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lors by Linda Bloomfield

The first instance of a green glaze was by the Egyptians around 4000 able to craze and disintegrate than alkaline glazes and they spread
BCE. They mixed sand with natron, a naturally occurring mixture of to the Middle East and Europe.
soluble sodium salts, which formed a substance called Egyptian paste. In China, multi-chambered wood kilns were used to fire pots
As the paste dried, the salts migrated to the surface. Upon firing, the to a higher temperature. The Chinese potters noticed that the
salts melted to form a glaze. Copper oxide was thefirstcolorant added, wood ash settled on the pots and melted to form a glassy deposit.
and it produced a brilliant turquoise, now called Egyptian faience. They combined the wood ash with clay and limestone to make
The Egyptians were followed by Mesopotamian potters who a runny green ash glaze. During the Tang dynasty, the southern
molded bricks glazed with a bright copper alkaline glaze to decorate Yueh potters added China stone, a feldspar that melted to form
friezes in Babylon during the first millennium BCE. These green green celadon glazes resembling jade. Song dynasty (960—1279 CE)
alkaline glazes were shortly replaced by lead glazes appearing in potters developed many beautiful glazes for the newly discovered
China and in the eastern Roman Empire. Lead glazes were less li- porcelain including the thick, unctuous Lung Chuan celadons.

Above: Lucy Burley's Apple, Olive, Pistachio, Jade, and Cornflower Bottles, thrown earthenware,
sprayed matte glazes with oxides and stains, fired to 1940°F (1060°C). Photo: Lucy Burley,

www.ceramicsmonthlyorg february 2012 55

In Renaissance Italy, majolica ware was highly decorated using Chromium oxide (Cr2O3) also known as ehrome oxide, gives a
many colors including green. The earthenware was glazed with reliable green and is used, together with varying amounts of cobalt,
an opaque white tin glaze, then painted using cobalt, copper, and in commercial green stains. Chromium oxide is not very soluble in
iron oxides. glazes, except in high alkaline glazes, where it turns bright yellow-
In the late 18th century in Sèvres, France, chromium oxide green. In the presence of tin oxide in calcium glazes, chromium
was used to make variations of yellow and green glazes, while in turns pink. Only a very small amount of chromium is needed for
Bristol, England, zinc oxide was used as a flux to replaee poisonous this (0.1-0.5% with 5% tin). In glazes containing zine, chromium
lead oxide in glazes. Zine oxide enhanees eolors like eopper, but forms brown zinc chromate. Chromium oxide is refractory and
destroys other eolors sueh as ehrome green or ehrome-tin pink, toxic. It is volatile at high temperatures.
whieh turn brown.
Green and Turquoise Glazes Stains are made by fritting eoloring oxides together with siliea,
Today of course we still use eopper oxide to make green glazes. We alumina, and opacifiers in a kiln. They are heated, then cooled and
now are more acutely aware that the color is affected by the kiln ground to a powder, which can be dispersed in a glaze and remain
atmosphere and the flux used in the glaze. In reduction, copper suspended in the glaze during firing. Some stains have the spinel
reds can be achieved in alkaline glazes containing tin oxide. Cop- structure and are very stable and highly refractory, so they do not
per is volatile, oecasionally causing pink flashing on surrounding dissolve in the glaze. Spinel (MgAl2O4) is a mineral with a cubic,
pots. In oxidation, alkaline glazes with low alumina will give bright close-packed crystal structure in which the atoms are packed as
turquoise glazes with copper. Other oxides can be added to change densely as possible. The magnesium and aluminium can be replaced
the color: iron for yellow-green, nickel for olive green, or ilmenite by cobalt, zinc, iron, or chromium to make colored spinels—cobalt
for blue-green. Turquoise ean also be obtained using vanadium zinc alumina chromite is a blue-green spinel. This color also can be
zireon stains, whieh are opaque. obtained by adding the same oxides directly to a suitable base glaze.
Chromium oxide gives a reliable green, unaffeeted by kiln Other stains are based on the zireon (ZrSiO4) strueture, with
atmosphere, although it is volatile at high temperatures. Cobalt some ofthe zireonium replaeed by eoloring oxides. These inelude a
and ehrome combine to make teal blue-greens. In alkaline glazes, vanadium turquoise stain, among others. The oxides in these stains
a bright chartreuse green may be obtained using a small amount need to be heated together to produee the stain before adding to a
(0.2%) of chromium oxide. Zinc should be avoided in chrome glaze (often termed zirconium inclusion pigments). Stains based
glazes, as it turns the chromium brown. Cobalt and titanium or on the same system are compatible and can be blended together
rutile can produce a pale green in high-alumina glazes and slips. to produce secondary colors; for example turquoise and yellow
Nickel and titanium will give green in magnesium matte and zinc combine to make green.
crystalline glazes. Chrome and tin are combined with calcium and silica to
Ash glazes are often green, when fired in reducing conditions, make a chrome-tin pink stain widely used in glazes, although
the color coming from iron oxide present in the ash. Ash from this is not as stable as zircon-based stains. Commercial stains are
different trees contains varying proportions of minerals, which often stabilized with opacifiers such as tin or zireonium, and are
result in a range of colors in the glaze, from olive to apple green. refraetory. They opacify glazes and increase viscosity, so glazes
Iron oxide is also used in celadon glazes, which ate gray-green, sometime appear under-fired. If this occurs, the silica content in
or blue if there is no titanium present in the glaze or clay body. the glaze can be reduced. It is not necessary for studio potters to
Low alumina and the addition of boron or barium carbonate also use stains to make greens, as they ean easily be obtained using
promote blue celadon colors. eobalt, eopper, and ehromium, whieh dissolve in the glaze, giving
transpareney and depth. However, stains have some advantages
Oxides over oxides, ineluding stability and consisteney, but they often
Copper oxide (CuO) and carbonate (CUCO3) are used to give look flat and opaque.
green in oxidation and oxblood red in reduction. Copper oxide
is volatile, and will cause a pink blush on surrounding pots in See supporting recipes on pages 57—59.
reduction. In alkaline glazes with low alumina, a bright turquoise Excerpted and adapted ftom Colour in Glazes by Linda Bloom-
may be obtained in oxidation from 1—2% eopper oxide. If a glaze field. Co-published by A&C Black, London, England and The
becomes oversaturated with copper oxide (more than 5%), it turns American Ceramic Society, Westerville, Ohio. To order, go to
a matte, metallic black. www. ceramicartsdaily. org/bookstore.

56 february 2012

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