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Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova

General Department for Education, Youth and Sport

“PETRU RAREȘ” Theoretical Lyceum

Chișinău, 2015
Aim: to develop children’s communication skills in English
Cognitive objectives:
 to increase the interest of children in learning English;
 to strengthen and expand children’s vocabulary;
 to improve students’ oral communication skills;
 to deepen the knowledge of English.
Developing objectives:
 to develop children’s memory, diction, linguistic skills;
 to develop the creativity, initiative and independence;
 to develop the mechanism of dialogic communication;
 to develop the interest in mastering a foreign language.
Educational objectives:
 to cultivate the love for Christmas by means of a foreign language;
 to cultivate the ability to listen to each other;
 to bring a positive attitude towards the foreign language.

Procedural resources: memorizing, dramatizing, role-playing, voice singing.

Material resources: computer, video projector, microphones, loudspeakers, Christmas

Tree, a house, snowflakes, costumes and masks.

Date: December 21st, 2015

Place: Festivity Hall of “Petru Rareș” Theoretical Lyceum

Time: 13:00 P.M.

Participants: pupils from 2nd, 3rd and 4th forms

Presenter: Good morning, good morning, good morning. This cold winter morning, how are

Translator: Bună dimineața, bună dimineața, bună dimineața! Cum vă simțiți în această
dimineață rece de iarnă ?

Children: Good morning, good morning, good morning. This cold winter morning, we are

Translator: Bună dimineața, bună dimineața, bună dimineața! Ne simțim minunat în

această dimineață rece de iarnă .

Presenter: Dear children, teachers and guests, welcome to our Christmas Party! Children
all over the world like this season! We prepared many poems, songs and stories to tell you.
And today we want to show you our work. So, let's begin our Party.

Translator: Dragi copii, profesori și oaspeți, bine ați venit Petrecerea noastră dedicată
Cră ciunului! Copiii din întreaga lume iubesc acest anotimp! Noi v-am pregă tit multe poezii,
câ ntece și povestioare și astă zi dorim să vă ară tă m rezultutatul muncii noastre. Deci, să
înceapă petrecerea!

(The children come on the stage and recite poems.)

1. 5.

This is the season Chill December

When children ski, Brings the sleet
And Grand Father-Frost Blazing fire and
Brings the New Year Tree. Christmas treat.

2. 6.

This is the season Father Frost!

When mornings are dark, Bring many toys
And birds do not sing For little girls
In forest and park. And little boys.

3. 7.

The snow is falling, It’s winter, it’s winter

The wind is blowing, Let us skate and ski
The ground is white It’s winter, it’s winter
All day and all night. It’s great fun for me!

4. 8.

The frost is here New Year Day!

And fuel is dear, New Year Day!
And woods are sear Let us sing
And fires burn clear. And let us play!
9. 13.

A Happy New Year! Come, children, gather round my knee,

The day is so white, Something is about to be.
The sky is so bright, Tonight’s December thirty-first,
We shout with all might, Something is about to burst.
“A Happy New Year !” Ding! It’s midnight, children, dear!
Dong! Here comes another year!
(Copiii încep să danseze în jurul bradului.)
New Year Day! Happy Day!
We are glad and very gay, Let us dance together!
We all dance and sing and say: Give your hands to me!
“Welcome, welcome, New Year Day!” We will make a circle
Dancing merrily.
11. Listen to the music!
What a happy sound!
Twinkle, twinkle, little star! Let us sing together
How I wonder what you are! As we dance around.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky. (The children sing the song “The Fir Tree”
by Christian Anderson and continue to
12. dance around the Christmas Treee.)

It’s coming, boys! The Fir Tree came here from the wood!
It’s almost here. It there lived and grew.
It’s coming, girls! It’s very nice and beautiful,
The fine New Year! It now belongs to you.
You take each other hands in hands,
(The pupil invites the children to the And go round the (New Year) Tree
Christmas Treee.) You will enjoy it very much
Because it’s always green.

Presenter: You know that Christmas and New Year brings new things to do and new things
to learn. Now we’ll see the play “Together we are strong” and I hope we’ll know new things
from it.

Translator: Voi știți Cră ciunul și Anul Nou aduc lucruri noi de fă cut și lucruri noi de
învă țat. Acum vom viziona piesa "Împreună suntem puternici" și sper că vom învă ța lucruri
noi din ea.


Mother-cat: Children, stop fighting! Please, come here and help here!

Kitten-1(K-1): Mummy, I love Christmas very much!

Kitten-2(K-2): Mummy, I love Santa Claus and his present very much!
Kitten-3(K-3): Yes, it's beautiful time! (The children begin to quarrel and pamper

Mother: Children, stop it. Come here. Sit down. I want to show you something.

K-1: What do you want to tell us, mummy?

Mother: You are very strong, dear. Break these 3 sticks. (She gives 3 sticks to K-1.)

K-1: I can’t do it. (It gives them back to its mother.)

Mother: That’s too bad. My dear, you try to break them. (She gives 3 sticks to К-2.)

K-2: I am sorry, mummy. I can’t break them! (It gives them back to its mother.)

Мother: Oh, that's very bad. May be you can break them? (She gives 3 sticks to К-3.)

K-3: I thought I could but I am very sorry, I can't! It’s too hard. (It gives them back to its


None of you can break 3 sticks.

Here, dear, take this stick.
You take this.
And here is the last stick! (Mother gives one stick to each kitten.)

K-1: Oh, it’s easy!

K-2: Yes, I can do it!

K-3: How simple!

K-1: 4 sticks are stronger than 1 stick, Mummy!

Мother: Yes, that’s right! Each of you is like a stick.

K-2: I understand! Alone each of us is week.

K-3: But together we are strong!

Мother: And you can do a lot of good things!

New things to learn,

New things to meet,
New songs to sing,
New books to read,
New things to have,
New things to do,
In this fine New Year.
Кittens: Thank you, dear Mummy for this lesson. We’ll remember it!

Мother: OK. Now go to bed. Santa Claus is coming!

Кittens: Good night, Mummy! Merry Christmas!

Мother: Good night, children! Merry Christmas!


Mouse: Oh, oh, oh. I am so sad. It’s so cold. The New Year is coming. But I haven’t got
friends. I haven’t got a house. I want to cry. Wow! What is it? (Someone knocks at the door.)
Who lives in this house? Nobody. Then I’ll live here.

Frog: Wow! What a nice house! (It knocks at the door.)

Mouse: Who is knocking on the door?

Frog: I am. Who lives in this house?

Mouse: I do. I am a mouse. And who are you?

Frog: I am a frog. Can I live in this house?

Mouse: But what can you do?

Frog: I can clean our house.

Mouse: OK. Come in, please.

Frog: Thank you.

Rabbit: Now it’s time to have great fun! But I am alone. No friends, no presents... Wow!
What a beautiful house! I want to live here.

M&F: Who is knocking on the door?

R: I am. Who lives in this house?

M&F: We do. I am a mouse. I am a frog. And who are you?

R: I am a rabbit. Can I live in this house?

M&F: But what can you do?

R: I can cook for us.

M&F: OK. Come in.

R: Thank you very much.

Fox: Now such pleasant days have come! Everybody is glad and happy! Oh… Wow! What a
beautiful house! I want to live here.

M&..: Who is knocking on the door?

F: I am. Who lives in this house?

M&…: We do. I am a mouse. I am a frog. I am a rabbit. And who are you?

F: I am a fox. Can I live in this house?

M&…: But what can you do?

F: I can read books for us.

M&…: OK. Come in.

F: Thank you very much.

Wolf: Winter holidays are here. Now is the best time of year. Only it isn’t for me. Oh…Wow!
What a nice house! I want to live here.

M&…: Who is knocking on the door?

W: I am. Who lives in this house?

M&…: We do. I am a mouse. I am a frog. I am a rabbit. I am a fox. And who are you?

W: I am a wolf. Can I live in this house?

M&…: But what can you do?

F: I can do gardening.

M&…: OK. Come in.

F: Thank you very much, my friends.

Rooster: Christmas is coming. The great time. But it is so cold. The snow is falling. The
wind is blowing. Oh… Wow! I see a beautiful house! I want to live here.

M&…: Who is knocking on the door?

R: I am. Who lives in this house?

M&…: We do. I am a mouse. I am a frog. I am a rabbit. I am a fox. I am a wolf. And who are

R: I am a rooster. Can I live in this house?

M&…: But what can you do?

R: I can sing songs for us.

M&…: OK. Come in.

R: Thank you very much.

Bear: Happy days are coming. I want to sing and dance with my friends. Dear friends,
where are you, where? I am so sad. Wow! I see a nice house! I hear a lot of voices.

M&…: Who is knocking on the door?

B: I am. Who lives in this house?

M&…: We do. I am a mouse. I am a frog. I am a rabbit. I am a fox. I am a wolf. I am a rooster.

And who are you?

B: I am a bear. Can I live in this house?

M&…: But we haven’t got place here. It is very small house.

B: Please. I want to be with you in these special days.

M&…: But what can you do?

B.: I can be a real friend.

M&…: OK. Come in.

B: Thank you very much, my dear friends.

(The bear enters the house and the house falls down. All worry and shout "Oh, no!")

F: Don’t worry, friends! We can build a new big house.

M: Alone each of us is week. But together we are strong.

Fox: Yes, yes! We can work together. And soon we’ll have a nice house.

R: It will be the best New Year in my life!

W: Let’s begin! We don’t have much time!

Rooster: Soon we have to say: “Welcome, welcome, New Year Day!”

B: Sunshine’s calling everyone,

“Get up! Don’t you hear?

Winter holidays are here.
Now such pleasant days have come!
Now it’s time to have great fun!
Now’s the best time of the year.
Happy New Year!”


Characters: parents, children, Santa Claus, The Snow Queen, The North Wind, The Dark
Cloud, Two Angels.

The action takes place under the background of the song "The Four Seasons” by Antonio

Part I

The children and parents are sitting by the fireplace. The Snow Queen is listenning at the

– Mum, I like Christmas Eve very much.

– Yes, dear, it is a wonderful evening.

– Will Santa Claus bring us the presents?

– Well, the spirit of Christmas comes to the houses with Santa Clause.

– And he fills children’s stockings.

– But only if …

– Only if what?

– Only if they are good little children.

– And if not?

– He leaves a piece of coal.

– And what about us?

– You are all good, children.

– Hooray.

– So I’ll hang my stocking over the fireplace

– And you can hang your stocking for presents, too.

– Well, dear children, you know Santa comes only if you are asleep. And it’s time to go to
– But before that may I put some cookies for Santa?

– And some vegetables for his reindeer?

– Do, please.

– Now, go to bed, kids.

– Good night, Mum and Dad.

– Good night , children.

Part II

The Snow Queen, The North Wind and The Dark Cloud. The Angels hear their discussion

– Santa Clause. Christmas. Presents. New Year. Oh, no! I must do something. They are so
happy. They are so kind. But I want all people to be angry and very – very cold. Where are
my assistants? North Wind, North Wind, where are you?

– I am here, my Snow Queen. What can I do for you?

– Black cloud, black cloud, where are you?

– I am here my Snow Queen. What can I do for you?

– I saw a family 10 minutes ago. They are very happy and they are waiting for Christmas,
Santa Clause and New Year. I don’t want them to have it. You must help me.

– I don’t like these small and big people. I don’t like them dancing and singing around the
Christmas tree.

– I don’t like it when they are merry and happy. When there is a lot of light and warmth in
their rooms and hearts.

– I’ll blow and it will be difficult to go fast for Santa Clause.

– I’ll do the sky dark and Santa Claus won’t see the way.

– And then you can freeze him with your magic stick.

– It’s great idea! Bring my magic stick.

The wind is blowing towards Santa Clause, the Cloud is rotating around. The Snow Queen
touches Santa Clause with her ice stick and he freezes.

Part III

The Angels discuss and then go to help Santa Clause with green sticks.

– Have you heard Snow Queen?

– Yes, I have. And have you heard North Wind and Black Cloud?

– Yes, I have. They have begun their dirty games again.

– Christmas is a magic time when all the world in love.

– When Santa Claus visits the families and brings presents.

– When people wait for the joy and warmth.

– We must help people. They are waiting for this beautiful time.

– They are waiting for Santa Claus and he must come in time.

– Let’s go. Where is our green holy branch?

– It’s over there. We must hurry.

The Angels with sticks are dancing around Santa Clause, they touch him, and he continues his

Part IV

Santa Clause – in the house.

– Ho-ho-ho… Oh, what a beautiful Christmas Tree… Ho-ho-ho…The people in the family
prepared the presents for each other. There are cookies and vegetables for my reindeer
and me. Thanks a lot. Ho-ho-ho. The children were good during the year, so the elves made
them lovely presents. O.K. Now to visit other children.

Part V

It’s Christmas Morning. The children are sitting by the fireplace, then their parents enter the

– Merry Christmas!

– Wow, my Christmas gift from Santa Claus.

– Oh, what a beautiful present.

– I am so happy.

– Merry Christmas, dear children.

– A very happy Christmas everyone.

– Merry Christmas, dear Mum and Dad!

All the participants come on the stage an d sing the song “Jingle Bells”, and then recite poems.
Jingle Bells

Dashing through the snow Jingle bells, jingle bells,

In a one-horse open sleigh Jingle all the way.
Over the fields we go Oh! What fun it is to ride
Laughing all the way In a one-horse open sleigh.
Bells on bobtail ring' Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Making spirits bright Jingle all the way;
What fun it is to laugh and sing Oh! What fun it is to ride
A sleighing song tonight! In a one-horse open sleigh.
1. 5.

It is winter, it is Christmas! What do you see in the fir-tree?

Look at our Christmas Tree! I see a plane, a ship, a car,
There are big balls, there are nice dolls, A flag, a bird, a tram, a star,
Many candies you can see. A horse, a cat, a cock, a dog,

2. 6.

There are flags, there are ribbons, …A fox, a pig, a duck,

Little bells and bright stars, too. A frog, a hen, a chick,
Red and orange, green and yellow, A ball, a drum,
Pink and purple, violet and blue. An apple, a pear and a plum.

3. 7.

We have a fir-tree in the hall. Oh, New Year Tree! Oh, New Year Tree!
It is so beautiful and tall! Your gay green dress delights us!
Around it we dance and play
Because it is a New Year Day. 8.

4. Santa is coming,
Sleigh bell are near
The New Year Tree so fine and tall Have a Happy Christmas
Stands in the center of the hall. And a Happy New Year!
Its needles are green,
Its toy are bright.

The bells ring and Santa Clause appears on the stage.

Santa: Hello, my dear children! Well done!

Translator: Salut, dragi copii. Sunteți bravo!

A New Year Greeting is just for you,

Warm and most sincere:
To wish you every happiness
Throughout the coming year!
I want to give you lots of love
And want to say right here:
Have a happy New Year Day
And then a happy Year!

Santa Clause gives presents to te children, the latter sing the song “We Wish You a Merry

We Wish You a Merry Christmas


We wish you a Merry Christmas We won’t go until we get some

We wish you a Merry Christmas We won’t go until we get some
We wish you a Merry Christmas We won’t go until we get some
And a Happy New Year So bring it right here

Good tidings we bring So bring us some figgy pudding

To you and your kin So bring us some figgy pudding
We wish you a Merry Christmas So bring us some figgy pudding
And a Happy New Year And bring it right here

Now bring us some figgy pudding Good tidings we bring

Now bring us some figgy pudding To you and your kin
Now bring us some figgy pudding We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a cup of good cheer And a Happy New Year

Repeat Chorus Three Times

Presenter: Our party is over! Thank you for taking part in it. We hope you had a lot of fun!

Translator: Petrecerea noastră a luat sfâ rșit! Mulțumim pentru participare! Speră m că v-
ați distrat de minune! La revedere!

Presenter: Merry Christmas everyone!

Translator: Cră ciun fericit tuturor!

(At the end of the party the teacher congratulates the children.)

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