Political Science Department: College of Arts and Sciences

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Republic of the Philippines


Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig

19 September 2020
Activity/Quiz No. 001
NAME: ____________________________
SECTION: ____________________________


1. It is the science of principles, laws and methods which the mind of man must follow in its
thinking for the secure and accurate attainment of the truth.
2. It is a type of logic which is concerned with the aspect of form, its structure, correctness,
sequence and the following of the rules.
3. It is concerned with the content of argumentation. It deals with the truth of the terms and the
propositions in an argument.
4. It is the process through which the mind arrives at a conclusion from previously possessed
judgments. It draws out new propositions from premises
5. It determines whether the truth of a conclusion can be determined for that rule, based solely on
the truth of the premises.
6. Attempts to support a determination of the rule. It hypothesizes a rule after numerous examples
are taken to be a conclusion that follows from a precondition in terms of such a rule. It also
shows the argument flow from specific to general or particular to universal.
7. It is the process through which the mind can assert or deny something. It is also the ideas that
have been put together
8. It is the mental act by which the mind fixes its consideration upon one particular object after
having sensed it.
9. A mental act by which the mind studies the physical characteristics or the individualizing notes
of the particular object with regard to its color, size, style, material, then the purpose of the
10. It is a mental act by which the mind notices the likeness and differences in the objects having
the same essence or belonging to the same class.
11. It is a property of a term acquired from its use in the proposition.
12. It is a sentence or statement which expresses truth or falsehood. It is a verbal expression of a
fact which is generally accepted.
13. It is considered as the qualifier of the proposition. Through this we can identify if the proposition
is negative or affirmative.
What are the two types of Proposition based on structure?



Two Types of Proposition based on Quality



What are the three Types of Proposition base on quantity?




II Determine whether the following terms express a Singular, Universal, or Particular Idea. Write S if
it is singular, U for universal and P for particular.

1. Some Vegetables
2. My father
3. Every man
4. A mushroom
5. Many politicians
6. All universities
7. This desk
8. Jose Rizal
9. One hundred balloons
10. Bulacan State University
11. Highest honor
12. Eight sacks of rice
13. Twelve angry men
14. The red car
15. Every citizen
III Identify what function of language is used for each statement. Write whether it is Informative,
Expressive or Directive.

1. Many countries expressed concern over the outbreak of bird flu

2. Oh, My God! The Twin Towers!
3. Get me a piece of paper on which I can write your name on
4. “To be or not to be! That is the question”
5. Cartoon characters are like humans
6. Someday, I will become a president of the United States!
7. The best thing to do is to be quiet and listen to the whispers of the wind
8. Please make it a point to always come on time.
9. Let us do it
10. Who among you is not afraid of AIDS?

III Essay

1. Differentiate and argument from reasoning (2 points)

2. Does Logic affect us in our daily life decisions and situations? Why? (2 points)
3. When do you say when an argument is definitely correct? What do you think are the basic
procedures in order to have a strong argument? (4 points)
4. Why do you think Logic plays a huge role on validating statements? ( 2 points)
5. What are the two qualities of proposition and differentiate the two, using a Venn diagram.
(5 points)

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