chart. The most used chart in
project management is the Gantt chart. These flowcharts can be used to plan a project
and specify the order in which various tasks must be completed. The graph is typically
presented as a horizontal bar graph. (Grant, 2022). A milestone is a certain point at
which your project has advanced in its timeframe. This milestone recognizes the
accomplishment of significant activities and occasions within your project. To complete
the project on time and accomplish the remaining objectives, project teams work hard to
hit milestones. To represent the overall progress, they are used to segment a timeline
into stages. (Kukhnavets, 2021)
The given chart shows the project schedule of AES installation, the presented Gantt
chart is of only of two months, as per our available resources we will be able to install
30 AES in 30 location withing two months of time. If our resources and other things
remain the same our project will be finished before the estimated date.

Figure 8.1: Gantt Chart for AES Installation

9. Network Diagram
A project network is a graph that shows the tasks, dependencies, and timing of your
project. A network diagram, on the other hand, uses graphics to depict the actions and
events of a project. It demonstrates the relationships between the various project
activities, the necessity of completing tasks in a particular order, and the significance of
finishing some tasks before others. (Wondershare, 2022).
Project managers utilize project network diagrams as planning tools to create and carry
out projects. It enables you to see the project's operations in a logical order and finish
the project with the fewest possible obstacles. (Wondershare, 2022)

The network diagram for our project is prepares using given table, the table shows all
the activities that will be done for installation of AES.

NO Activity Preceding Activities

A Black Spot Identification None
B Mark Camera Location Among 800 Black Spot A
C Start Installation Process: Excavation A
D Start Installation Process: Pole Placing B, C
E Start Installation Process: Electrical Work C
F Start Installation Process: Camera Placing D
G Camera Configuration F
H Evaluate Signal Quality and Performance E
I Complete the Paper work G, H
Table 9.1: Work Schedule for AES Installation

Figure 9.1: Network Diagram of PMR Project

The above figure shows the network diagram for PMR project, the network diagram is
developed showing only network path of the project.

10. Responsibility Matrix

A chart known as a RACI matrix is used to identify and specify the roles and
responsibilities of team members in relation to project tasks. The letters R, A, C, and I
are used in a RACI matrix to group team duties. Responsible, Accountable, Consulted,
and Informed are the initials of this acronym. (Project, 2022)
The responsibility matrix for PMR installation project is shown in table below:
Director Director
Project Program Company
Project Tasks Finance & Public
Manager Operatio Director
Corporate Relation
Planning Phase
Technology Recommendations R I C I C
Financial Plan R I I I
Marking Location R I
Execution Phase
Excavation & Pole Placing A I
Electrical Work & Camera Placing A I
Camera Configuration R I I
Control Phase

Evaluate Signal Quality and Performance R C I

Close Phase
Create Lessons Learned R
Create Closure Report R I C I I

Table 10.1: Responsibility Matrix for PMR

11. Project Closure

Prime Mojo Resources Sdn Bhd (PMR) is Malaysian based organization remain
committed to craftsmanship and customer service throughout these years. PMR has
been fortunate to acquire and retain many talented people who are committed to our
company and our clients. AES Solution Sdn Bhd, a government-owned company under
the Ministry of Finance recently commissioned our company, Prime Mojo Resources
Sdn Bhd (PMR), to resume implementing the RM700 million AES nation-wide. We have
to ensure the installation and roll-outs of AES at pre-identified 800 “black spots”
throughout all the four main regions in the Peninsular, as well as Sabah and Sarawak
within the next five years.

Human resource policies and procedures control how people resources are managed in
PMR. The organization is mobilized by the management team, which comprises of the
directors of corporate and finance, program operations, and public relations. The
corporation has an internal audit department for governance, risk management, and
ensuring the internal PMR control system. There are about 100 employees total at the
company, including front-line workers and those who work in offices.

For the successful completion of project and in order to mitigate various risk associated
with the project we have identified various risk and strategy to mitigate such risk.
Various required equipment and people are allocated for the optimum utilization of
resources. For the motivation facilities are provided to potential employees. So, in order
to serve as a guide as the project develops, we have established and define our
success criterion, network diagram, responsibility matrix and Gantt chart etc.

As per the various analysis our project will be completed before the given timeline, as
we will be able to place 30 AES within 30 days of time, which means we will place 800
AES system just in 4.5 years, so we will successfully complete AES installation project 6
months prior to the given time frame.


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